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"ANALYSIS OF BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND CONCEPT DESIGN FOR PORT DONG LAM, THUA THIEN-HUE PROVINCE, VIETNAM" Graduation committee: Prof Ir H Ligteringen Delft University of Technology Dr Ir J Van de Graaff Delft University of Technology Ir D.J.R Walstra Delft University of Technology Ir M Westra Royal Haskoning Ir T Elzinga Royal Haskoning Author: W.A.Broersen Date: May - 2010 Port Dong Lam PREFACE What lies in front of you is the result of the Master Thesis, the final step before graduation in Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology (DUT) This project is about the analysis and modelling of boundary conditions and the conceptual design of Port Dong Lam, Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam The work was executed in cooperation with Royal Haskoning - departments Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Royal Haskoning provided me a working space and put all their information, knowledge and advice at my disposal, for which I am thankful As well, I want to show my gratefulness to the members of my graduation committee for guiding me during the process: Prof ir H Ligteringen Delft University of Technology, chair Ports & Waterways Dr ir J Van de Graaff Delft University of Technology, chair Coastal Engineering Ir D.J.R Walstra Delft University of Technology, chair Coastal Engineering Ir M Westra Royal Haskoning (NL), department Coastal & Rivers Ir T Elzinga Royal Haskoning (NL), department Maritime Besides I want to thank my overseas supervisors in Vietnam for providing information and advice: Ir M Coopman Royal Haskoning (VN), department Maritime Ir M Klabbers Royal Haskoning (VN), department Maritime Last but not least I want to show my appreciation to my friends, roommates and fellow students Special thanks go to my family, Mischa and my close friends Loek, Paul, Cyriel and Jan Without their support the mountain to climb would have been a few steps higher At the end of this project I can say that I have really expanded my knowledge and skills, both technically and pragmatically Moreover, my self-awareness has reached a higher level which is priceless with regard to my future The struggle to achieve this was tough and I would like to quote a fellow student to describe this journey: 28/05/2010 I MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam Laat ik het afstudeerwerk vergelijken met een tocht over de Andes van Chili naar Argentinië Vooraf lijkt het een prachtig mooie tocht te worden, het begin loopt relaxed, maar er komt ongetwijfeld een pas waar niet overheen te komen is Dagen van sneeuwstormen en psychologische ellende zorgen ervoor dat we geen steek verder komen Maar naarmate het berglandschap bekender terrein wordt, worden nieuwe paden zichtbaar Met de weinige ervaring stuiten we nog op een aantal tegenslagen die we van tevoren niet hadden voorzien, maar omdat we goede bagage hebben en een portie kennis over de elementen lukt het ons met gezond verstand om een weg te banen door de Cordilleras (Andesgebergte) Aangekomen in Argentinië staat vervolgens een vliegtuig klaar, die kun je nemen, naar welke plek op aarde dan ook Bas van Son (2009) Wouter Broersen 28/05/2010 Delft, 28 mei 2010 II MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam SUMMARY Introduction Dong Lam Cement Factory is developing a new clinker plant in Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam The clinker has to be exported towards Ho Chi Minh City, where it is grinded into cement and used for the construction industry For the clinker production coal is needed and has to be imported To make the in- and export possible a new dedicated seaport is required to allow for 15,000 dwt clinker vessels and 7,000 dwt coal vessels From the production plant, the clinker bulk is transported to a storage facility by truck From here the material is transported to the seaport by means of a conveyor belt The coal is transported by the same modalities but vice versa In the first phase (up to 2015) about million ton per year bulk material is expected to be handled at this port In the second phase (2015 - 2035) this amounts about million ton per year of bulk material Following the increasing demand for concrete, a doubling of the production is expected in 2035 This results in a throughput of almost million ton per year in the third project phase (2035 and up) Objective The objective is to design a port with sufficient capacity to handle the predicted cargo flow and which offers acceptable conditions for the ships to enter The effective berth and hinterland capacity have to be determined such, that turnaround times are within limits To create safe conditions, the vessels need to have enough space for manouevring in the wet port area These manoeuvres can be seriously disturbed by wind, wave, currents and siltation on the long term To ensure the workability of the port these effects have to be limited Analysis Port capacity To determine the effective berth capacity the queuing theory is applied In phase and one clinker and one coal berth satisfy with effective capacities of respectively 700 and 175 t/h respectively In phase two clinker and two coal berths are needed with the same loading/unloading rates Clinker is loaded with a radial loader and coal is unloaded with a pneumatic unloader Boundary conditions To get insight in the environmental boundary conditions, field data is collected and analysed thoroughly In Vietnam the wind climate is governed by the South-East Asian monsoon system, with a dominant SE direction and strong NNE winds The wave climate is directly influenced by the wind climate and shows a similar pattern With regard to extreme conditions, once a year a tropical storm lands in the vicinity of the port site These storms are accompanied by strong wave conditions, coming from E to SE direction 28/05/2010 III MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam Having frequent waves from the NNE and SE, littoral transport is generated in north- and southward direction Nevertheless, the northward transport is clearly dominant Currents are heading SE for most of the time Port dimensions To reduce the breakwater length, it is decided for the tugs to make fast outside the breakwaters As a consequence, almost 4% of downtime can be expected, since tugs cannot operate when Hs ≥ 2m Once the vessel has entered the harbour the stopping manoeuvre can be started, which requires an inner channel length of 290 m The turning circle allows for the turning manoeuvre for which a radius of 290 m is reserved In the mooring basin, ships are forced into the right position to make safe berthing possible This requires a width of 210 m and a quay length of 652 m Note that these basic dimensions are determined for project phase (4 berths), considering a 15,000 dwt design vessel Layouts and evaluation Four different layouts are developed for phase of the project Two of them are dismissed in an early stage, because of unfavourable conditions The other two layouts – the 'coastal' and 'offshore' alternative, are evaluated with a cost-value approach In this approach the value of each design is assessed by means of a MCA The following criteria are taken into consideration: navigation, tranquillity at berth, coastal impact, sedimentation, ease of cargo handling, safety and flexibility Regarding navigation and wind, wave and current hindrance, no significant differences are found It turns out that the most important difference is found in the coastal impact The coastal alternative will cause erosion along 7.5 km of coastline with a maximum retreat of 100 m Instead, the offshore alternative affects 'only' km with maximum retreat of 70 m The other element of the cost-value approach is the costs The investment costs for the coastal alternative are 64.1 M$, which include the dredging works, breakwater and quay construction The costs for the offshore port amount 77.5 M$, which entails the dredging works, breakwater, jetty quay and trestle construction The relative low costs for the coastal alternative are achieved by applying the cut-and-fill balance; the dredged sand is used as breakwater foundation Maintenance dredging costs are 1.75 M$ and 0.9 M$ for respectively the coastal and offshore alternative To finish the cost-value approach the value/costs ratio is taken for both port layouts The coastal alternative (1.11) turns out to be a better port layout than the offshore alternative (0.95) Downtime assessment The total downtime amounts 5.4 %, which is entails the following contributions: • • Wave height exceedance tugs: Wind speed exceedance moored vessels 28/05/2010 IV 3.9% 1.5% MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam Figure 95: final port design 28/05/2010 V MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam 28/05/2010 VI MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam CONTENTS PREFACE I SUMMARY III TABLE OF FIGURES XI TABLE OF TABLES XV TABLE OF EQUATIONS XVII INTRODUCTION 1.1 STUDY BACKGROUND 1.1.1 Port location 1.1.2 Metocean conditions 1.2 STUDY SCOPE 1.3 STUDY APPROACH AND CONTENTS 1.3.1 Data collection 1.3.2 Modelling 1.3.3 Transport capacities 1.3.4 Port dimensions 1.3.5 Layout design and concept selection 1.4 MISCELLANEOUS ENVIRONMENTAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 COASTAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.3 CLIMATE 2.4 TOPOGRAPHY 2.5 BATHYMETRY 10 2.5.1 Cross-shore profile 11 2.6 WATER LEVELS 12 2.6.1 Tide 12 2.6.2 Water level setup 13 2.6.3 Sea level rise 18 2.6.4 Conclusion 18 2.7 WIND DATA 19 2.7.1 Background 19 2.7.2 Normal conditions 20 2.7.3 Extreme conditions 25 2.7.4 Conclusion 27 2.8 WAVE DATA OFFSHORE 28 2.8.1 Normal conditions 28 2.8.2 Extreme conditions 34 2.8.3 Conclusion 37 2.9 WAVE DATA NEARSHORE 38 2.9.1 Normal conditions 39 2.9.2 Extreme conditions 41 2.9.3 Conclusion 46 2.10 CURRENT DATA 48 2.10.1 Wind-driven currents 49 2.10.2 Tide driven currents 49 28/05/2010 VII MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam 2.10.3 Conclusion 50 2.11 SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS 52 2.11.1 Conclusion 54 2.12 COASTAL MORPHOLOGY 55 2.12.1 TUNG (2001) 55 2.12.2 Littoral transport under normal conditions 56 2.12.3 Littoral transport under extreme conditions 58 2.13 SOIL CONDITIONS 62 2.13.1 Conclusion 64 TRANSPORT CAPACITY 65 3.1 THROUGHPUT 65 3.2 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 68 3.3 TRANSPORT CAPACITIES 69 3.3.1 Berth assessment 69 3.3.2 Conveyor belt 74 3.3.3 Storage area 75 3.3.4 Road 78 3.3.5 Conclusion 78 BASIC PORT DIMENSIONS 79 4.1 INTRODUCTION 79 4.2 NORMAL CONDITIONS 79 4.3 DESIGN VESSEL 79 4.4 WATER AREA 80 4.4.1 Approach channel 80 4.4.2 Turning Circle 85 4.4.3 Mooring Basin 86 4.4.4 Quay length 86 4.5 CONCLUSION 87 ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS 88 5.1 INTRODUCTION 88 5.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 88 5.3 PORT LAYOUTS 90 5.3.1 Refinement of port layouts 91 5.4 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS 96 5.4.1 Navigation 97 5.4.2 Tranquility at berth 97 5.4.3 Coastal impact 100 5.4.4 Sedimentation 105 5.4.5 Safety 108 5.4.6 Flexibility 109 5.4.7 Result 109 5.5 CAPITAL COSTS CALCULATION 111 5.5.1 Coastal port 111 5.5.2 Offshore port 119 5.6 MAINTENANCE COSTS CALCULATION 126 5.6.1 Coastal port 126 5.6.2 Offshore port 126 5.7 COST-VALUE APPROACH 128 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 129 28/05/2010 VIII MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam Tidal elevation amplitude: • 0.35 m • 0.35 + 0.1 = 0.45 m • 0.35 – 0.1 = 0.25 m Bottom slope: • 1:70 • 1:200 Coastline orientation: • 38 deg • 39 deg • 40 deg The results make clear the model is the most sensitive for changes in the grain size and the tidal current amplitude; minor changes can lead to significant changes of the model output This means that accurate information is required on these parameters, which is the case as the sediment and the tidal current has been surveyed Nett sediment transport vs grain size Nett sediment transport vs tidal current Sediment transport (m3/year) 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 -100,000 -200,000 -300,000 -400,000 -500,000 -600,000 Sediment transport (m3/year) 0 0.05 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 -200,000 -300,000 -400,000 -500,000 -600,000 -700,000 -700,000 Amplitude tidal current (m/s) Grain size D50 (mm) Nett sediment transport vs tidal elevation -100,000 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 -200,000 -300,000 -400,000 -500,000 -600,000 Sediment transport (m3/year) Nett sediment transport vs bottom slope Sediment transport (m3/year) 0.1 -100,000 0.000 -100,000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 -200,000 -300,000 -400,000 -500,000 -600,000 -700,000 -700,000 Bottom slope (-) Amplitude tidal elevation (m) Nett sediment transport vs coastline orientation Sediment transport (m3/year) 37.5 38 38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 -100,000 -200,000 -300,000 -400,000 -500,000 -600,000 -700,000 Coastline orientation (deg) Figure 128: results of the sensitivity analysis 28/05/2010 184 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam G.4 MIKE LITPACK – LITLINE G.4.1 General In this paragraph the coastline evolution is described using the engine LITLINE, available within LITPACK LITLINE calculates the coastline position based on input of the wave climate as a time series The model is - with minor modifications - based on a one-line theory, in which the cross-shore profile is assumed to remain unchanged during erosion/accretion Thus, the coastal morphology is solely described by the coastline position (cross-shore direction (DHI, 2009) To calculate the coastline position for each time step the littoral transport at every grid point has to be known The change in coastline position at a certain grid point is now determined by the difference in transport between two time steps; i.e a negative value means erosion and a positive accretion The main equation in LITLINE is the continuity equation for sediment volumes: ∂yc ∂Q Qsources =− + ∂t hact ∂x hact ⋅ ∆x Equation 38: continuity equation for sediment G.4.2 Model setup Through successive calls to LITDRIFT, the associated program LINTABL calculates and tabulates transport rates as functions of the water level, wave period, height and direction relative to the coastline normal (DHI, 2009) For detail of the LITDRIFT model and its settings the reader is referred to Appendix G.3 Besides, the coastline, boundary conditions and the port structures have to be defined This is treated in Paragraph G.4.2.1 and G.4.2.2 below G.4.2.1 Coastline and boundary conditions Coastline The coastline profile should have an extension so the coastline evolution in the area of interest is not influenced by the boundary conditions As model area the coastal stretch between Hieu River and Thuan An inlet is taken Afterwards the influence of the boundary conditions is checked The coastline data is obtained from Coastline Vector, a service from the NGDC (National Geophysical Data Center) which is part of the NOAA This data has been translated from LAT-LON to UTM In this way, the coastline can be defined with respect to a certain baseline – see Figure 129 Boundary conditions 28/05/2010 185 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam Hieu River outlet and Thuan An inlet form the boundary conditions of the model As these inlet/outlets subtract of add sediment to the system, these boundaries are schematized as sediment sources/sinks Hieu River outlet is modeled as sediment source as the river discharge sediment into the system Since no data is available about the sediment discharge volume a value is assumed here: 200,000 m3/year Further, it is assumed that half of this volume is going southwards and enters the system: 100,000 m3/year The northern adjacent beach of Thuan An inlet suffers from erosion, so this boundary is schematized as a sediment sink The erosion amounts approximately meters per year over a length of km (LAM, 2007) By taking the active depth of 22 m from Paragraph G.3.4, this gives an erosion volume of 3000 * * 22 = 330,000 m3/year Thuan An inlet -330,000 m3/year Hieu River +100,000 m3/year Area of interest Figure 129: LITLINE model setup with indicated boundary conditions To check the influence of the boundary conditions on the area of interest, a test run was executed The outcome is that the boundaries are located far enough from the area of interest to have any influence on the results G.4.2.2 Structures The coastal port and offshore port are modelled as shown in Figure 130 and Figure 131 The offshore breakwater has a length of 1200 m and is located 600 m offshore In the coastal 28/05/2010 186 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam port layout the primary and secondary breakwater are schematized as a groin of respectively 1300 and 600 m 1200 m 600 m Figure 130: offshore port schematization 1200 m 600 m 600 m 1300 m Figure 131: coastal port schematization G.4.3 Model input Regarding the hydrodynamics and morphological characteristics, the same data as in LITDRIFT is used The coastline is characterized by the position (y) relative to the baseline Besides the active profile height (h_act) has to known in order to correctly model the coastal evolution – see Figure 132 This parameter constitutes of three elements: The active depth D_act The height of the beach h_beach 28/05/2010 187 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam The height of the dune h_dune, which may erode if the coastline reaches their position during erosive states, but will not accrete again Figure 132: definition of coastline characteristics To find the D_act the cross-shore profile from Figure 121 has to be extended This is shown in Figure 133 For D_act a value of 20 m is found, where on top a run-up of m is added: 22 m The value for h_beach follows from the top of the beach minus the run-up: – = m Since no data on h_dune is available a value of m is assumed 28/05/2010 188 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam h_beach Run-up = m D_act Figure 133: extended cross-shore profile G.4.4 Calibration and validation There is no data available on coastline evolution to calibrate and validate the model G.4.5 Model output The model output for both the coastal and offshore were already discussed in the report The reader is referred to Paragraph 5.4.3 Although, one important remark on the results is made here Since the typhoon data are not present in the NOAA time series, these not contribute to the accretion and erosion in the model As stated in 2.9.2, typhoons make landfalls between 90° and 135° which means that they generate a northwards transport From Paragraph it is known that a 1/10 typhoon storm is capable to transport 49,300 m3/hour Furthermore, we know that one typhoon per year – on average – strikes the coast Based on these facts, it is estimated that the coastal accretion and erosion volumes can be 25 to 50 % larger 28/05/2010 189 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam H CALCULATIONS ON BERTH CAPACITY H.1 Phase QUEUING THEORY Assumption quequeing model: E2/E2/n Phase 1: 1.89Mt throughput (15,000 DWT export; 7,000 DWT import) Import/export ratio: 1/5 Clinker export (15 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 15,000 144.3 Number of berths for clinker export Calculation of λ throughput 1,575,000 operational hours 8322 loading/call 15000 arrivals 105 arrival rate λ 0.013 Import Export 315,000 1,575,000 1,890,000 tons per year tons per year tons per year width (m) 21.1 draught (m) 8.9 t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours loading capacity 600 t/h efficiency 0.7 eff loading rate 420 t/h duration of loading 35.7 hours service time (1/μ) 37.7 hours service rate μ 0.027 per hour Calculation of ρ ρ=λ/μ Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Clinker: 1.575 Mt number of berths 0.476 15.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) (μ) (-) 0.476 (n) Coal import (7.0 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 7,000 115.1 Number of berths for coal import Calculation of λ throughput operational hours unloading/call arrivals arrival rate λ 315,000 8322 7000 45 0.005 waiting/service time ratio (-) 0.332385 waiting time (W) (in hours) 12.536 width (m) 16.5 draught (m) 6.7 turnaround time T in (hours) 50.250 turnaround time T (hours ; min) 54:36 acceptable? turnaround time T in (hours) 66.42 turnaround time T (hours ; min) 66:15 acceptable? (-) yes t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours unloading capacity 250 t/h efficiency 0.5 (-) eff unloading rate 125 t/h duration of unloading 56.0 hours service time (1/μ) 58.0 hours service rate μ 0.017 per hour Calculation of ρ ρ=λ/μ Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Coal: 0.315 Mt number of berths (n) 0.314 7.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) (μ) (-) 0.314 waiting/service time ratio (-) 0.1452 waiting time (W) (in hours) 8.424 (-) yes Table 75: berth calculation phase 28/05/2010 190 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam H.2 Phase QUEUING THEORY Assumption quequeing model: E2/E2/n Phase 2: 3.78Mt throughput ( 15,000 DWT export; 7,000 DWT import) Import/export ratio: 1/5 Clinker export (15 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 15,000 144.3 Number of berths for clinker export Calculation of λ throughput 3,150,000 operational hours 8322 loading/call 15000 arrivals 210 arrival rate λ 0.025 Import Export 630,000 3,150,000 3,780,000 width (m) 21.1 draught (m) 8.9 tons per year tons per year tons per year t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours loading capacity 1000 t/h efficiency 0.7 (-) loading rate 700 t/h duration of loading 21.4 hours service time (1/μ) 23.4 hours service rate μ 0.043 per hour Calculation of ρ ρ=λ/μ Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Clinker: 3.150 Mt number of berths (n) 0.591 15.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) (μ) (-) 0.591 Coal import (7.0 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 7,000 115.1 Number of berths for coal import Calculation of λ throughput operational hours unloading/call arrivals arrival rate λ 630,000 8322 7000 90 0.011 waiting/service time ratio (-) 0.6095 waiting time (W) (in hours) 14.28 width (m) 16.5 draught (m) 6.7 turnaround time T in (hours) 37.71 turnaround time T (hours ; min) 37:24 acceptable? turnaround time T in (hours) 55.42 turnaround time T (hours ; min) 55:25 acceptable? (-) yes t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours loading capacity 350 t/h efficiency 0.5 (-) loading rate 175 t/h duration of unloading 40.0 hours service time (1/μ) 42.0 hours service rate μ 0.024 per hour Calculation of ρ ρ=λ/μ Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Coal: 0.630 Mt number of berths (n) 0.454 7.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) (μ) (-) 0.45 waiting/service time ratio (-) 0.319 waiting time (W) (in hours) 13.42 (-) yes Table 76: berth calculation phase 28/05/2010 191 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam H.3 Phase QUEUING THEORY Assumption quequeing model: E2/E2/n Phase 3: 7.56Mt throughput ( 15,000 DWT export; 7,000 DWT import) Import/export ratio: 1/5 Clinker export (15 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 15,000 144.3 Number of berths for clinker export Calculation of λ throughput 6,300,000 operational hours 8322 loading/call 15000 arrivals 420 arrival rate λ 0.050 Import Export 1,260,000 6,300,000 7,560,000 width (m) 21.1 draught (m) 8.9 tons per year tons per year tons per year t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours loading capacity 1000 t/h efficiency 0.7 (-) loading rate 700 t/h duration of loading 21.4 hours service time (1/μ) 23.4 hours service rate μ 0.043 per hour Calculation of ρ u=λ/(μ*n) 1.182 Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Clinker: 3.150 Mt 15.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) number of berths (μ) (n) (-) 1.182 0.591 waiting/service time ratio (-) unacceptable 0.2130 waiting time (W) (in hours) unacceptable 4.99 Coal import (7.0 DWT vessels) Characteristics of bulk design vessels capacity (DWT) LOA (m) 7,000 115.1 width (m) 16.5 draught (m) 6.7 Number of berths for coal import Calculation of λ throughput 1,260,000 operational hours 8322 unloading/call 7000 arrivals 180 arrival rate λ 0.022 turnaround time T in (hours) unacceptable 28.42 turnaround time T (hours ; min) unacceptable 28:25 acceptable? turnaround time T in (hours) unacceptable 45.80 turnaround time T (hours ; min) unacceptable 45:48 acceptable? (-) no yes t per year t per year per hour Calculation of μ 1/μ = average service time = 2*mooring time + transshipment time mooring time hours loading capacity 350 t/h efficiency 0.5 (-) loading rate 175 t/h duration of unloading 40.0 hours service time (1/μ) 42.0 hours service rate μ 0.024 per hour Calculation of ρ ρ=λ/μ 0.908 Calculation of ψ and n ψ=ρ/n Coal: 0.630 Mt 7.000 dwt occupancy (ρ) number of berths (n) (μ) (-) 0.908 0.454 waiting/service time ratio (-) unacceptable 0.090 waiting time (W) (in hours) unacceptable 3.80 (-) no yes Table 77: berth calculation phase 28/05/2010 192 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam I I.1 BREAKWATER CALCULATIONS Coastal port COASTAL PORT BREAKWATER SPECIFICATIONS CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw porosity Xbloc porosity natural stone Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D W V V_Xbloc h Filter layer W ρ D h Core W Toe Δ h width CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D W V V_Xbloc h Filter layer W ρ D h Core W Toe Δ h width 28/05/2010 7.9 m -8 m 5.3 m -13.3 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 0.59 0.4 13.2 m 9m 1.33 3.09 m 23,682 kg 9.87 m3 10 m3 3m 3-4 times D placement grid Xbloc formula: D=Hs/(1.92*Δ) W=pc*D^3 1.57 3.69 4.55 m 4.13 m 2.04 m 8.43 m2 11.87 units/100m2 1.17 m3/m2 Dx Dy A 3.84 m 1.89 m 7.26 m2 13.78 units/100m2 1.07 m3/m2 packing density concrete volume 2,000 kg in between 1,000 - 3,000 kg 2,650 kg/m3 D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 0.91 m 1.8 m from Xbloc.com 35 Dx Dy A from Xbloc.com in between 10 - 60 kg Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 7.3 m -8 m 5.3 m -13.3 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 12.6 m 9m 1.33 2.86 m 18,686 kg 7.79 m3 m3 2.8 m 3-4 times D placement grid Xbloc formula: D=Hs/(1.92*Δ) W=pc*D^3 packing density concrete volume 2,000 kg in between 1,000 - 3,000 kg 2,650 kg/m3 0.91 m D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 1.8 m from Xbloc.com 35 1.57 4.22 4.55 m in between 10 - 60 kg Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 193 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D W V V_Xbloc h Filter layer W ρ D h Core W Toe Δ h width 5.2 m -4.7 m 5.3 m -10 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 10.5 m 9m 1.33 2.04 m 6,754 kg 2.81 m3 m3 2m placement grid Dx Dy A Xbloc formula: D=Hs/(1.92*Δ) W=pc*D^3 packing density concrete volume 2.7 m 1.33 m 3.59 m2 27.85 units/100m2 0.78 m3/m2 650 kg in between 300 - 1,000 kg 2,650 kg/m3 0.63 m D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 1.3 m from Xbloc.com 35 1.57 3.00 3.13 m CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D V W kt n h Filter layer W ρ D kt n h Core W Toe h width 3-4 times D in between 10 - 60 kg Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 3.2 m -5.7 m 5.3 m -11 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 8.5 m 9m 1.57 1.10 m 1.31 m3 3,484 kg 0.90 32.96 m 3-4 times D Hudson formula: D=(Hs/(Δ) in between 3,000 - 6,000 kg 300 kg 2,650 kg/m3 0.48 m 0.90 31.31 m in between 150 - 450 kg D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 35 in between 10 - 60 kg 4.45 2.42 m Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 Table 78: breakwater calculation – coastal port 28/05/2010 194 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam I.2 Offshore port OFFSHORE PORT BREAKWATER SPECIFICATIONS CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw porosity Xbloc porosity natural stone Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D W V V_Xbloc h Filter layer W ρ D h Core W Toe Δ h width CROSS-SECTION Wave conditions (water depths w.r.t MSL) Hs h_normal swl h_swl ps pc pw Crest H width Front armour layer Δ D W V V_Xbloc h Filter layer W ρ D h Core W Toe Δ h width 8.7 m -16.5 m 5.3 m -21.8 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 0.59 0.4 14 m 9m 1.33 3.41 m 31,630 kg 13.18 m3 14 m3 3.4 m 30.5 -8.6 22.6 3-4 times D placement grid Dx Dy A packing density concrete volume 4,500 kg in between 3,000 - 6,000 2,650 kg/m3 D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 1.19 m 2.4 m from Xbloc.com 35 1.57 7.89 5.97 m 1.33 3.17 m 25,527 kg 10.64 m3 12 m3 3.2 m kg in between 10 - 60 kg Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 8.1 m -13 m 5.3 m -18.3 m 2650 kg/m3 2400 kg/m3 1030 kg/m3 13.4 m 9m 26.4 -8.2 21.6 3-4 times D placement grid 1.57 4.84 4.55 m Dx Dy A packing density concrete volume 2,000 kg in between 1,000 - 3,000 2,650 kg/m3 0.91 m D=(W/ρ)^(1/3) 1.8 m from Xbloc.com 35 4.73 m 2.33 m 11.02 m2 9.07 units/100m2 1.20 m3/m2 in between 10 - 60 4.39 m 2.16 m 9.48 m2 10.55 units/100m2 1.12 m3/m2 kg kg Hs/(Δ*Dn50)=8.7(ht/h)^(1.4) times Dn50 Table 79: breakwater calculation – offshore port 28/05/2010 195 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam J J.1 DREDGING COSTS Capital dredging costs The dredging of the harbour basin is done by means of a 11,000 m3 trailing hopper dredger The specifications of this vessel are given in Figure 134, together with a cost calculation This information is based on a project in the Netherlands and has been obtained from Van der Schriek (2006) Calculation shows that the costs per m3 are about € With a USD/EURO rate of 1.45 this comes down to $/m3 Figure 134: capital dredging costs 28/05/2010 196 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam J.2 Maintenance dredging costs – coastal port The maintenance dredging of the silted harbour is done with a 500 kW cutter suction dredger This machine is capable to cut and dispose sand with a rate of 1800 m3/hour This means the actual dredging work is done in hours Besides, the vessel has to be mobilised and demobilised For the transport time a value of 0.5 week is assumed The weekly expense of the vessel (€ 450,000) has been obtained from Van der Schrieck (2006) The other weekly expenses are set equal to the costs of the trailing suction dredger in Figure 134 Calculation shows that the costs per m3 are € 45 With a USD/EURO rate of 1.45 this becomes 65 $/m3 MAINTENANCE DREDGING COSTS - COASTAL PORT Dredging volume 12,000 m3 Equipment: cutter suction dredger 500 kW Production level: 1,800 m3/hour Operational hour per week: 130 hours Weekly production: 234,000 m3 Execution time: hours Weekly expenses: cutter suction dredger: staff on site tug line lease subtotal 20% profit, risk and overhead total 450,000 € 25,000 € 12,500 € 15,000 € 502,500 € 100,500 € 603,000 € Total project expenses mobilisation 0.5 week * € 502,500 execution hours * € 603,000 demobilisation 0.5 week * € 502,500 total 251,250 € 39,962 € 251,250 € 542,462 € Costs per m3 45 €/m3 Table 80: maintenance dredging costs - coastal port 28/05/2010 197 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam J.3 Maintenance dredging costs – offshore port To calculate the maintenance dredging costs per m3 for the offshore port, the same approach is followed as in Appendix J.2 As well, the same vessel and operation characteristics are used To dredge a volume of 52,000 m3 the cutter suction dredger needs 37 hours This results in a cost of € 13/m3 With a USD/EURO rate of 1.45 this comes down to 19 $/m3 MAINTENANCE DREDGING COSTS - OFFSHORE PORT Dredging volume 52,000 m3 Equipment: cutter suction dredger 500 kW Production level: 1,800 m3/hour Operational hour per week: 130 hours Weekly production: 234,000 m3 Execution time: 37 hours Weekly expenses: cutter suction dredger: staff on site tug line lease subtotal 20% profit, risk and overhead total Total project expenses mobilisation 0.5 week * € 502,500251,250 € execution 37 hours * € 603,000 173,169 € demobilisation 0.5 week * € 502,500 251,250 € total 675,669 € Costs per m3 450,000 € 25,000 € 12,500 € 15,000 € 502,500 € 100,500 € 603,000 € 13 €/m3 Table 81: maintenance dredging costs - offshore port 28/05/2010 198 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen ... Broersen Port Dong Lam 28/05/2010 XVIII MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam REPORT Analysis of boundary conditions and concept design for Port Dong Lam, Thua Thien- Hue Province, Vietnam 28/05/2010... Technology (DUT) This project is about the analysis and modelling of boundary conditions and the conceptual design of Port Dong Lam, Thua Thien- Hue Province, Vietnam The work was executed in cooperation... required port capacity Calculation of basic port dimensions Design of several port layouts and selection of the optimal layout 28/05/2010 MSc Thesis – W.A Broersen Port Dong Lam 1.3 Study approach and