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Evaluation of customer satisfaction using vinaphone

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Chapter I OVERVIEW 1 REASON SELECTED THEMES: Customer satisfaction with the product - service is a matter of survival of every business In today's context, the progress in terms of technology, mobile telecommunication services are now becoming popular and indispensable for people in everyday life The fact that Vietnam has recently enrolled on the world map and telecommunications global 3G map Thereby showing the growth of the telecommunications industry in Vietnam Especially when there are many competitors is the study of quality of service provided to customers of every business is essential to retain customers as well as attract potential customers On 19/08/2009 , the Ministry of Information and Communications granted official permits network settings and provides mobile telecommunications services for Telecommunications Corporation Telecom Indochina ( Indochina Telecom ) With this license , Indochina Telecom became the 8th mobile network in Vietnam are allowed to establish provider networks and mobile communications But up to now , Vietnam's mobile market is in the " real military war " with service provider is Mobiphone , VinaPhone, Viettel , EVN Telecom The battle between the mobile networks are becoming increasingly fierce , fierce as " market share pie " was shredded and not " pie " as before According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, through 2012 there were 130 million mobile subscribers of all types, including mobile phone subscribers is estimated at 110 million - more than the population (now 86 millionpeople) However, the booming market of subscribers would create the risk of a decline in quality, but also imply that there is a great opportunity, mobile network towering above the quality, keep safety and stability of the network will most probably break up Looking at the 2013 plan of the three "big", the only new development is set in half compared with 2012 figures This shows that they agree well with predictions by economists that in 2013 the mobile telecommunications market will gradually go into saturation The ability to increase subscriber is not high, so keep the policy will be the mainstream of the network Being a member of Post and Telecommunications Group, Vinaphone and Mobifone two pioneering companies in the field of mobile communications in Vietnam An obvious reality, though, is to go ahead, but now the market share of the mobile market surpassed VinaPhone Viettel Besides the emergence of new mobile networks to form the fierce competition VinaPhone can not sit still anymore Before such a situation, VinaPhone to to maintain its market share and develop in the future? With forecasts like this, there must be action VinaPhone redirect attract subscribers by increasing the quality of services that enhance customer satisfaction But how to know what was the thing that interested customers? And what factors affect satisfaction that ? That's why I chose Research Proposal: “Evaluation of customer satisfaction using VinaPhone” STUDY OBJECTIVES: 2.1 The overall objective: Discover the factors affecting customer satisfaction VinaPhone use The study results will indicate the level of customer satisfaction for each factor and affects satisfaction is how so that there are suggestions to improve the quality of service and also improve high competitiveness of the company 2.2 Specific Objectives: - Gather the theoretical basis of customer satisfaction with general services and mobile communication services in particular - To build the model, evaluation criteria and evaluation methodology of customer satisfaction - Evaluate customer satisfaction about network services VinaPhone SUBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY: - Research Subjects: Customers using the service VinaPhone - Scope of the Study: Ho Chi Minh City METHODOLOGY: 4.1 Research Process: Process research is designed as follows: Theoretical Foundations - Quality of service - Satisfaction - Gronroos model - Model of Parasuraman - Quality of service model for mobile field Official Research Testing scale - Assessment of Cronbach's alpha - Factor Analysis Models and Scale - Preliminary Study - Poll - Guide of teachers Official Scale Calibrate model - Type variables correlated variables small total - Check coefficient alpha - Type of variable weights < 0.5 - Test the fit of the model - Testing the hypothesis Testing theoretical models Testing hypotheses about differences based on analysis of variance ANOVA Practices Figure RESEARCH PROCESS 4.2 Research Methodology: This research was carried out through two main steps: a preliminary study using qualitative methods and formal research using quantitative methods - Qualitative research: interviewing experts to identify the factors that affect customer satisfaction Preliminary studies were carried out using this method to reappraise the questions in the interview questionnaire through pilot interviews The purpose of this study is used to adjust the scale and additional quality mobile communication services based on SERVPERF scale - Quantitative research: Research is the official research with quantitative data collection technique is interview -based questionnaire close views, opinions of customers about service quality mobile communication action Complete response data will be processed with the aid of SPSS 16.0 software Information collected will be processed by SPSS 16.0 software Scale after being assessed by the method reliability coefficient Cronbach 's Alpha and factor analysis EFA discovery, regression analysis and correlation analysis of variance was used to test the research model STRUCTURE OF TOPICS:  Part I Overview of research  Part II Content The study is divided into five chapters with the following specific content:  Chapter 1: Overview of research topics  Chapter 2: Presenting the theoretical basis of service quality and customer satisfaction, the relationship between service quality and satisfaction, the research model of service quality and satisfaction customers The team hypothesize factors affecting customer satisfaction in the field of mobile communication and provide a research model  Chapter 3: Presenting research methods to evaluate and test scale models of research topics  Chapter 4: Presentation of the results of the analysis of information, research results are mainly based on results through the use of SPSS 16.0 software Assessment results collected and analyzed have been Giving confirmed the validity of the research process is appropriate and useful Comment quality mobile communication services VinaPhone  Chapter 5: Recommendations and proposed a number of policy recommendations to increase customer satisfaction for VinaPhone  Part III Conclusion Summary results of the study have been clearly stated and the limitations of the research and studies suggest the next step Chapter II BASE MODEL THEORY AND RESEARCH SERVICES: 1.1 Definition: The service sector is seen as bringing parts intangible value to the economy Researchers modern marketing Kotler and Armstrong define the following service: "Service is any act or benefit one party can offer to another party that is basically invisible and bring ownership at all " 1.2 Characteristics: Service is a special product, there are many other characteristics with other commodities It is these characteristics make services becomes difficult to quantify and can not be identified with the naked eye Services include the following properties: - Intangibility: A pure service can not be evaluated using any body senses before it is purchased Therefore, to reduce uncertainty, buyers will look for evidence of the quality of service from their subjects exposed equipment that they see - Inseparability: Characterized by the service is produced and consumed simultaneously at the same time If someone is leasing services , the service provider will be part of the service, whether the service provider is real people or machines Because customers will also be present at the services provided to the interactions between service providers and customers is a special feature of services marketing - Variability: Shown in the quality of service characteristics depend on the service provider , depending on the time, place and manner of service provided - Perishability: other services with normal good in that it can not be stored In other words, service sensitive than other conventional cargo before the change and the diversity of needs When needs change, companies often have difficulty service so the service companies always find a way to match supply and demand together, such as restaurants hire more part-time staff to served in the peak hours In addition to the above properties, the service can be described with the other attributes as follows : - Lack of transport properties can be : Services must be consumed in place of " manufacturing " services - Lack of uniformity: Services are often modified to fit each client or each new situation ( as customer request ) The mass production is difficult for service Both the input and output of the process consists in the provision of services is very easy to change, as well as the relationship between these processes, can make it difficult to maintain a consistent quality - Need more Human Services include significant human activity, rather than on the process correctly Therefore, management of human resources is very important Human factor is often the key factor bringing success in the service industry - Fluctuations needs: It is difficult to predict demand Demand can vary by season , time of day, the business cycle - Must be present to purchase the service: Most of the service providers are required to have a high level of interaction between customers and service providers QUALITY SERVICE: Service quality is a concept made headlines and controversy, researchers have difficulties in defining and measuring service quality without any consistency ( Wisniewski , 2001) Quality of service is defined in many different ways depending on the object of study and research environment : Quality of service must be judged on two aspects : ( ) the process of providing services , ( ) the results of the service ( Lehtinen & Lehtinen , 1982 ) Grönroos ( 1984 ) also proposed two components of quality service are: ( ) technical quality, what customers get, ( ) functional quality , interpretation services are provided as How Quality of service is a service level that meets the needs and expectations of customers ( Lewis & Mitchell , 1990 ; Asubonteng & CTG , 1996 ; Wisniewski & Donnelly , 1996 ) Edvardsson, Thomsson & Ovretveit (1994 ) said that : quality services to meet the service expectations of our customers and satisfy their needs But when it comes to quality services we can not fail to mention the huge contribution of Parasuraman et al ( 1988.1991 ) Parasuraman & CTG ( 1988 , page 17 ) defines "Quality of service is the level difference between the expectations of the consumers of services and their perceptions of the outcome of the service " Understanding quality of service is the basis for the implementation of measures to improve the quality of service of mobile communication network So it is not only important in establishing development goals but also orient VinaPhone promote its strengths in the best way Service quality can be understood through its characteristics Considering the overall quality of services includes the following characteristics : 2.1 Superiority: For customers, quality service is a service that demonstrates superior "Vietnamese" your product than other similar services And this superiority makes Vietnam service quality to become competitive strengths of the supplier The superiority evaluation of service quality is influenced greatly by the comments from people who use services This relationship has important implications for the assessment of service quality from customers in marketing activities and research of customer satisfaction 2.2 Specificity of the product: Quality of service is the sum of surface and core essence crystallized in creating products and services of the characteristics of products and services Therefore, services or products are high quality will contain many " outstanding features " than the lowlevel services This distinction pertains to identify dominant attributes tangible product or intangible service It is because of these characteristics that clients can identify the service quality of other VinaPhone with competitors However, in practice very difficult to identify the core characteristics of services fully and accurately Therefore, this characteristic does not have absolute value relative only help to identify the quality of services in specific cases only easier 2.3 As supply: Quality of service associated with the process of implementation, service delivery to customers Therefore, the deployment of services, serving style and how service providers will determine the quality of service is good or bad This is the internal factor is dependent on the expression of the service provider Therefore, to improve service quality, service providers first need to know to improve internal factors to create a long-term strengths of his own in the provision of services to customers 2.4 As satisfying: Services are designed to meet customer needs Therefore, the quality of service necessary to satisfy customer needs and requirements of customers taking as a basis to improve service quality If customers feel that the service does not meet their needs, they will not be satisfied with the quality of service they receive In the modern business environment, the characteristics become more and more important than ever because the service provider must always pay attention to customer needs and try our best to meet those needs It would be useless and no point providing quality services that customers are not assessed value In terms of customer service, "features satisfying" and includes the meaning of "computer supply" The reason is because the quality of services starting from the mobile network information capture needs of customers when deploying services But in the process of implementing the provision of services that customers will feel satisfied or not and then feel the quality is good or bad service If supply carries intrinsic factor is calculated to satisfy the demand driven by external impact more 2.5 Calculate the value creation: Obviously, the quality of service associated with the value created to serve customers Services not produce all the values are not considered quality For example, mobile communication networks and creating customer value is the object that receives the value So, considering the quality of service or more specifically, the value of giving customers depend on assessment of the client, not the network Typically, customers are welcome to bring value and service to compare them with what they expect to receive In other words, calculate the value of quality of service also much affected by external factors (customers) rather than internal (home network) Quality of service is a service to create value not only meet customer needs but also to beyond the desires of customers and make VinaPhone become more prominent competitors Therefore, the calculated value creation is the basic feature and is the foundation for the construction and development of VinaPhone quality services STANDARD 68-186:2006: STANDARD 68-186:2006 "Telephone service on mobile telecom network ground - Quality Standards" was built on the basis of the review, additional STANDARD 68-186: 2003 "Telephone service on mobile networks Public Land Quality Standards" issued by Decision 161/2003/QĐ-BBCVT date 30/9/2003 Minister of Posts and Telecommunications defined as follows: "Quality of service is the result of the aggregate indicators of the level of user satisfaction with the service for that service." 10 purchase, only 3.75) Due to the complex billing procedures, take time to shut charges , locked up calls without paying which is a few inconveniences of postpaid subscribers roaming Add to that the bill has taken many shortcomings, particularly for customers using VinaPhone be paid from the state budget bill is necessary documents for the collection of unit costs, which we also know that customers are mostly used VinaPhone officials and State officials Currently the post office, will be responsible for the management of the local subscriber VinaPhone from developing its subscribers to bill chargeable But it was not any point in any chargeable also provides that often just a receipt As in Ho Chi Minh City can now pay fees at many bills favorable but only in two specified locations of VNPT Which of these locations to operate only during office hours, which can sometimes cause more troubles for customers 6.6 Empathy: The study of users of IBM has shown, in block mobile subscribers always exists the small-scale social networks When a person leaves the network, the rest of the group will have a higher probability of leaving the network Similarly, if they have to spend money to buy a product/service, and the more likely they will buy other related services Therefore, mobile network more promotional policies and more compelling content, the easier it is practical to retain customers Table 34 SATISFACTION EMPATHY Promotion Policy reasonable VNP understand customer needs N 152 152 Minimum 1 Maximum 5 Mean 3.41 3.14 Promotions in any circumstance whether it is necessary to create interest in using the product - the service when it is expressed at the right time and ingenuity But here need to realize that VinaPhone not pay much attention to the form of promotions to customers as well as not understanding the customer's needs There it is, just like the other network promotion, nothing really outstanding new And also to say that the promotion of VinaPhone asymmetries between prepaid customers to postpaid The race for market share among mobile networks now make the number of subscribers development become ever more heated Too busy market development, networks and ignore taking care of their customers had Special postpaid 58 customers which are long-term use, providing stable revenue for the network Despite knowing that prepaid customers and new subscribers are potential customers can stick with long term service provider companies but also should not forget so that customers have in a long time There were so many reality shows postpaid subscribers are active " abandoned" especially for postpaid subscribers of VinaPhone customers can be considered as loyal, sticking with the company Therefore special care to these customers is absolutely necessary that VinaPhone was left open for a long time Perhaps so that customers evaluate the Empathy factor in not high, especially problems understanding customer needs during the service, customers receive only the average level Currently VinaPhone just apply some form of promotions, customer care, such as:  Incentives for postpaid subscribers: deduction on freight bill, birthday, gifts Information Society Journal, happy New Year, providing customer care number 9191 free  Incentives for prepaid subscribers: get 50 % for the first 10 scratch cards for new network subscribers, get 50 % top up for active subscribers However, besides VinaPhone also divide customers into groups that object is classified according to special rates used to take care of: • Large customers (business) : gifts calendars, gifts, birthday gifts • Customers have high rates (over million VND/month): gifts calendars, gifts, birthday gifts • Common Client (under 300,000 VND/month): subjects were divided into two : On 300000/month: gifting From 0-300000/month: Rate Hikes • Customer churn risk (locked -way touch ) messaging to participate in promotions Over here also found that VinaPhone not really have to prove the program of particular interest to customers, the programs for different customers but can say almost the same So the research and analysis of customer needs to have the appropriate policy is not to things that VinaPhone The right approach to customer needs is a matter of concern that company 59 Chapter V PROPOSAL AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS 60 COMPETITIVE PRICE STRUCTURE The existence of the same business field as much as on the field makes the competition is more fierce Especially the mobile communication market, the most visible clients When the series launched the mobile network packet rates extremely low in order to attract customers, especially new mobile network Therefore VinaPhone should also quick to offer affordable policies to ensure competitiveness in the vibrant market Competitive prices however have associated with service quality Therefore, to best meet the interests of customers with a sustainable competitive strategy roadmap VinaPhone should reduce charges on the basis of ensuring development resources on the network, quality of service, upgrade PBX systems according to plan Besides various packages should correspond to the service provider and, depending on the type of customer that VinaPhone target Such as: • BIG Package Rates: For customers using multiple, roaming charges and monthly subscription fee higher than normal but it is eligible for incentives such as lower call rates, lower message rate, free message (100-200 messages/month) this has helped customers save more when costs have long phone calls and texting contact, just bring the company revenues additional fixed • Package rates COUPLE : For two people as husband and wife after registration will receive preferential rates : first 30 minutes of talk time/day 50% discount, free first 20 messages/day, then fell 50% between the two sim SMS tariff IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service is something special business interest If call quality is guaranteed by the specifications, the investment in technology, or the price is adjusted according to regulations, the general process is the customer service here is art, what is the contact with customers to create an abstract satisfaction Therefore, how to invest and how incredibly important 2.1 Staff are friendly and professional service: Regular training capabilities, friendly service attitude, the ability to resolve the complaint to the professional staff VinaPhone ensure their responsible areas when customers have questions, especially those dealing Members who direct contact with customers At the same time maintain and further improve the working style friendly, 61 polite in contact with customers to create the impression that customers are being respected The company should organize training courses: times / year, hire professionals trained in attitude and behavior to the tellers Given the actual situation to divide the group discussion and individual situations resolve to enhance cooperation as well as all members of each transaction After each training session can be held "secret" is the VinaPhone but pretend to be customers at the point of transaction to observe and monitor the way of the tellers on customer service attitude Then report to superiors to take the form of reward - punishment respectively At the same time, should also regularly organizes competitions " good Tellers" by the comments from customers, they will point to the level of member service transactions which they are exposed, which set to pick up who deserves this title This is also a way to self conscious tellers serve customers better In addition, organizations can VinaPhone programs attract participation opinions of officials and staff to enhance service capacity , such as the : unique services, design ideas, facilities useful and attractive for new services to increase the satisfaction of customers with a higher " reward " attractive, innovative set milestones to be achieved stimulate the dedication of the whole human for company employees 2.2 Ethics: Capacity building of staff is very important but there also can not ignore professional ethics, so you need to harmoniously combine the two to create the perfect, special note in issue sim cloning or work charging, creating precision, enhance the customer trust There should be talks between leaders and employees about professional ethics to strengthen the consciousness of each person, as well as exchange ideas set out strict punishment if committed intentionally wrong At the same time closely manage the number of subscribers to quickly detect abnormal phenomenon of sim cloning issue And complete charging system, enter the command carefully in charges to customers, avoid false annoying for customers When not applicable software is fully charged for such cases to filter out separately by manual methods and closely monitored 2.3 Working closely with distribution channels and chargeable staff: 62 Distribution of products to help bring services closer to customers than at the same time, to receive feedback from customers through the process of using the service Besides staff is also chargeable objects easier to get feedback from customers about the service It is the channel for useful information to the company launched a new business or policy changes , policy adjustments accordingly Therefore, there should be cooperation between VinaPhone and distribution channels, chargeable staff to quickly troubleshoot customer complaints In addition to creating good relationships as well as increase the benefits will reduce breeding sim phenomenon in emerging agents recently Company should note build many special promotions for agents when selling sim/card VinaPhone as: discount in bulk, giving gifts on special occasions or when exceeding the set target At time management staff to record customer feedback from dealers and collectors in the form of charges , such as having a direct swap, phone Besides should also organize conferences and agency staff chargeable to create networking opportunities as well as comments on the issue from the customer complained that the settlement proposal With the possible initiatives will have special privileges such as the title "Agent Friendly" customer, valuable rewards, pay increases (for staff chargeable), 2.4 Completing customer policy: Customer policies set out whether the company has good as any way but if the employee does not perform well becomes meaningless So that should make good the customer policies and customer care that the company proposed To ensure that this policy should match and stimulate participation from staff and customers Develop programs to accumulate points : points accumulate based on the amount of monthly users, enjoy the occasion incorporation , time bonus for using the service, except when locked subscribers Depending on the number of points to sort different class with preferential levels: deduct service charges / donate money to the account or gifts , promotion etc At the same time for each employee as a bridge between suppliers to customers, companies need to develop movement registered subscribers in all officials and employees is also a way to interest associated with the responsibility to on a development company By assigning specific targets to each department, apart from 63 individual to undertake professional work every day, they have to find ways to reach, encourage and mobilize customers to use and reuse of services VinaPhone Also need to build a management system for customer relationship: creating conditions for better enforcement personnel relationships with clients, helping to manage customers more effectively This method can detect potential objects , turning them into customers, and then maintain this long term customers for the company Nuclear is a database system for customers synthesized by different departments in the company collects includes many components, such as customer information management, customer interaction management, marketing management, management product management - services to provide full information on all customers Using this system, the teller will easily recognize many customers, coordinate with other technical departments in the company implementing the marketing activities, sales and provide appropriate services , to optimize profits and bring high satisfaction to our customers Besides, the system also helps company leaders to consider and evaluate the efficiency of the staff to come up with policies to reward or discipline CALL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT The revolution in information technology has a positive impact on most of the social and economic fields, changing lifestyles, work styles, thinking human Therefore, the application of information technology in the field of economic activity has become an inevitable trend The economic component of economic development when the market faced strong competition and increasingly sophisticated Specific business telecommunication services is to use modern technology and constant change, product life cycles are very short, more technology, the introduction of new equipment replaces old technology So to ensure sustainable development, the investment should VinaPhone import install new applications from foreign technology regularly to reduce manufacturing costs and application platform for new services platform modern technology Besides, the company also needs to actively invest in research to improve production processes , improvements , machinery and upgraded technology currently in use The shortest way to win the most efficient and competitive advantage is selfrenewal, reform, which is the most innovative technologies associated with information technology applications So VinaPhone need strengthening products - services on the basis of modern technology to provide the best for our customers 64 Accelerate investments, network expansion, network switches, network transmission is enhanced, secure network as well as to meet the increasing demand and diverse customer base especially on 3G avoid state interference, noise, or non- contact, message, although phone crashes to remain full -wave, full battery Investment in systems and equipment in accordance with 3G technology while improving the security of the premise has to reach in the future 4G technologies Besides that need upgrading and further enhance the BTS to universal remote to the right with a commitment " because benefit the community ", as well as how to get closer to customers VinaPhone to expand the market At the same time minimizing dropped condition, congestion, providing quality voice and data transmission even during peak hours in the holidays, Tet Also note enhanced redundancy and capacity, reduce risk, enhance stability in the process of providing services to clients, efficient exploitation of resources frequencies and satellite orbits in the location registered by the contract as VINASAT satellite, recently VINASAT - aims to strengthen security and safety of the national telecommunications network , and also the general benefit to the community At the same time build and improve regulations on safety and security information on the Internet and telecommunications networks ; capacity of the rescue system , troubleshoot computer and cyber crime prevention by the technology and engineering solutions cryptographic increase reliability and safety for online transactions It also should be noted trained human resources to adapt to that change Apply vocational programs and training for staff, such as complement, enhance basic knowledge of foreign languages, information technology, communication to enhance the capacity for actual employees, help employees become familiar with the new service development Need to build training plans, coaching and training staff whenever there is a change in mechanism, policy, business objectives, process technology It just makes more staff skills, knowledge to serve customers better but also excited by the training staff concerned, will help them get on with the work, more dedication to the company USE OF STIMULUS VALUE ADDED SERVICES Although not as hot race on rates or promotions but said waves could compete to provide services that will enrich the system of value added services is happening quite 65 strong among network By the time the user spent just voice and messaging but also a lot of other needs that only value-added services can be provided This trend has brought about the second source of income for the network Value-added services is an advantage of VinaPhone should focus on promoting research leads to customers Therefore, the need to develop more value-added services appropriate to meet customer needs It should be noted in the services market prospects in Vietnam, such as finding information based on the location , the link between 3G services for medical , distance education, reading newspapers and telephone network social, video mail , mobile marketing products and services for businesses, tourism advertising , Also can incorporate strengthening the relationship between banks and enterprises to build payment system via mobile phones to enhance utility customers because of reduced time and simplify procedures when paying bills for electricity, water, telephone or online shopping However, this also requires self- study every now and build complete systems to ensure the safety of the financial and customer's account This form of trading common hopes for the future And it should be noted further that, between a "forest" service is provided VinaPhone not yet have specific instructions to access the service is not high, the company has lost the opportunity of themselves So that should implement measures propaganda, advertising, website building VinaPhone easy to use, fully updated information on value-added services to customers is the fastest approach At the same time, through advertising or other forms of messaging to get the utility company to provide , particularly new services closer to customers INCREASED LEVELS OF CONVENIENCE Any product - customer service and are keen to facilities when used alongside other factors The convenient when using VinaPhone be understood in terms of access to procedures before, during and even after using the service The main level is a convenient base will retain customers and help customers have new access to services easier Use the form of freight payment notification via SMS or email client to ensure quick and accurate At the same time create more convenience for customers may be chargeable services, providing customers bill as location registration fee payment, and invoices are provided at that time, or if walk every invoice payment charges shall be 66 sent via email or direct transfer to postpaid customers as quickly as possible to save time for customers When registered customers need clear guidance on the procedures to the most convenient for them Issues such as charging for postpaid subscribers where, how many customers are still not known in the form of toll agencies or family that mostly only known in the closing rates of spot VinaPhone, causing much trouble Need quick studies completed to put to use prepaid scratch card payment charges for postpaid subscribers, reduce customer status cut off without pay promptly for any reason ADVANCED SYMPATHY Expressed sympathy VinaPhone attention to customers, proved to be a reliable companion But how to build a close relationship is not simple Each customer has different perspectives on an issue, it is necessary to study carefully the customers to have the appropriate approach Therefore, building a database of customer information to gather sufficient information about customers is essential On the database client information (from the system administrator relationships with customers), companies need to conduct customer classification such as by type of subscriber rates or time used to measure customer satisfaction, customer awareness leaving the network, identify key customers and build loyalty programs The customer care programs and require endless creative possibilities are enormous, according VinaPhone resource capabilities and characteristics of the client group that builds promotions accordingly The study of particular promotions suitable for each client objects to further enhance the satisfaction At the same time, to have its own mark for promotions, activities directed at consumers to make a difference, the highlight of VinaPhone in customers' hearts, proved itself to be a leader and not follow the schools with programs completely identical to the other network as ever And this difference will be elements retain old customers and attract new subscribers Classification rates using : • For large customers (subscribers now have more VinaPhone) : Talk introduce 24 packages, family packages, package colleagues to attract more customers using VinaPhone - Programming reduce charges for those customers - Give calendars, gifts, birthday gifts 67 - Especially for leadership gifts VinaPhone used for normal use levels on the network staff will tend to use the network more Therefore, the influence of leadership with the staff is great This particular care will help create closer relationships between customers and VinaPhone is also attracting more new customers • For VIP customers (over million/month) or customers have high rates (over million/month ): here is the customer bring huge revenues and relatively stable for the company should have of particular interest : - Give the gift value on birthdays, send flowers , greeting cards - Give calendars, gifts on holidays, Tet • For common customers : - Giving gifts on holidays, New Year, birthdays - Give freight services use In common customers have loyal customers, although monthly usage rates are not high but they have worked closely since the new company on the market , the company should also care about the customer to avoid feeling " abandoned " By :  Free when using a number of value added services ( new services or customer service is preferred registration ) for a period of months or months This is both a way to introduce new services to customers just to feel taken care of  Organization Conference regular customers to : exchange , raffle , lucky draw, giving gifts good relationship between customer and company • For customer churn risk (locked -way calls, call or blocked in both directions ) : the object here is not likely to use the service again , to retain clients that can be use : - Give freight services using the account reactivated - Texting invited to participate in promotions  Classification subscribers ( prepaid / postpaid ) : • Prepaid subscribers: this is likely the object will become loyal customers of VinaPhone should need attention : - Continue the promotion rate increases with the recharge cards - Give telephone charges , free messages on holidays 68 • Subscribers pay later : the object always felt marginalized before the massive promotions for prepaid as well as postpaid subscribers new roaming The company needs to take action to show interest in the client as : - Giving gifts on holidays, New Year , birthday - Organize travel weekend express gratitude to customers  It should be noted further : • Customers are subject COUPLE : besides the perks of charges are made to the more special by visiting wedding anniversary as : sending greeting cards and flowers , gifts will make their feel happy to be of particular interest as such • The gender differences : the holidays dedicated to each world , you can message or congratulations gift to our customers • Differences career : with every industry will have its own anniversary , or correspond to the nature of work that is different preferences to choose the appropriate gift  should adhere decree against spam ( spam ) such as the customers have the right to refuse to accept advertising messages In addition, the messaging system should also note the appropriate time to ensure not only cause discomfort and implement the consent of the customer These are recommendations personally identifiable contribute to enhance customer satisfaction VinaPhone use The recommendations are derived from practice in the state of VinaPhone 69 CONCLUSION Customer satisfaction is something that any business that wants to survive long term when will look forward to, with various efforts to provide quality products - the best service for the "God " of his For such purposes, the researchers adjusted the scale component of the quality of the network services market VinaPhone in Ho Chi Minh City After the analysis has been given additional new scale from scale theory, the results have been evaluated on the quality VinaPhone customer perspective and the impact of factors affecting satisfaction heart The study can be applied to any mobile network information in the evaluation of satisfaction And obviously , the topic has practical contributions to VinaPhone mobile networks as well as other enhancing customer satisfaction to complete increasingly more Due to time as well as knowledge of the subject is limited so there is much unfinished as:  Scope of investigation only in Ho Chi Minh market should not be high for the full generality VinaPhone  The model used in the study included not necessarily optimal , there is a need to explore, to see many more documents to find the optimal model for evaluating the entire mobile market  The study only stop at considering the factors affecting satisfaction without regard to other factors Because of such limitations we can give the next direction of research topics are as follows :  Survey on wider range can be generalized to the entire market for Vietnam  Conformity assessment between the other models mentioned satisfaction to find the most suitable model  There may consider other factors in addition to the satisfaction or loyalty 70 Work Plan Theoretical Foundations - Quality of service - Satisfaction - Gronroos model - Model of Parasuraman - Quality of service model for mobile field Official Research Testing scale - Assessment of Cronbach's alpha - Factor Analysis Testing theoretical models Practices Models and Scale -Preliminary Study - Poll - Guide of teachers Official Scale Calibrate model - Type variables correlated variables small total - Check coefficient alpha - Type of variable weights < 0.5 - Test the fit of the model - Testing the hypothesis Testing hypotheses about differences based on analysis of variance ANOVA Questionaires No Encryption Interpretation Customer Satisfaction CALL QUALITY CG1 Clear voice quality CG2 Drops networks, congestion rarely occurs CG3 Wide coverage VALUE ADDED SERVICES GT1 Many types of value added services GT2 Ease of use of value-added services GT3 Service information is updated CONVENIENCE TT1 Procedures for easy roaming TT2 Cut, open, change the sim card fast TT3 Close freight / buy simple card 10 TT4 Quick Troubleshooting 11 TT5 Staff polite procedures 12 TT6 Many of transaction, customer support 71 13 TT7 Convenient time work CUSTOMER SERVICE 14 KH1 Easy call on switchboard to answer 15 KH2 Reception staff friendly 16 KH3 Qualified staff resolve questions 17 KH4 Resolve complaints quickly 18 KH5 No cheating phenomenon 19 KH6 Promotion Policy reasonable 20 KH7 Make the commitment 21 KH8 VinaPhone understand customer needs PRICE STRUCTURE 22 GC1 Call rates are appropriate 23 GC2 Rates are appropriate message 24 GC3 Prices varied according to each service 25 GC4 Easy to pick the appropriate charges SATISFACTION 26 HL1 Satisfied with call quality 27 HL2 Pleased with added value 28 HL3 Convenient to use VinaPhone 29 HL4 Satisfaction with customer service 30 HL5 Satisfied with the price structure Personal Information GTi Sex DT The age NN Occupation VT Positions TB Type subscription service TG Time to use the service REFERENCES - Collect information and data from the internet http://vinaphone.com.vn Collecting data from a number of Vinaphone staff 72 ... factors provide customer satisfaction and scale determines the satisfaction level of customers using the service consists of two main parts VinaPhone as follows:  Part I Customer Satisfaction: ... Factors affecting the quality of services Satisfaction of customers: - Overall quality of service 25 - Satisfaction of customers  Part II Personal information of customers: 2.2 Qualitative Research:... Motto of the company is to satisfy the business needs of the customer because the customer revenue and profitability of the company When customer satisfaction with goods or services of the company,

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 14:24

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