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Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients.. 1..[r]


Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 7.

Peter Bartlett

Last lecture:

1 ARMA(p,q) models: stationarity, causality, invertibility The linear process representation of ARMA processes: ψ Autocovariance of an ARMA process


Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 7.

Peter Bartlett

1 Review: ARMA(p,q) models and their properties Review: Autocovariance of an ARMA process Homogeneous linear difference equations


1 Linear prediction


Review: Autoregressive moving average models

An ARMA(p,q) process {Xt} is a stationary process that satisfies

φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt,

where φ, θ are degree p, q polynomials and {Wt} ∼

W N(0, σ2)


Review: Properties of ARMA(p,q) models

Theorem: If φ and θ have no common factors, a (unique)

sta-tionary solution {Xt} to φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt

exists iff

φ(z) = − φ1z − · · · − φpzp = ⇒ |z| 6=

This ARMA(p,q) process is causal iff

φ(z) = − φ1z − · · · − φpzp = ⇒ |z| > It is invertible iff


Review: Properties of ARMA(p,q) models

φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt, ⇔ Xt = ψ(B)Wt

so θ(B) = ψ(B)φ(B)

⇔ = ψ0,

θ1 = ψ1 − φ1ψ0,

θ2 = ψ2 − φ1ψ1 − · · · − φ2ψ0,


Review: Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes

φ(B)Xt = θ(B)Wt, ⇔ Xt = ψ(B)Wt,

γ(h) − φ1γ(h − 1) − φ(2)γ(h − 2) − · · · = σw2





We need to solve the homogeneous linear difference equation φ(B)γ(h) = (h > q), with initial conditions

γ(h)−φ1γ(h−1)− · · · −φpγ(h−p) = σw2 q




Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 7.

Review: ARMA(p,q) models and their properties

2 Review: Autocovariance of an ARMA process Homogeneous linear difference equations


1 Linear prediction


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

a0xt + a1xt−1 + · · · + akxt−k =

⇔ a0 + a1B + · · · + akBkxt =

⇔ a(B)xt = auxiliary equation: a0 + a1z + · · · + akzk =

⇔ (z − z1)(z − z2)· · · (z − zk) =

where z1, z2, , zk ∈ C are the roots of this characteristic polynomial.



Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

a(B)xt = ⇔ (B − z1)(B − z2)· · ·(B − zk)xt =

So any {xt} satisfying (B −zi)xt = for some i also satisfies a(B)xt = Three cases:

1 The zi are real and distinct


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

1 The zi are real and distinct.

a(B)xt =

⇔ (B − z1)(B − z2) · · ·(B − zk)xt =

⇔ xt is a linear combination of solutions to

(B − z1)xt = 0, (B − z2)xt = 0, , (B − zk)xt =

⇔ xt = c1z


1 + c2z


2 + · · · + ckz


k ,


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

1 The zi are real and distinct e.g., z1 = 1.2, z2 = −1.3

0 10 12 14 16 18 20 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 c

1 z1 −t

+ c

2 z2 −t


1=1, c2=0


1=0, c2=1



Reminder: Complex exponentials

a + ib = reiθ = r(cosθ + isinθ), where r = |a + ib| = pa2 + b2

θ = tan−1

b a

∈ (−π, π]

Thus, r1eiθ1r

2eiθ2 = (r1r2)ei(θ1+θ2),


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

2 The zi are complex and distinct.

As before, a(B)xt =

⇔ xt = c1z−t

1 + c2z


2 + · · · + ckz



If z1 6∈ R, since a1, , ak are real, we must have the complex conjugate

root, zj = ¯z1 And for xt to be real, we must have cj = ¯c1 For example:

xt = c z−t

1 + ¯c z¯1


= r eiθ|z1|



+ r e−iθ



eiωt = r|z1|−t


+ e−i(θ−ωt) = 2r|z1|−t


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

2 The zi are complex and distinct e.g., z1 = 1.2 + i, z2 = 1.2 − i

0 10 12 14 16 18 20 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 c

1 z1 −t

+ c

2 z2 −t


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

2 The zi are complex and distinct e.g., z1 = + 0.1i, z2 = − 0.1i

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 −2

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0.5 1.5


1 z1 −t

+ c

2 z2 −t


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

3 Some zi are repeated.

a(B)xt =

⇔ (B − z1)(B − z2) · · ·(B − zk)xt =

If z1 = z2, (B − z1)(B − z2)xt =

⇔ (B − z1)2xt =

We can check that (c1 + c2t)z−t

1 is a solution

More generally, (B − z1)mxt = has the solution c1 + c2t + · · · + cm−1tm

−1 z−t


Homogeneous linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

3 Some zi are repeated e.g., z1 = z2 = 1.5

0 10 12 14 16 18 20 −1

−0.5 0.5 1.5


1 + c2 t) z1 −t


1=1, c2=0


1=0, c2=2



Solving linear diff eqns with constant coefficients

Solve: a0xt + a1xt−1 + · · · + akxt−k = 0, with initial conditions x1, , xk

Auxiliary equation in z ∈ C: a0 + a1z + · · · + akzk = 0 ⇔ (z − z1)m1(z − z2)m2 · · · (z − zl)ml = 0,

where z1, z2, , zl ∈ C are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, and

zi occurs with multiplicity mi

Solutions: c1(t)z


1 + c2(t)z


2 + · · · + cl(t)z


l ,

where ci(t) is a polynomial in t of degree mi −


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

(1 + 0.25B2)Xt = (1 + 0.2B)Wt, ⇔ Xt = ψ(B)Wt,

ψj =

1, 5,−

1 4,−

1 20,

1 16,

1 80,−

1 64,−



γ(h) − φ1γ(h − 1) − φ2γ(h − 2) = σw2





⇔γ(h) + 0.25γ(h − 2) =

      

σw2 (ψ0 + 0.2ψ1) if h = 0, 0.2σw2 ψ0 if h = 1,


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

We have the homogeneous linear difference equation γ(h) + 0.25γ(h − 2) = for h ≥ 2, with initial conditions


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

Homogeneous lin diff eqn:

γ(h) + 0.25γ(h − 2) = The characteristic polynomial is

1 + 0.25z2 =

4 + z



4(z − 2i)(z + 2i), which has roots at z1 = 2eiπ/2,z¯1 = 2e−iπ/2

The solution is of the form

γ(h) = cz−h

1 + ¯cz¯1


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

z1 = 2eiπ/2,z¯1 = 2e−iπ/2

, c = |c|eiθ We have γ(h) = cz−h

1 + ¯cz¯1


= 2−h


+ |c|ei(−θ+hπ/2)

= c12−h cos

2 − θ

And we determine c1, θ from the initial conditions


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

We determine c1, θ from the initial conditions:

We plug γ(0) = c1 cos(θ)

γ(1) = c1

2 sin(θ) γ(2) = −c1

4 cos(θ) into γ(0) + 0.25γ(2) = σw2 (1 + 1/25)


Autocovariance functions of ARMA processes: Example

−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 10 −0.4

−0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2


Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 7.

Review: ARMA(p,q) models and their properties

2 Review: Autocovariance of an ARMA process Homogeneous linear difference equations


1 Linear prediction


Review: least squares linear prediction

Consider a linear predictor of Xn+h given Xn = xn:

f(xn) = α0 + α1xn

For a stationary time series {Xt}, the best linear predictor is f∗

(xn) = (1 − ρ(h))µ + ρ(h)xn:

E(Xn+h − (α0 + α1Xn))2 ≥ E(Xn+h − f∗


Linear prediction

Given X1, X2, , Xn, the best linear predictor Xnn+m = α0 +





of Xn+m satisfies the prediction equations E Xn+m − Xnn+m =

E Xn+m − Xnn+mXi = for i = 1, , n


Projection Theorem

If H is a Hilbert space,

M is a closed linear subspace of H, and y ∈ H,

then there is a point P y ∈ M

(the projection of y on M) satisfying

1 kP y − yk ≤ kw − yk for w ∈ M,

2 kP y −yk < kw−yk for w ∈ M, w 6= y hy − P y, wi = for w ∈ M





Hilbert spaces

Hilbert space = complete inner product space:

Inner product space: vector space, with inner product ha, bi:

• ha, bi = hb, ai,

• hα1a1 + α2a2, bi = α1ha1, bi + α2ha2, bi, • ha, = ⇔ a =

Norm: kak2 = ha,

complete = limits of Cauchy sequences are in the space


1 Rn, with Euclidean inner product, hx, yi = P

i xiyi

2 {random variables X: EX2 < ∞},


Projection theorem

Example: Linear regression

Given y = (y1, y2, , yn)′ ∈ Rn, and Z = (z1, , zq) ∈ Rn×q , choose β = (β1, , βq)′

∈ Rq to minimize ky − Zβk2.

Here, H = Rn, with ha, bi = P

i aibi, and


Projection theorem

If H is a Hilbert space,

M is a closed subspace of H, and y ∈ H,

then there is a point P y ∈ M

(the projection of y on M) satisfying

1 kP y − yk ≤ kw − yk

2 hy − P y, wi = for w ∈ M





Projection theorem





hy − P y, wi =

⇔ hy − Zβ, zˆ ii = 0, ∀i

⇔ Z′

Zβˆ = Z′ y

⇔ βˆ = (Z′

Z)−1 Z′


Projection theorem

Example: Linear prediction

Given 1, X1, X2, , Xn ∈ r.v.s X : EX2 < ∞ , choose α0, α1, , αn ∈ R

so that Z = α0 + Pn

i=1 αiXi minimizes E(Xn+m − Z)2

Here, hX, Y i = E(XY ),

M = {Z = α0 + Pn

i=1 αiXi : αi ∈ R} = ¯sp{1, X1, , Xn}, and


Projection theorem

If H is a Hilbert space,

M is a closed subspace of H, and y ∈ H,

then there is a point P y ∈ M

(the projection of y on M) satisfying

1 kP y − yk ≤ kw − yk

2 hy − P y, wi = for w ∈ M





Projection theorem: Linear prediction

Let Xnn+m denote the best linear predictor:

kXnn+m − Xn+mk2 ≤ kZ − Xn+mk2 for all Z ∈ M The projection theorem implies the orthogonality

hXnn+m − Xn+m, Zi = for all Z ∈ M

⇔ hXnn+m − Xn+m, Zi = for all Z ∈ {1, X1, , Xn}

⇔ E X


n+m − Xn+m

= E Xnn+m − Xn+mXi =

That is, the prediction errors (Xnn+m − Xn+m) are uncorrelated with the


Linear prediction

Error (Xnn+m − Xn+m) is uncorrelated with the prediction variable 1: E Xnn+m − Xn+m


⇔ E α0 +



αiXi − Xn+m



⇔ µ − X





Linear prediction

µ − X




= α0

Substituting for α0 in

Xnn+m = α0 + X



we get Xnn+m = µ + X


αi (Xi − µ)

So we can subtract µ from all variables: Xnn+m − µ = X


αi (Xi − µ)


One-step-ahead linear prediction

Write Xnn+1 = φn1Xn + φn2Xn−1+ · · · + φnnX1

Prediction equations: E (Xnn+1 − Xn+1)Xi = 0, for i = 1, , n




φnjE (Xn+1−jXi) = E(Xn+1Xi)




φnjγ(i − j) = γ(i)


One-step-ahead linear prediction

Prediction equations: Γnφn = γn

Γn =

       

γ(0) γ(1) · · · γ(n − 1) γ(1) γ(0) γ(n − 2)

γ(n − 1) γ(n − 2) · · · γ(0)

        ,

φn = (φn1, φn2, , φnn)

, γn = (γ(1), γ(2), , γ(n))


Mean squared error of one-step-ahead linear prediction

Pnn+1 = E Xn+1 − Xnn+12

= E Xn+1 − Xnn+1 Xn+1 − Xnn+1

= E Xn+1 Xn+1 − Xnn+1 = γ(0) − E(φ′


= γ(0) − γ′


n γn,

where X = (Xn, Xn−1, , X1) ′


Mean squared error of one-step-ahead linear prediction

Variance is reduced:

Pnn+1 = E Xn+1 − Xnn+12 = γ(0) − γ′


n γn

= Var(Xn+1) − Cov(Xn+1, X)Cov(X, X)−1

Cov(X, Xn+1) = E (Xn+1 − 0)2 − Cov(Xn+1, X)Cov(X, X)−1

Cov(X, Xn+1), where X = (Xn, Xn−1, , X1)


Introduction to Time Series Analysis Lecture 7.

Peter Bartlett

1 Review: ARMA(p,q) models and their properties Review: Autocovariance of an ARMA process Homogeneous linear difference equations


1 Linear prediction

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 07:19