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Improve the quality of card services at techcombank lang ha branch

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THỊ NGỌC ANH IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CARD SERVICES AT TECHCOMBANK – LANG HA BRANCH NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ THẺ TẠI NGÂN HÀNG TMCP KỸ THƯƠNG - CHI NHÁNH LÁNG HẠ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2020 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN THỊ NGỌC ANH IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CARD SERVICES AT TECHCOMBANK – LANG HA BRANCH NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH VỤ THẺ TẠI NGÂN HÀNG TMCP KỸ THƯƠNG - CHI NHÁNH LÁNG HẠ Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS HOÀNG ANH TUẤN HÀ NỘI - 2020 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I assure, this is my own research The data and research results in the thesis are honest and no one has been published in any project Author of thesis Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh i THANK YOU With deep, sincere affection, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all individuals and collectives who have facilitated the process of studying and researching this dissertation In particular, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr Hoang Anh Tuan, who guided and helped me a lot during the process of researching and completing the thesis I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers of HSB Vietnam National University, Hanoi who taught and encouraged and facilitated me during my time at the University as well as the time to complete this thesis I would like to thank the Board of Directors, colleagues at Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch for facilitating and helping me complete this thesis Although the author has made many efforts, the thesis is difficult to avoid certain limitations and shortcomings Due to time limits and qualifications, the thesis does not avoid shortcomings We hope to receive the sincere advice and contributions of teachers, teachers, friends, colleagues to improve the thesis Once again, thank you very much! Hanoi, August 1st, 20120 Author of thesis Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i THANK YOU .ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF DIAGRAM, FIGURE, TABLE, CHART vi PREAMBLE CHAPTER 1: QUALITY OF CARD SERVICES OF COMMERCIAL BANK 1.1 Overview of card services of commercial banks 1.1.1 Concept of bank card service .5 1.1.2 Bank card classification .5 1.1.3 The main activities of bank card services 1.2 Quality of card services of commercial banks 11 1.2.1 Card service quality concept 11 1.2.2 Criteria for evaluating card service quality 12 1.3 Factors affecting card service quality 19 1.3.1 Economical factors 19 1.3.2 Legal factor 19 1.3.3 Technology infrastructure 20 1.3.4 Recognize the role of ATM cards 20 1.3.5 The habit of using non-cash payment methods 21 1.3.6 The age of the participant 21 1.3.7 Availability of ATM systems and bank card services .21 1.3.8 Marketing policy of card issuer .22 1.3.9 Utility of the card .22 1.3.10 Intention to use and decide to use 22 CHAPTER 2: CURRENT SITUATION OF QUALITY OF CARD SERVICES AT VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK LANG BRANCH 23 iii 2.1 Overview of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .23 2.1.1 History of formation and development of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .23 2.1.2 The introduction and development of card service Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .23 2.2 Situation and quality of card services at Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank .25 2.2.1 Status of card services of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch 25 2.2.2 Quality of card services of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch 36 2.3 Assessing the quality of card services at Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch 41 2.3.1 These achievements 44 2.3.2 Limited and causes 45 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CARD SERVICES AT VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY AND COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK - LANG HA BRANCH 51 3.1 Service development orientation of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch 51 3.1.1 Overall service development orientation of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .51 3.1.2 Orientation of card service development of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .54 3.2 Solutions to improve the quality of card services at Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch .58 iv 3.2.1 Improve and develop card products 58 3.2.2 Expand the network of units accepting card payments 63 3.2.3 Improve the quality of research and market definition 66 3.2.4 Technical innovation and modernization of technology 69 3.2.5 Training and developing human resources 72 3.2.6 Prevention and handling of risks in the card sector 73 3.3 Some recommendations 74 3.3.1 Propose to the Government 74 3.3.2 Propose to the State Bank of Vietnam .76 3.3.3 Propose to the Association of Card Issuing and Payment Banks in Vietnam 78 CONCLUDE 80 LIST OF REFERENCES 82 v LIST OF DIAGRAM, FIGURE, TABLE, CHART Diagram 1.1: CARDS BUSINESS PROCESS [8] .7 Figure 1.1: Service quality model .14 Figure 2.1: NUMBER OF DOMESTIC CREDIT CARD ISSUED TO 2019 32 Table 2.1 DOMESTIC DEBIT CARD FEE .27 Table 2.2 DOMESTIC CREDIT CARD TABLE .30 Table 2.3 SUCCESS CARDS CHARGES USED THROUGH BANKNETVN SYSTEM 33 Table 2.4 Results of customer comments 41 Table 2.5 Percentage of customers having trouble with Techcombank's Lang Ha ATMs in 2019 46 Table 2.6 The table compares the service fee schedule to pay for goods and services at some banks in the area 47 Table 3.1 CARD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 2019 - 2024 .56 Table 3.2 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING FOR ACCEPTING CARD (2019 - 2024) 57 Chart 2.1 NUMBER OF DEBIT CARD ISSUED DOMESTIC TO 2019 .28 vi PREAMBLE The urgency of the topic The economy of our country in recent years has seen strong growth, marking development steps in both depth and breadth Especially after our country joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vietnam became a destination for domestic and foreign investors All of these initial successes cannot help but mention the great contribution of the banking system across the country Along with the development and integration of the economy, the banking industry is also making great changes, step by step innovating and meeting the increasing demands of domestic customers In order to survive and develop sustainably, domestic commercial banks not only have to innovate on technology, improve management methods, modernize the payment system, but also pay more and more attention More importantly, further improve the quality of its services Prior to the 2000s, banking services were mostly encapsulated in savings deposit taking, money transfer and lending services to customers, recently in the field of banking retail services, bank cards The bank has emerged as a multifunctional personal finance product, bringing many utilities to customers The card can be used to withdraw money, deposit money, provide credit, make payment for goods or services, or transfer money The card can also be used for many non-financial services such as account information lookup, cost of living information The card service has many advantages in satisfying customers' needs because of its convenience, safety and widely used in the world, especially in developed countries The development of card services is becoming an indispensable trend by those banks, and continues to attract attractive benefits from this feature-rich card With the efforts of commercial banks, the card service with its utilities is no longer a strange product but has gradually entered the lives of many people According to the State Bank's report, in 2019, the speed of payment card issuance increased by 30% compared to 2017, reaching a total of 3.5 million cards issued with nearly 60 different brands When issuing a card, the bank will collect fees related to issuance such as card usage fee, interest rate (with credit card) and especially using idle deposit balance in card accounts of cutomer However, bank card service is a service developed on the basis of modern technology, reaching international standards of banks The competition in the development of card services has led banks to focus on increasing features and utilities, superior service technology, diversifying card products and services, and making efforts to bring them to customers quality products and differentiated added values to attract more cardholders at home and abroad The competition to develop card services of commercial banks is becoming more and more exciting than ever However, the infrastructure for card services of commercial banks is generally outdated, technical equipment for transactions is still limited The quantity and quality of ATMs did not meet the customer's ATM transaction needs ATM systems are distributed evenly, most ATMs are concentrated in big cities or branches of banks In addition, many common risks may be the slow transmission speed, consumer errors during use The risks, incidents and limitations related to ATM and ATM cards greatly affect many opportunities to develop card services and promote cashless payments Therefore, the task of preventing risks and overcoming these limitations to improve the quality of card services and increase customers is a very important task for commercial banks The card service has actively contributed to improving the civilization of payment, increasing the competitiveness of banks in the integration process The fact has proved the role of bank card services as a strategic spearhead in modernizing and diversifying types of banking services, bringing many utilities to customers However, viewed objectively, the market of bank cards in Vietnam is still in the early stages, the products and services provided are not diversified, besides many favorable opportunities As many challenges require commercial banks in general and Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank Lang Ha Branch in particular to have reasonable business solutions In addition, Hanoi is a large potential area for card service to develop, but the fierce competition of commercial banks in the area and the habit of keeping cash of the majority of people Hanoi requires the leadership and staff of Vietnam Technology and and how they are met Thereby, Techcombank needs to improve how to retain customers and attract customers from competitors 3.2.4 Technical innovation and modernization of technology Currently, Vietnam is officially a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vietnam will have to gradually lift the restrictions on the rate of participation in equity capital of foreign financial institutions Under the commitment of the Vietnam - US trade agreement, by 2008, Vietnam must open and implement liberalization of banking services market for US banks Accordingly, commercial banks have to equitize and merge small joint-stock commercial banks, at the same time, have to build a centralized printing system based on online processing model Therefore, banks must modernize their operations Up to now, Techcombank's card business has been established and developed over years, but with the speed and scale compared to other banks in the world, it is still small and has not yet conquered Vietnam's vast market In order to accelerate the development and expansion of its card market in the coming time, Techcombank needs to focus on technical investment, both in terms of facilities and staff qualifications, to consider investing in the field The technology sector is a long-term investment and a long-term effect, which must take into account the socio-political effectiveness Technology innovation not only improves the quality of card services to ensure benefits for customers but also contributes to reduce operational costs for banks In the context of increasingly fierce competition between banks, the gap between banks is very small, technology is one of the areas that ensure the success of banks in competition This is especially true for card operations, a banking business based on high technology The introduction and development of the card market must stem from the demanding demands of reality and the responsiveness of banking technology The payment card is closely related to the information technology system, when making any new product, it is dependent on the system software so the selection of software program is very important, requiring the program to global, providing data according to international standardization, easy to integrate, highly flexible, easy to modify the requirements 69 and trade rules of each country and region as appropriate when applied The bank's technology development strategy should be oriented towards respecting the synchronization of technical systems in both hardware and software According to the experience of major banks or card companies of developed countries in the world to operate and develop the card system, it requires centralized data system (corebank), card management system (Card) management system), Switching system Besides, there is a system of machinery and equipment such as card issuers, ATMs and POS machines Techcombank is a latecomer bank in the field of cards, so it has the advantage of buying or renting software according to international standards However, buying or leasing is a difficult problem, it depends on the scale of Techcombank's card business According to the solution providers, there are currently two trends in the world if the card business develops only on an average scale, the bank only needs to invest in software for switching devices because there are a number of switching devices module on card business, but the functions have some limitations If banks want to invest in developing card business on a large scale, they need to invest in Card Management System and Switching This is the leading solution, the most important that Techcombank needs attention In addition to synchronous investment in the ATM system with the ATM management software program, Techcombank also needs to care about the maintenance of the equipment system This is also very important when that Techcombank's ATM expires if the problem occurs at the machine, the repair time is very long, this will affect the service capability of the machine and the service quality of Bank To overcome the overload of ATM system at the beginning of the month, the end of the month, and daily at the end of the closing time, Techcombank needs to upgrade or replace the trading server and upgrade all existing points connecting transactions via dailup to Leased-line or ADSL The Card Center coordinates with the Information Technology Center (IT) and its branches to thoroughly solve ATM problems throughout the system: 70 Strengthen the IT environment, paving the way for the development of bank card technology In view of the director of the Banking Informatics Technology Department, the main tasks of the banking industry in the strategy of modernization in the next 10 years are: - Deploying the project of bank modernization and payment system sponsored by World Bank At the same time, perfecting the extensive banking information network system from the central to all branches, establishing a database system for the whole industry - It is necessary to apply IT in all banking operations, especially giving priority to upgrading and perfecting the national payment system towards automation, creating a technical foundation for expanding payment services in the population and in the whole society - Complete the system of legal documents in banking operations - Quickly automate the customer accounting system with advanced solutions, actively promote e-commerce, develop modern products such as electronic cards, electronic money - Fifth, prioritizing capital investment for IT application and development, effective implementation of IT projects from domestic and international donors Enhancing IT in card service That automatic teller machine (ATM) became a popular service delivery device in developed countries In Vietnam, banks are looking to attract customers into this new type of service Of course, the customer care and use of the service is understandable because of the convenience and modern technology of the system, but to gain trust and maintain the long-term efficient operation of the service, it is still necessary There are many factors that banks need to keep in mind, and it will be very beneficial for them if those factors are realized from the beginning ATM system sometimes still has technical problems This is also an issue because if these incidents occur regularly, it will cause frustration and rethink the use of ATM card Therefore, Techcombank needs to take measures such as periodically or months 71 to check the machine and branches must report the technical status of the machine so that the Card Center can catch technical errors and take remedies promptly to serve customers better 3.2.5 Training and developing human resources In the current situation, under the increasing pressure of card market competition, Techcombank needs to make every effort to improve both its organization and card professional skills in order to meet the needs and developments in the market Banks need to develop a strategy of training and developing human resources in card business in order to create a professional card staff Having strong human resources, it is possible to develop a card business with a wide and wide range of card users while ensuring the quality in card issuance and payment - Enhancing the training and use of card utilities The training is associated with advertising the method of using the card, the utilities associated with each type of card to give the public a certain understanding of bank card use - Open annual training courses to improve the qualifications of card officers, have card professional training courses (invite foreign experts) to provide a full range of professional documents and documents card, update information, card service development policies, on how to prevent and manage risks In addition, it is necessary to organize training courses on banking civilization as well as customer service styles in order to create a knowledgeable staff with a modern working attitude that is enthusiastic, welcoming and attentive when interacting with customers - Strengthen training of card marketing staff so as to be professional in marketing, research and market development, ensuring full and accurate transmission of information related to card services and attracting More and more people are interested in and using bank cards - Enhancing fostering knowledge of information technology and information technology not only for managers (administration, system control) but also for professional staff (transporting, using and preserving) specialized equipment) - There is a regime of reasonable salaries and bonuses for officials, especially those working in shifts, managing machinery systems on holidays 72 - For the units accepting cards, it is necessary to coordinate with these units to open professional training courses for employees, allowing the units accepting cards to send employees directly at the bank's premises to practice card operations - Creating solidarity among employees, coordinating activities between the card division and related departments to learn and help each other to complete common work is also a solution that Techcombank Card Center should it, now Here are some basic measures to create a card staff with the necessary skills and knowledge for the strong development of card services Depending on specific conditions, each bank may refer flexibly to suit the bank's development situation and strategy 3.2.6 Prevention and handling of risks in the card sector In any business, there are risks Business card business activities of commercial banks as well Risks may occur at any time during any process of card issuance, use and payment, causing damage to cardholders, card-accepting facilities, issuing banks and Bank payment The problem is that commercial banks must invest, research, analyze and learn from each other to be able to cope with risks and prevent risks by using appropriate technical and professional measures effectively In order to minimize the risk of improving the quality for cardholders as well as bringing efficiency to banking businesses, it is necessary to take measures: Firstly, In order to limit credit risks, Techcombank needs to invest in warning software that can monitor customers' debt repayment periods, such as the due date of the bank's debt payment system notify bank staff to remind card holder of maturity date Secondly, the situation of making fake cards has become common, individuals with card crime installed devices that copy information on devices that accept cards (ATM, EDC) to get information while customers use cards This is the most sophisticated form of stealing cardholder information To limit this, ATMs and EDCs are required to install surveillance and surveillance cameras to detect suspicious cases Thirdly, To assist cardholders and card-accepting units in preventing and 73 protecting card safety during card usage, storage and payment Techcombank can develop a manual on how to preserve the card, in case of card theft, it should be reported immediately to the bank so that the bank can temporarily freeze the account to avoid fraudsters or purchase cases If you have questions, you need to notify the bank immediately 3.3 Some recommendations 3.3.1 Propose to the Government Creating a stable socio-economic environment: A stable socio-economic environment is always a solid foundation for all development Developing card business is also not out of that rule Socio-economic stability and sustainable growth will create conditions to improve people's lives, expand international relations, modernize banking technologies, thereby helping banks, including Techcombank develops its services in general and its own card services Therefore, the State should take measures to maintain the stability of politics - economy society, maintain a reasonable price index, develop agriculture, industry and services , reducing unemployment, increasing the real income of workers, thereby encouraging the development of banking and card business Facilitating the expansion of payment via banks: Concerned industries need to pay more attention to the development of forms of non-cash payment, expand payment via banks Through the press and television agencies, the State organizes systematic propaganda to make people understand the nature of bank cards as a civilized, modern and convenient form of payment; mobilize people to transact with banks and give up the habit of keeping too much cash In the immediate future, the State encourages officials and employees in SOEs and administrative and nonbusiness administrative agencies to open personal accounts to pay salaries via banks In the future, the State can expand the collection of taxes, electricity, water, and tuition fees in the form of cashless construction, which is both cost-saving and convenient for macro-economic management Implementation of incentive and investment policies in technology: Investing and building technical infrastructure to modernize banking technology is not only a 74 problem for the banking industry but also in the development strategy general economic development of the country Therefore, the State should pay attention to investing in this field, quickly bringing our country to catch up with other countries in the region and the world in banking technology Particularly for the card sector, the State should have policies to encourage banks to invest in modern technology and equipment for card issuance and payment activities such as: Import tax reduction, facilitation facilitating the import of machinery and equipment for bank card issuance and payment activities; Tax exemption for banks investing in card services for at least years after the bank's card issuance and payment is put into operation In the long term, the State needs to invest in setting up factories, production facilities of machines or lower than components for card issuance and payment, such as card stamping machines, ATMs, POS machines, in order to reduce costs, create conditions for banks, be able to equip agents more fully and widely In addition, the State also needs to have plans to expand the production of cards to replace the source of white cards we are importing from abroad at a low cost Investment in the education system: Investment in the education system is an investment in developing the human factor - a national strategy Building a qualified workforce, meeting the requirements of the industrial economy but beyond the knowledge economy, especially in a field that has profound implications for the entire socio-economic life like finance and banking, it is necessary to have a macrodirecting line from the State For the card sector, the State needs to encourage universities, especially the ones with the major of finance and banking, to expand the subjects specializing in payment cards, credit cards and retail banking services Speeding up the fight against card crimes: Most of the time card counterfeit cases are promptly coordinated by banks and law enforcement agencies However, according to current statistics, the number of crimes related to cards is increasing with very sophisticated tricks In Vietnam, the lack of legal documents and many loopholes, the technical equipment system of the poor and backward banks will become the ideal land for criminals to operate The State should promote the development of legal documents on economics, finance and banking, penalties for 75 criminal activities related to the card sector such as: manufacture, sale of counterfeit cards, and theft code 3.3.2 Propose to the State Bank of Vietnam Completing the legal documents on cards: Improving the legal environment is an essential issue for the card to become a common payment instrument in society At present, Vietnam has only one regulation of the State Bank on card issuance, use and payment (Decision No 871/1999 / QD-NHNN) It is just a document of general guidance and specific business processes, which are set by each bank, but there is no consensus among banks In the shortest time, the SBV should consider and submit to the Government a draft of legal documents on the card, which sets out strict, complete and legal provisions as well as sanctions included for the card business In particular, these documents must be consistent with documents related to foreign exchange and credit issues The foreign exchange management policy also needs to have separate regulations for payment cards, especially international credit cards, in order to manage the use of customers' cards well and avoid taking advantage of cards to transfer foreign currencies and the dollarization of Vietnam market, moderate conditions for the issuance of bank cards and the use of customer cards are not limited to some extent In order to ensure the use and payment of the card is in compliance with the current foreign exchange management regime, we believe that adjustments should be made to all types of cards, whether issued by Vietnamese banks or foreign banks on the following issues: - Should distinguish between types of cards denominated in Vietnam dong issued for use in Vietnam and cards denominated in foreign currencies issued for use in foreign countries; At the same time, there are also clear legal regulations for these two cards - For bank card transactions: all cash withdrawals at ATMs in the country and at merchants must be made in Vietnamese Dong Card issuing banks only allow cardholders to withdraw cash in foreign currencies at the bank's counters for purposes in accordance with the current foreign exchange management regulations 76 - The merchants in the country (except for those who accept cards allowed to collect foreign currencies) can only transact, pay and pay in Vietnamese Dong when accepting the payment for goods and service payments - The card-issuing bank must carry out the inspection and supervision to allow cardholders to buy foreign currencies only after being permitted by competent authorities and transferred abroad with the maximum amount not to exceed the foreign currency level are allowed to transfer without declaration or the foreign currency level that the cardholder is allowed to buy to transfer abroad The credit policy should also have specific provisions for card credit - a new type of consumer credit to enable the bank to be responsible for appraising and guaranteeing credit for its customers, reducing troubles for customers to increase the number of cardholders Credit card conditions for cardholders can be extended beyond ordinary loans, based on the regular stability of income paid through banks Improving the legal environment of the State Bank will create conditions for commercial banks to promote card activities, promising a promising card market in Vietnam in the near future Promote the operation of the national financial switching center: October 20, 2003 marked the establishment of a national financial switching center with the project leading unit, Techcombank This center is the focal point to handle license transactions, control and transfer card payment orders between Vietnamese commercial banks together, helping member banks to use the equipment more effectively and exploit all utilities and share system utilities together In the present context, when banks are managing the issuance and payment of cards according to their own network, the establishment of this center will bring many benefits: - Creating a uniform regulation among members on payment currencies, fees, exchange rates, creating a healthy competitive environment in the field of Vietnam credit card payment - Create an extensive payment network, ensure the cards issued by different banks in the country and can be paid at any member machines and card accepting establishments nationwide 77 - Helping the payment banks to reduce the card payment costs issued in the country because now the card payment activities of the bank through the international card organization have to pay a very high cost: 1.3% sales on a card transaction for Visa and 0.9% of sales on a card transaction for Mastercard, intangible overall push agent discount costs high so it is not attractive for facilities that accept payment card - Helping banks to issue and pay for cards updated with the fastest risk and fraud information to avoid loss for members - The center will establish a centralized connection with international card organizations instead of letting banks it themselves Encouraging expansion of card service activities: Helping commercial banks to develop card service provision, allowing domestic banks to apply certain incentives to increase their competitiveness foreign goods, and have strict penalties for violations of card operation regulations Allow commercial banks to set up a card risk prevention fund, set up a common risk management unit for banks located in the State Bank's risk prevention center Taking a leading role in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital to formulate and appraise investment projects for card service activities Proposing to the State to consider tax reduction for this new service, creating favorable conditions for commercial banks to reduce costs on card products, encourage people to participate in card services, speed up the payment speed card market Regularly organized card training courses for commercial banks, also participated in exchanging experiences, improving the qualifications and awareness of Bank staff in the field of card business At the same time, the SBV needs to support and guide banks in setting up the accounting, reporting and checking regime in accordance with card operations in accordance with international practices and requirements of the State Bank Introduce and help commercial banks collect basic and in-depth information and documents about card operations 3.3.3 Propose to the Association of Card Issuing and Payment Banks in Vietnam The Vietnam Association of Card Payment Banks was established in 1996 and 78 has made significant contributions to card development in Vietnam The Association of Banks issuing and paying cards was born on the basis of ensuring a healthy profit for the bank and card market In the past, the Association has done a number of tasks: focusing on solving common problems in issuing and providing card services of banks, setting a minimum card payment fee that allows banks applicable However, card service activities are increasingly competitive, requiring the Association to further promote its activities, have stricter regulations on sanctions, make more positive contributions to Vietnam card market development 79 CONCLUDE As a modern, multi-utility banking product and service, it has changed the way of spending, trading and increasing the proportion of non-cash payment in the whole economy With the flexibility and utilities that it brings to all stakeholders, that bank card is attracting the attention of the whole community and increasingly affirming its position in banking business In Vietnam, there are many opportunities and potential for commercial banks to develop card products and services However, the requirements for the banking system in general and Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank Lang Ha Branch in particular in the coming time are extremely heavy, with new opportunities but also many challenges, hard To integrate with the regional and world economy, it is necessary to expand and improve the quality of banking services, including the quality of card services to minimize cash payments in the economy and increasing traffic and modern means of payment through banks In recent years, the card service of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch has initially gained certain results with products that create prestige and brand in the market, gaining the trust of a large number of consumers and increasingly asserted a firm position in the card market However, the card service of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch is not that which fully satisfies customers' needs Infrastructure, technical equipment for card transactions are still limited The ATM system is evenly distributed, the quantity and quality of the ATMs not meet the transaction needs of customers The card service of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank has not yet supported payment of service fees such as post, telecommunications, electricity, clean water Therefore, improving the quality of card services, creating trust Information for customers is an urgent requirement and plays an important role in the development of card services of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch In order to enhance the quality of card services, the efforts of not only Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch, but also 80 require active support from the State, the participation of the whole commercial banking system With the desire to contribute to the development of card services of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch, this essay deals with the issues of card services of commercial banks in general Important of card service, current status of service at Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch, advantages, difficulties and directions to improve card service quality of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch Despite his efforts, positive but not avoid the errors due to the complexity of this service business I look forward to receiving the comments of teachers and friends to complete the thesis I sincerely thank the guidance, guidance and dedicated help of Teacher Doctor Hoang Anh Tuan and the staff of Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch helped me complete this essay./ 81 LIST OF REFERENCES Government (2017), Decision No 291 / QD-TTg dated December 19, 2017 approving the Project of non-cash payment for the period of 2017-2010 and orientation to 2020 in Vietnam Dwighi S.Ritter (2002), Modern Banking Transactions, Statistical Publishing House Prof Dr Nguyen Dinh Phan (2005), Quality Management, Social Labor Publishing House Theoretical financial and monetary program - National Economics University Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch Consolidated financial statements 2018 - 2019 Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch Annual Report 2017, 2018, 2019 Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch Summary report of card business activities 2019 Governor of SBV, Decision 371/1999 / QD-NHNN9 of October 19, 1999 promulgating the Regulation on bank card issuance, use and payment Card Center - Vietnam Technology and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Lang Ha Branch (2004); General Director: “Regulations on issuance, management, use and payment of domestic debit cards in Vietnam Industrial and Commercial Bank system '' Card Center - Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam - Lang Ha Branch (2005 ); General Director: "Regulations on issuance, management, use and payment of domestic credit cards in Vietnam Industrial and Commercial Bank system - Lang Ha Branch '' 10 Master Bui Quang Tien (2017) - Status of card market activity in Vietnam, development orientation in the near future - Vietnam Card Market Magazine 12 Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality - ISO 9000-2000 13 Website: http // www.Techcombank.com.vn 14 Website: http // www.mof.com.vn 15 Website: http // www.sbv.gov.vn 82 16 Web site: http // www.vietnamnet.vn 17 Website: http // www.vbca.org.com 83 ... system 1.3.4 Recognize the role of ATM cards The relationship between the level of awareness of the role of the card and the decision to use the card is confirmed in the studies of Danes and Hira... behavior: By notifying the issuing bank that the card has been lost, the cardholder takes advantage of the time when the bank has blocked the account, withdraw money from the card at points of. .. means of payment for goods, services or cash on the basis of the amount of money in the cardholder's account at the bank Debit cards have two basic types: - On-line card is a debit card that the

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 08:56
