Teacher talk as a lexical input for incidental vocabulary acquisition of young adolescent learners in apollo english training center

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Teacher talk as a lexical input for incidental vocabulary acquisition of young adolescent learners in apollo english training center

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER TEACHER TALK AS A LEXICAL INPUT FOR INCIDENTAL VOCABULARY ACQUISITION OF YOUNG ADOLESCENT LEARNERS IN APOLLO ENGLISH TRAINING CENTER Supervisor: Trần Thị Hiếu Thủy Student: Hoàng Kim Ngọc Course: QH2012.F1.E6 HÀ NỘI, 2016 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP LỜI NĨI CỦA GIÁO VIÊN NHƯ MỘT NGUỒN NGƠN NGỮ HỖ TRỢ VIỆC HỌC TỪ VỰNG KHƠNG CHỦ ĐÍCH CHO TRẺ VỊ THÀNH NIÊN TẠI TRUNG TÂM ANH NGỮ APOLLO Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Trần Thị Hiếu Thủy Sinh viên: Hồng Kim Ngọc Khóa: QH2012.F1.E6 HÀ NỘI – 2016 ACCEPTANCE I hereby state that I: Hoàng Kim Ngọc, class: QH2012.F.1.E6, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Hoàng Kim Ngọc Hanoi, April 25th 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In order to complete this research study, I owe profound indebtedness to many people for their invaluable help during the conduct of our research First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Tran Thi Hieu Thuy for her all-round support and careful guidance on the construction of our study I also want to extend my thanks to Ms Nguyen Thi Dieu Ha for her critical comments in my progress report and Mr Nguyen Chi Duc for his thoughtful advises and consultancy that helped me get out of impasse With no less sincerity, I would like to send my heartfelt gratitude to Mr Simon Johansson as well as Apollo Van Quan English Training Center, who allowed me to record the teacher‟s lessons with supportive attitudes and was open for any possible criticism Their contributions are immeasurable and without their contribution, this paper could not be finished Additionally, I also want to sincerely thank Ms Nguyen Phuong Nhung, a lecturer of Faculty of English language teacher education and all of my friends who have always encouraged and supported me during the time of conducting this research Last but not least, all my heart is dedicated to my parents, who have been providing me every piece of care and support to complete this research i ABSTRACT Since foreign teachers have increasingly become popular in Vietnamese EFL classroom, the researcher is motivated to examine whether their talks can effectively cater incidental vocabulary acquisition This case study focuses on investigating the lexical profile of a teacher‟s speeches in Apollo English Training Center to measure the opportunities he provided for student to unintentionally learning new words The three criterion are: comprehensibility, repetitions and increasing intervals between exposures After the process of recording and transcribing, a 20,000-word corpus is analyzed based on BNC-20 frequency lists in two online programs – VocabProfile and Range - available at Lextutor website From the retrieved data, the study concludes that the provided corpus does not strictly satisfy the comprehension criterion and the number of words potential for incidental learning is relatively small After the advantage and disadvantage of the researched teacher talk are uncovered, several recommendations to maximize the good impacts and minimize the undesired ones are proposed ii TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT ii LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES v ABBREVIATION LIST vi PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study Aims of the study Significance of the study Scope of the study Organization PART 2: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Incidental vocabulary learning 1.1.1 Definition 1.1.2 Significance of incidental vocabulary learning 1.1.3 Limitation of incidental vocabulary learning 1.1.4 Sources for incidental vocabulary learning Incidental vocabulary learning through reading Incidental vocabulary learning through listening 1.1.5 Comprehension and repetition in incidental vocabulary learning 10 1.2 Teacher talk 12 iii 1.2.1 Definition 12 1.2.2 Role of teacher talk in vocabulary acquisition 13 1.2.3 Features of teacher talk 14 1.2.4 Types of teacher talk 14 1.3 Related studies about teacher talk as a lexical input for vocabulary learning 15 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 19 2.1 Selection of subject 19 2.1.1 Research setting 19 2.1.2 Research participants 22 Teachers in Apollo Vietnam 22 Participant characteristics 22 2.2 Data collection methods and procedure 23 2.2.1 Data collection method 23 Justification of the use of classroom observation 23 Observation plan 24 2.2.2 Data collection procedure 24 2.3 Data analysis method and procedure 25 2.3.1 Data analysis method 25 British National Corpus 25 Vocabprofile 26 Range 27 2.3.2 Data Analysis Procedure 27 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 31 iv 3.1 Findings 31 3.1.1 Comprehensibility of teacher talk 31 3.1.2 Opportunities for learning new words from different types of teacher talk 34 3.1.3 Words repetitions 35 3.2 Discussion 37 3.3 Implications 39 PART 3: CONCLUSION 43 Summary of findings 43 Limitations of the study 44 Suggestions for further study 44 REFERENCE LIST 46 APPENDIX 60 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Distribution among types of teacher talk (%) 34 Figure Unfamiliar types in three kinds of teacher talk 34 LIST OF TABLES Table Lexical frequency profile of the teacher talk in each lesson 31 Table Lexical frequency profile of the entire teacher talk corpus 33 Table Numbers and percentages of encounters with unfamiliar families 35 Table K2-K20 families used on two subsequent classes and again later 36 v ABBREVIATION LIST BNC British National Corpus EFL English as a Foreign Language ELT English Language Teaching ESL English as a Second Language L2 Second Language NESTs native English speaking teachers NNESTs non- native English speaking teachers vi PART 1: INTRODUCTION ***** This initial part outlines the research problem and rationale for the study together with its scope and significance Above all, the aims and objectives are identified with three research questions which serve as guidelines for the whole research Finally, the chapter concludes with a sketch of the rest of the paper to orientate the readers throughout this paper Statement of the problem and rationale for the study In an EFL country like Vietnam, the opportunities for children to be exposed to English language environments are relatively limited Among available sources, English classroom appears to be the most popular and easily accessed context because this subject has been compulsorily included in the curriculum since Grade However, in traditional pedagogy where the acquisition of grammar and vocabulary are emphasized rather than communicative competence (Pham, 2005), listening materials are usually restricted within tapes, audios and text-based conversations while teacher talk is underestimated and underutilized As it often dominates the discourse with 90%-95% of classroom talk (Dat, 2007), teacher talk should be the most useful and friendly authentic source to help children absorb the language naturally, or in another word, incidentally In accordance with the growing popularity of Communicative Language Teaching in the country since the 1990s (Pham, 2005), it seems that the elimination of Vietnamese in ELT classroom is widely recommended Yet intensive studies on how English should be manipulated in such a context to best support students‟ learning are still insufficient A favourable solution to the shortage of qualified Vietnamese teachers for this way of teaching is to employ native teachers due to their innate language let‟s say here What I‟m doing in here, can you see it? Why not? Why don‟t I let you see it? Because because it‟s it is what? It is You get to be quiet Yeah it is yes Everybody secret secret secret So secret means that nobody is allowed to know So this is a secret Ah my password is a secret My facebook is a secret So alright Ok Alright Alright So only teacher gets the point So everybody secret Alright what‟s this? What‟s this? Raise your hands Yes Everybody, wave wave wave Alright good Alright No points Alright good Where you see waves? Yes Yeah By the ocean Do you think there is wave in Hawaii? So what you think people in Hawaii will for fun? No alright Yes they raise your raise your raise your hands Yes Alright Yeah What‟s another thing people do? Raise your raise your hand, if you don‟t raise your hand, I will not give it you Yes No What‟s the one thing people do? Yes? Yeah what‟s another thing people do? What‟s another thing people do? Yeah they dance Alright points Alright Alright Ha? Alright ok now Quiet Now the last word If you know this, you get to throw times, so the last word is So you have a, what English and Vietnamese, they have ah it‟s? Yeah the languages so we have language and and then we have no books What ah and then we have? What else we have? Speak? And you have what ah what ah what are the thing that we eat? So we have tradition and what what would ah what were the thing that people pray, they were called Religion Ha? Alright so what‟s this, every country has this different We have dishes religions traditions And there is Vietnamese, there is English Ha? Country? No it starts it starts, it starts with a c It‟s not Ok if anyone can tell, you get a sticker What you think? You know? Alright? Does no one know? It is Alright Alright What‟s the answer? Yes It‟s everybody culture culture culture It‟s language religion tradition It‟s all that about our country Culture Alright Well Alright Alright Sit down everybody sit down sit down sit down alright Teacher gets one point No no everybody sit down Hey Oh team lose a point Alright This one You so team lose a point And team lose a point And team lose a point You run up here Alright so now You‟re still happy Alright now What we‟re going to do, you‟re going to open your book to page You haven‟t opened it somehow To page 119 119 119 19 Alright? You‟re alright? Hula Really? No? Hey Oh team you lose a point? Does everyone have a book? Does everyone have a pencil? Next time you lose life Alright Does everyone have a pen or pencil? Ok Alright now look at exercise Yeah? Now sit 87 down Sit down Alright Everybody sit down and be quiet Now look at look at exercise You‟re gonna listen and put in the right word So what is your first part? About the hula Yeah yeah it‟s ok We watch the second part time? Alright Now look at part question We‟re gonna look at the third part Listen and question No now look at question We‟ll start all over again and we‟ll listen more time Alright Please give me the full sentence Number Yeah islands Now everybody says islands You don‟t want it? Ok I‟ll go Ey Alright 2 Yes? No? You‟ll read the full sentence? A special? Good Yeah A special dance called the Hula Alright number Hai The dancers imitated the waves Good Yes The dancers imitated the waves with their hands Oh alright yeah yeah Oh no points Alright yeah good Alright question Yeah you the religious? Yeah the religious people were surprised by the Hula Alright Oh No it‟s no alright alright you get point because it‟s so close Alright Yeah They asked the queen of Hawaii to ban the dance Alright so what did ban mean? So ha? They asked the queen of Hawaii to ban the dance So are they allowed to if the dance is ban? Can you still dance? No it‟s not Yeah Ha? What about Good good In secret Yeah yeah good good The dancers danced the Hula in secret point? You lose the life later Yeah you have to be nice it‟s the rule I know Yes Good Alright come in come in miss he did anything he did Alright that‟s alright Yeah? Yes Oh good You keep scoring Thank you alright give me Alright alright good Now Read me quickly Yes? Yeah You‟re always right point Alright In the? Yeah good Just Yeah good yeah Alright what‟s the judge? What‟s the judge? What‟s the judge If you know what judge is you get the throw Not a dance Boys the judge Alright so judges are So if the if if if the if you dance, and I sit like this Uhm 10 points then I am the judge Ok? Alright Alright Ha? What did you say? Good Costume Alright Alright here here it‟s it‟s gonna stick it‟s gonna stick Yes Like Like yes Oops oops Very good No now we‟re gonna have a minute break Oh no hey go back go back come back Everybody sit down sit down Sit down Alright Go Remember walk If person run, person gets no sticker and you have to sit down sit down Alright You have to sit down Alright Sit 88 down Alright Ok Just stand up You can go there You can go there You can go Go go You can go No running no running Wait Alright everybody sit down Alright come here Ok everybody sit down and be quiet No? Team Alright oh oh Teacher lose a point point Alright Where is oh look at the box You tell me to say thank you? Good That‟s what I like Good So what we‟re going to do, what we‟re gonna do, we‟re gonna look now everybody Look at question We‟re gonna choose true or false And we‟re gonna turn on the video more time And then after that we‟re gonna answer these questions and then we‟re gonna decide our winner Everybody look at question Did you have all your answers? No no no sit down sit down sit down sit down No no no everybody sit down Alright let‟s go through the answers Alright this is your homework Page and Now let‟s go through the answers true or false Alright now you get the ball you can throw it from where you‟re sitting, you get double points Alright true or false Alright Alright true Oops point, and that means points True is true Alright alright you sit down Alright you get to throw from that No point Alright Yes true Now 4 4 4 yes What is this? Go for it Sit down you sit down If you sit down you get double points You can stand up if you want it but then just point Alright 5 5 Yes Oh no sorry Oh yes you very good today very good today Ok alright Yes True Oh almost almost And Yes True 1 Alright Ok? True Hey everybody sit down Oh oh Ok Oh teacher no no no alright hey what are you doing? No alright Number Religious people asking the king of Hawaii but that‟s the queen of Hawaii Alright good then quiet down Homework Alright quiet time homework You your homework? Ha stickers yeah Sit down Hey Hey everybody sit down sit down sit down sit down Here you go What? Did they already get stickers? Oh alright Ok everybody sit down Give me hey give me the ball Thank you Give me the ball Hey stop everybody sit down hey fine just stop Alright sit nicely Alright so the winner is team Alright so team get to line up first no running team first Then team and team Alright ok goodbye everybody No running 89 LESSON Alright have a seat, please! Hello everyone What‟s this? If you these things you get lives, if you don‟t these things you lose the lives, if you lose all the lives no stickers OK The first game is the time game Alright So the first game is the time game Let‟s quickly review Oops Alright so What time is it now? Alright What time is it? What time is it now? Raise your hands please Yeah or quarter Yes A quarter past 12 And what time is it? What time is it now? Yes? 12 o‟clock So and let‟s say what time is it now? Yes o‟clock Yes Yes No It‟s still a short time Yes Ah Yes Yeah past So if you remember then everything everything on this side Ey shh Everything on this side is past So everything on this side is what? Yes? Past Everything on this side Yeah What what‟s this? This time? Oh Everybody So and ah Alright Now What we call this one? Alright So this is called the short hand This is a short hand So what you think what you think this hand is called? Good Long hand Short hand Good This is just hands, same as this So what time is it now? What time is this? Yes Good Quarter past So this is alright so the short hand is it so? past 10 past Quarter past 10 past 25 past Half past So in this case would be half past What if it‟s like this? What if it‟s like ah like this? Yes Alright so let‟s start let‟s start here So this is past Everybody past So what‟s this? Almost is Can you try? to So go past 10 past Quarter past 20 past 25 past Half past and then which is over? To? 25 to 20 to 7, quarter to 7, 10 to 7, to 7 o‟clock Ok? Fine? What time is it? What time is it now? What time is it? Yes Everybody say o‟clock And then what is what is here? It‟s past So when it‟s like this Everybody past And then it gets here 10 past Quarter past 25 past Half past To Yeah 25 to Because you go past 10 past past 20 past 25 past Half past And then? So now it‟s closer to 2, it go 25 to and then 20 to 20 to and then and then 10 to Then? Then? And then you will look Alright Now What time is this? Good everybody 25 past 11 Yep? Good 10 past 10 Yes? Good 10 to Yes? Good Half past 12 90 Alright Now you get to draw if I say something draw Yeah Then quarter past Quarter past Quarter past Yeah Ok Alright Can anyone draw 10 to Yeah No problem Alright Good What we‟re gonna do? You remember you remember long hand? So Alright And Alright No? alright No You not need to drink water Alright Now I‟m gonna need people to show you how to play this Alright Yes You Now remember Alright So now Everybody please listen be quiet If you not quiet I‟ll move you ok? No Alright Team lose a point, team lose a point Team Alright Who want to be the long hand? Alright ok stand like this You are the short hand Remember short hand long hand Now I say a time and you run ok? So you are long hand, stand like this, ok? o‟clock And I stand like this, long hand Good And half past And stand like this long hand Alright to Long hand? Oh good Alright good thank you you can sit there Now we can play this but we have a race I can this Ha? No I am what? Alright now What? I always forget this side? Ok Alright Now everybody please quiet time We‟re gonna have teams So we‟re gonna have team team Alright So Ok And what you‟re gonna is you‟re gonna line up Team here team here Line up Stand in a line No no no stand in a line Team and team Stand in a line Alright Alright alright alright Stand in a line stand in a line Now everybody listen up Alright people Oh listen up people will play people will play person is the long hand, is the long hand Alright wait wait wait one is gonna be long hand Ok Hey be nice First people hey hey hey hey If you‟re not quiet, you sit down Ok Alright Step back ok step back Ok now Ok stop stop it‟s ok Ok now you have I would say a time and you will run Faster team get point Everybody listen up please Alright First one, just try, no point ok? Long hand stand like this o‟clock Go! Alright Team won that one Now go back Go back Alright Long hand Alright Quarter to 12 Quarter to 12 Oh stand like this Quarter Alright Team get point No first one no count Ok raise your hand Half past Team get the point Now Alright 10 to 12 Alright alright Team get the point Long hand 12 o‟clock Team get the point 10 past 10 Long hand? Alright Alright Team get the point Alright 20 to 12 That‟s 20 past 20 to 20 to 20 to That‟s the other way out Long hand Switch switch Alright Look at team like this 20 to 12 Alright team get the point Alright Alright alright Team Alright Alright Quarter 91 past Oh team get the point Alright alright 20 past Alright 20 past 20 past Team Alright now alright we‟re gonna we‟re gonna one more If you win you get points more? If you win you get points That‟s find? Yes Ok Alright No 25 past 25 past 11, that‟s 20 past Alright You win, everybody sit Very good 25 not 20, almost right, very good job girl Alright Sit down Water on my table? Ok Very good So what time is it? What time is it? Good Quarter to 11 What time is it? Yes? Good Now what time is it? Yes Yes 25 past One more game? Alright So this game No this one no no no so this game is with people each team So we‟re gonna have how many here? Oh Alright so this‟s 19 Alright Yeah what‟s up? No alright No you have to You don‟t wanna play? You have to play Alright ok find stand up Phong sit here Phong sit here So everybody stand up Ok Phong quickly Ok now so we‟re gonna have we‟re gonna have 19 Team team team team team team team No no team and team Phong sit down Ok what we‟re gonna Everybody please quiet In this game, we play similar to the game before We‟re gonna get No no ball no ball Alright quiet time Alright You‟re moving You‟re gonna stand up You speak too much Be quiet That‟s ok Now So what you‟re gonna do, you‟re gonna get questions ok? I want you to answer questions And when you finish it , you come back If it‟s ok you get more But every question you get, you say Paper? No no Guess is the game Then when time‟s up we will 20 minutes timing on the bomb And when you‟re done, you‟re gonna get Alright so when you‟re done Everybody please quiet, listen up So alright so when alright Team lose a point Alright so when you finish, you get to answer, let‟s say the answer questions, you‟ll take, you‟re gonna take your questions, save them You can roll them up and throw And every ball No no no you get to throw it ok? Yeah you‟re gonna get the point So what we‟re gonna we‟re gonna get the bin, oh the bin is a bit full So you get the bin No you get to sit and you get to throw No point points points Alright no no no alright And every point And then no point And then no point And then no point you win the game No point you‟ll get a prize And what we‟re gonna Before the game starts, we‟re gonna have a minute break You can have a break Break time Alright Team you lose a point Team not run away, you won‟t get stickers Girls you still get stickers, no worry But boys you get no stickers So first we‟ll have a break then sort out these 92 questions Then after that we‟re gonna play a game, ok? Please remember this This is team Sit down Alright and we‟re gonna really quick break then we‟re gonna play a game So no running no running Alright everybody sit down Alright Quiet down here Oh Alright Dangerous dangerous No put just put in there please Hey just put it in there Alright alright quiet down Ok you will have to be completely quiet and don‟t throw or stand up or study for seconds Everybody be quiet for seconds Hey Put in there no throwing Alright Alright everybody quiet down please Hey everybody quiet down Alright Start walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk over put in here put in there walk over walk over alright Ok quiet time now No talking We can get to throw then we finish ok? So there are Alright everybody quiet down Alright please if you‟re not quiet we can‟t play this game you just have to work ok? You want to play a game or work? Ok alright so You‟re in your team alright? Team team Alright Alright everybody quiet time This gonna be Alright Team team And then only walking, no pushing or shouting Ok? You need to complete them on your own and on time I give you 15 minutes We‟re gonna have 15 minutes ok? Alright alright Only and only person from each team can walk up to the teacher ok? And you‟re gonna get number and when you finish Hue Hue no sit down Ha? We have 15 we don‟t have time to play Alright Now we‟re gonna Ok alright Everybody sit down No running, if you run you don‟t get this ok? Only only walk up ok? And this Ha? Sit down sit down no no no no don‟t take those questions Sit down sit down sit down Yeah? How many there are? Here? Oh eh like 12 10 10 questions 10 Alright now we and you can get from us too, ok? Alright go Hey hey hey no pushing no pushing Alright then when they come back alright you can check if they look good if they look good you can answer everything just give them then we can get them If you want you can use your book If you want you can use your book 15 minutes Huh? No no alright Rooms and things in the house I know it is Alright more minutes Alright I give you I give you 13 more minutes if you don‟t know ok? Yes good Alright Check alright you can now keep that back on your own, my own too Alright You have this one Hey you want this one Keep this one you can throw it later No hold on it Good alright here your go Now we get out Alright Hey everybody sit down Phong you have to sit down, Phong next time you get no sticker 93 because you don‟t sit down, Tai you get to sit down as well Good good If you need the help, just ask me and I can come up to you Let me know if you need the help Hey you don‟t work together? Alright Alright Work hard Yeah Alright Let me Energetic? It‟s like lots of energy like really like climbing, lots of athletic, play sports Ey eye y ey Phong sit down Phong you sit down Hue Hue Alright Good it‟s good Difficult person, there are lots of sport and you see difficult person What does that thing? She‟s an easy person? No just lots of energy She is? She is energetic That‟s ok Wait no step back step back minutes Number take number please Oh it should be One minute Go go go go 30 seconds Ok now Alright everybody alright alright alright Alright alright good good alright yeah everybody sit down Everybody sit down no no everybody sit down Hey hey sit down sit down Alright everybody sit down everyone sit down Alright everybody sit down yeah it‟s ok It‟s like this Yes? Alright now What is canoe? Ok alright everybody quiet time You wanna this? Oh you this Alright no Duc Anh Duc Anh Ok alright alright Now remember you can take every question you have, you finish, make it a ball Ok? question equal throw Ok? How many you have? Ha? 8? Alright ok How many you have? how many you have? Hey ah how many you have? How many you have? How many you have? 10 It‟s ok it‟s ok I won‟t move Alright go back go back Alright everybody go back Alright ok now everybody sit now be quiet Oh I‟ll take So team get to throw first Alright team 1.everybody quiet sit no don‟t move Stop there move back move back I will give this to you don‟t worry alright Ok Haha no way stop stop it stop ok throw Yeah yeah I thought Alright point Alright now alright now team 2 Haha you have to sit down you have to sit down Sit down Sit down Stop Ah ah alright points you have to sit down Alright Hue stop you have to stop alright? Put is in here No no no no no yeah? Yeah stop it alright Wow wooh alright now alright Team You have to quiet you move back you have to sit cause I‟ll move it to you Alright move back Alright sit down ok now Alright Stop it Alright it‟s good alright now Alright quick please 2 points Team team Go on quickly you only get more cause you Alright that‟s it I saw you made an extra You get time Ha? Alright stop it alright now team oh oh wait wait wait wait hey sit down or else you get no sticker Alright Alright alright Haha alright Alright now 94 alright Team Alright watch out just put them in put them put them in alright Sit down Alright God alright now wait wait wait alright now Alright everybody sit down sit down sit down alright quickly Hey I told you sit down sit down or you don‟t get a sticker Woo alright team team alright Duong Now because it‟s so even both team you get to throw You get to throw you get to throw again Oh each each Oh no you get another here oh oh alright get you get yeah alright 1 alright team win Alright Ok now put your chair back please put your chair back Alright everybody sit nicely No Now homework? Quiet You have to homework ok? So homework is in your notebook You‟re going to write a letter ok? About a holiday or vacation to a friend So alright you get to write a letter to a friend about vacation Maybe a holiday you go to the beach you go skiing or you go climbing whatever you want ok? Now good You get our sticker please Alright Who is absent today? Ok Thanh Trang I hear Ok Hey hey hey hey hey Alright tidy up No put it in here Tidy up tidy up alright Put that back in the corner Alright Ok now now ok girls you can stand up Boys sit down Boys sit down ok alright Ok first boys sit down ok goodbye girls Ey ey watch out hey no no goodbye girls no no Nam Nam ok Now ok remember walk ok now goodbye LESSON Hello Alright everybody sit down Good This I like You get to stand up Yeah Stand up please Haha Yeah Stand up No yeah stand up Stop Yeah alright stand up quickly quickly hey stop it quickly You wanna move, where you wanna sit? Where you wanna sit? You wanna sit there? You wanna haha you wanna take that place? Were you work very hard you take that place? Fine cause I‟m nice Alright now alright alright It‟s in here Quiet time Hey you sit there Were you to be quiet? Are you eating candy? No candy Hello What‟s this? What‟s this? Stand up stand up stand up Alright alright what‟s this? What‟s this? Sit nicely What‟s this? Be nice And what‟s this? Good Speaking English And today we will have oh this This? Alright Now we that as well Alright now 95 today we‟ll have boys and girls alright This is team this is team and this is team Ok Quickly Job job job job Hey Be quiet First now I‟m gonna show you a quick video and I want you to look and try to think where are they and what are they doing Then wait me for second Hey sit down Hey hey hey everybody You have to be quiet ok? Quiet time Alright No we can‟t this Alright Quiet Hey Long I told you to be quiet alright? One minute You just have to be quiet for minute Alright alright no video Alright now be quiet? Next time I‟ll just shut this up Be quiet Alright What were they what were they doing? Yes? Yeah yeah they will explode What you call the sport they don‟t know? Yes Yeah Everybody ski They are skiing Now ah what they ski on? Yes yes No they ski on snow and it‟s not called skateboard No ski board Ski is when you have 2, but when you have just call it a no what are you on? Yeah snow board It‟s snow board No no you talk too much You‟re a loser Alright And it have to be warm or cold to be on snow outside? Warm or cold for snow? Yeah they have to be cold What you So yes they have to be very very cold And yes Sit down So let‟s say here is then here is and minus and what what we call this? Good Everybody temperature temperature Alright team loses a life You have to be quiet I see you speaking I look at you and you talk alright? Ha? I saw you and you alright? Be quiet alright Everybody temperature temperature Alright so in Vietnam is it warm temperature or cold temperature? Yes? Yeah you can mention your temperature yeah yeah when you‟re sick you can you can use the term of that eh Thermometer to measure the temperature But in in Vietnam generally the temperature, the temperature is generally pretty warm in Vietnam Right now it‟s a bit cold but it‟s cold enough to get snow in the house? What what countries are very cold? What what countries are very cold Yes? No no UK is not very cold They don‟t really get they don‟t really get Yeah they have snow in America A big country What else? Korea Alright No no no you sit like this No here Better to sit Alright ok alright Ok so yeah Korea Korea can get very cold What‟s a really cold country? Not cold, not a country Yeah What‟s north of Korea What‟s north of Japan Yeah japan is cold as well I think they properly The biggest country in the world? Yes Yes Russia Russia it‟s very cold But my country gets very cold Right right now it‟s so cold in my country that if you take coffee outside, or you 96 stand outside for 30 seconds, it‟s iced Even if it is boiling, yeah No 30 seconds, nothing much If you take it if you take it outside right now, walk around the building then come back, it‟s frozen Very cold right now Yes Yes very much Alright Oh ok so has anyone ever been skiing? Here? Have anyone skiing? Or somewhere? Oh yeah? Hey Ok you right now lose your own life Alright team You team and you have you have lives left, or else you have no sticker, alright? So you‟ve been skiing? Korea So you have you have the mountain alright? this is snow snow on the mountain, alright? And then you can take the ski This is weird ski, what you what you call this? You know? Not a rope Not a rope Yeah? No not a string You actually call it a? everybody trail trail It‟s a trail Good Alright Cool and who said who said America is a whole country? You said America is a whole country? Alright and so so America looks roughly like this Alright so this is America This is America this is America And what appears here is Canada, Alaska, no Asia Go ahead about that So this is America alright? Does anyone know does anyone know what it is here? On the East coast? It it begins with New New New New Zealand? Is that a city in America? New York Good Good And here on the website, what‟s what‟s the biggest city? No no no no Washington D.C is here, the state is here Los Angeles LA And here and here Quiet time shhh And here and here in the middle, you have another great city, known as the windy city, next to the great lake or the Great Lakes right there And it‟s in the state called Illinois And you know, you know, Michael Jordans? Play basketball? Alright You know the football team? They‟re here? The basketball team? The Blue? Do you know what city? It starts with Raise your hand? Yes good Alright everybody Chicago Alright and this is another city And right right west of Chicago no, we have a state or an area, it‟s like a province here Hey hey it‟s kinda like a district Yeah It‟s kinda like a district or an area which is big, so here you have like Ninh Binh, Ha Giang, things like an area, ok? Yeah like province Yeah, it‟s called a state, and it‟s one of the states in America And if you know the name of it, I will give you a free sticker Does anyone know the name of it? You get one guess, it starts with an n That‟s so Sydney in England State, the state that start with n you think? Alright It‟s really hard right Alright.everybody Minesota It‟s a very cold place, I used to live there for year And what we‟re gonna now, we‟re gonna watch a video about Dan Raedeke who is from Minesota in America Yeah and he has a 97 ski mountain, he runs, he runs a ski area So what I want you to now is open your book to page 121 21 121 Alright You have to be quiet ok? Otherwise you sit here You get warning Ok Ha? In the US US USA US just the same thing US is just short Everyone get a pen or pencil? Ok good What we‟re gonna now Team Go on Alright now Please look at question We‟re gonna watch the first part of the movie, oh the page 121 Everybody 121 Alright And then look at question and work with the person sitting next to you We‟re gonna watch and fill in all the sentences Question Alright Can you read the first sentence? Yes Dan Raedeke doesn‟t like warm weather in the winter Number 2? Yes? He needs snow for his business What is his business? Uhm yeah yeah That‟s part of that‟s part of the business How how how does he make his money? Yes Sorry? So he makes money by people coming to his mountain and skiing down it so people pay him money so they get to go on his mountain, ok? So is it common that when you go skiing, you have to pay money? And so this he he bought his mountain, this is his mountain, and if you want to come here, and you wanna ski, then you have to give him money, and then he will pick you up Ha? Haha I don‟t know maybe they will pay like a like 30 dollars, 30 dollars day, and you can go all day 30 dollars in dong? Alright alright quiet down alright, so it‟s like 650,000 dong So you pay him to go to his mountain, ok? But you think if there‟s no snow, if there‟s no snow on the mountain, will people ski? No So what does he do? What does he do? Yeah You got it Yeah yeah Yeah he makes the snow yeah he makes snow, so so so maybe year it‟s winter, and it‟s like far away, but everything is is like there‟s no there‟s no snow, so nobody come So what he does? He goes out with the machine? And then? Yeah yeah he goes out with this machine and he just makes snow and then And then he makes snow ok? So alright who can number 3? With number 3? Bao? Yeah yeah I heard yeah yeah Yeah yeah so he owns the largest snow-making system in the area Does anyone remember the name of the area? Minesota, ok Number number Thai? Water the air temperature? Direction So everybody wind direction What‟s wind direction? It just it‟s like the wind like air, yeah yeah, the wind, so shhh yeah strong wind So wind direction is just what way So now this is the direction Yeah day, yeah maybe day it can wind like this Alright so so you need to watch the direction And the air temperature is just how warm it is Yeah 98 Now we‟re gonna listen and eh look at part 3, sorry part part 2, question Question Yeah yeah yeah yeah question 3, so at the bottom You‟re ready? Alright We‟ll watch the next file now Alright Now who can help me answer? Question number 2, who has the answer for number 1? Yeah? Yeah There are good things, remember the s yeah, man-made snow So does man-made snow comes from the sky or we make it? Number 2? Who can number 2? Are we number 2? Machines Poles poles poles Alright yeah so you, his newest machines are tall, thin poles called water sticks Yeah sorry? What‟s the Alright number Yes please Wild wild Yeah here you go wild mountain Oops and number Trails? Yeah good On the other trails, there are the very big snow guns Yeah Alright You know what Khanh? We are thinking of quick quick quick minute break Sit down Ah sorry I forgot that ball And no running If I see you running, you get no sit down sit down I‟m not calling you Alright You will have a quick minute break You ah if you‟re running, no stickers ok and sit down sit down Ok you sit down you have to wait for some seconds Everybody has a break, you sit down Everybody else can go No sit down Yeah yeah Yeah you can go, you can go Eh eh sit down You can go you can go Alright now you can go alright? No no no no no no Alright alright sit down sit down Ey ey ey ey watch out watch out Alright Sit down now hey hey sit down you had minutes sit down sit down Alright 3 Go for this I know, not nice Alright I know He‟s not allowed to fight Alright be nice Alright Alright sit down Ok Now now Alright now if you look at question look at question Everyone part Yes But you have to be quiet, we‟re gonna watch part Now who can help me? Question Good Yeah what‟s a pump? What‟s a pump ha? Yes? Yeah Yes Yeah Ok Please so yeah it‟s a it‟s part of a system It‟s a machine, the pump is a machine Ah they get water to go through a pipe Ok? And number 2? Yes If a pipe freezes, then you can‟t use it for the rest of the winter Do you know what a pipe is? Ha? Anyone knows what a pipe is? A pipe it‟s ok So if you have a if you have a pump and and you get a you get water out of here, then this this is the pipe This is the pipe This is water, and this is a pipe, so this is a water pipe Ha? Oh yes And then and then back here, you have a machine that makes the water go faster So this is the pump This is 99 the pump And they make so the water it comes here, and the pump it makes the water go faster, so they come all the way up here That‟s a pump Alright so and number 3 Yes For the system yeah What‟s a reservoir? Does anyone know what a reservoir is? Eh almost eh A reservoir is just a lake where we keep a lot of water Yeah like a pool like a pool So if you see a lot of water but you don‟t save it for, ha? No it‟s not frozen The water is not frozen You can keep moving cause it doesn‟t freeze Ah yeah ha? Yeah a lake of water, a big one, and it doesn‟t freeze Alright So it‟s like it‟s like a pool, yeah like a pool where you keep you save water And then What‟s number 4? Yes To prepare for the next day, Raedeke operates the snow machine all night So we works all night so the people can ski all day Alright Now what we‟re gonna do, we‟re gonna look at question We‟re gonna circle true or false, and you‟re going to work with the student sitting next to you and we‟re gonna play the video more time You can also read the introduction at the top of the page Read the introduction To read, and then we‟re gonna walk, and then true or false While you work, I‟m gonna call your name and then you come and show me your homework Eh I‟ll give you minute to work in pair You two check your answers You two check your answers You two check your answers You two check your answers You two check your answers You two check your answers You two check your answers Alright let‟s go through the answers Alright number Yes Why? Why? Why is true? Ha? Because if it‟s too warm, no snow Yes Alright number No me Yes Sorry? False? When does he like to open it? Alright Good Very good 3? 3? False? Why? Why why is it false? Alright quiet down Alright so why is it false? What does own mean? What does own mean? His family own a mountain So own means it‟s yours Ok? So is it his family‟s mountain? Is it his family‟s mountain? Did they buy the mountain? Ok alright we‟ll go for then 4 Why? Yeah yeah it‟s true it‟s true He studied mechanical engineering Eh Yes? True? Why? You know? True? Anybody gets 6? Yeah? False? So water sticks cannot produce a lot of snow quickly? Ha? There are water sticks on all the Wild mountain trails Yes? Right Why? Why it‟s right? Yeah you‟re right On the path Alright True? No? What have you done? What did you do? Alright take your pen, put it here and go and wash your hands Alright So there are at least wrong You 100 know which one? Number is false? Ok we‟ll change to false What else you wanna change? to true Is that it? That‟s all? You‟re sure? Ok Alright We‟ll check Check all wrong So so first Raedeke‟s family owns Wild mountain ski area It‟s true because if you hear from the video they say 20 years ago, Raedeke bought ski mountain or Wild trail mountain So his family they bought the mountain, they bought their money Sure Alright And the man-made snow is drier, softer and become quality for skiing It‟s the other way around Real snow from the sky is better but man-made snow is good, too And then The reservoir provides 3,000 gallons of water every minute for the snow-making system True was right but you change it so you had wrong and you make it confusing Alright Now we we‟re finish Alright everybody You‟re ok? Alright Now we finish the video and we‟re now going to bring out the homework Ha? To bring out the homework you did I want to see a letter from everybody Yeah? So bring out your letters Bring out your letters Alright Alright alright alright speak Alright just sit down just say here We don‟t have time for everyone here Everybody bring out your letter Alright Now everybody bring out your letters This? Hey stop You don‟t have a book? Ok get up, ok Hey hey Very nice, pick those It‟s an r, r hey! Yeah you wanna know homework? Homework ok? No homework Alright Duc Duc line up, move your chair Move your chair out of the door Alright line up line up No pushing Hey hey no pushing No no no no back here Alright no pushing no running Alright see you on Friday Goodbye 101 ... Significance of incidental vocabulary learning 1.1.3 Limitation of incidental vocabulary learning 1.1.4 Sources for incidental vocabulary learning Incidental vocabulary learning... of teacher talk in vocabulary acquisition 13 1.2.3 Features of teacher talk 14 1.2.4 Types of teacher talk 14 1.3 Related studies about teacher talk as a lexical input for. .. this was planned)? Significance of the study Recently, teacher talk as a source for incidental vocabulary learning has been of interest to many researchers However, as far as the researcher has

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 09:39

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