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Factors affecting extent of computer use at agribank binh thuan

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RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) FACTORS AFFECTING EXTENT OF COMPUTER USE AT AGRIBANK BINH THUAN STUDENT’S FULL NAME : NGUYEN VAN VUONG STUDENT ID : CGS00018267 INTAKE : MAY 2014 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) August 2015 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page ADVISOR’S ASSESSMENT ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE NGUYEN THE KHAI (DBA) Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to everyone who helped me on the way to expand knowledge When the country Vietnam wants to get along with friends on around the world I really appreciate the constant support and encouragement I received from many people throughout the process I would like to first thank my advisor, Dr.NGUYEN THE KHAI, for he tremendous help and support I not think that I would have been able to complete this thesis without her belief in me, and he enormous support My gratitude is extended to my colleagues and coworkers at Agribank Bình Thuận, who helped me with the collection of data for the research I am also very grateful for the time and information shared with me by all the employers involved in the survey I very much appreciate the encouragement and support provided by all the teacher and staff at the Open University Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology I also truly value the friendship and assistance by the classmates of BMAOUM0514-K14C Discussions and exchanges with them have really helped improve my scientific thinking and research methodology Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family and friends who always believed in me, and have been there for me throughout this process Once again, I thank very much to all Student : Nguyen Van Vuong Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page CONTENTS LIST OF TABLE ABSTRACT CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 10 I.INTRODUCTION OF AGRIBANK 10 I.1 Over view of the Agribank 10 I.2 Services and brand name 12 I.3 Vission 13 I.3.1 Objective 13 I.3.2 Market plan 13 I.3.3 Customer orientation 13 I.3.4 Product orientation 13 I.3.5 Capacity plan 14 I.4 Mission 14 I.5 The extent of computer use Agribank staff 14 I.5.1 Agribank warranties that 15 I.6 Human resource manager system 17 II RESEARCH INTRODUCTION 18 II.1 Problem statement 18 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page II.2 Main construct 19 II.3 Research objective 20 II.4 Significance of research 20 II.5 Research questions 20 CHARPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 22 2.1 Extent of Computer Use 22 2.2 Job Demands and Decision Latitude 24 2.3 Job Control, Cognitive Demand, and Production Responsibility 25 2.4 Control and Complexity 27 2.5 Distributive and Procedural Justice 32 CHARPTER 3: RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES 33 3.1 Research model 33 3.1.1 Dependent Variables 34 3.1.2 Independent Variables 34 3.2 Constructs 34 3.3 Job Characteristics 34 3.4 Organization justice 37 3.5 Research Hypotheses 39 3.5.1 Instruments 41 3.5.2 Research Participants 43 3.6 Procedure for Data Collection and Analyze 43 3.7 Data analysis 45 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page CHARPTER 4: RESULTS 46 4.1 Reliability statistic 46 4.2 Descriptive statistic 47 4.3 Correlation statistic 48 4.4 Hypothesis Testing Result 50 4.4.1 Hypothesis Testing Result 50 4.4.2 Hypothesis Testing Result 51 4.4.3 Hypothesis Testing Result 52 4.4.4 Hypothesis Testing Result 53 CHARPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 54 5.1 Discussion 54 5.2 Limitations of Research 56 5.3 Conclusions 57 REFERENCE 58 APPENDIX Appendix 1: Survey 61 Appendix 2: Presentation 71 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURE *TABLE Table 1: Results of the survey 44 Table 2: Cronbach’s Alpha - Internal Consistency 46 Table 3: Reliability statistics 47 Table 4: Descriptive statistics 48 Table 5: Correlations 49 Table 6: Model Summary (H1) 50 Table 7: Coefficient a (H1) 50 Table 8: Model Summary (H2) 51 Table 9: Coefficient a (H2) 51 Table 10: Model Summary (H3) 52 Table 11: Coefficient a (H3) 52 Table 12: Model Summary (H4) 53 Table 13: Coefficient a (H4) 53 *FIGURE Figue 1: Hypothesis Statistic 11 Figue 2: Organizational Chart of Agribank Bình Thuận 17 Figue 3: Hypothesized Research Model 33 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page ABSTRACT A lmost every home, office, or school has a computer of some kind these days It may seems at first that having a computer brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has disadvantages Currently Agribank identify goals and orientation towards financial group strong banks, prestigious modern in the country, to exercise great influence financial markets and world region Agribank has therefore decided to deploy Corebanking system, modernize the trading system and all 40,000 employees; 2,300 branches and transaction offices to perform work on the computer system The benefits and harms to the extent of using computers is not reasonable at Agribank Benefits: Computers can perform the payment transaction, calculate faster than humans Computers can be used to perform the accounting of the transactions in a way ensuring the accuracy of data put on is correct Computers can store a large amount of information After the information is saved, it can be retrieved when needed May order the computer to automatically perform complex tasks Computers reduce the volume of paperwork and labor, thereby reducing costs Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page Harms: When Agribank successfully program implemented modernization payments system (Core Banking), the staff, tellers always working on computer work This is tool indispensable employee However, the work for hours sitting side by a desktop or laptop can lead to serious harm to health, but little who know coming Experts advise you not to sit too long in the computer one day, otherwise it could lead to common diseases of civil office such as sitting computer too long in one day makes you more susceptible to illnesses such as fatigue fatigue, headache, eye pain, dizziness, back pain, shoulder, neck, hips, and legs are numb The staring into bright screen too long will affect the health of the eyes It creates tension, fatigue and even cause dry eyes That is why I have given project named Extent uses of Computer Basic purpose of this project is to explain extent uses of computer and to answer of some question like on working typical working day how many hours you spend seated at and using computer and how many hours you spend at work and what percentage of your work time you spend seated at and using the computer and how you describe the degree to which you use the computer to carry out your job functions? Project have to must fulfill these requirements and explain extent uses and with its type of use Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION I would like to introduce a research about “Extent of Computer Use: Factors affecting it in Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank)” With more than 40,000 employees, Agribank is the biggest bank in Viet Nam in terms of fund resources, assets, number of staff, operating network and customer base I INTRODUCTION OF AGRIBANK I.1 Over view of the Bank Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Abbreviation: AGRIBANK Head Office: So2_Lang Ha_Ba Dinh_Hanoi Establishment Date: 26/03/1988 Phone: 84 4383 13694 Fax: 844 383 13717 -383 13719 Webisete: www.agribank.com.vn Agribank was awarded many prizes: Top 10 largest firms Vietnam - VNR 500; Typical businesses ASEAN; brand ASEAN famous Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 10 APPENDIX APENDIX 1: SURVEY EXTENT OF COMPUTER USE OF EMPLOYEE AT AGRIBANK BINH THUAN Dear Mr (Ms)! I am Nguyen Van Vuong, students of MBA courses Open University Malaysia and University of Engineering Technology Ho Chi Minh City We are study business administration and is doing thesis I'm implemented the study "Factors affecting the level of computer use at the Agribank Binh Thuan" I'm very pleased with the survey with employees on the subject All you spend some precious time to fill out this form of it completely with circle (O) All personal information will be kept confidential and survey questions used for learning purposes If you need any further information related to this questionaire, you can kindly contact me through email: nvvuong79@yahoo.com A Instruction for completing the survey Please circle (O) only one choice for each statement that is most suitable with your response PART 1: Job Demands and Decision Latitude Responses for items – 15 are obtained using a 5-point Likert-type scale where = never, = Rarely, = Sometimes, = Often and = extremely often Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 61 10 11 12 working hard? To what extent does your job require a great deal of work to be done? To what extent is there not enough time for you to your job? To what extent is there excessive work in your job? To what extent you feel there is not enough time for you to finish your work? To what extent are you faced with conflicting demands on your job? To what extent is high skill level required? To what extent are you required to learn new things? To what extent is your work nonrepetitious? To what extent does your job require creativity? To what extent you have the freedom to decide how to organize your work? Extremely often To what extent does your job require your Often working fast? Sometimes To what extent does your job require your Rarely Never No Question 5 5 5 5 5 5 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 62 make a lot of your own decisions? To what extent are you assisted in making your own decisions? Extremely often To what extent does your job allow you to Often 15 what happens on your job? Sometimes 14 To what extent you have control over Rarely 13 Never No Question 5 PART 2: Job Control, Cognitive Demand, and Production Responsibility Responses are obtained on 5-point Likert-type scale where = not at all, = Do you decide when to start a piece of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? a great deal 18 things? a moderate amount 17 Do you decide on the order in which you a moderate amount 16 Question just a little No not at all just a little, = a moderate amount, = quite a lot, and = a great deal 5 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 63 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Do you decide when to start a piece of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? Do you set your own pace of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? Do you set your own pace of work? Does your work need your undivided attention? Do you have to keep track of more than one process at once? Do you have to concentrate all the time to watch for things going wrong? Do you have to react quickly to prevent problems arising? Do you have to solve problems which have no obvious correct answer? a great deal 22 things? a moderate amount 21 Do you decide on the order in which you a moderate amount 20 Do you set your own pace of work? just a little 19 Question not at all No 5 5 5 5 5 5 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 64 just a little a moderate amount a moderate amount a great deal Question not at all No 5 5 5 Do the problems you deal with require a 31 thorough knowledge of the production process in your area? Do you come across problems in your job 32 you have not met before? Could a lapse of attention cause a costly 33 loss of output? Could an error on your part cause 34 expensive damage to equipment or machinery? Could your alertness prevent expensive 35 damage to equipment or machinery? Could your alertness prevent a costly loss 36 of output? If you failed to notice a problem, would it 37 result in a costly loss of production? Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 65 PART 3: Control and Complexity Responses are obtained using a 5-point Likert-type scale The anchors vary among items The end-point anchors are provided with each item An example response scale is = very little, = rather little, = somewhat, = rather much, 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Do you decide when to start a piece of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? Do you set your own pace of work? Do you decide on the order in which you things? Do you decide when to start a piece of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? Do you set your own pace of work? Do you decide when to finish a piece of work? Do you set your own pace of work? very much 40 things? somewhat 39 Do you decide on the order in which you somewhat 38 Question rather little No very little and = very much 5 5 5 5 5 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 66 PART 4: Extent of Computer Use Responses to question are obtained using a 5-point Likert-type scale where = Occasionally Sometimes Fairly often always Question No rarely rarely; 2= Occasionally; 3= Sometimes; 4= Fairly often and = always 5 5 On a typical working day how many hours 48 you spend seated at and using the computer?( describe: 1=2h, 2=4h, 3=6h, 4=8h, 5=10h) On a typical working day, how many 49 hours you spend at work? (describe: 1=4h, 2=6h, 3=8h, 4=10h, 5=12h) On a typical working day what percentage of your work time you spend seated at 50 and using the computer?( describe: 1=40%, 2=60%, 3=80%, 4=100%, 5=120%) How would you describe the degree to 51 which you use the computer to carry out your job functions? Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 67 PART 5: Distributive and Procedural Justice Responses are obtained using a 5-point Likert-type scale where = strongly disagree, = Disagree, = Neither agree or disagree, = Agree, and = strongly strongly agree get a promotion in this organization (R) Agree I am not sure what determines how I can Neither agree or disagree 52 Question Disagree No strongly disagree agree 5 5 5 I am told promptly when there is a change 53 in policy, rules, or regulations that affects me 54 It’s really not possible to change things around here (R) There are adequate procedures to get my 55 performance rating reconsidered if necessary 56 I understand the performance appraisal system being used in this organization When 57 changes are made in this organization, the employees usually lose out in the end (R) Affirmative action policies have helped 58 advance the employment opportunities in this organization Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 68 things I find wrong with my organization strongly agree I am not afraid to “blow the whistle” on Agree organization are fair and justified Neither agree or disagree 60 In general, disciplinary actions taken in this Disagree 59 Question strongly disagree No 5 5 5 5 If I were subject to an involuntary 61 personnel action, I believe my agency would adequately inform me of my grievance and appeal rights I am aware of the specific steps I must take 62 to have a personnel action taken against me reconsidered 63 The procedures used to evaluate my performance have been fair and objective In the past, I have been aware of what 64 standards have been used to evaluate my performance Promotions or unscheduled pay increases 65 here usually depend on how well a person performs on his/her job Under the present system, financial 66 rewards are seldom related to employee performance (R) Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 69 Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree strongly agree Question strongly disagree No 5 5 5 5 There is a tendency for supervisors here to 67 give the same performance ratings regardless of how well people perform their jobs(R) Under the present system, supervisors here 68 get a few tangible rewards for excellent performance (R) 69 70 71 Performance appraisals influence personnel actions taken in this organization My supervisor evaluated my performance on things not related to my job (R) I will be demoted or removed from my position if I perform my job poorly My performance rating presents a fair and 72 accurate picture of my actual job performance 73 74 75 I will be promoted or given a better job if I perform especially well My own hard work will lead to recognition as a good performer I will get a cash award or unscheduled pay increase if I perform especially well Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 70 B General Information about yourself Gender : Age: Male Female Profession: Nationality: Working seniority: …… year(s)……….month(s) Married Your position: Supervisor Staff Manager Sincerely thank everyone who took the time for the survey! APENDIX 2: PRESENTATION Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 71 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 72 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 73 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 74 Student: Nguyễn Văn Vương – MBAOUM0514 – K14C Page 75 ... more aware of the importance of extent of computer use of employee at Agribank Binh Thuan That is the most important factor to show attention and care to physical life, the spirit of officers and... health of the eyes It creates tension, fatigue and even cause dry eyes That is why I have given project named Extent uses of Computer Basic purpose of this project is to explain extent uses of computer. .. components that make up the extent of use at Agribank computer Binh Thuan? And What are the most important components affecting the health and operational status of the Bank? Student: Nguyễn

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 14:24


