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Combining phonetics while teaching english vocabulary for secondary students

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Combining Phonetics while teaching vocabulary for secondary students" to help them understand the rules of pronunciation of words in order to improve the ef[r]





Writer: Lai Thi Nhu Job: Teacher

School: Hoang Ly Secondary school Subject: English


I Preamble

For many years, English courses play an important role in the school Since 2001, English was included in the school as a Foreign Language to communicate So for a person to learn English communication requires full four skills: Listening; Talking; Reading and Writing And important factors for people to learn English to communicate is to pronounce words And pronunciation correctly know the rules of pronunciation of the vocabulary is very important because it is a key for the rest skills The standard pronunciation helps people learn to speak and hear English standardly Listening and speaking are two basic skills, have high applicability in the Foreign Language Study Good heard will be the solid foundation for learning to read, write well, to help students complete all four skills of listening speaking -reading - writing

But so far, most of Vietnam students learn to pronounce English in the traditional way, by learning how to pronounce a word and just know it In class, teachers often teach them to remember how to pronounce a word by reading several times in unison This method requires students to remember too much, but still not the correct pronunciation, when they meet new word, they can't read it Besides, the structure of the exam in schools is always including the phonetics Sometimes students choose the answer that not understand why they made that choice, they only see a slightly different reading selection For that reason, I chose the topic


Combining Phonetics while teaching vocabulary for secondary students" to help them understand the rules of pronunciation of words in order to improve the efficiency of learning English communication" to work research for students in junior high school level that I'm teaching

II Purpose.

When writing initiative this experience, I just wanted to contribute my opinions on issues related vocabulary in English to help teachers refer to the teaching method for learning vocabulary secondary school students, to help them reduce difficulties in learning vocabulary and phonetic exercises

III For research.

During the process of learning English to communicate, vocabulary is always an important factor However myself as my secondary school teacher found that if students not understand the phonetics, they donot know rules of pronunciation of English words and it caused a lot of obstacles for them to pronounce and homework related to phonetics Moreover, they are also very difficult to remember the pronunciation of words So I applied this method to the students of secondary school level

IV The scope of the study:


V Research basics.

I researched this subject is based on the following basis: - Based on actual teaching

- Based on a number of references to the vocabulary - Based and some comments of colleagues

B CONTENTS I Theory basics

As English has become a language of communication and international work, learning English becomes a necessity Taking with it the innovative teaching methods not stop to give students opportunities to access and use this language proficiency at an early age In a few years recently, a new method replaces the traditional teaching methods are more educational institutions in national and international attention it phonetically Phonetics Let's dig into the phonological Phonetics

What are Phonetics? In fact, if we understand and use it roughly at the level and appropriate conditions, it is the International Phonetic character known as the International Phonetic System (International Phonetics Transciption)

Phonetics method focuses on teaching English to students by matching rhyming syllables similar to Vietnamese The learners will learn how to spell every single sound, then the sound transplant unit to be able to spell a word complete Compared with traditional school students forced to repeat a word several times until memorized, but they can not pronounce new words, Phonetics will help students learn to pronounce all the words standardly, negative tail is not lost as / s /, / t /, and potentially even pronounce new words, even with the ability to rely on sound to correct spelling of the word Therefore, combining teaching Phonetics in teaching vocabulary is considered a significant step in the teaching and learning of modern English So, who teaches Phonetics to note what the teaching plan and follow the steps as to how to achieve high performance?

First, want to combine Phonetics while teaching vocabulary, teachers introduce students phonetic system (also known as the International Phonetic system) Table International Phonetic system as follows:

Vowel sounds:

Mono vowels

i:ː as in see ɝ:ː as in bird (US) u:ː as in too i as in cosy ɜ:ː as in her (UK) u as in influence

ɪ as in pit ɚ as in mother (US) ʊ as in put

e as in wet ɘ as in ago ɔ:ː as in sore

æ as in cat ʌ as in run a:ː as in arm


Diphthong vowels

as in day as in my ɔɪ as in boy as in how as in low (US) ɘʊ as in low (UK)

ɪɘ as in near (UK) as in hair (UK) ʊɘ as in pure (UK)

aɪɘ as in fire aʊɘ as in sour Consonant sounds:

p as in pen s as in sun m as in map

b as in bee z as in zip n as in nose

f as in fat θ as in thin ŋ as in hang

v as in vat ð as in that l as in led

k as in key ʃ as in ship r as in red

g as in go ɜ as in measure w as in wet

t as in ten as in chinl h as in hat

ʈ̬ as in better (US) as in general j as in yet

d as in do


1 / ə / this shows that / ə / as in the suden / sʌdən / can be pronounced or not pronounce

2 / ʳ / as in the audio / əʳ /, / ɜ: ʳ /, / eə / and / ɪəʳ / components / ʳ / is not pronounced in British English except where it precedes a vowel (as in the case of bothering, Dear Anne or answer it) In American English, / ʳ / always been pronounced (eg car is pronounced / ka: / in British English, but is / ka: ʳ / in American English)

3 /, / accent key (part of the word that you emphasize the most), as in the above /əbʌv /.

4 / ˌ / accent parts (part of the word you insist, but not as strong as the main accent), as in the backyard / baekjɑrd /

5 syllable carries the stress can be pronounced with a strong accent and as in most Vietnamese, the rest sounds like a normal reading /stuj:dənt/ student, teacher


6 In many dictionaries, / e / is replaced by / ɛ / even where / eə / a / ɛə /

7 In American English, / ɑ: / and / ɒ / are pronounced the same It may say negative / ɒ / in British English would be pronounced / ɑ: / in American English Example: hot / hɒt / and / hɑ: t /.

8 With the vowel in words like go, no way English-English transliteration will use the / əʊ / other Anglo-American / oʊ /.


10 / l / is used as a consonant (usually the 'l') is pronounced as one syllable in the word itself as / æn.gl angle ̩ /

Just memorize the sound table of English letters (called Phonetics alphabet), was able to learn all the correct pronunciation of simple structure CVC (vowel -consonant - vowel) as cat (Ka ) t, bat (bat), mud (m-a-d) As a result, students will feel pronounce English as simple and accessible That is the first point of difference between the traditional English teaching methods and combinations Phonetics

Phonetics does not force students how to learn by heart the pronounciation of new words, It gives them the rules of pronunciation so that they are not disturbed when teachers, parents, friends each person read a word in other ways together (but not know which pronunciation is true!) At that time, the rules will help students find the best reading

The next advantage of Phonetics is to study according to language learning without having to rely entirely on memory If the student to meet as many new words is to apply to the memory of reading, this is not science because human memory is limited, more memory as well "reflect all", not to mention it will Aging over time

Yet in English Phonetics, there are more complex spelling rules than in Vietnamese much It requires good teaching methods combined with experienced teachers Indeed abroad, not any native teachers can teach Phonetics The world has now appeared a system of teaching English Phonetics specific manner, not to mention the most prominent "I Can Read" "I Can Read" will help learners learn to use less memory in the process of learning English, means reducing the burden for students learning English

The difference of this system is a combination of its own curriculum, teachers and teaching methods into a unified whole rather than simply the curriculum Instead of forcing students to learn by heart the pronunciation of every new word, help them understand the rules of pronunciation to be able to deal with any word of English Once you have mastered these rules, the correct pronunciation in English has become a simple skill

Even though Phonetics has similarities as transplanting and read words in Vietnamese, but the reality is more complex In Vietnamese, the names and sounds of letters of the alphabet when they are put into words the same, they are the same for example, a letter when combined with any other letters were also read the / a /:

"Ba, cha, ca, ta ". But in English is not as simple as that In English only 26 letters, but has more than 40 monophonics, so the letters will be different spellings when it is placed in different words

For example:


But when coupled with the other letters to form words, there are a lot of ways to pronounce:

Such as: - 'a' in the word "cat" is pronounced / æ /

- In "was" pronounced as / ə /

- In "father" is / ɑː /,

- Or in "orange" is / i /.

This is a huge obstacle for students in the early stages of learning English when they not know how to read a new word that correctly So learn to pronounce should be a priority first

How to read the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) depends very much on the negative side stood beside it, word stress and position of words in the sentence As written, but only vowels (a, e, i, o, u) but when I read, there are 24 different ways to read to apply to thousands of words

II Practical basics

Unlike the Vietnamese, we can not base on the typeface to pronounce words in English In most cases can not properly pronounce words if only based on the spelling of the word (of course, we can guess the pronunciation of some words, but numbers are limited) This is one of the biggest obstacles for people to learn English

In my opinion, instead of our teaching English vocabulary in the way of children (that means to listen and try to pronounce it the same native language This method is really simple and is suitable for students However, the majority of students have "grown up" in terms of individual perception and language Therefore, not when this method is proved to be suitable), by we'll cognitive English through an intermediary tool called The International Phonetic symbols (International phonetic Alphabet - IPA). IPA is a set of phonemic symbols are the linguists created and used to represent the syllables in any human language accurately and separately Our Vietnamese or English can be "read" correctly through this IPA toolkit In any dictionary English standards, away from always is the transliteration of the word (usually placed in brackets / / or [ ], for example:

phonetic /fəʊnet.ɪk/

/kʌmp.fə.tə.bl comfortable ̩ / university [ju.nɪvɜ.sɪ.ti]

However, in recent years, thanks to the work of the psychologist in education, they have found a way to simplify the rules of spelling


Educators believe that the rules as soon pronounced in young minds, more conducive to the development of language later Later, the young brain can manipulate the rules to pronounce this a natural, fast and flexible

Learning Phonetics when learning English in school will help children not mispronounce according to the majority, therefore, it will not take the time and effort to correct the incorrect pronunciation later Correcting the way to pronounce false reality was a lot harder than learning correct pronunciation from the very beginning

Example: The teacher introduces vocabulary: /Ə/ /əʊ/

- He ll o - according to the rules read: / hələʊ /

(When students not know the rules to read, they will write to the side: "hê lô")

/Əʊ// eɪ /

- O k ay - the rules read: / əʊkeɪ /

(When students not know the rules to read, they will write to the side: "ô kê") / aɪ /

- Time - according to the rules read: / taɪm /

(When students not know the rules to read, they will write to the side: "tham") That writing makes students pronounce deviations and the familiar English pronunciation is very difficult to correct deviations

Moreover, at present, students in general and secondary school students in particular are faced with great difficulties in making tests of phonological vocabulary

Example: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest

1 A book B took C food D look A sea B see C send D sugar

For the second question, the students knew the answer crossed a certain age if they not know anything about Phonetics

If you are the teacher introduced the International Phonetic symbols and combinations while teaching vocabulary, then they a very easy way

/ʊ/ /ʊ/ /u:/ /ʊ/

1 A book B took food D look /s/ /s/ /s/ /ʃ/

A sea B see C send sugar




For all these reasons, I would boldly give his opinion on the combined Phonetics while teaching vocabulary for students to reduce their difficulties in learning vocabulary, pronunciation and vocabulary homework Phonetics


Through the process of teaching and accumulate experiences to help them improve the efficiency of communication learning English, I have achieved some positive results The following examples are in the school year 2014-2015


Class Tot



Good fair medium Weak Poor

number pro number pro number pro number pro number pro

9A/28 3,6% 25% 32,1% 21,4% 17,9%

9B/28 3,6% 21,4% 32,1% 21,4% 21,4%

8A/40 5% 17,5% 15 37,5% 20% 20%


Class Tota



Good fair medium Weak Poor

number pro number pro number pro number pro number pro

9A/28 10,7% 10 35,7% 12 42,8% 7,2% 3,6%

9B/28 10,7% 10 35,7% 12 42,8% 7,2% 3,6%

8A/40 12,5% 13 32,5% 18 45% 7,5% 2,5%

After the successful application of this topic I have personally reap valuable experience for yourself the following:

- The majority of students remember words and pronunciation of words very quickly When they catch a new word, they can read themselves through phonics without guiding of instructors

- Students can homework and understand the rules phonetic pronunciation of words


- Teachers have always known encouraging students to use their knowledge to use in communication

- Teachers should incorporate active listening and speaking English with a form of "playing - learning"

- During the episode guide them through listening to English radio and television for more proficient in their vocabulary

II The proposals

Starting from a theoretical basis, practice, teaching purposes as well as the successes and limitations in the implementation of the subject, to contribute to the teaching of English to achieve their quality improvement, I myself have the following practical recommendations:

* On the basics:

- Need to create conditions under typical practice of teaching methods, so our departments need to avoid making noise for the next class and not be affected by noise from the outside

* To the leaders:

Need enabling teachers have the opportunity to interact and learn from experience learning through seminars

Confirmation of the headmaster Hoang ly, date 10/03/2015

I declare that I write this experienced innovation myself. The writer

Lai Thi Nhu


Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 3rd edition © Cambridge University Press 2008



Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 06:27

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