Origami là nghệ thuật gấp giấy (hay nghệ thuật xếp giấy) có xuất xứ từ Nhật Bản. Chữ origami trong tiếng Nhật bắt nguồn từ hai chữ: oru là gấp hay xếp và kami là giấy.
Ranchu (Ornamental Goldfish) Ronald Koh - 1994c1. 2. 3.4.A 12 to 15 cm square ofpaper will do nicely. Foldin half and unfold.5.Fold and unfold vertically,creasing the centre only.6.Fold to the mark made instep 2 and unfold, creasing inthe centre only.8.Fold and unfold again asshown. This marks aneighth of the height.9.Bring the bottom edge ofthe paper to the creasemade in step 4 .7 then fold down again.Fold and unfold eachcorner, creasing well.Inside reverse fold alongcreases made in step 7.Turn paper over.10.Fold down .11.12.13 and again on the right. Turn over againFold the diagonal edges ofthe paper to the line in themiddle, crease firmly, andunfold. 14.15.Bring down this layer . . like this, then rabbit,s ear both sides along creases made previously.16. 17. 18. 19.Turn over.Open out thislayer to the right.Lift out the hiddenpaper at the top,then open out thelayer on the left.Fold up the lower portion ofthe assembly as shown.20. 21. 22.Valley fold . . then crimp fold each side.Fold assembly in half whilelifting out the layer at thetop and a triangle at thebottom .1/423. 24.25 like this and this. Rotate the modelFold the first two flaps to theright, and crease firmly. 26. 27. valley fold . . then unfold Steps 25 and 26. Lift up the first layer then fold in the left corner along creases made in Step 26.Fold the next layer on the leftto the right as illustrated then bring down the top flap as you valley fold the assembly on the left along creases made in Step 25 like this. Repeat Steps 25 to 31 on the other side.33.35.34.Fold down the first layer . . then reverse fold the resulting corner as shown.36. 37.Bring up the top layer again . . then valley fold the next layer and then valley fold again and crimp as illustrated. 38. 39.Now bring down the layer atthe top again and repeatSteps (?) to 37 on the otherside.40.Crimp fold according todiagrammed proportions,crease firmly and unfold.41.Bring up the top layer again.42.43.Crimp fold each of the fourlayers separately as shown,then close the assembly bybring the top layer down again.44. 45.46.47. 48.Fold up as shown then down again. Repeat at the back from here through Step 47 then crimp fold as illustrated.Now open out to unfoldSteps 43 to 45.Collapse the assemblyunder the body as shown,using crease lines madepreviously.Your model should nowlook like this.Valley fold, creasingfirmly and yet again. The illustration is slightly enlarged from here on.49. 51.52.53.Now unfold Steps 49 and 50.Hidden between the external body layersare two narrower pleated layers. Push upfrom the bottom to open out the pleat ofthe hidden layer nearest to you, whilesimultaneously separating the first andsecond layers at the top like this. Now crimp fold both sides of the head along creases made previously while bringing out the top of the head .54.Crimp fold both sides of the modelto form the mouth.55. 56.57.58.Fold and unfold at the top ofthe head, creasing firmly.Mountain fold at the base ofthe neck.Now sink at the top of thehead, then continue foldingas illustrated.Valley fold to the left again then unfold Steps 56 and 57.59.Separate the two layers ofthis flap and crimp fold alongcreases made previously and yet again.50. 60.Sink the little corner at thebottom.Diagrams 61 and 62 showsa close up of this part of themodel.61.62.Mountain fold twice as illustrated.The upper fold should automaticallyform a hidden gusset.Valley fold the next layer.63.Mountain fold under and repeat fromStep 56 on the other side of the head.Crimp fold each of the two fins to bring them alittle further to the back.Shape the central area of each side of the tailas illustrated.64.65.Finally, crimp fold both sides of the bodyalong creases made previously, makingsure that the body convexes outwards. . Ranchu (Ornamental Goldfish) Ronald Koh - 1994c1. 2. 3.4.A 12 to 15 cm square ofpaper will do nicely. Foldin half