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Fallacies made by second year students of fast track program ulis vnu in the debate activity

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER FALLACIES MADE BY SECOND-YEAR STUDENTS OF FAST TRACK PROGRAM, ULIS, VNU IN THE DEBATE ACTIVITY Supervisor: Dương Thu Mai Student: Đặng Thị Phượng Course: QH2012.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2016 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP LỖI LẬP LUẬN SINH VIÊN CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO NĂM 2, ĐHNN, ĐHQG MẮC PHẢI TRONG HOẠT ĐỘNG TRANH LUẬN Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Dương Thu Mai Sinh viên: Đặng Thị Phượng Khóa: QH2012.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2016 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Dang Thi Phuong, 12E1, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to Ms Duong Thu Mai (Ph.D.) for her continuous support, her immense knowledge, patience and enthusiasm I am blessed to have her as a supervisor in working on this dissertation Without her precious guidance, I certainly would not have been able to overcome all the obstacles and completed this whole paper In addition, my great thanks go to Ms Dinh Hai Yen (M.A.) for her invaluable help with the data analysis process I am also indebted to all the research participants including three teachers and second-year students of Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU They have been always willing to cooperate in every data collection procedure Last but not least, none if this would have been possible without the assistance of my family and close friends It is their love, concern and encouragement that have guided me throughout this endeavor i ABSTRACT With an investigation into the situation of fallacy commission among second-year students of Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU, this research targets at (1) discovering the types of fallacies students made in the debate process and (2) defining the effects those fallacies have on learners’ debate performance and the debates, and (3) diagnosing students’ present knowledge about logical fallacies To realize the given aims, the research exploits three kinds of data collection methods comprising observation, interview and survey Not only content analysis but also statistical analysis was utilized The result taken from the questionnaire and observation shows that despite being quite critical to recognize the presence of some fallacies, all students lack insightful knowledge about logical fallacies and that in comparison with formal fallacies, informal types are much more difficult to handle Besides, while observation data analysis reveals eleven fallacies made by the students, which is a relatively significant number, the interview result indicates that those logical errors are the root of different problems concerning the effectiveness of students’ debate performance and the debates The research results all suggest a greater emphasis on the practice of logical fallacy learning and teaching ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS FELTE: Faculty of English language teacher education ULIS: University of Languages and international studies VNU: Vietnam National University MCQs: Multiple-choice questions TFQs: True-False questions %: percent ii LIST OF TABLES Table Name Page Table Types of informal fallacies 24 Table Types of formal fallacies 26 Table Debate’s marking rubrics 30 Table Types of committed fallacies 42 Table Students’ questionnaire scores 55 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Name Page Figure Fallacy commission among students 44 Figure Students’ knowledge about logical fallacies 54 Figure Accuracy rates of responding to MCQs and TFQs 57 in the questionnaire ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Abstract ii List of abbreviation iii List of tables iv List of figures v Table of contents vi PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of problem and rationale for the study Aims and objectives Significance of the study Scope of the study Organization PART 2: DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: Literature Review Critical thinking and arguments 1.1 Critical thinking in education 1.2 Arguments 1.2.1 Definition 1.2.2 Elements of an argument 1.2.3 Types of arguments 10 1.2.4 Qualities of valid, strong, good and sound arguments Logical fallacies in arguments 11 12 2.1 Definition 12 2.2 Classifications 12 Oral debate activity in education and in English learning 3.1 Overview of general debates 26 26 3.1.1 Definitions 26 3.1.2 Features of good debates 27 3.1.3 The roles of sound arguments in debates 27 3.2 Overview of Debate activity in English speaking lesson at 28 Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU 3.2.1 Debates in English speaking lesson 28 3.2.2 Debates in English speaking lesson at Fast Track 29 Program, ULIS, VNU Objectives 29 Procedure 29 Assessment criteria 30 Studies on argument qualities in language learning activities 31 Summary of the chapter 31 Chapter 2: Methodology 32 The participants 32 Research question 32 Research design 33 3.1 Research methods 33 3.1.1 Observation 33 cohabitation may result in the same advantages 128 No 5: Class: Date: 24/03/2016 Debate topic: Syrians refugees should be accepted by European countries Turn Name Fallacies Arguments of detected debater Proposition Opposition First, I want to talk about the I agree that the initial economic financial effects of the refugees on support for the refugees can be high; the European society The vast however, in the long run when the number of refugees leads to the refugees have settled down, they can increase in social spending Host play an important role in increasing countries have to provide the the national economic strength You immigrants with food, medicine, can consider them as a potential training and education These 129 investments are not sure to be returned by the refugees because they are not legal citizens of European countries These amounts of investment can be instead used to enhance the life of people in the European countries The governments have to spend this amount of money to support refugees According to Australian …, on average, a host country has to spend over $100.000 … European countries have also announced the additional funding of million Euros to address the crisis of refugees that is happening on the whole continent market of services Recent figures from European countries and other nations have shown that the majority of refugees often come from the upper-middle class with well-educated background To be more specific, a recent survey shows that among the refugees, the number of students are 16%, merchants 9%, … So you can see that the Syrian refugees are relatively skilled So they are likely to become a strong labor force for the European countries However, there may be some arguments claiming that European countries not need to add that labor force as Secondly, in terms of micro- the one they have is already skilled economic and qualified, much better than the stabilization, the 130 acceptance of refugees will also Syrians Nevertheless, as you may bring already about some effects know, many European Actually, most of the European countries have been facing the countries still have to struggle the problem of aging population leading consequences in terms of finance to a threat to the future economy Therefore, these nations will face From these figures, we can see that the high rate of collapsing if they Syrian refugees are not only skilled adopt the migrants Let’s take an and educated; they can also offer a example solution to the aging population of Switzerland Spain and Switzerland’s problem in many European unemployment rate is over 12, countries such as Germany, France they adopt more migrants than or Belgium Even if they are not Spain whose unemployment rate well qualified, I think that it’s worth is further higher, about over investing money to train them and to This comparison has proved that provide them with proper education the in order to guarantee a stable European countries’ governments have to be wise enough to stop the adopting of refugees (?) 131 population for the future You mentioned the immigrants as That is not necessarily true Let me Pro: a great contribution to European’s mention the Paris attack first All Argument labor are the Paris attackers who have been from the identified are all European citizens ignorance same? Because as far as I’m This is stated by the vice-president concerned, I believe that the of European union Even all the immigrants who come to settle Syrian passports have been proved down in Europe can certainly to be fake So the lesson from the contribute European Paris attack is that Europe has an economy; however, most of the internal security problem, not that of refugees come to search for the safety; they might not have the countries among refugees Also, intention to stay there for a long talking about the suspected terrorists time They might come back to posing as Syrian refugees, the US is their country anytime when the pretty good war is over Besides, I’m sure that identifying the suspects So the it will take a long time to train question is if the US can this, them, to settle them down or to why don’t European countries let find them the refugees enter their countries Therefore, in my opinion, there and they can put the refugees to force; immigrants however, and to suitable refugees the jobs for 132 terrorist sneaking at into examining the and is nothing to prove that refugees whatever process will bring about long term Therefore, the benefits to the countries should not be a reason for not That brings me to my second point Considering the security risk that refugees have already brought to European countries, I strongly believe that they should not be accepted You may have seen on the Internet the threat that terrorism has posed on our society, and that’s exactly what European countries will be facing in the future if they keep accepting refugees The reason is that Islamic terrorists are taking advantage of the refugee flows to enter Europe, and once they are there, millions of citizens in they want? security concern accepting the refugees who simply want to escape from the dangers Talking about the humanitarianism, we strongly believe that accepting refugees is a moral consideration The moral consideration here has to be done with humanity The refugees are dying, if they are not accepted, they have no choice but come back to their own country facing poverty and percussion (?) And this is what we don’t want them to face This is the image of the most luxurious Syrian city which was destroyed Hundreds of thousands of refugees has to be through the journey of death to be 133 Europe will be put in danger I’ll on the boat of notorious smugglers show of We call these refugees boat people evidence that have been collected So why we call them boat by security people? It’s hard for refugees to committee, a big organization enter a country safely and legally against terrorism in the US For people who are fleeing from …, Firstly, at least one terrorist paying responsible for the Paris attack dollars to go to Europe is the only had successfully entered Europe option left What are waiting for through flows them on the sea is the lack of food, Secondly, several refugees also the tough sea, the bad waves, and reported that they has witnessed also the chase of cruel pirates So IS posing as refugees themselves the result, as you can predict, Thirdly, 2015, according to the United Nation, the 2500 of refugees died during just cases this summer while attempting to suspected to be terrorists posing as cross the sea So what I’m trying to Syrian refugees Last, Hungarian say here is that why don’t we offer police said that they arrested a these refugees a better and more Syrian man suspected of being peaceful you the a few pieces Homeland the in refugee October Germany reported investigation of 10 134 smugglers place to hundreds settle of after associated with IS Also, experiencing such deathly road Hungarian authority said that they Why don’t we show our humanity arrested people suspected of IS and generosity? right after they attempted to illegally cross the border Also, Italian counter-terrorism official said on May 2015 that a suspected terrorist to cause the Paris attack I agree with you that the refugees First, Syrians refugees should be Pro: have to experience a lot of accepted because they are likely to analogy, dangers, a lot of pain and hardship have Slippery to get to the dreamland, Europe economy of Europe To be more But to get them through this specific, the initial cost for them to difficult time, to take them in and settle down may be high, but when take full responsibility for their the settlement is completed, they life is a too different action The will have to spend more money on European countries have done the necessary goods which will help their boost best in providing the 135 positive the impacts national on the budgets slope False refugees with the necessities with Secondly, the majority of Syrian tents, food, drinks and medication refugees are in the working age, and This provision has helped the they also come from well educated refugees to get through their tough upper middle class which will time I believe that these actions provide not only proficient but also have been the best that European sufficient labor force for Europe countries have done However, They also can help to deal with the leading European aging population Therefore, they countries and letting them become should be provided with more a part of these countries: citizens opportunities or immigrants is a completely education in order to guarantee the different act I’ll prove this by level summarizing my team’s ideas Secondly, it’s urgent to clarify that First, accepting refugees will lead Syrian refugees are not responsible to a huge deficit in the national for the Paris attack because all the budget I mean the amount of attackers were identified as EU’s money that EU spent on helping citizens, the refugees has reached 775 internal security problem Moreover, million dollars in Nov 2015 This if EU want to stop Syrian refugees is a huge amount of budget This from threatening their security, they them into 136 of to receive economic which means proper condition it’s an budget is paid by the tax payers of are supposed to invest more in the European of receiving process The US is a course, in order to save money for living proof of the effectiveness of this, they had to cut the amount of this system Furthermore, it’s purely money spent on other sectors such moral as military or medication The countries to accept Syrian refugees Europeans are indirectly affected The refugees have to abandon their by of home to look for peace and security, European governments Let me but they still have to suffer from bad turn people, poverty and tortures on the countries this And humanitarian back to an act event that happened last summer The debt crisis that happened in Europe Last summer, all European countries had to suffer from a destructive event which is the debt crisis Small countries like Greece, they accumulated a big amount of debts that they couldn’t pay for themselves… Therefore, a lot of people lost 137 way… obligation for European their houses, and jobs, and their condition is nothing different from the refugees that you see on the picture They also live on the streets, they don’t have a job, they don’t know how to support their family So you can see that Europeans were suffering from the consequence of economic crisis, and they are still struggling now to resolve the problems And then when the refugees come, the European countries had to spent a another huge amount of money to support them which make the economy of Europe even weaker, and on the edge of collapsing This problem may lead to a potential conflict 138 between European countries, and even bigger problems between the governments and the citizens This is a threat to the unity of EU Our second point was that accepting refugees imposes a potential danger on national security I mean that the potential that the terrorists or criminals pose themselves as refugees to get in EU, and the idea that the other team made that most of terrorists in the Paris attack are European They are the members of the IS, so they have to get themselves in from other continents All in all, I have to say that taking refugees in but failing to provide them with enough provision is 139 nothing better than throwing them into another fight in which they have to eliminate themselves to survive And I want to conclude this by posing a question to the opposition team and all of you: Is it really an act of humanitarianism or is it just a grant illusion that European countries have to wake up from? 140 APPENDIX AN EXAMPLE OF INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT INTERVIEW SCHEME Semi-structured Time: 21/04/2016 Place: A2 Building, ULIS, VNU Average duration: 15 minutes Language: English and Vietnamese Interviewer: Interviewee: Recording device: Phone INTERVIEW QUESTIONS As can be seen in the marking rubrics, the validity of arguments and rebuttals is one of the major criteria How are logical fallacies seriously considered? Logical fallacies play a relatively fundamental role in deciding whether an argument or rebuttal is good or not That an argument is strong or weak, valid or invalid first depends on its logic, how relevant it is to the given issue When evaluating students’ arguments, I first need to check if any logical fallacies are committed EFFECT ON MARK Though during 141 the introduction of the debates, I did not go into details about logical fallacies, they still later relied on my comments on their performance to figure out whether their arguments are logical and relevant to topics CAUSE OF CRITICAL MIND How the logical fallacies affect the students’ performance in your opinion? Logical fallacies have very important impact on the success of the debates To be specific, there are many cases in which due to the commission of logical fallacies, the debaters’ arguments and rebuttals not go straight to the point When they beat around the bush like that, there exists a possibility that the two sides not understand each other, and the debates cannot go to an acceptable end For example, if I raise argument A, and you refute A, the debate can come to an end However, if I say A, and you refute version A’ of A instead, the debate will go around and around, and we will keep arguing Even though the debate is over, the two sides still have so many things to say This is a common problem that I have noticed CONSEQUENCE In addition, when students are aware of how to avoid logical fallacies, especially during the refutation process, the audience will immediately see that that team is holding more advantages So, if students are aware of logical fallacies and ways to avoid them and attack the mistakes of the other team, it will bring about some apparent benefits for the team In the end, as the audience and teacher assess the team’s performance, they are more likely to receive positive results EFFECT ON MARK 142 ... address the following questions: What are the fallacies made by second- year students of Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU in the Debate activity? How the committed fallacies influence the students? ??... second- year students of Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU, this research targets at (1) discovering the types of fallacies students made in the debate process and (2) defining the effects those fallacies. .. importance of teaching and learning about logical fallacies in ULIS, VNU Scope of the study This study is confined to Debate activity conducted by second- year students of Fast Track Program, ULIS, VNU,

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 09:36

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