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Factors affecting citizents satisfaction with the public administrative services of public administrative agencies in thai nguyen province

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FACTORS AFFECTING CITIZENT’S SATISFACTION WITH THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES IN THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE A DISSERTATION PAPER Presented to School of Graduate Studies Central Philippine University, Philippines In Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF MANAGEMENT TRAN PHAM VAN CUONG MAY 2020 i DECLARATION I pledge that this is my own research The data stated in the thesis is true, all citations are indicated origin The research results of the dissertation were published in the scientific journal, not identical with any other works PhD student Trần Phạm Văn Cương ii LỜI CAM ĐOAN Tôi xin cam đoan cơng trình nghiên cứu riêng tơi Các số liệu nêu luận án trung thực, trích dẫn rõ nguồn gốc Những kết nghiên cứu luận án tác giả cơng bố tạp chí khoa học, khơng trùng với cơng trình khác Tác giả luận án Tran Pham Van Cuong iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to convey the gratitude to the following persons who wholeheartedly devoted and helped make this piece of work a reality: To Associate Prof Do Anh Tai and PhD Pham Van Hanh for his advices, guidance, supervision, suggestions and precious time in enthusiastically reading and checking the manuscript, providing the author useful materials; To the leadership of International Cooperation Center for Training and Study Abroad and their staff for their enthusiasm to support executive for the participants completed the study program To the faculties and researchers of Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration and the respondents of the study, for their active involvement and cooperation which made the conduct of the study possible; To my family and friends for their love and support in one way or another, and to all who have contributed to make this study a success Thank you so much! Thai Nguyen, May 2020 PhD student Tran Pham Van Cuong iv LỜI CẢM ƠN Tác giả mong muốn truyền tải lòng biết ơn đến người sau hết lòng cống hiến giúp đỡ tác giả trở thành thực: Tôi xin bày tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc tới PGS.TS Đỗ Anh Tài TS Phạm Văn Hạnh - người hướng dẫn khoa học tận tình giúp đỡ định hướng để tơi hồn thiện Luận án Trong q trình học tập nghiên cứu, nhận hỗ trợ giúp đỡ tận tình từ Ban Giám hiệu, Lãnh đạo cán Trung tâm Hợp tác Quốc tế Đào tạo Du học, Lãnh đạo Khoa Kinh tế toàn thể thầy cô giáo Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quản trị Kinh doanh - Đại học Thái Nguyên Đại học Central Philippine, xin ghi nhận chân thành cảm ơn Cuối cùng, tơi xin bày tỏ lịng biết ơn tới đồng nghiệp, bạn bè gia đình kịp thời động viên, chia sẻ tạo điều kiện tốt giúp tơi hồn thành luận án Tác giả Luận án Trần Phạm Văn Cương v TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPAIGNS Error! Bookmark not defined LỜI CAM ĐOAN ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii LỜI CẢM ƠN iv LIST OF TABLES .vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study 1.3 Theoretical Framework 1.4 Conceptual Framework 1.6 Significance of the Study 18 1.7 Scope of this study 18 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWS 20 2.1 Public Service 20 2.2 Citizen‟s Satisfaction 23 2.3 Service Quality 28 2.4 Quantitative Approaches to Measuring Service Quality 34 2.5 Service Quality in Public Sector Organizations 36 2.6 Factors Affecting Public Service Quality and Citizen‟s Satisfaction 39 2.7 Related Studies 43 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 48 3.1 Research Design 48 3.2 Population 48 3.3 Population, Sample Size, Sampling Techniques 48 3.4 Data Collection Procedures 51 3.5 Measurement 51 3.6 Data Analysis 54 3.7 Sample Profile 55 3.8 Scale Descriptive Analysis 56 3.8.1 Item Descriptive Analysis for Servant‟s Attitude and Responsibility 56 3.8.2 Item Descriptive Analysis for Servant‟s Competency Scale 56 vi 3.8.3 Item Descriptive Analysis for Cost Scale 58 3.8.4 Item Descriptive Analysis for Time Scale 58 3.8.5 Item Descriptive Analysis for Facilities Scale 59 3.8.7 Item Descriptive Analysis for Satisfaction Scale 60 3.8.8 The Summary of Variable Descriptive Analysis 61 3.9 Scale Purifications 62 4.1 Measurement Model 70 4.2 Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Scale 79 4.3 The Analysis of Factors Affecting Citizen‟s Satisfaction 81 4.4 Hypothesis Testing 84 CHAPTER V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 87 5.1 Summary and Conclusion 87 5.2 Policy Recommendations 90 5.2.1 Improve Servants‟ Attitude and Responsibility When Contacting with Citizens 90 5.2.2 Improve Servants‟ competence 91 5.2.3 Improve the service procedures to save the time and cost of citizens 92 5.2.4 Improve the facilities to support public service providing 93 5.2.5 Supervising the delivery of public administrative services 94 5.2.6 Improve the Public Service Quality Management 95 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 96 REFERENCES 97 APPENDIX 102 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 List of Items 52 Table 3.2 Characteristics of Sample 55 Table 3.3 Descriptive Analysis for Servant‟s Attitude and Responsibility Scale 56 Table 3.4 Descriptive Results for Servant‟s Competency Scale 57 Table 3.5 Descriptive Results for Service Cost Scale 58 Table 3.6 Descriptive Results for Time Scale 58 Table 3.7 Descriptive Results for Facility Scale 59 Table 3.11 Item Purification for Citizens‟ Satisfaction Scale 62 Table 3.12 Item Purification for Servant‟s Attitude and Responsibility Scale 63 Table 3.13 Item Purification for Servant‟s Competence Scale 64 Table 3.15 Item Purification for Time Scale 66 Table 3.16 Item Purification for Facility Scale 67 Table 3.17 Item Purification for Procedure Scale 67 Table 3.18 Scale Reliability 69 Table 4.1 Measurement Model Results for Citizens‟ Satisfaction Scale 71 Table 4.2 Measurement Model Results for Servant‟s Attitude and Responsibility Scale 72 Table 4.3 Measurement Model Results for Servant‟s Competence Scale 73 Table 4.4 Final Measurement Model Results for Servant‟s Competence Scale 74 Table 4.5 Measurement Model Results for Reasonable Cost Scale 75 Table 4.6 Measurement Model Results for Service Time Scale 76 Table 4.7 Measurement Model Results for Facility Scale 77 Table 4.8 Measurement Model Results for Procedure Scale 78 Table 4.9 Final Measurement Model Results 79 Table 4.10 Construct Correlation Matrix 81 Table 4.11 The regression results 82 Table 4.12 Model Summary 83 Table 4.12 Summary of Hypothesis-Testing Results 86 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework 11 LIST OF ABRIVIATIONS OSS One - stop shop SERVQUAL Service Quality SERVPERF Service performance SAT Citizen‟s Satisfaction ATT Governmental Servant‟s Attitudes COM Governmental Servant‟s Competency COST Cost for public service TIME Time for receiving public services FACT Service facilities PRO Procedures NPM New Public Management KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-Kriterium ANOVA Analysis of Variance GFI Goodness-of-fit Index AGFI Adjust Goodness-of- fit Index CFI Comparative Fit Index RMSEA Root Mean Square Error of Approximation EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis CFA Confirmatory factor analysis RMR Standardized Root Mean Square Residual CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study Public sector reform movements around the world in the 1990s, codified as New Public Management (NPM), have been aimed at „fostering a performance- oriented culture in a less centralized public sector‟ (OECD, 1995) Such reforms are characterized by key elements including increase in the use of markets and competition providing public services and in emphasis on performance, outputs and customer orientation One consequence of these reforms has been the reorientation of public services towards their consumers This has brought with it pressure for better public service quality, from service users as their needs change and their expectations rise in respect of how well services can be performed (Flynn, 1995) In recent years, the reform of state administration in Vietnam has achieved significantly positive results Decree 38-CP of the Vietnamese Government dated 04.05.1994 has marked an important step in the development process: implying the administrative procedures and improving the relationship between administrative agencies and citizens The regulations for implementing the "one- stop shop" in the state administrative agencies, issued with the application of quality management system in operation of the administrative agencies initially, are efficient On 22/6/2007, the Vietnamese Prime Minister had Decision No 93/2007/QD-TTg on promulgating the regulations to implement OSS at the local administrative agencies in order to further improve the implementation of "one stop shop" to suit each type of administrative procedures The government has been implementing projects on not only training and retraining to enhance the capacity of staff, especially those who directly communicate and solve the requirements of citizens but also modernizing the state administration as well as accelerating the construction of spacious administrative offices Public administration reforms include organizational reform, reform of cadres and civil servants training and financial reform These are the internal problems of public 98 Deng, Z., Lu, Y, Wei, K K., Zhang, J (2009), “Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messages in China”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol 30, pages 289–300 Do Huu Nghiem (2010), Examining the satisfaction levels of taxpayers with the quality of public services in Tax Department of Binh Duong Province Thesis at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Fatima JK; Razzaque MA, 2010, 'Understanding the role of service quality, customer involvement and rapport on overall satisfaction in Bangladesh banking service', in ANZMAC 2010 Conference Proceedings, Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp - 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are enthusiastic Employees are considerate and thoughtful Employee are always on time Civil servants are friendly and helpful Civil servants enthusiastically guide and advise citizens Civil servants create trust Circle the most appropriate number 104 Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ are Civil servants have ability to explain laws and policies Circle the most appropriate number Civil servants have good professional qualifications Civil servants in administrative agencies professional for citizens Civil servants with clear badges and name tags Civil servants comply with work schedule Civil servants implement the procedures flexibly 7 7 Civil servants accept the recommendations and suggestions from customers Comments are accepted respectfully by Civil servants 105 Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ I have to pay extra money for fast services I have to pay more for the service out of reported fee I have to pay some more money for employee Costs are very low Publicity and transparency concerning costs Reasonable transaction fees 7 Full charge receipts Circle the most appropriate number 106 Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ I have to wait for long time/ time spent waiting to get Circle the most appropriate number results I have to spend hours for public service at this agency The time for public service is very short I usually have to wait for my turn Working time by regulation Transaction time 107 Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Convenient parking Place to wait for transactions Clear guidance diagrams Good support equipment (sanitary conditions, water, Circle the most appropriate number fan, etc.) Clear guidance tables Quality of computers and other supporting devices 108 Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Agree ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Records and procedures requested are reasonable Forms are designed scientifically Transaction procedures are simple Transaction sequences are conducted reasonably or Clear appointments to get results 7 Simplifying procedures Circle the most appropriate number 5.Guidance activities to revise incomplete unsatisfactory records 109 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE The following items are requested for some statistical purposes only Please place a check mark  or write the numbers in the categories that best describes you You are: Male Female Age: Grade: Please read the following statements and circle the most appropriate numbers Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree ↓ Order Agree ↓ Item The office has conducted survey to understand the citizens‟ needs periodically The office is aware of citizens‟ needs periodically The office has identified the citizens‟ needs periodically The office has built a service delivery process based on the citizens‟ needs and regulation The office has consulted with other agencies in developing a public service delivery process ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 110 The service delivery process is deployed to each part of the unit Everybody has known the service delivery process Service standards are unified Office leaders conduct periodic inspections to check the staff‟s provision of services 10 The office leaders help staff when they needed APPEDIX 3: Correlations ATT Pearson Correlation COM Sum of Squares and Crossproducts Covariance N COM 000 000 000 000 542.632 426.576 62.791 174.617 273.965 337.524 433.517 1.337 1.051 155 430 675 831 1.068 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 * * * * Sig (2-tailed) 000 146 379 618 701 716 * 786 707 ** ** 003 000 000 000 000 426.576 453.219 94.587 200.084 322.714 315.476 356.485 1.051 1.116 233 493 795 777 878 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 Pearson Correlation 088 146 * * 303 144 106 Sig (2-tailed) 075 003 000 000 004 033 62.791 94.587 930.577 196.703 226.579 90.975 76.268 Covariance 155 233 2.292 484 558 224 188 N 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 Pearson Correlation 302 379 * * * * Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 174.617 200.084 196.703 Covariance 430 493 N 407 407 products N TIME * 479 * SAT 075 860 * PRO 000 860 Covariance COST FAC 302 Pearson Correlation Sum of Squares and Cross- TIME 088 Sig (2-tailed) ATT COST * Sum of Squares and Crossproducts Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 26 260 619 404 266 * ** 000 000 000 616.353 377.158 207.683 156.217 484 1.518 929 512 385 407 407 407 407 407 FAC PRO 618 303 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 000 273.965 322.714 226.579 377.158 Covariance 675 795 558 N 407 Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 619 * 479 657 471 ** 000 000 602.494 333.418 273.613 929 1.484 821 674 407 407 407 407 407 407 Pearson Correlation 701 * 716 144 * * * Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 004 000 000 337.524 315.476 90.975 207.683 333.418 427.782 319.230 Covariance 831 777 224 512 821 1.054 786 N 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 ** ** * ** ** ** Sum of Squares and Crossproducts Pearson Correlation 786 Sig (2-tailed) SAT * Pearson Correlation Sum of Squares and Crossproducts 707 106 404 266 657 471 652 ** 000 652 000 000 033 000 000 000 433.517 356.485 76.268 156.217 273.613 319.230 560.537 1.068 878 188 385 674 786 1.381 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 Covariance N ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) ... 18/63 provinces, ranked second in the ranking of PCI index of Northern mountainous provinces, after Lao Cai In 2019, the rank of Thai Nguyen still at 18/63 provinces In order to improve the investment... point, Thai Nguyen province is ranked at 7th place on the PCI rankings in the country, continuing to be in the top 10 rankings of provinces and cities with the best operating quality and standing... provision of services in order to maintain the effectiveness and justice of the society When citizens using the public services, there are several affecting their satisfaction With the view of the

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2021, 08:41


