C Th e English File questionnaire revision: question formation revision: word groups. ~ ANO CHECK 11&12[r]
~ A ,",y name's Hannah, not Anna
6 B All over the world C Open your books, please
verb be ~ subject pronouns: I, you, etc
verb be!!land possessive adJectilles: my, your, etc
10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode Arriving in London
12 A A writer's room a/ an, plurals;
this! that! these! those 14 B Stars and Stripes adjectives
16 C After 300 metres, turn right imperatives, let's I REVISE AND CHECK 1&2
20 A Things I love about Britain present simple· and 22 B Work and play present simple J1
24 C Love online word order in questions
26 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode Coffee to take away
28 A Is she his wife or his sister? 30 B What a life!
32 C Short life, long life? 34 REVISE AND CHECK 3&4
36 A 00 you have the X Factor? 38 B Love your neighbours 40 C Sun and the City
Whose ?, possessive's
prepositions of lime (at, rn, on) and place (at, in, to)
position of adverbs and expressions of frequency
can! can't
present continuous present simple or present continuous?
42 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode In a clothes shop
days of the week, numbers 0-20, greetings
the world, numbers 21-100
classroom language
colours, adjectives, modifiers: quite! very! really
feelings verb phrases jobs question words family everyday activities
adverbs and expressions of
vowel sounds word stress
,." If J \1:;:
sentence stress ;>Cf u: u; : the alphabet
final -s and -es; th long and short vowel sounds
understanding connected speech
third person -s :I:
sentence stress
.\ the letter
linking and sentence stress
the letter h
verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc sentence stress
verb phrases 1)1
the weather and seasons places in London
44 A Readingin English object pronouns: me, you, him, etc phone language ,11, t, and i:
46 B Times we love
48 C Music is changing their lives 50 REVISE AND CHECK 5&6
like + (verb + -;ng) the date: ordinal numbers
reviSion: be or do? music
consonant clusters:
(3)Grammar Vocabulary
52 A At the National Portrait Gallery past simple of be: was/ were word formation: paint> painter
past time expressions
54 B Chelsea girls past simple: regular verbs
past simple: irregular verbs
56 C A night to remember go, have, get
58 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode Getting lost
60 A A murder story past simple: regular and irregular irregular verbs
62 B A house with a history there isl there are, some/ any + the house
plural nouns
54 C A night in a haunted hotel there was/there were prepositions: place and movement
68 A What I ate yesterday countable/uncountable nouns; food
a/ an, some/ any
70 B White gold quantifiers: how much/ food containers
how many, a lot of, etc
72 C Quiz night comparative adjectives high numbers
7 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode At a restaurant
-.,; A The most dangerous road superlative adjectives pLaces and buildings
8 CouchSurf round the world! be going to (plans), future time holidays
C What's going to happen? be going to (predictions) verb phrases
A First impressions adverbs (manner and modifiers) common adverbs
B What you want to do? verbs + to + infinitive verbs that take the infinitive
C Men, women, and the internet articles the internet
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode Going home
A Books and films present perfect irregular past participles 8 I've never been there! present perfect or past simple? more irregular past participles
C The English File questionnaire revision: question formation revision: word groups
~ ANO CHECK 11&12
sentence stress
<.ed endings sentence stress
past simple verbs le:.! and fI:I, sentence stress
silent letters
the letters ea
If! and IsI
!ai, sentence stress
consonant groups sentence stress the letters 00
word stress sentence stress word stress
sentence stress irregular past participles
revision: sounds
124 Grammar Bank 148 Vocabulary Bank
165 Irregular verbs
16& Sound Bank
-G verb be[±], subject pronouns: I, you, etc
v days of the week, numbers 0-20, greetings
P vowel sounds, word stress
Hi, I'm Mike
What's your name?
a 1 2») Look at the pictures Listen and number them 1-4
b Listen again and complete the gaps
1 A Hi I'm Mike What's your I ?
B Hannah
A , ,
B Hannah!
2 A What·s your phone ? B It·s 7894 132 456
A • See you on Saturday Bye
B Goodbye
3 A , , Mum This is Hannah B Nice to meet you C Nice to you, Anna
B name's Hannah C Sorry, 'Hannah
4 A Hi,9 You're early!
B Hello, Mrs Archer How are 10 ?
C I'm very well, 11 you, Anna And you?
B 12 , thanks A It's Hannah, Mum
c Complete the gaps with a word from the list Fine Hi I'm Thanks Bye
Hello =
My name's Very well ""
Thank you", _ _ _ Goodbye
d 3») Listen and repeat some phrases from the dialogue ,C,Qpy the rm:thm
e 4») [n groups of three, practise the di:llogues with the SOllnd effects Change roles
f Introduce yourselflO other students
Hello I'm Antonio._ 1
(5)(6)Vowel sounds
usual spelling
cc ca c
his this film six big swim
meet duce
speak eJt me Wt'
! but also
English women
~ a thanks flat
black Japan hJ.vc stamp
people police
I kc, niece
-ar garden parry
a father gbsses dance
I - i l 0
h('l[ Stop coffee Inng not box
whJ.t watch want
-0' al aw u 00 00 u' ew
sporr door talk small sa\\ df,m
full pm
good book look room
school fnod June "SC ne\\ ne\\
w,lter fou r
bought thought
could would woman
Many different spellings
1;)/ is always unstressed
~cher um~lla A.Ill£rica fumous
~cond :lgQ er her verb
iT first third ur nurse turn
yes help
[en pet vcry [(·d
learn work world word
friend br(';!d breakfast any said
• especially before consonant + e
fif fuf o short vowels
usual spelling ! but also u b", lunch come brmher
ugly ,"n ,on doe,
lucky cut young a' name m ke bre<lk steak ai rain paint great eighl ay pi , da) Ihc\ grc\ o' home dose slO\\ 10\\
nld don't oa road loast
i' nine twice bu~
y m, wh)
igh high night
ou out thous nd house count ow ho\\ bnm n oi coin noise
toilet oy to enio~
c", beer engineer really idea c,c here wc're
car year hear
air airport stairs their tht;'rc
fair hair WC Lr
ato square careful
A \'ery unusual sound
euro Europe poor SUTe plural
A sound between I! and/i:l
Consonant +)' allhe cnd of words is pronounced fif
happ> am thirsty An unusual sound
education usually situation