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Unit 5. Study habits

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1.. Teacher presents and explains new words Students listen, repeat and copy. Teacher holds class to play “ slap the board” Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to make a list of the ways h[r]


Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Division of lessons

1 Getting started + Listen & read Speak - Listen

3-4 Read Write

6 Language focus Week: 09

Date: 8/10/2012 Period: 25




By the end of the lesson, Ss can understand the content of the dialogue, and know how to say reported speech

II Language contents: 1/ Grammar :

Reported speech

2/ Vocabulary : (n) a report card, pronunciation, habit (v) Improve, to be proud of

To try one is best

III Techniques:

Network, Rub out and remember, Survey

IV Teaching aids:

Book, chalk, tape, cassette…

V Procedures:



T asks Ss to write as many subjects as they can go to write down on the blackboard T asks Ss some questions

+What subject are you good at? +What subject are you bad at?

+What subject you like best? Why?

T has Ss practice in pairs the question

T presents new words

I Warm up: (10marks) Getting started

Chemistry Physics Geography



S1: How often you have English/ Math?

S2: I have English three times a week

Math five times a week

II Presentation: New words:

- habit (n) thói quen

- Report card (n) phiếu thành tích học tập


Ss listen and copy

T presents the model sentence SS say the meaning

T asks Ss to read the statements and predict they are true or false (work in groups ) Asks them to share with their friends

T asks Ss to listen to the tape , then they work in pairs

T asks Ss to read the conversation between Tim and his Mom

T gets Ss to read the dialogue in silently and check their prediction

Then give feedback

Ss work in pairs

They write the answers on the board T corrects

Ask SS to work in groups

Ask them to stand up and ask each other the question “What subject you need to improve? “ They have to write the names and the subjects that their friends answer

- Excellent ( adj) xuất sắc, ưu tú - Semester (n) học kỳ

- Improve (v) cải thiện

- Pronunciation (n) cách phát âm - Believe (v) tin

- To be proud of (adj) đáng tự hào, hãnh diện - To try one is best : cố gắng  Rub out and Remember

Model sentence

-She asked me to give you this dictionary -Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation


reported speech with request and commands S + told/asked + O +(not) to something reported speech with advice:

He/ She said (that) + S + should (not) something

S + advise + O + (not) to something @ True or False prediction

a/Tim was out when his mother called him b/ Tim’s mother met his teacher at school c/ Tim’s report was poor

d/ Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar e/ Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish

3 Practice :

Dialogue page 46, 47

Statements Guess Correct

a b c d e

? ? ? ? ?

F F F T F * Comprehension questions

a/ She’s Tim’s teacher

b/ She gave Tim ‘s mother his report card c/ He worked really hard

d/ She said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation

e/ She gave him a dictionary



Name What subject





-Do exercise in workbook -answer the question at home -Prepare : Lesson Speak +answer some questions + make the conversation Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội

dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh : -Khuyết điểm:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh:

: -Week: 10 Week: 09

Date: 12/10/2012 Period: 26


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their studies

Ss can listen and understand about the personal information and studying result, listen and complete the report card

IILanguage contents: Grammar :

Review simple present, be going to New words:

Day present, behavior, making period, co-operation, comment, signature, participation, satisfactory, fail, fair


Brainstorming, prediction

IV Teaching aids:

Textbook, sub-board, cassette


Teacher’s and student’s activities Contents

Teacher asks Ss to write their ideas on the board

Ss write as possible as they can T corrects and give marks to Sts

Teacher presents some new words Students listen and repeat, copy

T Guides Ss to read the sentences /48 and t explains the title of speaking

T asks Ss to practice in pairs and calls some pairs to practice in class

T corrects their mistakes

T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss answer individually

T corrects and can give marks to encourage Sts

Teacher presents some new words Students listen and repeat, copy

Teacher asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

I.Warm up : Marks(10)  Brainstorming

Speak E to friends in class

Listen to the E radio program Watch TV

Read English stories Do grammar exercises


II Pre – speaking:

to spend (time)…… on (v): giành thời gian vào

to help s.o with (v) giúp điều

III While – speaking: ex:

S 1: When you in your free time? S 2:I my homework after school S 1: Who helps you with your homework? S 2: My parents help me with my homework S 1: How much time you spend on Math? S 2: I spend two hours on it

IV Post- speaking:

Answer the questions:

a Who helps you with your learning English?

b What you to improve your English?

* Suggested answers:

a my father/mother… helps /help me with my learning English?

b I speak, write, read listen in English… Listen

I Pre- listen:

New words:

- day present (n) ngày hiện - fair ( n)

- attendance (n) có mặt How to


Teacher asks Ss to work in groups what they have known about their partner’s study Ex: Nam said he did his homework after dinner

- behavior-participation (n) - making-period (n)

- comment (n) lời bình luận, nhận xét - fail (v) rớt

- encourage (v) khuyến khích

- satisfactory (a) vừa ý, thỏa đáng - signature (n) chữ kí

- co-operation (n) hợp tác

II While – listening Key:

1) 87 days present 2) days absent

3) participation – Spanish pronunciation 4) listening comprehension

5) speaking: A 6) reading: A 7) writing: B

III Post – listening:

Questions You Your

partner 1) When you your


2) Who helps you with your homework? 3) How much time


spend on Math? English? History ?

4) Which subject you need to improve?

5) What you to improve your E?

5 Homework:

- Write something about your partner’s study habits

- Learn the lesson -Do exercises A3

-Answer the questions at home :How you learn

- Prepare: lesson Read +Find the new words +answer the questions + say true or false Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:



dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh : -Khuyết điểm:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh:

-Week: 10

Date: 12/10/2012

Period 27, 28


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can understand the content of the text about learning new words

IILanguage contents


Review simple present Vocabulary:

Piece of paper, list, mother tongue, learn by heart, in order to, revise, stick, come across, underline, highlight, meaning


Chatting, Brainstorming, survey, slaps the board

IVTeaching aids:

Textbook, sub-board, cards


Teacher’s and student’s activities Contents

Teacher asks students some questions about their English learning

Ss answer the questions Teacher can give marks

1 Warm up / Marks (10) Do you like learning English?

2 How many new words you try to learn a day?

3 What you when you read a new word? How you learn/ remember new words?


1 Yes,I do/No,……


Teacher presents and explains new words Students listen, repeat and copy

Teacher holds class to play “ slap the board” Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to make a list of the ways how a language learner can learn new words

Teacher asks Ss to read the statements on page 50 then read the text and decide which is true and which is false

Students work in pairs

Teacher gives feedback

T asks Ss work in pairs to answer the question

Ss work in pairs

T corrects their mistakes and gives feedback

3 When I read a new word I…………

4 I remember new words by………

2 Pre-reading: Vocabulary

- piece of paper (n) mảnh giấy - list (n) danh sách

- mother tongue (n) tiếng mẹ đẻ - meaning (v) ý nghĩa

- learn by heart (v) học thuộc lòng - in order to = so as to: - stick (v) = label dán - come across (v): gặp tình cờ - underline (v) gạch chân - highlight (v) làm bật

- revise (v)đọc lại, xem lại, ôn lại  Slap the board


learn by heart translate it into mother tongue

learn through write it on a small example sentences piece of paper &

stick everywhere in house While- reading :

1 True / False statements

a) All language learners write to the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue b) Some learners write examples of the words

they want to learn

c) Every learner tries to learn all the new words they come across

d) Many learners only learn the new words that are important


a F b T c F d T Comprehension questions


a) No, they learn words in different ways b) Because they help them to remember

the use of new words

c) They write examples, put the words and their meaning on stickers, underline or highlight them

d) They may thing they can’t so Instead, they learn only important words e) Revision is necessary in learning

Ways language learners learn new


Teacher asks Ss to report about their groups T corrects


f) Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best Post – reading :


How to learn English words

Ways of learning words Nga Hoa Make a list of words,

their meanings and learn them by heart

2 Write sample sentences with new words

3 Stick new words somewhere in the house Underline or highlight

the words

5 Read stories in English Learn words though


5 Homework:

Write the ways of the learning words that you think are the best for you

Do exercise in workbook

Prepare: Lesson Write /page 51-52 -Find the new words

- Write a letter Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội

dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh : -Khuyết điểm:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:


: -Week: 10

Date: 18/10/2012

Period: 29


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can know about the body of the letter and write a letter using the information given

II Language contents: Grammar:

Review simple tenses Vocabulary:

Lunar New Year Festival, Enjoyable (a) Celebrate (v)

III Techniques:

Chatting, ordering, labeling

IV Teacher aids:

Textbook, pictures

V Procedures:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Teacher asks Ss some questions dealing with writing letters

Teacher presents new words and explains Ss listen, repeat and copy

T holds class to play “ Rub out and Remember”

T asks Ss to put the parts of the letter in the correct order

Ss Practice in pairs

T asks Ss to read the letter on page 51 to check their order

1.Warm up

Chatting :

a Have you ever written to someone? b To whom you usually write letter? c What topic you often write letter? *Keys:

a Yes, I have/ No ,I have not b I usually write to my friends

c I often write about my studying…etc 2, Pre- writing :

New words :

Lunar New Year Festival: lễ tết âm lịch Enjoyable (a) thú vị

Celebrate (v) làm lễ kỷ niệm Rub out and Remember


a Opening d Body of the letter b Closing e Signature

c The date f Writer’s address Answers

1f.writer’s address 4d.Body of the letter 2c.The date 5b.closing

3a.opening 6e.signature Labeling: B, D, A, C

Comprehension questions


Teacher asks Ss to label each section with the correct letter

Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs and answer some questions

Teacher asks Ss to practice asking and answering questions

T asks Ss to have to imagine they are Lan and write a letter to her penpal Donna in Sans Francisco using the given information

Ss write individually

Teacher controls the class and helps Ss if necessary

T calls some keys to corrects and gives marks

Teacher asks Ss to read aloud their letters and corrects their mistakes

(Hoa wrote a letter to Jim, her penpal) b) What are there in the heading?

(Writer’s name and the date)

c) What is the main part of the letter? (the body)

d) What did Hoa receive a few days ago? (her first semester report)

e) Is Hoa good at Math? No, she isn’t

3 While writing :

Exercise on page 51 / textbook Post – writing :Marks(10)

Correction Answers

15 Thanh Giong street, HaNoi, June 10th, 2004

Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I’m glad to hear you had an happy Mother’s Day We received our second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math but my English and History results were poor My teacher advises me to improve English and History I think I have to study harder next school year

In a few weeks, we’re going to celebrate the mid Autumn festival That is an Autumn moon festival in Vietnam This afternoon, I’m going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus and I’m going to stay there with them until the festival comes I’ll send you a postcard from there

Write soon and tell me all your news Homework:

- learn by heart new words

- Write a letter to your friend to tell him/her about your report card

- Prepare for next period Unit lesson Language focus

+ Adverbs of manner +Modal verb: Should

+Command, requests, and advice in reported speech


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội


+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: : -Week: 10

Date: 20/10/2012 Period: 30


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can use commands, requests and advice in reported speech; modals and adverbs of manner

II Language contents: 1 Grammar:

To ask / tell s.b to s.th Adverbs of manner Model verb: should

Reported speech: commands, requests, and advice

2 Vocabulary:

Review vocabulary

Sore throat, replant, mend,

III Techniques: Pelmanism

IV Teaching aids:

Textbook, ten cards

V Procedures

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

T prepares ten cards with numbers >10 on one side and the adjectives/ adv on the other

 Mix the adj/ adv Stick them on the blackboard so that they can see the numbers  Divide class into two teams and ask them to choose two numbers if they match soft – softly they have mark

Teacher sets the scene “use any word from the game Pelmanism to complete the following sentences

Teacher helps Ss distinguish the use of

1.Warm up:


Good well Bad fast Badly

quickly soft quick fast softly


New words:

sore throat (n) đau cổ họng replant (v) trồng lại mend (v) sữa chữa, tu bổ

Adverbs of manner

ex: Lan has a (1) voice and she usually speaks (2)



adjectives / adverbs

Teacher writes the form and use on the board

Students write down carefully

Teacher gives Ss the explanation of the modal “should”

Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to their exercise (textbook)

Ss in pairs

T corrects their mistakes Teacher gives the keys

Teacher introduces Tim’s mother and Tim’s teacher by drawing their faces

They are talking about Tim’s study Teacher asks Ss to complete the dialogue between them

T asks a student to give form

Teacher asks Ss to work in pairs to exercise

T calls some students to practice in pairs and corrects their pronunciation

T asks Ss to works with their partners to exercise 4/ page 53

Students practice in pairs and T corrects their pronunciation

Form: S + V + a/ an + adj + Noun Or S + be + Adj

S + V + adv


* Adj: modifies the noun after it/ the subject

*Adv: modifies the verb of the sentences

Reported speech:

Commands, requests and advice


S + V(told, asked, advise) +O + (not) to-inf 3. While


Complete the dialogue, use the adverbs of manner in the box

a) well b) hard c) fast d) badly e) softly

2 Report Miss Jackson’s commands and requests in her conversation with Tim’s mother


a/ Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her outside her office

b/ Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester

c/ Miss Jackson told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation

d/ Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week

3./ 53

a/ Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation

b/ Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day

c/ Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV

d/ Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish e/ Miss Jackson said you should use this

dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words

4 Post:


T asks Ss to write sentences , using reported speech

Ss write on the cards

T corrects and gives marks if which group works well

5 Homework:

- Review commands, requests and advice to reported speech

- Do exercises 6, in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 6: getting started Listen and read

+ Find the new words

+ Read the text to get the content + Get information to fill in the gaps Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội

dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh : -Khuyết điểm:

+ Nội dung: -+ Phương pháp: -+ Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:07

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