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Unit 1. A day in the life of

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- Explains the rules of the games: Each member of a group must take turns to make a sentence in either simple present tense or simple past tense (remember to use an adverbs of frequen[r]







Lesson plan

English 10

Unit 1

Language focus

Intrustructor Members

Tôn Nữ Thanh Thùy Nguyễn Thị Thành Luận

Nguyễn Thạch Thảo

Lê Thị Diệu My

Trần Thị Thu


Unit 1- English 10: A day in the life

I. Class detail:

1 Class: 10A1

2 Number of students (Ss): 40 Time allotted: 45 minutes Date of teaching:

II. Aim and Objectives

1. Language content:

- To help students practice pronouncing two vowels /i:/ and /i/ in level of words and sentences

- To help students review the grammatical points to the exercises: Present and past tense

2. Language function: Telling story

3. Educational aim: Know the important work in life

4. Language:

+Vocabulary: words related to hobbies

+ Structure: the present simple, the past simple

5. Skills: Integrated skills

Educational factor: To know how to use suitable time in daily activities

II Teacher and students’preparation

1. Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques/ activities: listen and repeat, pair work, group work, elicitation… Material needed: pictures, lesson plan, text books, copied papers, cassette… Students' preparation: preparing the content of lesson at home

5 Previous exercises:

III PROCEDURE IN CLASS: 1.Stabilization: (1m)

a. Warm-up: Greeting

b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today?

2.Checking up previous knowledge: No checking up

3.Presentation of the new material:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Content of the lesson




- Hangs on the sub-board of cross-





-Explains the way to play the game A mean of transportation used to carry people and goods across the oceans A kind of animal whose wool is used to make cloth

3 A kind of seed (not rice) that is often used to cook as meals

4 A box that is often used to contain things such as wheat, flavor…

- Asks students to speak out these words and asks them if there are any differences in the two pairs of words - Asks them to guess what they are going to study next to lead to the pronunciation

II- Pre- practice:

- Writes down the symbols of two vowels on the board

/i:/ and /i/”

- Pronounces the vowels alone and asks students to repeat

- Pronounces these vowels in minimal pairs to help students distinguish the sounds, and then asks them to repeat EX: EAT and IT


(Teacher can explain the position of the tongue when pronouncing these vowels.) - Asks students to open their books - Reads the words in the text book as model and asks students to listen and repeat

III- While-practice:

- Plays the tape sentence by sentence to get students to practise speaking the sentence in the text book Pay attention to their stress and intonation


- Look at the sub-board and listen to teachers’ explanation - Speak out the words and answer teacher’s questions - Designed answer: We are going to study the

pronunciation of /i:/ and /i/” -Writes the title on the notebook -Listen and repeat /i:/ and /i/ alone

-Repeat these vowels in level of words

- Open the book - Listen and repeat

- Listen to the tape and repeat

- Suggested answers: SHIP


I- Pronunciation: /i:/ and /i/. /i:/ /i/

heat hit beat bit meat little repeat kick

read click interest eaten







-Asks one student: “How you go to school?”

“Do you often you go to school by…….?”

-Writes down the students answers on the board:

- I often go to school by bicycle

- Asks students what grammatical points are used in the sentence

 Leads to the simple present tense and

the simple past tense

II Pre-practice:

- Elicits the Use, meaning, and form of the simple present tense and adverbs of frequency

-Elicits from students the use, meaning and form of the simple past tense

III While-practice: *Exercise1

- Explains the requirement of the exercise

- Asks students to the exercise

-Invites some students to go to the board and write down their answers

-Asks the other for comments -Gives comments and keys


- Explains the requirement of the exercise

- Makes model: He always gets up early.

- Asks students to put each of the adverbs of frequency in its appropriate place in the sentences given

- Invites some students to read their sentences

- Gives comments

*Expected answer:

-Answer: I go to school by bicycle

Yes, I often go to school by bicycle

- Try to recall - Try to retell

- Listen

- Do as directed - Go to the board and write down answers - Gives comments -Listen and write down - Listen - Listen

- Do as directed - Read the sentences -Listen and


1/The simple present tense and the adverbs of frequency. Ex:

1 I often go to school by bicycle My mother sometimes goes shopping

a The simple present tense: - Use: to express an event taking place continuously over time or how often it happens

-Form: S+ am/ is / are/ v(s/es)

b Adverbs of Frequency: -Use: Stand before ordinary verbs and after “be’

Exercise1 and exercise 2 2 The simple past tense:

Ex: I went to school on foot last Friday

My mother went shopping yesterday

Use: To express an event happening in the past and the time of that event is clear

-Form: S+ was/ were/V2/ Ved…….

*Exercise1 *Keys:

1 is fish 3.worry are

5 catch am catch go give up 10 says 11 realize 12 am

*Exercise2: *Expected answer: a He never gets up early. b She is sometimes late for school.

c Lan often practises speaking English





a He never gets up early.

b She is sometimes late for school. c Lan often practises speaking English d.Thao is usually a hard – working student.

e ……… *Exercise 3:

-Explains the require of the exercise -Asks Ss to put the verbs in brackets in the past simple

-Invites some students to go to the board and write down their answers

-Asks the other for comments -Gives comments and keys

IV Free- practice:

- Divides the class into two groups - Explains the rules of the games: Each member of a group must take turns to make a sentence in either simple present tense or simple past tense (remember to use an adverbs of frequency in simple present tense).Then one other will change that sentence into other tense In minutes, which group has more right sentences will be the winner

V Consolidation:

- Asks the students to retell the usage and meaning of the simple present, the simple past tense and adverbs of frequency

* Home work:

1 Make a list of about 50 irregular verbs that are commonly used

2 Make a list of adverbs of frequency, arranging them according to the level of increasing frequency

write down

- Listen

- Do as directed - Go to the board and write down answers - Gives comments -Listen and write down

- Set the group - Listen and as teacher’s instructions

- Listen and retell

- Write down on notebook

*Exercise 3: *Keys:

1 was done cooked 3.were smelt

5 told sang began felt put out 10 crept 11 slept 12 woke 13.was 14 leapt 15.hurried 16 found 17 wound 18 flowed

* Home work:

1 Make a list of about 50 irregular verbs that are commonly used

2 Make a list of Adverbs of frequency, arranging them according to the level of increasing frequency


V Self- evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 16:09
