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Selective topics - English 10

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Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com... To explain more and illustrate Both /b/ and /p/ are /p/ made by closing the lips to p is written but not stop the flow of[r]

(1)Selective topics- English 10 Lesson plan- Revision Date of preparing: …… Period 1+2 Date of teaching: …… / Unit 1: Pronunciation * Aims and Requirement - Sts pronounce correctly and fluently * Language focus - Vowels and dipthongs - Consonants * Assumptions - Sts know how to pronounce some words correctly * Anticipated problem - Some sts have difficulty in pronunciation * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book * Procedure Time 7' Procedure I Organization - Checks sts' attendance - Asks sts abt their summer holiday… III New lesson Set the context - T introduces the phonetic symbols in E - Sts discuss and list wowels, dipthongs and consonants in E - T explains more clearly and guides sts to read corectly Aims To create the E atmosphere in class To lead in + Vowels (14) 7' /U/: written with u, oo ;eg: put, foot /a:/: written with ar; eg: farther, are… /ae/, written with a; eg: bag, cat, bad… /o/, written with a; eg: got, lost… /o:/, written with a, or; eg: four, saw… /e/, written with e; eg: pen, ten… /i/, written with y, e ; eg: happy, study, be, beyond… /i:/ written with ee, ea; eg: bee, meat… /u/, written with u ;eg: actual, usually,… /u:/, written with oo, ui, une; eg: too, June, fruit… / З /, written with a;eg: about, ago… / З :/, written with ur, ir , er , or, ear, ; eg: fur, birth… /^/, written with u, a, o, ou ; eg: month, study, love… /I/ written with i; eg: sit, kick… To Present To illustrate + Dipthongs (8) /U З /: written with ur, oor, our, ual; eg: pure, usaully… Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (2) Selective topics- English 10 /aI/, written with i, ei, uy, y; eg: friday, type… /eI/, written with a, ey; eg: they, lady… /⊃I/, written with oi, oy; eg: enjoy, noise… /au/, written with ou, ow; eg: cow, house, how… /e З /, written with air, are, ere, air; eg: pair, air, where… /i З /, written with ere, ear, ea, eer; eg: here, dear, idea… / З u/ written with oa, one, ote, o; eg: close, note… + Consonants (24): Voiced voiceless To explain more and illustrate (Both /b/ and /p/ are /p/ made by closing the lips to p is written but not stop the flow of air from the pronunced in afew words lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word After m, b is written but not pronunced in afew words: climb, dumb…) /t/, (Both /d/ and /t/ are /d/ made by touching the tip of the tongue to the ridge behind the top front teeth to stop of air from the lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word) /b/: 15' 13’ 3’ /g/ ( Both /g/ and /k/ are made by touching the back of the tongue to the roof of the mouth at the back to stop the flow air from the lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word Before n, g is written but not pronouced in afew words /k/ is spelled ch in afew words The letter x is pronounced /ks/, except at the beginning of the work The lettesr qu are pronounced /kw/.) / v/ /k/ To compare /f/ (Both /v/ and /f/ are made bu touching the top teeth to the lower to partially stop the Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (3) Selective topics- English 10 flow of air from the lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word) /δ/: Both sounds are made by putting the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth to particularlly block the flow of air from the lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word /z/: z, z before final e, zz Both sounds are made by putting the tip of the tongue on the ridge behind the upper teeth to particularlly stop the flow of air from the lungs Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word /Ɵ/; In common word “clothes” the is written but not pronounced /s/: s, ss, c and sc before e, i and y Between vowels and before final e, the letter s is usually pronounced /z/ In severe words of Greek origin, ps is pronounced /s/: the p is silent In a few words of Greek ogirin, x at the beginning of aword is pronouncef /z/ /Ʒ/: s before the word ending /∫/ ion It occurs only at the middle and end of the word Both /zh/ and/sh/ are made by almost touching the front part of the tongue to the top of the mouth behind the upper teeth to partially block the flow of air from the lungs Before the word ending ure , s and z are generally pronounced /zh/ and ss is generally pronounced /sh/ sh, ss and t before the word ending ion This sound may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word Before the sord ending ia and ian, s is propronounced /zh/, and c and t after avowel are pronounced /sh/ In afew words of French origin, ge at the end of aword is pronouced /zh/ by many people, but /j/ by some In afew words of French origin, ch and che are pronounced /sh/ /j/: j, dg, dge In English both /j/ and / ch/ are /t∫ /: ch, tch combination of sounds: /j/ is /d/ plus /zh/, and /ch/ is /t/ plus Before e, i or y, g is /sh/ pronounced /j/ in many Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (4) Selective topics- English 10 Both sounds are made by placing the frond part of the tongue on the roof of the mouth behind the upper teeth Both sounds may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a word /l/ and /r/ may occur at the beginning, middle, or end of words /l/ is made by touching the tip of the tongue to the ridge behind the upper teeth /r/ is made by pushing the frond part of the tongue toward the top of the mouth behind the upper teeth /l/; l, le, ly, ll /r/: r, r before final e, or y, r in the middle of words.) At the beginning of words, /r/ has two other spelling: wr and rh In the wr spelling, w is “silent”: it is written, but not proniunced, eg: wrong In the rh spelling h is “silent”; it is writtten but not pronounced, eg: rhythm… words In a few words, d is pronounced /j/ and t is pronounced /ch/ before the word ending ure /h/: h This sound is made by forcing air from the lungs through the open mouths; as the air passes through the back of the mouth, there is asmall amount of friction It is found only at the beginning and middle of a word The English /h/ is much softer than similar sounds in many other langueges /ŋ/, written ng; eg: sing /n/ written with n; eg: now… /m/, written with m; eg: maybe… /w/: w /w/ is similar in pronunciation to the vowel /u/ and occurs at the beginning of words and syllables It is produced by rouding the lips and keeping the tongue high and toward the back of the mouth To check sts' understanding Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (5) Selective topics- English 10 “s” endings: /s/, /z/, /iz/ - T gives some nouns and asks sts give plural form and the pronunciation: book, ruler, class, glass, watch - Some ss give answer - T explains more clearly: The possessive forms of nouns, plural form of regular nouns, and third singular forms of verbs can present pronunciation problems because even though all these forms are spelled with s ( ‘s, s’, es, ies), there are actually tree different pronunciations: /s/, /z/, /iz/ + The /s/ pronunciation occurs in words ending with /p/, /t/, /k/, //f , and /th/, no matter how these sounds are spelled + The /iz/ pronunciation occurs in words ending with /s/, /z/, /sh/, /zh/, /ch/, and /j/, no matter how these sounds are spelled + The /z/ pronunciation occurs in the rest of the phonetic symbols  Speeling notes: - - - - If a noun ends in s, its possessive form may be written with either an apostophe (‘) or with an apostrophe plus s, the first form is generally prefferred Eg: Bess’/Bess’s, Ross’/Ross’s If a noun or averb ends in avowel plus y, the plural or third person ending is formed by adding s (as in ‘day’/ ‘days’) If a noun or verb ends ina consonant plus y, however, the plural or third personis formed by changing the y to i and adding es (as in berry/berries and study/studies) If a noun or verb ends in /s/, /z/, /sh/, /zh/, /ch/, /zh/, /j/, the plural or third person is formed by adding es unless /s/, /z/, /sh/, /zh/, /ch/ or /j/ occurs before final e Examples: gas/gases, face/ faces Most nouns and verbs endiongs in avowel form their plural or third person endings by adding s (as in papa/ papas, soda/sodas) Some, however, add es Eg: potato/potatoes, do/does the common verd have is also an exception, since its third person form is has “ed” endings: /d/, /t/, /id/ - Sts give the past form of some verbs and the pronunciation: cook, start, lern, employ, tap - T corrects and explains more: The past tense endings for regular can present pronnunciation problems because even though all regular past tense endings ar spelled with ed ( d, ied), there are actually tree different pronunciations: /d/, /t/, /id/ The /t/ pronunciation occurs in verbs ending with /p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /th/, Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (6) Selective topics- English 10 /zh/, /sh/, /ch/ The /id/ pronunciation occurs in verbs ending with /d/, /t/, /f/, /s/, /th/, /zh/, /sh/, /ch/ + The /d/ pronunciation occurs in the rest of the phonetic symbols * spelling notes: - If a verb ends with a vowel plus y, the regular past tense endingis spelled ed (pray/prayed, enjoyed), exceptions: lay/laid, pay/paid - If a verb ends with a consonant plus y, the y changed to i and ed is added for regular past tense ending ( as in worry/ worried) - If a verb ends with a consonant before final e, only d is added for the regular past tense ending ( as in hope/hoped, tape, taped) - If a verb ends with a single consonant letter after a “short’ vowel sound, the consonant is doubled before ed is added (as in hop/hopped, tap/tapped) Exception: live/ lived - If a verb ends with more than one consonant letter, there is no doubling - If a verb has two syllables and ends in r, the r is doubles and ed is added if the final syllable is stessed (as in prefer/ prefered, occurred) If the stess is on the first syllable, however, r is not doubled (as in answerwed/ succored) * Relaxed speech patterns (wors spoken with relaxed pronnunciation are easier and quicker to say - even if they are hard to understand) ya – you whaddaya- what you, what are you wanna- want to gonna- going to donno- don’t know ta- to gotta- got to hafta- have to hasta- has to 10 yer- your/you’re 11 yers- yours 12 cha- /t/ +you 13 cher- /t/ + your/ you’re 14 in’- ing 15 whacha- what you, whar you 16 ja- /d/ + you 17 jer- /d/ + your 18 er- or 19 ‘e- he; ‘is- his; ‘im- him; ‘er- her; ‘em- them 20 ’n’ – and 21 kin- can 22 a – of 23 shoulda – should coulda – could Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (7) Selective topics- English 10 woulda – would + have+ past participle… musta – must maya- may mighta- might 24 da – to after avowel sound 25 fer – for eg: Careful (slow) pronunciation Relaxed (fast) pronunciation What you want to take? Whaddaya wanna take? I don’t know right now I donno right now Are you going to be working Are ya gonna be all semester? working all ssemester? Practice - T gives some exercises Sts work individually and then share with their partner Some sts give the answers T corrects * Odd one out steady ready feature measure brush pull bush push game general go gift gas gain germ goods coat know go work convined called formed controlled grade place pace palace here hollow honour heat native nature natural nation 10 angry danger languege abandon 11 day take any lace 12 identify ideal idol idiom 13 bead weather spread leader 14.believes pencils contents tables 15 county country mother lovely 16 ready steady steak meadow 17 plough laugh rough cough 18 raid laid paid said 19 weigh height eight vein 20 cement recent never even - Some sts give answer - T corrects IV Consolidation - T gives the feedback of the lesson Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (8) Selective topics- English 10 V Homework - Sts the T’s excersices * Comments after the lesson: Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com (9) Selective topics- English 10 Date of preparing: …… Lesson plan: p3 Date of teaching: …… / Lesson 2: Articles * Aims and Requirement - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to: + choose correctly between a/an + Distinguist the use bw definite article and indefinite articles in many ways * Language focus - Definite and indefinite articles and some exercises * Assumptions - Sts know how to use articles in some ways * Anticipated problem - No problems * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book, poster * Procedure Time 7' 7' 15' Procedure I Organization - Checks sts' attendance - Asks sts abt their summer holiday… II Check up - T corects exercises III New lesson Presentation - Sts make up some sentences consisting of articles a/an or the We often go to the cinema on Sundays He has a new car… - Sts discuss their uses in some contexts - T explains more clearly: Indefinite articles: a/an Definite article: the - Sts discuss abt the form and the uses of articles - Some present - T explains more  The Form: - ‘a’ is used before a word beginning with a consonant, or a vowel with a consonant sound: Eg: a bag, a university, a European… - ‘an’ is used before words beginning with a vowel (u, e, o, a, i) or words beginning with a mute h - Eg: an apple, an egg, an hour…  The Use: Aims To create the atmosphere in class To check’s understanding sts’ To attract sts’ attention to the speaking To help sts remember new words To lead in To elicit the new words Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com E (10) Selective topics- English 10 13' The use of a/an: - before a singular noun which is coutable when it is mentioned for the first time and represents no particular or thing: To present Eg: I have a new car… - Before a singular coutable noun which is used as an example of a class of thing: A child needs love = All children need love - With a noun complement This includes names Sts copy of professions: Eg: She is an engineer - Ion certain expressions of quanlity: Eg: a lot of, a great deal of, a couple, a dozen… - with certain numbers: a hundred, a thousand - hefore half when half follows a whole number: 1/2 practice * Task - T explains the requirement - Sts look at the eg carefully - T explains more and writes it on the bb - Sts read eg chorally after T and all the subjects in the book - Sts work in pairs - T goes around the class to check and help some sts - Some sts orally - T comments and corrects * Task - Sts look at the pictures and describe them in Vietnamese - T explains more and ask: How you speak in English these activies? - sts work in pairs - T checks sts' answers - Others give the comment, T corrects At p.m he gets up and then he reads book from 15 to 30 He watches TV after that At p.m he rides a bike to the stadium and plays football with his friends He goes home at 6.30 p.m… Production * Task - Sts read the requirement - T explains it more carefully - Sts individually and then talk with their partners - T checks some sts’ speaking and may give mark if they well Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 10 (11) Selective topics- English 10 IV Consolidation - T gives the feedback of the lesson V Homework - Sts prepare the new words in the next period * Comments after the lesson: Date of preparing: …… Lesson plan: p… Date of teaching: …… / Lesson 3: Indefinite pronouns * Aims and Requirement - Sts understand the use of indefinite pronouns in the context * Language focus - Indefinite pronouns * Assumptions - Sts know some abt indefinite pronouns: anything, anybody… * Anticipated problem - Some sts may confuse * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book * Procedure Time 7' 10' Procedure I Organization - Checks sts' attendance - Asks sts abt the last night’ TV programes II Warm up - Slap the board: Train, cyclo, lorry, taxi, plane, bike, underground - Sts recognise the topic of these words: means of transport/ travelling - T leads to the new lesson: A cyclo driver’s daily rountine III New lesson Before listening - T explains the requirement - Sts work in pairs - T goes around to check sts' speaking - Some sts orally - T comments and corrects: - T leads to the listening * Listen and repeat - Sts read chorally after T - T explains some new words + drop Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com Aims To create the E atmosphere in class To attract attention To lead in 11 sts’ (12) Selective topics- English 10 + routine + pedal… 8’ 15’ 10’ While listening - T introduces the situation of the listening - Sts look though all the tasks they have to while listening * Task1 - T explains the requirement - Sts look at the pictures and descibe them - T explains more - P1: A cyclo drive is taking/pedaling awoman - P2: Some people are eating in the food stall - P3: He is taking two sts - P4: He is sleeping in his cyclo under the big tree - P5: He gets up - P6: he is taking a man - Sts listen to the tape twice and take notes - T goes around the class to check some sts’ notes - Some sts give the answers - Sts listen again - T corrects: 1-e, 2- f 3- a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d * Task - T explains the requirement and some new words - Sts read all the sentences carefully and try to guess the information is T/F using their notes - Sts listen to the tape once more - T goes around the class to check - Some sts give the answers - Sts listen again - T corrects: 1- F- no inf 2- T 3-F – He takes an old man from District to F- first - third F- e has lunch at the food stall 6- F- After lunch, he takes a short rest After listening - T explains the requirement - Sts answer T’s questions in groups: What’s his name and his job? What time does he start work? Who are his first / second / third passengers? Where does he have lunch? Where and when does he take a short rest? - Some sts present - T comments and corrects IV Consolidation Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com To pay more attention To check understanding sts’ To focus on To check understanding sts’ To revise To let sts be more relaxed 12 (13) Selective topics- English 10 - T gives the feedback of the lesson V Homework - Sts learn the new words by heart and summary the listening - Sts prepare the new words in the next period * Comments after the lesson: Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 13 (14) Selective topics- English 10 Date of preparing: Lesson plan: p1 … Date of teaching: …… Lesson Present simple and present progressive * Aims and Requirement - Sts know how to use practise the present simple and present progressive in the context * Language focus - Form and use of the present simple and present progressive * Assumptions - Sts can know some uses of the two tenses in some way * Anticipated problem - No problems * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book * Procedure Time 7' 5’ 10' Procedure I Organization - Checks sts' attendance - Asks sts abt the date, weather… * Warm up Sing a song II New lesson - Sts look at the examples and discuss the tenses They often play tennis They are playing tennis now - T goes around the class to check and help some sts - Some sts present - Other comment - T comments and corrects: The present simple tense The present progressive tense - Sts discuss abt the form and the use of the two tense - Some present Other comment T comments and corrects: Form: The present simple tense: S+V+Complement The present progressive tense: S+ Be (is/ am/ are) + Ving Use: The pre simple tense: express a habit in the present, a truth, a fact (true for a long time), often used with advs of frequency: always, usually every + time The pre progressive tense: Express an activity happening at the moment of speaking or around now, often used with now, at the moment, at present Notes: state verbs are only used in the present simple tense Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com Aims To create the E atmosphere in class To lead in To work in pairs To check sts’ understanding To work in groups To present 14 (15) Selective topics- English 10 18' such as like, love, enjoy, want, need III Practice: Ss the handouts: Put the V in the correct tense: They (lie) on the sand now They (want) to sunbathe very much because it (be) good for their health What you (have) for breakfast? - I often (eat) bread and (drink) milk? Lan (like) reading biology book and she (wish) to be a biologist Keep silent! The teacher (look) at you Be careful! The car (come) Now, Trang (be) a grade 10 student She (have) to wear an uniform and (get) up early Why they (walk) to shool? Everyday they (go) by their motorbike * Choose the best answer: 1-You’ll be ill if you… stop smoking A-don’t B-didn’t Caren’t D-weren’t 2-They haven’t seen each other ………… Chrismas A-for B-when C-during Dsince 3-What you often ………… Sunday A- in B-at C- on Dof 4-When the new school year begins,we ………… our friends again A-will meet B-meet C-met D-being met 5-He’d better …… sports A-to play B-play C-playing D-played 6-My friend wants …………… some English books A-to buy B-buy C-buying D- bought 7-My aunt is a nurse.She has to look after … …… every day A-students B-people C- children D-patients 8-We have to … …… our lessons in the evening A-prepere B-get C-make D-take 9-They usually play sports ……… weekend A-in B- on C -at D-of 10-Their children walk to school ……… get up early every morning to Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 15 (16) Selective topics- English 10 3’ A-have to B-has to C-had to D-having to 11-I’ll feel very happy when I ……… a letter from my friend A-Write B-post C- send D-receive 12-She has to ……… the house every day A-whitewash B-decorate C-clean D-make 13 Lan is buying a lot of food.She … ……… for 10 people A-cooks B-is going to cook C-cooked D-will cook 14-I am very tired now.I………….this afternoon A-don’t work B-am not going to work C-not working D-work 15-You…………better be careful not to miss the train A-are B-have C-did D-had 16-My parents have to…………to work by bike everyday A-go B-goes C-when D-gone 17-He…………to this housework now A-have B-to have C -has D-to has 18-We like seeing young people enjoy………… A-themselves B-themselves C-theyself D-theyselves 19-I think this lemon fruit is not very good.Take it………… A-away B-on C-in D-into 20-He…………… to go to school today A-don’t has B-don’t have C-doesn’t has D-doesn’t have - Some ss give their answer - Other comment - T corrects IV Consolidation - T gives the feedback of the lesson V Homework - Sts revise the tow tense and make up sentences using the pre simple and the pre progr tenses - Ss revise and prepare the past simple and the past progressive tense * Comments after the lesson: Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 16 (17) Selective topics- English 10 Date of preparing: Lesson plan: p6 … Date of teaching: …… Lesson 5: The past simple and past progressive * Aims and Requirement - Sts pratise The past simple and past progressive * Language focus - The past simple and past progressive * Assumptions - Sts know the uses of the two tenses in some way * Anticipated problem - Some sts have the difficulties in vocabs and grammar * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book * Procedure Time 7' 7' Procedure I Organization - Checks sts' attendance - T ask sts abt their plans for this weekend II New lesson - T writes it & eat on the bb - Sts find out the difference bw two sounds - T lets look at the phonetic chart on the poster and introduces phonetic symbols in E: vowels(12), dipthongs(8), consonants(24) - T leads to the new lesson: /i/ & /i:/ - Sts listen to T’reading and then repeat: Column A Column B baby field sit seat bill bean big beat money heat city sea/ see meet meat /i/ short: Your voice stops /i:/ long: Your voice continues a bit - T asks sts to read the words in the book and practise those sentences - T goes around to check their pronunciatinon * Grammar - Sts complete the sentences he/ smoke/ everyday He/ not smoke/ yesterday Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com Aims To create the E atmosphere in class To lead in - to practise -to check sts' pronunciation 17 (18) Selective topics- English 10 15' 13' - T checks their answers - Asks a st to say abt the use of the pre simple tense & the past simple tense + The present S T : express habitual action Eg: Dogs bark Cats drink milk - Often used with advs or adv phrases such as, always, often, usually… or with time clauses expressing rountine’ - The past S T : is used for actions completed in the past at a deinite time Eg: Pasteur died in 1895 I met him last night *Exercise - Sts work in pairs - T explains the requirement carefully and some new words - Some sts give the answer - T comments and corrects the mistakes is; fish; worry; are; catch; am; catch; go; give up; 10 say; 11 realise; 12 am * Exsercise 2: - T explains the requirement and some new words - Sts put the adv of fre in correct place - Sts may work individually or in pairs - T goes around to check - Some sts present - T gives the correct answers - Sts take notes: As a rule: placed at the beginning of the sentence Other Advs: placed before ordinary V or after the V “be” * Exsercise - T explains the requirement and some new words - Sts work in pairs - Some pairs present - Others give the comment - T corrects was done; cooked; were; smelt; 5.told; … IV Consolidation - T gives the feedback of the lesson V Homework - Sts all the exsercises in the unit in the workbook - Sts prepare the new words in the next lesson * Comments after the lesson: Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com - to lead in To check sts’ grammar To practise more To check sts’ understanding 18 (19) Selective topics- English 10 how c what b why 15 Do you enjoy… cartoon? a watch b watching 16 We passed the exam… a easy b easily 17 wen often start work… p.m a at b in 18 The fire…… the whole village in 2003 a destroyed b destroy 19 When we arried the party, Tom… before a had left b left 20 She won the Nobel Prize in… a chemistry b chemist 21 Forests help to …….endangered animals a protect b protecting 22 I never the… a transplant b transplanting transplanted 23 What … you done before you moved here? a will b would d where c will watch d watched c more easy d esier c on d of c have destroyed d destroys c went d leaves c length d weight c to protect d protected c to transplant d c did d had IV Writing (2p) Complete this paragraph abt Edison using the cues below be born/ 1841/ scotland 1860/ become afamous scientist invent electric light bulb/ 1865 died/1925/ after along illness V Listening (2p) * Listen to the tape and fill in the following passage: Chantal’s parents didn’t have much money, so they sent her to a state (1)… school when she was five She (2)… her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that he teacher found it difficult to control them When Chaltan was…(3), her father got a better job, and decided to spend some n\money on her (4) … He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girls wore dark green uniforms and did two hour’s home work every evening Chantal liked her new school, and did well Because she studyhard, she passed the exams and went to university at …(5) Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 19 (20) Selective topics- English 10  primary enjoyed 11 education 18 Comments after the lesson: Date of preparing: Lesson plan: p… …… Date of teaching: … Hoang Thi Huyen Nhung- Nguyen Hue Upper High School Lop11.com 20 (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 06:19

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