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Unit 6. Our Tet holiday. Lesson 6. Skills 2

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Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.[r]


Period: 46

UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLIDAY Lesson 6: Skills

I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge:By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get the information about Tet activities and write an email to friend about their Tet holiday

- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Tet”: things, activities and practices. - Grammar: Will to express intentions.

Should/ shouldn’t for advice. b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. c Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

- To introduce the new lesson

- Ask Ss to recall the things in the box

- Ask Ss to recall the things in the box : + peach blossom

+ banh chung + clothes 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

- Let Ss look at the list and read them aloud Make sure they pronounce the words correctly This will help them recognize the key words in the listening - Play the tape three times and ask them which words from the lists they can hear


1 Mai and her mother are going shopping for Tet Listen and tick the things they will buy.

1 peach blossoms new clothes a tie sweets chocolate biscuits

- This activity can be done only after one has been successfully completed

- Ask Ss to look carefully at the list things Mai and her mother will buy Then look at the list of people as a guide so that they will focus on these people for the listening

2 Listen again and write the names of things they will buy for the people in column A.


1 Clothes A tie Some sweets - Ask Ss to write an e-mail to a friend about

theirTet holiday


3 Now write an e-mail to a friend about your Tet holiday Include what you will and won’t Also include things people should and shouldn’t Use your notes from Speaking and the rest of the unit to help you.

3 Consolidation 4’

- T asks Ss write the names of things they will buy for the people in column - Ss say

4 Using knowledge (option) 5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:




Period: 47

UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLIDAY (Looking back)

I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit. - Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “Tet”: things, activities and practices.

- Grammar: Will to express intentions. Should/ shouldn’t for advice.

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. c Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

- T asks Ss to describe in their neighbourhood - Ss describe

- Decribe in your neighbourhood 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

- Ask Ss to draw line to match the actions on the left with the things on the right


1 Draw line to match the actions on the left with the things on the right.

Key: j, e, d, c, I, f, h, g, a, 10 k, 11 b, 12 l

- Ask Ss to play a game This game is for Ss to revise the Tet vocabulary, not only in meaning but also in pronunciation It also trans Ss’ memory and quick reactions

2 Game: “About or Not about Tet?”

Five volunteer stand in front of the class They take turn to read aloud each phrase from the list The quickest student with the right answer gets one point for one right answer The student with the highest score wins

- Show Ss a picture of New year in Thailand and ask if they could still remember anything about New Year Festival in Thailand

- Ask them questions: when is New Year Festival in Thailand?, What is the weather like?

- Ask them to look at the list and make up sentences of what Phong will or won’t in Thailand


3 Phong is visiting Thailand at their New Year Festival Look at the list of what he will or will not do Then write out complete sentences.

Key: Will

Phong will travel by plane

Phong will wear shorts and a T-shirt Phong will get wet

Phong will throw water at others Phong will watch the elephants Won’t

Phong won’t stay at home Phong won’t eat banhchung Phong won’t go to school Phong won’t get lucky money Phong won’t wait for the first footer


much they can fill in before the listening

- Play the recording and check if Ss get the right answer

should or shouldn’t at Tet Listen and fill in the summary with should or shouldn’t.

Key: Should; Should; Should Shouldn’t; Shouldn’t; Should - Ask Ss to rearrange the words in each sentence to

make New Year wishes and greetings


5 Rearrange the words in each sentence to make New Year wishes and greetings.


1 I wish you a Happy New Year Have a great year with your studies I wish you success in your career I wish you a joyful year

3 Consolidation 4’

- Ss say the way to use “should and should not” 4 Using knowledge (option)

5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:




Period: 48

REVIEW 2: Language I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can revise the language they have studied since Unit 1. - Vocabulary: revise the vocabulary they have learnt from Unit to Unit 6.

- Grammar: Comparative Superlative

Modal verbs: must/mustn’t, should/shouldn’t, will/won’t b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence II Preparation

1 Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects. 2 Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III Students’ activities Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

-Have Ss work in teams

-Ss write as many words as possible

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s & students’ activities Contents

Tell the Ss the first tongue twister for practising the sopunds/ i/ and /i:/, the second sounds

* Activity 1:

Listen to the recording and practise:

polluted adjectives


/t/and /st/ and the thirt sounds /s/ and / / - play the tape

- Have Ss practise individually, in pairs Play game: “Race to the board”

Team work: Asks for 20 Ss for two teams; each team has 10 Ss The two teams stand in lines facing towards the board and when they hear a signal sound from the teacher they will take turns to write the opposites on the board as quickly as they can The fastest team which has the most correct answer wins

Checks and decides who is the winner Asks Ss to write down on their notebook Asks Ss to close their books

Reads the definitions and have Ss guess the words

Asks Ss open their books and check Gives answer key

+ individually + in pairs * Activity 2: Play game:

On hearing the signal of the teacher, take turns to write the opposites on the board

1 small noisy cheap low sad desert unimportant short clean 10 boring

* Activity 3: - Close the book

- Listen to the teacher and guess the words - Open the books and check the answer square first footer waterfall shop museum desert wish lucky money mountain asks Ss to give some words they know each of the


Asks Ss to put the words in bold in activity in their appropriate group

Allow ss to work together for this task Give the answers

* Activivty 4:

Give some words about the topic

Write the words in bold in activity in the correct group

a square, supermarket, school, shop, theater, museum b desert, rocks, forest, mountain

c wish, greet, lucky money, new clothes - Do the first sentence with Ss as a model

- Ask them to indentify the adjective

asks them to give the opposite then ilicit the new sentence beginning the the subject “Viet Nam…” - Asks Ss to the same

C Grammar: Activity 5:

1 Viet Nam is much hotter than Sweden

2 The andes in the longest mountain range in the world

3 A car is often more expensive than a motorbike HCMC is noisier than Hoi An

5 The air in the city is often more polluted than the air in the countryside

6 Ba Be Lake is the largest natural lake in Viet Nam - Tells Ss the Internet is useful, but sometimes it

can be dangerous because it is difficult to say if the information they receive can be trusted CEOP is a police agency (sở, nhánh) of the UK government, which helps reduce child

exploitation and protects children when they go online

Activity 6:

Answer the teacher’s questions - sometimes, usually…

- searching for information, playing games, chatting, watching movies, …

Choose should or shouldn’t to complete the sentence should should should

4 shouldn’t should should Asks Ss to work in pairs to match the questions

with the replies to make mini dialogue and practise saying the dialogues together

Activity 7:

complete the passage with: WILL or WONT won’t be will be will celebrate will spend will visit will take will go won’t cook will have Activity 8:

do the task in pairs

1 a c f b d

3 Consolidation 4’


4 Using knowledge (option) 5 Further practice (option) IV Experience:





Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 18:06
