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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ THU HOÀ USING PICTURES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY OF ENGLISH TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT AT HAI PHONG INDUSTRIAL VOCATIONAL COLLEGE (Sử dụng tranh ảnh việc dạy từ vựng Tiếng Anh cho sinh viên năm thứ hai khoa Cơ Khí trường Cao Đẳng nghề Cơng Nghiệp Hải Phịng) M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE: 601410 Hanoi - 2010 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ THU HOÀ USING PICTURES IN TEACHING VOCABULARY OF ENGLISH TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT AT HAI PHONG INDUSTRIAL VOCATIONAL COLLEGE (Sử dụng tranh ảnh việc dạy từ vựng Tiếng Anh cho sinh viên năm thứ hai khoa Cơ Khí trường Cao Đẳng nghề Cơng Nghiệp Hải Phịng) M.A MINOR THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE: 601410 SUPERVISOR: KHOA ANH VIỆT, M.A Hanoi - 2010 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 VOCABULARY TEACHING 1.1.1 Definition of vocabulary 1.1.2 Classification of vocabulary 1.1.3 The roles of vocabulary in language teaching and learning 1.1.4 Stages in teaching vocabulary Presenting Practicing Consolidating and revising 1.2 PICTURES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING 1.2.1 Conncept of pictures 1.2.2 Principles of selecting a picture 1.2.3 Types of pictures 1.2.4 The roles of pictures 13 v CHAPTER 2: ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING CONTEXT AT HAI PHONG INDUSTRIAL VOCATIONAL COLLEGE 15 2.1 Students and their background 15 2.2 Material and facilities 16 CHAPTER 3: THE METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Research questions: 18 3.2 Participants 18 3.3 Instruments 18 3.3.1 Questionnaires 18 Objectives 18 The teachers' survey questionnaires 19 The studdents' survey questionnaires 19 3.3.2 Class observation 19 Ojectives 19 The criteria for observation 19 CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION 21 4.1 Data presentation 21 4.1.1 Data from the survey questionnaires 21 Data from the teachers' survey questionnaire 21 Data from the students' survey questionnaire 27 4.1.2 Data from the class observation 31 Introduction 31 Data analysis of the class observation 32 4.2 Discussion of findings 34 PART C: CONCLUSION 36 Implication 36 Conclusion 37 2.1 Summary 37 vi 2.2 Limitations of the study 37 2.3 Suggestions for further study 38 REFERENCE 39 APPENDICES (SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE) I PART A: INTRODUCTION This part presents the rationale, aims, scope, methods and design of the study Rationale Nowadays, English is not only seen as an effective medium of international communication but it also has wide and deep influence on many various fields of life such as science, technology, education, economics, politics, culture, etc It plays an important role in the development of society Millions of people in all over the world are learning and using English in their study or in their work English teaching involves four language skills Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing In teaching and learning a language, there are four elements that support four language skills above: grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching and learning process In four elements above, vocabulary plays an important role in learning language as Wilkin (1972:11) emphasizes: “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” In Vietnam in general and Haiphong Industrial Vocational College in particular vocabulary teaching has not been paid attention deservedly Vocabulary has been taught within lesson of reading, writing, speaking and listening There are many difficulties in teaching such as mixed-level students, large class, and passive students in order to apply suitable teaching method So skills and techniques of teaching vocabulary are crucial for language teachers Besides, students in Haiphong Industrial Vocational College in particular and Vietnam students in general have not changed their habits of learning vocabulary through the teacher’s explanations Being a teacher of English at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College, the author realizes a number of problems that the teachers and students encounter in teaching and learning vocabulary That is the reason why the author would like to carry out this research entitled: “Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College” As states by Gerlach and Emily (1980:273) “A picture may not only be worth a thousand words but it may also be worth a thousand years or a thousand miles Through pictures, learner can see people, place and things from areas far outside their own experiences Pictures can represent images from ancient times or portray the future.” Aims of the study The study is aimed at: a better understanding the notions, types and roles of vocabulary and pictures b offering English teaching and learning context at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College c determining the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational college Hopefully, based on the results of the study, the research aims to offer English teachers some suggestions for the better use of pictures in their classes Scope of the study It is impossible to cover every aspect of language theory and practice in this study Therefore, the study focuses on using pictures in teaching vocabulary to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College Methods of the study The study applied both qualitative and quantitative approaches with two methods of data collection: survey and observation The quantitative data were collected from questionnaires and were analyzed statistically, while the qualitative data were collected from the class observation Survey questionnaires were used to collect information and evidence for study with the hope that the research would be reliable Class observation was carried out to supplement the survey questionnaires It is hope the combination of the two methods would make the data more valid and reliable Design of the study This study is divided into three parts: Part A presents a general introduction of study including the rationale, the aims, the scope, the method and the design of the thesis Part B presents the development consisting of four chapters: Chapter deals with the theoretical background of the research It is concerned with the issues relevant to the topic of the research: Vocabulary theory consists of definitions of vocabulary, the classification of vocabulary, the roles of vocabulary, the stages in teaching vocabulary and picture theory includes concept of pictures, the principles of selecting a pictures, the types of pictures, the roles of pictures Chapter presents English teaching and learning vocabulary context at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College Chapter presents the methodology including the research, the information of instruments, participants, and the procedures of data collection Chapter deals with the data presentation and discussion consisting of the data collected from the survey questionnaires and class observation and discussion of these data Part C is the conclusion of the study consisting of the implication and review of the study ending with suggestions for further research Finally, the appendix, presents the survey questionnaires PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND This chapter is concerned with some of the important issues in the theories of: Vocabulary which consists of the definition of vocabulary, the classification of vocabulary, the roles of vocabulary in language teaching and learning, the stages in teaching vocabulary, then the pictures which consist of the concept of pictures, principles of selecting a picture, the types of pictures and the roles of pictures 1.1 VOCABULARY TEACHING 1.1.1 Definition of vocabulary There are different definitions of vocabulary as it is an important factor in learning a foreign language Each linguist gives his own definition of vocabulary depending on the criteria that he considers the most important in terms of linguistics, semantics, lexicology, etc Penny Ur (1996:60) defined vocabulary “as the words we teach in the foreign language However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word, a compound of two or three words and multi word idioms” Hatch and Brown define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language might use Pyles and Alge (1970:96) also indicates that “When most of us think about language we think first about words It is true that the vocabulary is the focus of language It is words that sounds and meanings interlock to allow us to communicate with one another, and it is word that we arrange together to make sentences, conversation and discourse of all kinds” That is reason why vocabulary is essential for learning a language The American Heritage Dictionary defines vocabulary as “the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular of group” From the definitions above, the author comes to the conclusion that vocabulary is a group of words arranged from a single word, two or three words items expressing an idea to multi - word idioms and briefly explained and should be understood in the sentences, or in the contexts, etc 1.1.2 Classification of vocabulary There are different ways of vocabulary classification according to different criteria, features or functions In terms of semantics, vocabulary can be divided into notional words and functional words The notional words are those that have lexical meaning and form a great number of the speaker’s vocabulary They are objects, actions, qualities, etc The functional words are those whose meanings are grammatical They only have meanings in relation to other words with which they are used In terms of grammar, vocabulary is classified basing on different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, etc In terms of methodology, a foreign language learner ’s vocabulary is categorized into two kinds, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary Active vocabulary refers to the words in which the learners can understand and pronounce the words correctly and use them constructively in speaking or writing On the other hand, passive vocabulary refers to the words in which the learners can recognize and understand while they are reading or listening to someone speaking, but they not use the words in speaking or writing However, some methodologists of the Communicative Language Teaching approach classify the learner’s vocabulary into productive and receptive vocabulary The productive vocabulary is the words which the learners can use effectively to produce information in speaking and writing The receptive vocabulary is the words for the learner to receive and understand information in listening and reading As foreign language teacher, the teachers should know these classifications so that they can help students learn vocabulary better, especially help students widen their vocabulary with more active and productive words 32 Three teachers under observation have been teaching for at least two years However, they have some differences Two of them are over twenty five and over forty All of them were trained at universities Hopefully, with these teachers’ observation can obtain a variety of useful information for the study Three units chosen to be observed are unit 4, unit 9, unit 12 in the textbook New-head way, elementary The vocabulary in unit is about leisure activities, unit is about food and drink Finally, unit 12 provides a number of adjective describing the weather Data analysis of the class observation As being mentioned above, three lessons in three classes with different teachers were observed by the researcher The researcher did not intend to take notes of all the teaching procedures occurring in ninety minutes, but the part related to vocabulary only The following are what the researcher observed and recorded as a diary The first lesson – Unit This unit aims at providing students with words about leisure activities In this unit the teacher uses pictures in the textbook to present the vocabulary and a wall picture to practise the vocabulary they have learnt At first, the teacher introduces what she is going to teach today The students seem to keep silent and pay attention to the teacher Next the teacher asks the students to look at the pictures on page 34 and match the words about leisure activities to the pictures They discuss with each other and task quite enthusiastically After that, the teacher checks students’ answers and write these words on the blackboard Then the teacher reads all words and asks students to repeat The whole class involve in this activity Finally, the teacher asks the students to close their books and pay attention to the blackboard Then the teacher hangs a large picture about leisure activities on the wall The picture seems to attract the students’ attention The teacher asked the students to use the words on the blackboard to say about leisure activities which the students like doing Most students raise their hands to participate in the class So using pictures in teaching 33 vocabulary helps students understand and remember the meaning of new words without having to use the mother tongue to translate The second lesson – Unit At first, the teacher warms students up by asking some questions about their favourite fruit, vegetable and drink Some students are interested in answering the teacher and some others seem to be uninterested Next the teachers take out a set of small pictures (picture flash cards) about fruit, vegetable and drink which the teacher collected The teacher asks students to name things she has taken out After the students answer the teacher ’s questions, the teacher writes these new words on the blackboard The whole classes feel excited and they are eager to answer their teacher Besides, all students in the class feel that using pictures in teaching vocabulary make them easy to understand and rememorize the meaning of new words which the teacher wants to introduce today Then the teacher asks her students to look at the pictures on page 66 and match the food and drink with pictures It seems that almost students involved in this activity They discuss with each other about food and drink and match them with the correct pictures After checking students’ answers, most of students match food and drink with correct pictures Then the teacher read all words and asked the students to reread according to the teacher Then the teacher calls some students to repeat and corrects The whole classes still maintain their attention when the teacher presents count nouns and uncountable nouns The third lesson – Unit 12 This unit provides students with adjectives describing the weather In this unit, the teacher uses pictures in the textbooks and handout of pictures Firstly, the teacher introduces what the lesson is about Then the teacher asks students to look at pictures on page 96 and match adjectives describing the weather to pictures The students look interested when they discuss with each other and the task quite enthusiastically After checking students’ answers, the teacher reads all new words and calls some students to repeat and corrects The whole class involve in this activities 34 To help students understand and remember new words, the teacher handout pictures of some places in Vietnam asks students to talk about the weather in these places by answering the question: “Where is this? What is the weather like in these places in different seasons?” Students responded enthusiastically when the teacher gives pictures Most students raise their hands to participate in the class Summary Concerning the observation criteria at the beginning, the summary was concluded as follow To a larger or smaller extent, all the teachers who observed use pictures in teaching vocabulary to their students The first teacher used pictures in the textbooks and wall pictures and the second teacher also used pictures in the textbooks and picture flash cards It is seen that the teachers tend to use available pictures to teach vocabulary Thus, pictures in the textbooks are often made use of whenever possible As being observed, handout of pictures or pictures flash cards seem to be used more In the first lesson, the wall picture that teacher used to attract the students Although the picture was quite well-prepared, it was only in black and white colour, which was not really eye-catching to the students Moreover, it was observed that the teachers rarely used pictures in production stage, sometimes in practice stage, but mostly in presenting vocabulary In spite of some weaknesses, using pictures in teaching vocabulary to the students really help them understand and remember vocabulary easily and stimulate the students to learn vocabulary As it is observed, the students had very positive attitudes and reactions when the teachers used pictures in teaching vocabulary 4.2 Discussion of findings The data collected from the survey questionnaires and the class observation will be discussed in this part of the chapter basing on the following research questions: What are the teachers’ attitudes toward using pictures in teaching vocabulary? What are the students’ attitudes toward using pictures in teaching vocabulary? 35 How is the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary? Concerning the first two questions, it can be drawn that both of the teachers and students at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College have positive attitudes toward using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary Teachers used pictures in their lesson and in all cases the students responded with enthusiasm to the pictures that were used Both teachers and students believed that using pictures makes lessons more enjoyable and memorable The teacher felt that picture attract the students and deepen their understanding of words, the teachers also felt that when the students associate new words with a picture they find it easier to remember the meaning of the words It can be said that the teachers and the students at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College are aware of role of using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary Besides, there still are some problems which needed to be taken into consideration The first problem is that most of the teachers still restrict themselves to some types of pictures only They seem to go in the already-paved path without varying the kinds of pictures From the questionnaires and class observation, it is known that the teachers just make use of the available pictures like pictures in the textbooks as they are quite successful in teaching and learning vocabulary Therefore, the teachers need to extend their use of pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary, especially the use of such pictures as picture flash cards, word flash cards, work cards, etc Another problem is that the teachers seem to use pictures in presentation stage only In fact, using pictures are of great help to the students in practice and production stages as well In summary, using pictures in teaching vocabulary help the students learn vocabulary more effectively However, the teachers at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College have not used pictures to their fullest potentials and they only have exploited pictures in their vocabulary teaching frequently 36 PART C: CONCLUSION Implication With an aim to ensure the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary, this part of the thesis provides some solutions to the problems arising in vocabulary teaching and learning through pictures Followings are the implications for using pictures in teaching vocabulary at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College As it is undeniable that pictures play a very important role in teaching and learning process, they should be made full use of in English lessons in general and in vocabulary lessons in particular However, according to the result of the questionnaire and the class observation, pictures are actually exploited in vocabulary teaching for the second year students at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College, but not to their fullest potentials It is recommended that the teachers should increase the frequency of using pictures Specially choosing pictures is very important It is advisable that the teachers should know how to choose and make pictures quickly and economically The best way is to collect pictures from available sources like pictures from the textbooks, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, etc Moreover, the teachers will be at a great advantage if they are able to make pictures themselves or ask the students to bring in The teachers may play an active role as a facilitator to encourage the students to learn Clarification and wholehearted guidance are influential factor, which help stimulate the students Apart from the teachers ’ efforts, the managing board of the College and the Department should more practical supports For example, they should reduce the teachers’ working hours so that they can have more time for preparation In term of material supports, on one hand, the teachers should be given more budgets to make more effective pictures Besides, in order to improve the effectiveness of the teachers’ using pictures in teaching vocabulary, the teachers should consider the following points suggested by Bowen (1982:3) The purpose of the lesson in relation to the scheme of work, the syllabus The specific learning objectives of the lesson The characteristics of the class members (age, sex, educational background and reasons for wanting to learn the language) 37 Communication problems which might effect the lesson The design of the lesson (i.e the lesson plan) Available sources (visual and audio) In conclusion, it is without fail that using pictures in teaching vocabulary to the students will work well and then help the students learn vocabulary more effectively if such solutions above are taken into consideration by the teachers Conclusion 2.1 Summary Vocabulary learning is considered as a tough task for the students at Haiphong Industrial College Thus, the teachers at this college have been searching for effective methods to teach vocabulary Using pictures in teaching vocabulary is believed to be one of the best choices However, there have not been any studies on this field With great concern for this situation, the researcher carried out an investigation into using pictures in teaching vocabulary to help the second year students of Mechanical Department learn vocabulary effectively To gain valuable and reliable information for the study, survey questionnaire and class observation were employed as the methods of the study The data collected from the two questionnaires and the observation in three classes somehow reveal the teachers and students’ attitudes toward using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary and the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary Admittedly, the use of pictures in vocabulary teaching and learning is highly appreciated by most of the teachers and the students at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College Nevertheless, they have not been used to their fullest potential because the teachers are rather limited in the types of pictures and the ways to use them In general, it is effective to using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary 2.2 Limitations of the study Although the study, in fact, provides some insightful findings, some shortcomings still persist Firstly, the researcher did not have access to all students at Haiphong Industrial College, only three classes were observed Thus, the conclusion on the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary may not be well generalized for the rest 38 second year students at the college The second, the data collection period took place nearly at the end of the school when the students were busy preparing for their end-of-year examinations As a result, the students might not have spent sufficient time thinking over questions in the questionnaires before responding 2.3 Suggestions for further study It is firstly suggested that the limitations of this research will be overcome in further studies with the increased number of participants Secondly, more class observations should be carried out to provide more reliable information Additionally, pictures are used in not only teaching vocabulary but also grammar and language skills such as speaking, reading, listening and writing should be focused on in further studies In conclusion, despite some inevitable shortcomings, the researcher has succeeded in answering questions posed at the beginning Hopefully, this research would serve as a considerably good source of information to any teachers and school, firstly Haiphong Industrial College, about using pictures in teaching and learning vocabulary to the students effectively 39 REFERENCES Bowen, B M (1982) Look here! Visual aids in language teaching Hongkong: The MacMillan Press Limited Burke, E V (1980) Pictorial aids Guidelines for Audio-Visual aids, 4, 29-40 Cobuild, C (1987) English language dictionary Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Doff, A (1988) Teaching English: A training course for teachers-trainer’s handbook Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Dornyei, Z (2003) Questionnaire in second language research New Jersey Lawrence Erlbaum Gairns , R., & Redman, S (1986) Working with words: A guide to teaching and learning vocabulary Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Gerlach, V S., & Emily, D P (1980) Teaching and media a systematic approach 2nd New Jersey: Prentice Hall Gower, R., Phillips, D., & Walters, S (2005) Teaching practice: A handbook for teachers in training, Macmillan books for teachers Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited Hatch, E., & Brown, C (1995) Vocabulary, semantic and language education Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Harmer, J (1993) The practice of English language teaching Essex: Longman Group UK Limited John, R (2002) Assessing vocabulary Cambridge University Mckenkchnie, J L (1980) Webster new twentieth century dictionary unabridged William Collins Publisher Nation, I S P (1990) Teaching and learning English New York: New Burry House Nation, P (2000) Teaching vocabulary Asian EFL Journal Retrieved February 03 2010, from engengine.googlepages.com/teachingvocabularybyPaulNation.pdf Pettigrew, J (2005) Teaching vocabulary, two dozen tips and technique http://people.bu.edu/jpettigr/articles and presentation/vol.htm.36k Pyles, T., & Algeo, J (1970) English – An introduction to language New York: Harcourt, Brace 40 Sakar, S (1999) The use of pictures in teaching English as a second language London: Longman Taylor, L (1990) Teaching and learning vocabulary New York: Prentice Hall Thornbury, S (2002) How to teach vocabulary Essex, England: Pearson Education Limited Ur, P (1996) A course in language teaching – Practice and theory Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Werff, J (2003) Using pictures from magazine The internet TESL Journal Vo1.IX No7, July 2003 http://iteslij.org/techniques/werff-pictures.html Wilkins, D A (1972) Linguistics in language teaching London: Edward Arnold Wright, A (1989) Picture for language learning Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers: Cambridge University Press Wright, A., & Halleem, S (1991) Visual for the language classroom London: Longman Group UK Limited http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/think/vocabulary/collocation2.html I APPENDICES SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (For teachers) This survey questionnaire is designed for my study entitled “Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College” We would greatly appreciate if you could fulfill the following items Your opinions would be very useful to this research Thank you very much for your valuable contribution Please tick (V) or fill in the information where appropriate - Your age: - How long have you been teaching English? .years - What is your qualification? a Bachelor in teaching English as a foreign language b Master of art in teaching as a foreign language c Ph.D in teaching English as a foreign language d Others:………………………………………… How interested are you in using pictures to teach vocabulary? a very interested b interested c neutral d uninterested e very uninterested How much you think using pictures to teach vocabulary? a very useful b useful c not useful at all How you evaluate the following pictures in teaching vocabulary? very useful 3.1 Pictures in the textbook 3.2 Wall pictures 3.3 Sequence pictures 3.4 Word flash cards 3.5 Picture flash cards 3.6 Work cards useful not useful at all II How often you use the following types of pictures to help the students learn vocabulary? always often sometimes rarely never sometimes rarely never 4.1 Pictures in the textbook 4.2 Wall pictures 4.3 Sequence pictures 4.4 Word flash cards 4.5 Picture flash cards 4.6 Work cards How often you use pictures to ……………? always often 5.1 present the new words 5.2 help students practice the new words 5.3 help students in production stage How your students feel when you use the following types of pictures? very interested 6.1 Pictures in the textbook 6.2 Wall pictures 6.3 Sequence pictures 6.4 Word flash cards 6.5 Picture flash cards 6.6 Work cards interested neutral uninterested very uninterested III What criteria you base on to choose pictures when teaching vocabulary? (You can choose more than one option) a Well – designed b Eye-catching c Various d Appropriate e Relevant to the topic f Suitable for your English level Why you use pictures to teach vocabulary? (You can choose more than one option) a Using pictures motivates my students b Using pictures aids my students understand new vocabulary better c I am forced to use pictures to teach vocabulary by the authority at my department d Using pictures helps my students remember new words better e Others (please specify)…………………………………… What suggestions can you make to use pictures more effectively in teaching vocabulary to the students …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… IV SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE (For students) This survey questionnaire is designed for my study entitled “Using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College” We would greatly appreciate if you could fulfill the following items Your opinions would be very useful to this research Thank you very much for your valuable contribution Please tick (V) or fill in the information - Your age: - How long have you been learning English? .years How interested are you in learning vocabulary through pictures? a very interested b interested c neutral d uninterested e very uninterested How much using pictures to learn vocabulary help you? a very much b much c not much d a little e very little How often does your teacher use the following types of pictures in teaching vocabulary? always 3.1 Pictures in the textbook 3.2 Wall pictures 3.3 Sequence pictures 3.4 Word flash cards 3.5 Picture flash cards 3.6 Work cards often sometimes rarely never V Which following source of pictures are you interested in? (You can choose more than one option) a Pictures in the textbook b Pictures from other sources (e.g.: newspapers, magazines, hand-drawn pictures, reference books, download in internet, etc.) c Others (please specific)………………………………………………………… What does your teacher use the types of pictures for? Purposes to present new to help students to help in words practise the new production stage Types of pictures words 5.1 Pictures in the textbook 5.2 Wall pictures 5.3 Sequence pictures 5.4 Word flash cards 5.5 Picture flash cards 5.6 Work cards Do you agree with the following statement? strongly agree 6.1 The pictures your teacher uses to teach vocabulary help you understand new words better 6.2 The pictures your teacher uses to teach vocabulary help you remember new words better 6.3 The pictures your teacher uses to teach vocabulary are: * well-designed agree neutral disagree strongly disagree VI * eye-catching * various * appropriate in size * relevant to the topic * suitable for your English level 6.4 In general, it is very effective to learn vocabulary through using pictures ... MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT AT HAI PHONG INDUSTRIAL VOCATIONAL COLLEGE (Sử dụng tranh ảnh việc dạy từ vựng Tiếng Anh cho sinh viên năm thứ hai khoa Cơ Khí trường Cao Đẳng nghề Cơng Nghiệp Hải Phịng) M.A MINOR... who enter Haiphong Industrial Vocational College are aged from sixteen to twenty and male students and they come from different provinces in the North such as Thaibinh, Quangninh and Haiduong... context at Haiphong Industrial Vocational College c determining the effectiveness of using pictures in teaching vocabulary of English to the second year students of Mechanical Department at Haiphong

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:53

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Mục lục

    2. Aims of the study

    3. Scope of the study

    4. Methods of the study

    5. Design of the study

    1.1.3. The roles of vocabulary in language teaching and learning

    1.1.4. Stages in teaching vocabulary


    1.2.2. Principles of selecting a picture

    1.2.4. The roles of pictures

    2.1. Students and their background