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Construction of fuzzy if then rules by clustering and fuzzy decision tree learning

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VNU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Nat., Sci & Tech., T x x , N02, 2004 C O N S T R U C T IO N O F F U Z Z Y IF -T H E N R U LE S BY C L U S T E R IN G A N D F U Z Z Y D E C IS IO N T R E E L E A R N IN G D inh M anh T u ong Faculty o f Technology, VN U Abstract In this paper we propose the method of constructing fuzzy if-then'rules f r o m a set of input-output data This method consists of two steps We first construct fuzzy sets covering input and output spaces by clustering Then applying decision tree learning algor ithm with some suitable changes we construct the fuzzy decision tree Prom this tree we can generate fuzzy if-then rules INTRODUCTION A fuzzy system consists of two basic components: the fuzzy rule base and the fuzzy inference engine Fuzzy systems have been applied in many fields such as control, signal processing, communications, integrated circuit m anufacturing, and expert systems to business, medicine, etc The fuzzy rule base comprises th e following fuzzy if-then rules: If Xj is Aj and and x„ is A n th e n y is B , where A| are fuzzy sets in input spaces X; c R (i = 1, n), and B IS a fuzzy set in output space Y c R In many application domains, when developing the fuzzy system, by observing we obtain a set of input-output data There are many methods of designing fuzzy systems from the set of input-output data (see [3, 5, 6]) The design of fuzzy systems from input-output data may be classified in two types of approaches In the first approach, fuzzy if-then rules are first generated from input-output data, then other components of the fuzzy system are constructed from these rules according to certain choice of fuzzy inference engine, fuzzifier, defuzzifier In th e second approach, the structure of th e fuzzy system is specified first with some p aram eters in the structure, and then these parameters are determined according to the input-output data In this paper we propose th e method of constructing fuzzy if-then rules from a set of input-output data by clustering and fuzzy decision tree learning In th e section we construct the fuzzy set systems th a t cover the input and output spaces In th e section the fuzzy decision tree will be constructed CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLETE AND CONSISTENT SYSTEMS OF FUZZY SETS FOR THE INPUT AND OUTPUT SPACES Suppose th a t we need to design a system with n inputs X|, x n and a output y Each variable X, (i = 1, n ) obtains values in the space X, = [a;, b,] c R, and y obtains values in the space Y = [c, d] c R 72 Construction o f fuzzy if - then rules by clustering and 73 Suppose th a t we are given the set D of input-output data pairs (x, y), where X = (xl5 Xj, xn) is the vector of inputs, y is the output according to X Our objective is to construct fuzzy if-then rules from th e set D of input-output data We denote: Dj = {X j I Xj is th e ith component of X , (x, y) e D} D’ = {y I (x, y) D} Therefore D, is the set of points in the space X, = [an bj] (i = 1, n), and D’ is the set of points in th e space Y = [c, d] We want to construct fuzzy sets A'j, A'mi th at cover the space X, from the data set Dị (i = 1, n), and construct fuzzy sets Bj, Brn th a t cover th e space Y from the data set D\ D e fin itio n : The system of fuzzy sets A], Amin the space X is called a complete system if for any X € X th e re exists a fuzzy set Ak (1 < k < m) such th a t the membership degree of X in the fuzzy set Ak is g reater th a n zero, th a t is p.Ak(x) >02 The system of fuzzy sets Aj, Am is called a consistent system if at arbitrary X G X th a t nAk(x) = th en |aAj(x) = for all j * k,

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2021, 10:39