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Factors affect employee commitment during covid 19 pandemic

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Mẫu: 03/ĐT-KLTN/BM i VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL GRADUATION PROJECT PROJECT NAME: FACTORS AFFECT EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Student: Bui Thao Phuong Hanoi - Year 2020 F o VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI r INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL m : GRADUATION PROJECT h a l f PROJECT NAME: FACTORS AFFECT EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT - DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC c o v SUPERVISOR: Dr Bui My Trinh STUDENT: Bui Thao Phuong e r STUDENT ID: 16071096 p COHORT: a MAJOR: International Business g e Hanoi - Year 2020 LETTER OF DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Graduation Project “The relationship between employees’ commitment, creativity and corporate culture” is the results of my own research and has never been published in any work of others During the implementation process of this project, I have seriously taken research ethics; all findings of this projects are results of my own research and surveys; all references in this project are clearly cited according to regulations I take full responsibity for the fidelity of the number and data and other contents of my graduation project Hanoi, 25th May 2020 Student Bui Thao Phuong ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to pay my special regards to Dr Bui My Trinh for instructing me to finish this thesis and also support me during the past months Her instruction was valuable for me and I would never have finished this thesis without her support Thanks to her, I have gained a lot of new knowledge after doing the project I would bring the knowledge into my future work It is whole-heartedly appreciated that your great advice for my study proved monumental towards the success of this study Moreover, I wish to show my gratitude for Ms Nguyen Thi Thuy and other members in Office of Academic Affairs for supporting me in the process of finishing this thesis Due to the on time information, I was able to follow the process without any delay I was also assisted in adjusting the name of the topic so that it is more suitable for my thesis I am also thankful for my friends in International School of Vietnam National Univeristy for supporting me during the time doing the thesis and answer my questions when needed Finally, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my family for encouraging me during the past months They make researching and doing this thesis a lot easier Author, Bui Thao Phuong TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT: I, INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 The necessity of the research 12 1.2 Research objectives 13 1.3 Research target and scope 13 1.4 Research methodology 13 1.5 Research outline 14 II, Literature review 14 2.1 Employee commitment 15 2.2 Employee creativity 2.2.1 Individual creativity 2.2.2 Organizational creativity 15 16 17 2.4 Corporate culture 18 2.5 Person-culture fit: The suit between Organizational Culture and commitment Bookmark not defined 2.5 Research gap Error! 19 III, THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS: 19 3.1 Person-culture fit 20 3.2 Person-culture fit: The suit between Organizational Culture and person motivation 20 3.3 Person-culture fit: The impact on employee creativity 21 3.4 Innovative culture 22 3.5 Traditional culture 22 3.6 Cooperative culture 23 3.7 Job satisfaction 23 IV, METHODOLOGY 24 4.1 Research design 4.1.1 Quantitative research 4.1.2 Deductive approach 25 25 26 4.2 Data collection 4.2.1 Primary data and secondary data 4.2.2 Using survey to collect data 4.2.3 Questionnaire design 4.2.4 Sample and procedures 26 26 27 28 33 V, DATA ANALYSIS 34 5.1 What is SPSS? 35 5.2 Why is SPSS used? 35 5.3 SPSS Amos 36 VI, DATA ANALYSIS RESULTS 36 6.1 Reliability 37 6.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 38 6.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 6.3.1 Examine the validity of the model 6.3.2 Examine the Critical Ratio (CR) and Average Variance Explained (AVE) 6.3.3 Convergent validity evaluation 42 42 43 45 6.4 Evaluate the official model 46 6.5 Evaluate the correlation between Control Variables and job satisfaction 6.5.1 T-test on Gender and Job Satisfaction 6.5.2 Evaluate the correlation between Age and Job Satisfaction 6.5.3 Evaluate the correlation between Industry and Job Satisfaction 6.5.3 Evaluate the correlation between Work Experience and Job Satisfaction 47 47 49 49 50 VII CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION 51 7.1 Conclusion and discussion 52 7.2 Implications for research 52 7.3 Managerial implications 53 7.4 Limitations and suggestions for future research 53 REFERENCES 55 APPENDIX 59 TABLE OF NOTATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Inno Individual Creativity CoIn Innovative Culture CoCul Corporative Culture TrCul Traditional Culture sat Satisfaction commit Commitment Covid COVID-19 pandemic LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Instrument management Table 2: Research sample Table 3: Cronbach alpha and Correlation Coefficient Table 4: KMO and Barlett’s Test Table 5: Total Variance Explained Table 6: Pattern Matrix Table 7: Model fit indices Table 8: CR and AVE estimate Table 9: Convergent validity evaluation Table 10: Evaluate the official brochure Table 11: T-test for the job satisfaction between Male and Female Table 12: Age and Job one-way ANOVA results Table 13: Industry and Job one-way ANOVA results Table 14: Work Experience and Job one-way ANOVA results LIST OF CHARTS AND FIGURE Figure 1: Research Model Figure 2: Deductive approach steps 10 focused more on the importance of context (Bradley et al., 2000) Therefore, in the future, research may focus more on social-contextual factors (for example: leadership behaviour, organizational culture, coworkers and leader support, etc.) 7.3 Managerial implications The study implies that managers should understand their own culture and the relationship between that culture to their employees’ commitment and creativity By fostering individual creativity and corporative culture, company can build up employees’ satisfaction and commitment It begins with employees being supported by the leaders and the company (Erdogan et al., 2006) When the employees believe that the company cares about their needs, the coworkers and leaders are supportive, open, and flexible, they will be more comfortable to be creative and hence create an innovative culture According to (Kristof‐Brown et al., 2005), if the person-culture fit is open, supportive, and flexible, they employees can easily share common values and be more satisfied Managers should focus on both individual level and corporate level to improve innovative culture, therefore lead to higher satisfaction and commitment For individual level, leaders should encourage each employee to be creative This research shows that in turbulent time such as pandemic, the individual creativity is even higher Therefore, the leaders should encourage their members to be more risk-taking and accept challenging environment For corporate level, leaders should build a corporative culture which is supportive, friendly and open This research also shows that strong traditional culture leads to strong corporative culture It implies that clearer instruction, rules and guide from the managers will help employees to be more corporative to each other and to the company 7.4 Limitations and suggestions for future research First, because of the limit on time and budget, the sample of this research is rather small The sample may not reflect all the possible circumstances in the large population In the sample, most respondents have less than one year work experience, which is not diversified in terms of work experience 53 Second, cultural change can be our limitations The person-culture fit does not surely apply the same for organizations due to the cultural transformation initiatives Suggestions for the future research are taking larger samples, including more levels in the organizations such as managers, directors, etc since the motivation and satisfaction may be different across different levels (Yilmaz et al., 2005) Moreover, future research should have more diversified work experience in order to gain more 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mong nhận phản hồi anh/chị vấn đề Mọi thông tin khảo sát bảo mật sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu Xin trân trọng cảm ơn giúp đỡ anh/chị Giới tính Anh/Chị là: A Nam B Nữ C Khác Anh/Chị tuổi? A 22 - 25 B 25 - 30 C 30 - 40 D 40 - 50 E > 50 Anh/Chị làm việc lĩnh vực nào? A Giáo dục B Công nghệ C Nông nghiệp 59 D Kinh doanh E Nghệ thuật F Khác (hãy nêu cụ thể) Anh/Chị làm công ty rồi? A Dưới năm B - năm C - 10 năm D Trên 10 năm Nơi Anh/Chị làm có nhân viên? A Dưới 100 nhân viên B 100 - 500 nhân viên C 501 - 1000 nhân viên D Trên 1000 nhân viên Hãy đánh giá mức độ đồng tình bạn câu (1: hồn tồn khơng đồng ý, 7: hoàn toàn đồng ý) Anh/Chị thường xuyên đưa cách làm để đạt mục tiêu 7 Anh/Chị thường nghĩ ý tưởng hay thực tiễn để nâng cao hiệu làm việc 7 Anh/Chị không sợ rủi ro Anh/Chị thường có cách tiếp cận vấn đề mẻ 60 10 Anh/Chị thường xun tìm tịi phương pháp, cơng nghệ, sản phẩm Văn hóa doanh nghiệp 11 Những/đa phần Đồng nghiệp khởi nguồn ý tưởng sáng tạo 12 Đồng nghiệp sẵn sàng chia sẻ ý tưởng với người khác 13 Đồng nghiệp thể sáng tạo cơng việc có hội 14 Đồng nghiệp đưa kế hoạch cụ thể để thực hóa ý tưởng 15 Đồng nghiệp thường giải vấn đề cách sáng tạo 16 Đồng nghiệp sẵn sàng chia sẻ chuyên mơn với 7 17 Đồng nghiệp tơi giúp đỡ người bị tụt lại phía sau 18 Đồng nghiệp an ủi người khác có chuyện buồn 19 Đồng nghiệp người hịa giải có bất đồng ý kiến 61 20 Cách tốt để tránh phạm lỗi nghe theo dẫn cấp 21 Khi xảy bất đồng, cách tốt hỏi ý kiến người cấp 22 Đồng nghiệp thường làm theo cách làm có sẵn, kiểm chứng 23 Cách tốt để vận hành công ty làm theo cách làm truyền thống Đối với câu hỏi sau đây, lựa chọn đáp án bạn cảm thấy với nhất: 24 Chọn đáp án gần với mức độ u thích bạn với cơng việc tại: A Tơi ghét B Tơi khơng thích C Tơi thờ với D Tơi thích E Tơi nhiệt huyết với F Tơi u 25 Chọn đáp án thể mức độ thường xun bạn cảm thấy hài lịng cơng việc A Ln ln B Hầu hết lúc C Phần lớn thời gian D Khoảng nửa thời gian 62 E Thỉnh thoảng F Ít G Khơng 26 Chọn đáp án cảm xúc bạn thay đổi công việc: A Tôi chắn nghỉ công việc nhận làm cơng việc khác B Tơi chắn nghỉ cơng việc có cơng việc có mức thu nhập tốt C Tôi muốn đổi công việc ngành nghề D Tôi muốn nghỉ công việc E Tôi chưa muốn nghỉ việc, nghỉ có cơng việc tốt F Tơi chưa cơng việc khác thay cơng việc G Tôi không nghỉ việc để làm việc khác 27 Chọn đáp án nhất: A Khơng u cơng việc tơi B Tơi u cơng việc nhiều phần lớn người thích cơng việc họ nhiều C Tơi u cơng việc nhiều phần lớn người thích cơng việc họ D Tơi u cơng việc phần lớn người thích cơng việc họ E Tơi ghét cơng việc nhiều phần lớn người ghét công việc họ F Tôi ghét công việc nhiều phần lớn người ghét cơng việc họ nhiều G Không ghét công việc tơi 63 2.Questionnaire used to collect data in this research – English version Which gender are you? A Male B Female How old are you? A 22 - 25 B 25 - 30 C 30 - 40 D 40 - 50 E > 50 What industry are you working in? A Education B Technology C Agriculture D Business E Art F Others (please specify) How long have you worked for the current company? A 10 years How many employees are there in your company? A < 100 employees B 100 - 500 employees C 501 - 1000 employees D > 1000 employees Rate from to your agreement for the below statements (1: totally disagree; 7: totally agree) Individual creativity I suggest new ways to achieve goals and objectives I come up with new and practical ideas to improve performance 7 I am not afraid to take risks 64 7 I often have a fresh approach to problems I search out new technologies, processes, techniques, and/or product ideas 7 Innovative culture My corworkers are good sources of creative ideas My corworkers promote and champion ideas to others My corworkers exhibit creativity on the job when given the opportunity to My corworkers develop adequate plans and schedules to implement new ideas 7 10 My corworkers come up with creative solutions to problems Corporate culture 11 Coworkers are willing to share their expertise with each other 12 Coworkers help each other out when someone falls behind in his/her work 7 13 Coworkers encourage each other when someone is down 65 14 Coworkers try to act like peacemakers when there are disagreements Employees’ traditional culture: 15 The best way to avoid mistakes is to follow the instructions of senior persons 16 When people are in dispute, they should ask the senior person to decide who is right 17 Coworkers and employees often follow familiar, tested methods to solve a problem 18 The best way for an organization to operate is to maintain its traditional methods Employees’ commitment: 19 For each of the following four items, you are provided with seven statements Please the one that best represents your opinion or perception by placing a checkmark (√) in front of that statement a) Choose ONE of the following statements that best tells you how well you like your job: I hate it I dislike it I don’t like it I am indifferent to it I like it I am enthusiastic about it I love it b) Check one of the following statements to show HOW MUCH OF THE TIME you feel satisfied with your job: All the time Most of the time A good deal of the time About half of the time 66 Occasionally Seldom Never c) Check ONE of the following statements which best tells how you feel about changing your job: I would quit this job at once if I could get anything else to I would almost take any other job in which I could earn as much as I am earning now I would like to change both my job and my occupation I would like to change my current job I am not eager to change my job, but I would so if I could get a better job I cannot think of any job for which I would exchange I would not exchange my job for any other d) Check one of the following statements to show how you think you compare with other people: No one likes his job better than I like mine I like my job much better than most people like theirs I like my job better than most people like theirs I like my job as well as most people like theirs I dislike my job more than most people dislike theirs I dislike my job much more than most people dislike theirs No one dislikes his job more than I dislike mine COVID-19 impact on organizations 20 Do you have enough information about COVID-19 situation? 21 Is the information sufficient for you to make decision? 22 Do you trust the information about COVID-19 while making you decision? 23 My company can handle the change COVID-19 brings 67 ... and Liu, 2003) Employee commitment has three components: affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment Continuance commitment is the commitment that the employees not... HANOI r INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL m : GRADUATION PROJECT h a l f PROJECT NAME: FACTORS AFFECT EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT - DURING COVID- 19 PANDEMIC c o v SUPERVISOR: Dr Bui My Trinh STUDENT: Bui Thao Phuong e... creativity (Amabile, 199 6, George, 2007, Oldham and Cummings, 199 6) In 2020, the world went through such a challenging environment for every corporate, which is COVID- 19 pandemic COVID- 19 creates the

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 17:27