Colors in the Hanbok indicate the values and world view of the Korean people.. Every.[r]
(1)Hanbok – Korea
In all aspecst of cultures, traditional costume is an indication of national character and values And I was really impressed by the traditional Korean attire In this country,
traditional clothes is called “Hanbok” (an abbreviation of the term Han-gukboksik) Hanbok forms a highly affective expression of Korean identity
Hanbok can be classified into ceremonial and everday dress, and then further
categorized by gender, age and season Reagardless of the differences in these classifications, all Hanbok is centered around the Korean fondness for naturalness, desire for natural
protection and blessings, and the Confucian style dress code
The beauty of Hanbok lies in the harmony of its colors, its bold, simple lines and patterns
Colors in the Hanbok indicate the values and world view of the Korean people Every
Hanbok has five colors that correspond with the five elements of the Yin and Yang theory: white (metal), red (fire), indigo/blue (wood), black (water) and yellow (earth)
+ White was the basic color most widely used by the common people It symbolized a modest and pure spirit
+ Red signfied good fortune and wealth so red Hanbok was used in woman’s wedding + Indigo, the color of constancy, was used for the skirt of court ladies
+ Black, symbolizing infinity and the fountainhead of all creation, was used for men + Yellow,which represented the center of the universe, was used for royal garments
Besides, patterns are embroidered on Hanbok to show the wishes of the wearer
+ “Peonies” on a wedding dress represented a wish for honor and wealth + “Lotus flower”, showed a hope for nobility
+ “Dragons, phonixes, cranes and tigers” were reserved for the Hanbok of royalty and high-ranking officals
Every Hanboks has different components to it For men, they have ab upper jacket known as a jeogori and pants known as baji The women have a jeogori as well and they wear a skirt whick is called a chima The unmarried women wear their hair in daenggimeori Married women wear their hair in style called jjokjin meori
The disappearance of traditional costume during the process of modernization resulted in related to economic development In Korea, Hanbok beagan to disappear from the daily life in the 1960s Nowadays, this tradiotional attire is worn on special occasions and celebrations such as weddings, Lunar New Year, ancestral rites or child’s first birthday
Unlike most of the world’s peoples, Koreans have managed to preserve the basic design of their traditional attire up through the modern period In recent times, Korea‘s Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched a campaign encouraging people to wear Hanbok The campaign has promoted the creation of new Hanbok styles that are practical for everyday use