Look for trends, seasonal components, step changes, outliers... Objectives of time series analysis.[r]
(1)Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 1.
Peter Bartlett
1 Organizational issues
2 Objectives of time series analysis Examples Overview of the course
4 Time series models
(2)Organizational Issues
• Peter Bartlett bartlett@stat Office hours: Tue 11-12, Thu 10-11
(Evans 399)
• Joe Neeman jneeman@stat Office hours: Wed 1:30–2:30, Fri 2-3
(Evans ???)
• http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/∼bartlett/courses/153-fall2010/
Check it for announcements, assignments, slides,
(3)Organizational Issues
Classroom and Computer Lab Section: Friday 9–11, in 344 Evans Starting tomorrow, August 27:
Sign up for computer accounts Introduction to R
Lab/Homework Assignments (25%): posted on the website
These involve a mix of pen-and-paper and computer exercises You may use any programming language you choose (R, Splus, Matlab, python)
Midterm Exams (30%): scheduled for October and November 9, at the lecture
(4)A Time Series
(5)A Time Series
19600 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 50
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
(6)A Time Series
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
(7)A Time Series
19600 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 50
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
(8)A Time Series
260 280 300 320 340
(9)A Time Series
240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
5 10 15 20 25 30
(10)A Time Series
260 280 300 320 340
(11)Objectives of Time Series Analysis
1 Compact description of data Interpretation
3 Forecasting Control
(12)Classical decomposition: An example
Monthly sales for a souvenir shop at a beach resort town in Queensland (Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hyndman, 1998)
4 10 12x 10
(13)Transformed data
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
(16)Trend and seasonal variation
(17)Objectives of Time Series Analysis
1 Compact description of data
Example: Classical decomposition: Xt = Tt + St + Yt
2 Interpretation Example: Seasonal adjustment
3 Forecasting Example: Predict sales
4 Control
(18)Unemployment data
Monthly number of unemployed people in Australia (Hipel and McLeod, 1994)
5.5 6.5 7.5
8x 10
19834 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 4.5
5 5.5 6.5 7.5
8x 10
(20)Trend plus seasonal variation
5 5.5 6.5 7.5
8x 10
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 −6
−4 −2 8x 10
(22)Predictions based on a (simulated) variable
5 5.5 6.5 7.5
8x 10
(23)Objectives of Time Series Analysis
1 Compact description of data:
Xt = Tt + St + f(Yt) + Wt
2 Interpretation Example: Seasonal adjustment
3 Forecasting Example: Predict unemployment
4 Control Example: Impact of monetary policy on unemployment
5 Hypothesis testing Example: Global warming
(24)Overview of the Course
1 Time series models Time domain methods Spectral analysis
(25)Overview of the Course
1 Time series models (a) Stationarity
(b) Autocorrelation function (c) Transforming to stationarity Time domain methods
3 Spectral analysis
(26)Overview of the Course
1 Time series models Time domain methods
(a) AR/MA/ARMA models
(b) ACF and partial autocorrelation function (c) Forecasting
(d) Parameter estimation
(27)Overview of the Course
1 Time series models Time domain methods Spectral analysis
(a) Spectral density (b) Periodogram
(28)Overview of the Course
1 Time series models Time domain methods Spectral analysis
4 State space models(?) (a) ARMAX models
(29)Time Series Models
A time series model specifies the joint distribution of the
se-quence {Xt} of random variables
For example:
P[X1 ≤ x1, , Xt ≤ xt] for all t and x1, , xt
X1, X2, is a stochastic process
x1, x2, is a single realization
(30)Time Series Models
Example: White noise: Xt ∼ W N(0, σ2)
i.e., {Xt} uncorrelated, EXt = 0, VarXt = σ2
Example: i.i.d noise: {Xt} independent and identically distributed
P[X1 ≤ x1, , Xt ≤ xt] = P[X1 ≤ x1]· · · P[Xt ≤ xt]
(31)Gaussian white noise
P[Xt ≤ xt] = Φ(xt) = √1 2π
Z xt
e−x2/2 dx
0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(32)Gaussian white noise
(33)Time Series Models
Example: Binary i.i.d P[Xt = 1] = P[Xt = −1] = 1/2
0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(34)Random walk
St = Pti=1 Xi Differences: ∇St = St − St−1 = Xt
(35)Random walk
ESt? VarSt?
0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(36)Random Walk
Recall S&P500 data (Notice that it’s smooth)
260 280 300 320 340
(37)Random Walk
Differences: ∇St = St − St−1 = Xt
1987 1987.05 1987.1 1987.15 1987.2 1987.25 1987.3 1987.35 1987.4 1987.45 1987.5
−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 10 year $
(38)Trend and Seasonal Models
Xt = Tt + St + Et = β0 + β1t +
i (βi cos(λit) + γi sin(λit)) + Et
(39)Trend and Seasonal Models
Xt = Tt + Et = β0 + β1t + Et
0 50 100 150 200 250
(40)Trend and Seasonal Models
Xt = Tt + St + Et = β0 + β1t +
i (βi cos(λit) + γi sin(λit)) + Et
(41)Trend and Seasonal Models: Residuals
0 50 100 150 200 250
(42)Time Series Modelling
1 Plot the time series
Look for trends, seasonal components, step changes, outliers 2 Transform data so that residuals are stationary.
(a) Estimate and subtract Tt, St
(b) Differencing
(43)Nonlinear transformations
Recall: Monthly sales (Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hyndman, 1998)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 12x 10
(44)Time Series Modelling
1 Plot the time series
Look for trends, seasonal components, step changes, outliers 2 Transform data so that residuals are stationary.
(a) Estimate and subtract Tt, St
(b) Differencing
Recall: S&P 500 data
1987 1987.05 1987.1 1987.15 1987.2 1987.25 1987.3 1987.35 1987.4 1987.45 1987.5 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 year $
SP500: Jan−Jun 1987
1987 1987.05 1987.1 1987.15 1987.2 1987.25 1987.3 1987.35 1987.4 1987.45 1987.5 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 10 year $
(46)Differencing and Trend
Define the lag-1 difference operator, (think ‘first derivative’)
∇Xt = Xt − Xt−1 = (1 − B)Xt,
where B is the backshift operator, BXt = Xt−1
• If Xt = β0 + β1t + Yt, then
∇Xt = β1 + ∇Yt
(47)Differencing and Seasonal Variation
Define the lag-s difference operator,
∇sXt = Xt − Xt−s = (1 − B
where Bs is the backshift operator applied s times, BsXt = B(Bs−1
and B1Xt = BXt
(48)Time Series Modelling
1 Plot the time series
Look for trends, seasonal components, step changes, outliers 2 Transform data so that residuals are stationary.
(a) Estimate and subtract Tt, St
(b) Differencing
1 Objectives of time series analysis Examples Overview of the course
3 Time series models