Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices journal homepage: Original Article Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications Ratchada Wongkanya a, Piyachat Chuysinuan b, Chalinan Pengsuk c, Supanna Techasakul b, Kriengsak Lirdprapamongkol d, Jisnuson Svasti d, Patcharakamon Nooeaid a, * a Division of Polymer Materials Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Product Innovation Technology, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon-Nayok, Thailand Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand Division of Biotechnology and Agricultural Products, Faculty of Agricultural Product Innovation Technology, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon-Nayok, Thailand d Laboratory of Biochemistry, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand b c a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 28 February 2017 Received in revised form 19 May 2017 Accepted 21 May 2017 Available online xxx Natural polymer-based nanofibers with functions of loading and releasing bioactive cues or drugs have recently gained interest for biomedical applications Nanotopography and large surface area to volume ratio of hydrophilic polymer fibers promote their use as carriers of hydrophilic drugs Here, sodium alginate (SA) and soy protein isolated (SPI) blended fibers encapsulated with vancomycin were fabricated via electrospinning with the assistance of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) Morphological results showed submicron-sized, smooth and uniform as-spun SA/PEO/SPI fibers with an average diameter of 200 nm Beads on the fiber mats were formed with increasing SPI content in the blending system Optimal polymer composition of the electrospinning solution was determined as 5.6/2.4/2 SA/PEO/SPI Polymer blends were maintained after ionic crosslinking, as indicated by the FTIR result Investigation of release characteristic of vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI electrospun fibers exhibited initial burst release followed by a controlled release after days of immersion in a phosphate buffered saline The release rate of SA/PEO/SPI fibers was significantly slower than that of SA/PEO fibers, and drug-loaded fibers inhibited bacterial growth against Staphylococcus aureus after 24 h of incubation Non-toxicity and biocompatibility of the fibers were confirmed by an indirect cytotoxicity test using human dermal fibroblasts Results suggested that the vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI blended fibers were a promising nanomaterial for use in biomedical fields such as scaffolds for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems © 2017 The Authors Publishing services by Elsevier B.V on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Keywords: Electrospinning Nanofibers Alginate Soy protein isolated Release characteristics Biomedical applications Introduction Electrospinning has recently gained interest as a potential technique for fabricating polymeric fibers with diameters ranging between micrometers and nanometers due to ease of use, costeffectiveness and adaptability [1,2] Polymeric fibers exhibit a variety of advantages including interconnected porous structure, large surface area to volume and the ability to encapsulate biological cues such as antibiotics, anticancer agents, proteins and growth factors [2e4] Therefore, polymeric fibers are widely used * Corresponding author E-mail address: (P Nooeaid) Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi as carriers of active biomolecules in applications of wound healing, biosensors, drug delivery and tissue engineering [3,5] Sodium alginate (SA) is a naturally occurring algal anionic polysaccharide with excellent biocompatibility, low toxicity, nonimmunogenicity and low cost [6] Electrospun SA fibers have been investigated for use as cell-growth scaffolds for bone, cartilage and nerve tissue engineering, and as drug carriers for bacterial inhibition [5,7,8] However, individual SA in water-based solution cannot be electrospun due to its insufficient chain entanglements [9] Thus, electrospinning of SA aqueous solutions is often coblended either with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) or with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), leading to uniform and smooth fibers [5,9e11] Besides, SA lacks cell recognition and is, therefore, inappropriate for use in the field of biomedicine To overcome this limitation, blending with protein-based polymers such as collagen, 2468-2179/© 2017 The Authors Publishing services by Elsevier B.V on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 gelatin, elastin and silk fibroin is the most common modification method used to achieve more protein-binding sites and subsequently enhance cell adhesion [1,7,8,12e16] Protein-based polymers derived from plants, such as soy protein isolated from soybeans, are alternatives to synthetic and animal-derived proteinbased polymers because of their abundant renewable resource, non-toxicity, biodegradability and cost-effectiveness [17e20] Invitro biocompatibility of soy protein isolated (SPI) has been proved with mouse fibroblasts and human mesenchymal stem cells [17] In addition, SPI from non-animal origin has low immunogenicity, long storage time and stability, with medicinal properties that accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration [21] Accordingly, SPI presents attractive features for controlled release, wound healing and tissue engineering Previous studies determined that SA/SPI blends could be fabricated into many forms including dense films, porous foams, hydrogels and fibers Olami et al [21] reported SA/SPI blended foams fabricated by freeze-drying with chemical crosslinking, and in-vitro investigation of these porous foams suggested that SA/SPI blends promoted cell infiltration and stability Silva et al [20] developed SA/SPI hydrogels with bioactive glass for bone regeneration, while Wang et al [18] reported the successful fabrication of SA/SPI fibers by viscous spinning into a coagulating bath However, the diameters of these fibers were much larger than nanofibers prepared by electrospinning technique Electrospun nanofibers are composed of highly interconnected porous structures with a large surface area as desirable features for biomedical applications [22,23] Several forms of SA/SPI blends have been investigated in regenerative biomedicine [15,19,24e26]; however, electrospinning of blended SA/SPI aqueous solutions has not been explored Therefore, our aims were to (i) fabricate nanofibers using blended SA/SPI aqueous solutions with vancomycin simultaneously incorporated via the electrospinning technique; (ii) investigate the effect of SPI contents in the blends on morphology, chemical composition and in-vitro release characteristics in addition to antibacterial properties; and (iii) evaluate the potential of the fabricated fibers for biomedical applications using an indirect cytotoxicity test against human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) Experimental 2.1 Materials Sodium alginate (SA) (alginic acid sodium salt from brown algae, suitable for immobilization of microorganisms, molecular weight 100,000e200,000 g/mol) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO; molecular weight 106 g/mol), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2$2H2O), vancomycin antibiotic, phosphate buffered saline (PBS tablets) and 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT) were purchased from SigmaeAldrich (St Louis, MO, USA) Soy protein isolated (SPI) containing 99% protein was purchased from Now Sports (Bloomingdale, IL, USA) Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM), penicillinstreptomycin solution, and Antibiotic-Antimycotic solution were purchased from Gibco (Grand Island, NY, USA) Fetal bovine serum (FBS) was purchased from Hyclone, USA blended solution at a weight ratio of 7/3 was chosen based on preliminary tests (results not shown) The polymer mixture was stirred to obtain a homogeneous solution Then, SPI was dissolved in deionized water at a concentration of wt% at 90 C and homogenized at 5000 rpm for 10 After that, the mixture was stirred continuously at 90 C for 30 The SPI solution was adjusted to a pH at around by addition of M NaOH to avoid aggregation and precipitation of soybean protein [27] Finally, different contents of wt% SPI solution were added into the previous SA/PEO (7/3) solution The compositions of polymer blended solutions are listed in Table Each composition of SA/PEO/SPI was loaded into a 10 ml glass syringe fitted with a stainless steel blunt needle (22-gauge) High voltage of 15 kV was applied to the solution forcing the polymer from the syringe onto the collector with a needle-collector distance of 15 cm The volumetric flow rate of the electrospinning solution was set at 0.5 ml/h Electrospinning conditions were chosen based on the preliminary testing The resulting fibers were then crosslinked by spraying an excess amount of 0.5 M CaCl2 crosslinking agent on the meshes and dried at room temperature for 24 h Prior to fabrication of vancomycin-loaded fibers, vancomycin at a concentration of 0.1 wt% of polymer was added into the blended solution of optimal polymer composition The mixture was stirred until the drug was completely dissolved in the polymer solution Electrospinning of vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI solutions was performed under similar condition to SA/PEO/SPI solutions without drug loading 2.3 Characterization 2.3.1 Morphological observation Morphology of electrospun SA/SPI fibers was observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Quanta 250 microscope, Japan) The fibers were gold-coated using a sputtering device (Jeol, JFC-1200) prior to SEM observation Average fiber diameter was determined from the SEM images using ImageJ software from a hundred randomly selected fibers 2.3.2 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Chemical composition of SA/SPI fiber mats was investigated using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR; Nicolet170-SX, Thermo Nicolet Ltd., USA) Spectra were recorded between wavenumbers 4000 to 600 cmÀ1 at 32 scans with a resolution of cmÀ1 at room temperature 2.3.3 In-vitro drug release study Vancomycin-loaded SA/SPI fiber mats with thickness of around 100 mm were cut into circular disks with a diameter of 12 mm Each fiber disk was immersed in 15 ml of phosphate buffer saline solution (PBS, pH 7.4) Experiments were performed at 37 C with agitation at 90 rpm in an orbit shaker (Labtech, LSI-3016A, Korea) At each immersion time, ranging from to 48 h, ml of PBS solution was withdrawn and used to determine the amount of drug released Table Electrospinning solution compositions 2.2 Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated (SA/SPI) blends SA/PEO/SPI fibers Amount of polymer content (wt%) SA PEO SPI The starting solutions were wt% SA and wt% PEO Both SA and PEO were dissolved separately in deionized water at room temperature under vigorous stirring until homogeneous solutions were obtained PEO was mixed with SA because the alginate needs a co-blending polymer that acts as a carrier from the needle tip to the sample collector during the electrospinning process An SA/PEO 7/3/0 6.3/2.7/1 5.6/2.4/2 4.9/2.1/3 4.2/1.8/4 3.5/1.5/5 70 63 56 49 42 35 30 27 24 21 18 15 10 20 30 40 50 Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Simultaneously, an equivalent volume of fresh PBS solution was replaced to maintain the sink condition The amount of vancomycin released at each time point was determined by a UV-vis spectrophotometer (GENESYS 10S, Thermo) at a wavelength of 280 nm The absorbance detection of the drug was converted to drug concentration according to the calibration curve of vancomycin in PBS solution Results were calculated from Eq (1) and were presented as % cumulative release as a function of immersion time (h) Cumulative drug release %ị ẳ Ct 100 Ctotal (1) replaced with an extraction medium and HDFs were incubated for another 24 h MTT assay was used to determine the viability of the treated cells [34] After treatment, medium in the wells was removed and new medium containing 0.5 mg/ml MTT was added After h of incubation, the formazan crystals formed by cellular dehydrogenase were solubilized by adding DMSO to the wells The absorbance was determined at 550 nm and subtracted with the absorbance at 650 nm The absorbance of formazan formed by the control cells was taken as 100% cell viability Three replicates were investigated for each sample 2.4 Statistical analysis where Ct is the cumulative amount of drug release at time t and Ctotal is the total drug release after the fiber disks are completely decomposed Four replicates were analyzed for each sample Results were presented as the mean ± standard deviation (n ¼ 4) 2.3.4 Release kinetics study Release kinetics of vancomycin from SA/PEO/SPI fibers were determined using the Ritger-Peppas model which is suitable for describing drug release from polymeric systems [28,29] To estimate the release mechanism, an initial 60% of the antibiotic release data was fitted to Eq (2) as this equation is only typically applicable to up to 60% of early-stage release [28,29] Mt ¼ Ktn M∞ (2) where Mt/M∞ is the fraction of drug release at time t, K is the rate constant and n is the release exponent which characterizes the release mechanism The n value was determined by the slope of the plot of logarithm Mt/M∞ as a function of the logarithm of time 2.3.5 Antibacterial determination The antibacterial activity of the vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI fibers was investigated using the disk diffusion method of the US Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute against two pathogenic bacteria (Gram-positive and negative) [30] Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus) and Escherichia coli (E coli) were chosen due to their frequent involvement in infections [31] The strains were grown overnight on agar plates at 37 C prior to use Then, bacteria suspension at a density 106 CFU/ml was spread over an agar plate, and specimens (thickness 100 mm) were cut as circular disks with a diameter of 12 mm SA/PEO fiber mats without vancomycin were used as the control Sample disks were pre-treated under UV light for 30 prior to testing for released drug-induced bacterial inhibition Each specimen was adhered to the agar plate and incubated at 37 C for 24 h After that, the diameters of the inhibition zones around the sample disks were determined Four replicates were tested for each sample 2.3.6 In-vitro cytotoxicity evaluation Indirect cytotoxicity evaluation of SA/PEO/SPI fibers with and without vancomycin loading was performed in accordance with ISO10993-5 standard test method [32,33] Briefly, fiber samples (circular disks of 12 mm diameter and around 100 mm thickness) were sterilized under UV radiation for 30 and then immersed in cell culture medium (DMEM supplemented with 10% v/v FBS and antibiotics) in a 96-well tissue culture polystyrene plate (TCPS) The fiber samples were incubated for and days to produce the sample extraction Three extraction ratios of the extraction medium (i.e., 0.5, 5, and 10 mg/ml) were investigated Human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) were cultured separately in wells of TCPS at 15,000 cells/well in the culture medium for 16 h to allow cell attachment onto the well surface After that, the medium was Data were reported as mean ± standard derivation (SD) Oneway ANOVA was used to compare the means of different data sets, and significance was accepted when the p-value was less than 0.05 Results and discussion 3.1 Electrospinning and morphology of electrospun fibers Successful electrospinning of SA/PEO/SPI blended fibers was achieved and non-woven morphology of as-spun fibers is shown in Fig Electrospun SA fibers were previously manufactured with assistance of a co-blending polymer such as polyKtn(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) [5,34] SA is rigid and its chain conformation is extended in aqueous solution; therefore, SA solution lacks chain entanglements and has relatively low spinnability [5,10,11,34] Consequently, PEO with properties of biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxicity was used to improve the spinnability of SA aqueous solutions As a result, at the optimal electrospinning conditions of 15 kV high voltage, 15 cm needle tipcollector distance and 0.5 ml/h feed rate, SA/PEO solution at a weight ratio of 7/3 was conveniently electrospun and non-woven fibers were achieved as shown in Fig 1(a) The SA/PEO fibers were produced in the nano-sized range of 60e600 nm with mean fiber diameter of 200 nm (Fig (a0 )) Previous electrospun alginatebased fibers recorded mean diameter of SA fibers in the range of 250e300 nm [5,7,10,34,35] Lee et al [10] reported successful electrospinning of alginate with co-blending of PVA with weight ratio of SA/PVA at 1/20, while Li et al [5] fabricated electrospun SA/ PVA fibers forming few beads using SA/PVA solution at a ratio of 4/6 by weight These studies, both determined that increased alginate content showed a negative impact on spinnability and obtained fiber morphology In contrast, our results indicated that electrospinning of SA aqueous solutions could be satisfactorily performed with addition of PEO (molecular weight 106 g/mol) at the maximum weight ratio of 7/3 SA/PEO Therefore, enhanced chain entanglements of high molecular weight PEO dominated the electro-spinnability of alginate solutions Furthermore, we extended our study to SPI blends, since SPI is a promising protein in tissue engineering [20] and a possible coblending candidate to improve the performance of polymer matrix like alginate Following this approach, electrospinning of SA/SPI blended solutions in the presence of PEO was carried out As-spun SA/PEO/SPI nanofibers with several blending ratios (Table 1) are shown in Fig (bef) Compared to SA/PEO fibers in Fig 1(a), SA/ PEO/SPI (6.3/2.7/1 and 5.6/2.4/2) fibers (10e20 wt% SPI) did not show significant difference in morphology and mean fiber size, as shown in Fig (b, b0 , c and c0 ) Diameters of SA/PEO/SPI fibers at weight ratio of 6.3/2.7/1 were in the range of 100e300 nm and SA/ PEO/SPI (5.6/2.4/2) fibers showed fiber diameters in the range of 200e600 nm In addition, beads tended to form on the fibers with increasing SPI content in the blends, probably because the addition Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Fig SEM images and fiber diameter histograms of electrospun SA/PEO/SPI fibers at weight ratios of (a, a0 ) 7/3/0, (b, b0 ) 6.3/2.7/1, (c, c0 ) 5.6/2.4/2, (d, d0 ) 4.9/2.1/3, (e, e0 ) 4.2/1.8/4 and (f, f0 ) 3.5/1.5/5 of SPI minimized the chain entanglements of the SA/PEO blending system In detail, when SPI content was increased to 30 wt% (SA/ PEO/SPI 4.9/2.1/3), an increased degree of beading on the fibers was observed (Fig 1(d)) and the size distribution of the fibers (300 nme2 mm) (Fig (d0 )) increased This finding was consistent with the non-uniformity of fiber formation during electrospinning Especially, in the case of SA/PEO/SPI 4.2/1.8/4, large quantities of beads occurred along the fiber mesh (Fig 1(e)), while electrospinning of SA/PEO/SPI 3.5/1.5/5 solution was not possible as only electrospraying took place, resulting in aggregation of microparticles as confirmed by the SEM image in Fig 1(f) Based on the morphological results, it was suggested that increasing SPI content hindered the electrospinning of SA-based solutions Subsequently, formation of fibers was not well achieved with SPI above 30 wt% in the electrospinning solutions This may be attributed to insufficient chain entanglements of PEO carrier in the solution systems Since the amount of SPI (30e50 wt%) in these compositions was larger than their PEO content (15e21 wt%) as detailed in Table 1, the PEO could not dominate the spinnability This phenomenon was in agreement with previous studies that determined PEO as a crucial factor, which favored the electrospinnability of alginate aqueous solution [34] Our results indicated that the SPI content could be maximized at 20 wt% to the SA/ PEO solution (SA/PEO/SPI formulation of 5.6/2.4/2) to facilitate formation of uniform and smooth nanofibers 3.2 Crosslinking of nanofiber mats On the basis of spinnability and fiber morphology, SA/PEO/SPI 5.6/2.4/2 (56 wt% SA, 24 wt% PEO and 20 wt% SPI; Table 1) fibers were used as a carrier of vancomycin antibiotic drug They were comparatively investigated with SA/PEO fibers without the presence of SPI (70 wt% SA and 30 wt% PEO; Table 1) Vancomycinloaded nanofibers in both types were fabricated using blending electrospinning, as blending is a simple method of incorporating a drug into electrospun polymeric fibers The fibrous structure did not change in morphology after drug loading, as confirmed by Fig (a, a0 ) compared to Fig 1(a) for SA/ PEO fibers, and Fig (c, c0 ) compared to Fig 1(c) for SA/PEO/SPI fibers This result could be suggested by homogeneous dissolution of the water-soluble drug into hydrophilic polymers The fiber mats were then crosslinked using an agent containing calcium ions to improve water resistance By ionic crosslinking, the fibers in both cases swelled while their surface remained smooth, as observed in Fig (b, b0 and d, d0 ) The fibers fused at junctions, forming more intersected regions, especially in the case of SA/PEO/SPI fibers (Fig (d, d0 )) A morphological change of SA-based fibers after crosslinking was also noted in a previous study of SA/PVA fibers [36] The SA/PVA fibers fused, flattened and their macrostructure was damaged [32,36] This might be caused by high swelling of hydrophilic polymers in aqueous solutions Nevertheless, crosslinked mats with fibrous structure were still visible in our study 3.3 Chemical composition of crosslinked electrospun fibers FTIR analysis was performed on SA/PEO and SA/PEO/SPI electrospun fibers after ionic crosslinking and compared to asreceived SA and SPI to identify characteristic absorption peaks corresponding to the chemical structures (Fig 3) In the spectrum of neat SA, the main characteristic peaks of SA appeared as a broad peak at 3700e3000 cmÀ1, and at 1595 and 1408 cmÀ1, which were attributed to eOH stretching vibration, and antisymmetric and Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Fig SEM images of Van-SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 fibers including (a, a0 ) before crosslinking and (b, b0 ) after crosslinking with different magnifications, and SEM images of Van-SA/PEO/ SPI 5.6/2.47/2 fibers including (c, c0 ) before crosslinking and (d, d0 ) after crosslinking with different magnifications symmetric eCOOe stretching vibration, respectively [18,20] In the spectrum of SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 fibers, in addition to the characteristic peaks of pure SA at 1610 and 1408 cmÀ1, a sharp absorption band at 1100 cmÀ1 appeared which was related to the CeOeC absorption complex of PEO [37] Moreover, the intensity of the absorption band at 2884 cmÀ1 in the spectrum of SA/PEO fibers was higher compared to the spectrum of neat SA and resulted from eCH2 bending vibration in the presence of PEO When SPI was blended with SA/PEO, a sharp absorption band appeared at 3277 cmÀ1 which was assigned to stretching vibrations of the eNH group [18,20,38] The absorption band of the carboxylate group at 1595 cmÀ1 shifted to a higher wavenumber at 1618 cmÀ1, while a new peak existed at 1525 cmÀ1, indicating amide I (eC]O) and amide II (eNH) of SPI, respectively Similar to the spectrum of neat SPI, amide I and II absorption bands were found at 1633 and 1526 cmÀ1, respectively [18,38] In addition, the characteristic peaks of PEO still appeared in the spectrum of SA/PEO/SPI 5.6/2.4/2 fibers, including the peak of CeOeC absorption complex at 1084 cmÀ1 and the peak of eCH2 bending at 2883 cmÀ1 This confirmed the occurrence of SA/PEO/SPI blends and the remains of the three polymers after crosslinking Fig FTIR spectra of crosslinked SA/PEO/SPI 5.6/2.4/2 fibers compared to the spectra of neat SA, SPI and SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 fibers 3.4 In-vitro drug release and release kinetics Release behaviors of vancomycin from the nanofibers are presented in Fig 4(a) Van-SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 fibers showed a gradual release of vancomycin along the investigation time Rapid initial burst release of drug was observed after the first h of immersion reaching around 33% Initial burst release is a typical characteristic of electrospun blended polymeric fibers since blended electrospinning usually leads to the distribution of drug on the fiber surface [4] Later, the drug release continuously increased for days of immersion In the case of Van-SA/PEO/SPI 5.6/2.4/2 fibers, an initial burst release was followed by sustained release The initial burst release was significantly minimized compared to the fibers without SPI, indicated by the release trends before the intersected point of both curves at 18 h Drug release of Van-SA/PEO/SPI 5.6/2.4/2 fibers was approximately 4% at the same first stage of h, followed by about 69% of drug release within 18 h of immersion Finally, release of vancomycin maintained at around 85% after 30 h of immersion This result indicated that SA/PEO/SPI blended fibers showed reduced initial burst release and provided a more controlled release, while SA/PEO fibers promoted drug release in a conventional manner Subsequently, the release profiles were extended to the study of release kinetics to investigate the release mechanism of vancomycin from the fibers Release profiles in Fig 4(a) were fitted with the Ritger and Peppas model which is suitable for swellable drug delivery systems [28] Values of kinetic exponent (n) indicating the release mechanism and regression coefficient (R2) were reported in Fig 4(b) In general, the n value depends on sample geometry such as thin films, cylinders and spheres [20,39] Electrospun fiber meshes could be regarded as a thin film [20,39] When n < 0.5, the drug release mechanism is completely controlled by Fickian diffusion A value of n > 1.0 means that the release mechanism is corresponding to case II transport If 0.5 n 1.0, this indicates an overlapping of the two previous means of transport [39e42] In Fig 4(b), the n value of SA/PEO fibers without the presence of SPI was 0.54, implying a release mechanism overlapping Fickian and case II diffusion, whereas the SA/PEO/SPI blended fibers showed an n value of 1.78, corresponding to case II transport mechanism Thus, the release of SA/PEO fibers was controlled by penetration of the Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Fig (a) In-vitro drug release of fibers fabricated from vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI blends after immersion in the PBS solution at pH 7.4 and 37 C () compared to that of vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO fibers (:) and (b) linear fits of Ritger and Peppas model for vancomycin release from fabricated fibers showing fitting parameters, including kinetic exponent (n) and regression coefficient (R2) aqueous medium, swelling and polymer chain disentanglement and relaxation [4,41], while the release mechanism of SA/PEO/SPI fibers was controlled by the rate of polymer chain relaxation like a polymer dissolution, which was found as a typical release mechanism of drug-loaded polysaccharide-based matrix [4,41] This difference in release mechanisms may be caused by morphological changes of SA/PEO/SPI fibers after crosslinking leading to entangled and overlapped fibers Consequently, most of the fibers lost their shape and their surface area changed, while the cylindrical shape of the SA/PEO fibers was maintained This might be the reason for the release kinetic change since the n value is influenced by the geometry of devices Moreover, sample dimensions, i.e., fiber size, are believed to be important factors affecting the n value and subsequently drug release mechanisms In our investigation, the mean fiber diameters and fiber distribution of both types did not show significant difference Therefore, the factor of fiber size might not provide the impact in this case Other studies on drug-loaded polymeric fibers have suggested that the release properties of the fibers could be tailored by changing the polymer used [43,44] Also, blending one polymer matrix with another altered release kinetics from the kinetics of pure polymer matrix [43] In addition, it was suggested that the morphology of fibers plays an important role in the release kinetics [31,43] Similarly, we determined fiber morphology as a dominant factor affecting release properties vancomycin is only effective against Gram-positive bacteria This confirmed that the released drug was responsible for inhibiting bacterial growth, not the fiber materials used Thus, the SA/PEO/SPI fibers acted as an effective device, offering functions for loading and releasing drugs against bacterial growth 3.6 Indirect cytotoxicity evaluation To confirm the potential of electrospun SA/PEO/SPI fibers as a biomedical device, non-cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of the drug-free and drug-loaded fibers were investigated using in-vitro indirect cytotoxicity evaluation Following the ISO10993-5 standard test method for biological evaluation of medical devices, human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) were cultured with the extraction media of the fibers [32,33,45] As shown in Fig 6, the non-toxicity and biocompatibility of the fibers were indicated by cell viability after exposure to the extraction media (0.5, and 10 mg/ml) In Fig 6(a), both drug-free SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 and 5.6/2.4/2 fibers at all 3.5 Antibacterial activity evaluation The antibacterial property of vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI fibers against S aureus (Gram-positive) and E coli (Gram-negative) was tested following the disk diffusion method Disks of electrospun SA/PEO fibers without loading vancomycin served as control Bacterial inhibition zones around the drug-loaded fiber disks are shown in Fig After 24 h of incubation, both Van-SA/PEO/SPI (7/3/ 0) and Van-SA/PEO/SPI (5.6/2.4/2) fibers inhibited the growth of S aureus, showing inhibition zones of 22.8 ± 0.5 and 21 ± mm, respectively, while no inhibition zone was observed around the control disk as expected The antibacterial activity of Van-SA/PEO/ SPI (7/3/0) fibers was slightly higher than that of Van-SA/PEO/SPI (5.6/2.4/2) fibers in contact with S aureus This result related to the faster rate of initial drug release by Van-SA/PEO/SPI (7/3/0) fibers On the contrary, none of the drug-loaded fiber disks prevented the growth of Gram-negative E coli as expected, because Fig Antibacterial activity of representative samples of vancomycin-loaded Van-SA/ PEO/SPI (7/3/0) and Van-SA/PEO/SPI (5.6/2.4/2) fibers against Staphylococcus aureus (S aureus) and Escherichia coli (E coli) in comparison with the activity of unloaded SA/ PEO fibers as negative control The result reports diameter (mm) of inhibition zone occurred around the fiber disks in contact with bacteria for 24 h Please cite this article in press as: R Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017), j.jsamd.2017.05.010 R Wongkanya et al / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices xxx (2017) 1e8 Fig Indirect cytotoxicity of (a) electrospun drug-free fibers and (b) Van-SA/PEO/SPI fibers based on viability of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) after exposure to the and days fiber extraction media for 24 h Cells that cultured in fresh culture medium in the absence of fiber extraction were used as the control Data are reported as mean ± SD (n ¼ 3) * indicates significant difference of fiber sample from control (*p < 0.05) concentrations of extraction media were not toxic to the cells, indicated by cell viability in the range of 91e113% These viability values agreed with a previous study [46,47] Fig 6(b) showed that vancomycin loading led to reduction of cell viability compared to control (100%), significantly in the case of the highest extraction concentration (5e10 mg/ml) of SA/PEO/SPI 7/3/0 fibers after and days extraction The viability of cells was found in the range of 44e76% as shown in Fig 6(b) This suggested that antibiotic loading at high extraction concentration had a negative effect on cell viability In contrast, vancomycin-loaded fibers at the lowest concentration (0.5 mg/ml) appeared to be non-toxic to cells showing high viability of 91e92% Thus, the result of cell viability confirmed that both drug-free and drug-loaded fabricated fibers at 0.5 mg/ml of extraction media were not toxic to HDFs and compatible with the cells In addition to the drug releasing function, SA/PEO/SPI blended fibers would be a useful candidate for tissue engineering applications as scaffolds based on polymer nanofibers to support cell activity and subsequently promote specific tissue regeneration Conclusion Electrospinning was used to fabricate nano-sized fibers based on alginate, soy protein isolated and poly(ethylene oxide) blended aqueous solutions with vancomycin antibacterial drug loading Aqueous solutions of vancomycin-loaded SA/PEO/SPI (5.6/2.4/2) were successfully electrospun to produce uniform fibers with diameter range of 60e600 nm Composition of polymer blends was believed to strongly affect fiber morphology and consequently drug release behavior The SA/PEO/SPI fibers provided a slower release of vancomycin in the initial stage, followed by constant release over a longer time compared to SA/PEO fibers According to the Ritger and Peppas model, SA/PEO/SPI fibers followed the release mechanisms of polymer chain relaxation In addition, the fibers provided antibacterial activity against Gram-positive S aureus related to the released vancomycin dose Finally, the result of in-vitro cytotoxicity of the fibers tested with HDFs confirmed their non-cytotoxicity and biocompatibility As a result, the electrospun SA/PEO/SPI fibers could act as a biomedical device offering several advantages including drug encapsulation and controlled release, antibacterial activity and compatibility with cells suitable for biomedical applications Acknowledgements Financial support from Srinakharinwirot University with the grant number 744/2558 matching with funding from Faculty of Agricultural Product Technology and Innovation, Srinakharinwirot University with grant number 517/2558 was gratefully acknowledged References [1] K.Y Lee, L Jeong, Y.O Kang, S.J Lee, W.H Park, Electrospinning of polysaccharides for regenerative medicine, Adv Drug Deliv Rev 61 (2009) 1020e1032 [2] T.J Sill, H.A Von Recum, Electrospinning: applications in drug delivery and tissue engineering, Biomaterials 29 (2008) 1989e2006 [3] S Agarwal, J.H Wendorff, A Greiner, Use of electrospinning technique for biomedical applications, Polymer 49 (2008) 5603e5621 (Guildf) [4] A.K Gaharwar, S.M Mihaila, A.A Kulkarni, A Patel, A Di Luca, R.L Reis, M.E Gomes, C Van Blitterswijk, L Moroni, A Khademhosseini, Amphiphilic beads as depots for sustained drug release integrated into fibrillar scaffolds, J Control Release 187 (2014) 66e73 [5] W Li, X Li, Y Chen, X Li, H Deng, T Wang, R Huang, G Fan, Poly(vinyl alcohol)/sodium alginate/layered silicate based nanofibrous mats for bacterial 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Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/ soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017),... Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/ soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017),... Wongkanya, et al., Electrospinning of alginate/ soy protein isolated nanofibers and their release characteristics for biomedical applications, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (2017),