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Factors affecting organizational commitment at the asian international school

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RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) FACTORS AFFECTING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AT THE ASIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENT’S FULL NAME : PHAM DUC QUYNH STUDENT ID : CGS00018527 INTAKE : September 2014 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : KHAI NGUYEN, DBA December 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABBREVIATIONS ABSTRACT CHAPTER - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview of Asian International School 1.2 Problem statement 11 1.3 Purpose of the Research 12 1.4 Structure of the Research 13 CHAPTER – LITERATURE REVIEW 14 2.1 Organizational Commitment 14 2.2 Work Control: 15 2.3 Perceived Importance of Workplace Values 16 2.4 Developmental Experiences 17 2.5 Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal 18 2.6 Research Model 20 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Data Collection 22 3.2 Measures 22 3.3 Data Analysis 28 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS 30 4.1 Reliabilty Analysis 30 4.2 Correlation of all Variables 30 4.3 Hypotheses Testing 32 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION 35 5.1 Discussion: 35 5.2 Limitation of the Research 36 REFERENCES 37 APPENDIX 42 APPENDIX 48 Page Advisor’s Assessment - Advisor’s signature Page ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I would like to send my deep gratitude to my lecturer Dr Nguyen The Khai who gave me his valuable advice while I was doing this research paper I came to know more new things about both the content and the format of this paper through his continuous assistance Furthermore, the lecturer provided us with in-depth knowlegde about how to write a research paper I also would like to express my special thanks to my wonderful MBA classmates who supplied me with some useful comments on this paper Finally, I would like to send heart-felt thanks to my beloved wife who continuously gives me extraordinary encouragement from the very beginning of the course Page LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: The Asian International School - Tran Nhat Duat Campus Figure 2: The Asian International School - Cong Hoa Campus Figure 3: Research Model 20 Page LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha of the variables 30 Table 2:Summary of Correlations of all variables 31 Table 3: Model Summary 32 Table 4: Model Summary of all hypotheses 33 Page ABBREVIATIONS AIS The Asian International School HRM Human Resource Management OC Organizational Commitment WC Work Control PIWV Perceived Importance of Workplace Values DE Developmental Experiences PJPA Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal Page ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine factors affecting organization commitment at the Asian international School since that the school has been experiencing high turnover in recent years The population of this study consists of 310 teachers and staff at The Asian School The questionnaires were personally administered and collected from 295 employees in which only 270 were usable Reliability statistics, correlations and regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses Findings reported that all independent variables have a positive relationship with dependent variable Based on the findings and limitations of the study, further research was needed to find out other factors affecting organizational commitment Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview of Asian International School The Asian International School is a member of The Group of Asian International Education (GAIE) GAIE comprising The Asian International School (Primary School IPS and Middle & High School AHS), The Institute of Asian Studies (IAS), and The Saigon International University (SIU), is considered to be the largest international standard system of education and scientific research in Ho Chi Minh City GAIE was established in 1999, and there are now more than 9,000 students from many countries, over 2,000 Vietnamese teachers and 200 foreign teachers learning and working in 13 campuses in Ho Chi Minh City The Asian International School provides an international standard of education for Vietnamese and foreign students from grade to grade 12 with a stimulating studying environment, high quality teaching practices as well as health care equal to many other high schools all over the world Students at AIS have full day school time: morning for Vietnamese program outlined by Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, afternoon for international educational program based on the United States curricula Principal: Nguyen Le Thanh Truc Pasteur Campus: Headquater: 226A Pasteur, P.6, Q.3, Tp.HCM Phone: (84-8) 3820 7972 Fax: (84-8) 3820 7973 School slogan: “Vietnam's spirit, global education” Page Figure 1: Tran Nhat Duat Campus Figure 2: Cong Hoa Campus Vision Excellence in global education for Vietnamese and international students grounded in the concept of unity through diversity Page Blumberg, P (1968) Industrial Democracy: The Sociology of Participation London: Constable Boyle, G J (1991) Does item homogeneity indicate internal consistency or item redundancy in psychometric scales? 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Performance Appraisal San Francisco: Jossey- Bass Van Dyne, L., Graham, J W., & Dienesch, R M 1994 Organizational citizenship Behavior: Construct redefinition, operationalization, and validation Academy of Management Journal, 37: 765-802 Warr, P (1987) Work, Unemployment and Mental Health Oxford: Clarendon Press Wasti, S A (2005) Commitment profiles: Combinations of organizational commitment forms and job outcomes Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67, 290308 Wayne, S J., Shore, L M., & Liden, R C 1997 Perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange: A social exchange perspective Academy of Management Journal, 40: 82–111 Zhou, Y (2009) British Employees' Organizational Participation Determinants and Impact Berlin: VDM Verlag Dr Muller Page 41 Trends, APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY Dear Sir or Madam, I am working on a research paper to finish my MBA course And I am carrying a survey, which is designed to indentify and explore factors affecting Organizational Commiment All information you provide will be kept totally confidential and will be used for reserach purpose only If you have any queries, please contact me via email: quynhpham0378@yahoo.com Thanks for your valuable support in helping me to complete this survey Please answer the following questions by circling the number in the table below 1= strongly disagree 2= disagree 3= agree 4= strongly agree I am willing to work harder that I have to in order to help this organizational succeed I feel very little loyalty I would take any job to keep working for this organization 4 I find that my values and the organization's are very similar I am proud to be working for this organization I would turn down another job for more pay in order to stay with this organization No Organizational Commitment Page 42 No Work Control How much control you have over the variety of methods you use in completing your work? 1= very little 2= Little 3= A moderate amount 4= Much 5= Very much How much can you choose among a variety of tasks or projects to do? How much control you have personally over the quality of your work? 10 How much can you generally predict the amount of work you will have to on any given day? 11 How much control you have personally over how much work you get done? 12 How much control you have over how quickly and slowly you have to work? 13 How much control you have over the scheduling and duration of your rest breaks? 14 How much control you have over when you come to work and leave? 5 5 15 16 17 18 How much control you have over when you take vacation or days off? How much are you able to predict what the results of decisions you make on the job will be? How much are you able to decorate, rearrange, or personalize your work area? How much can you control the physical condition of your work station (lightning, temperature)? Page 43 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No 29 30 How much control you have over how you your work? How much control you have over when and how much you have to interact with others at work? 5 5 5 5 5 1= not at all important 2=low importance 3= slightly important 4= neutral 5= moderately important 6= very important 7= extremely important 7 How much control you have over the policies and procedures in your work unit? How much control you have over the sources of information you need to your job? How much are things that affect you at work predictable, even if you can’t directly control them? How much control you have over the amount of resources (tools, material) that you get? How much control you have over the number of times you are interrupted while you work? How much control you have over how much you earn at your job? How much control you have over how your work is evaluated? In general, how much overall control you have over work and work-related matters? Perceived Importance of Workplace Values High-quality products and services of central important Individual employees recognized and rewarded for Page 44 superior performance 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Reputation for quality surpasses major competitors Innovative products and services of central important Individual employees recognized and rewarded for innovative work Reputation for innovation surpasses major competitors Widespread participation in decision making highly valued Employees are encouraged to express minority points of views Procedures facilitate widespread participation in decision making Cooperation among employees are highly valued Individual employess are recognized and rewarded for helping others Reputation as very friendly place to work compared with other firms 7 7 7 7 7 Page 45 No 41 42 1= Developmental strongly 3=somewhat Experiences disagree 2=disagree disagree In the positions that I have held at the company, I have often been given additional challenging assignments In the positions that I have held at the company, I have often been assigned projects that have enabled me to develop and strengthen new skills No 43 44 Developmental Experiences Besides formal training and development opportunities, to what extent have your managers helped to develop your skills by providing you with challenging job assignments? Regardless of the company's policy on training and development, to what extent have your = neither agree or disagree 5= somewhat agree 6= agree 7= strongly agree 7 1= Not at all 3= small extent 7 Page 46 6= 4=moderate 5= Some Large extent extent extent 7= A very large extent 2=very small extent managers made a substantial investment in you by providing formal training and development opportunities? 1= strongly disagree 2= disagree 3= agree 4= strongly agree 45 The supervisor considered the important aspects of your work when rating you 46 The supervisor rated you on how well you did on your job, not on his/ her personal opinion of you 47 The supervisor treated with consideration when giving your performance appraisal results 48 The supervisor that evaluated you showed concern for your rights as an employee 1= very little 2= Little 4= Much 5= Very much 4 No No 49 50 Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal Overall, how hard did the supervisor who rated your performance try to be fair to you? Overall, how fairly were you treated by the supervisor who rated your performance? Note: Items denoted with (R) are reversed scored The End Page 47 APPENDIX 2: PRESENTATION SLIDE Page 48 Research Model Page 49 Variables Variables Author Year Number of Items Organizational Commitment Lincoln and Kalleberg 1990 Work Control Dwyer and Ganster 1991 22 Perceived importance of workplace values Van Dyne, Graham, and Dienesch 1994 12 Developmental experiences Wayne, Shore and Liden 1997 Procedural justice in performance appraisal Dulebohn and Ferris 1999 Cronbach’s alpha Variables Cronbach’s Alpha Number of Items Organizational Commitment 0.874 Work Control 0.902 Perceived importance of workplace values 0.847 Developmental experiences 0.804 Procedural justice in performance appraisal 0.866 Page 50 Hypotheses Testing Result Variable β Sig0 Result Work Control 0.160 0.001 Supported Perceived importance of workplace values 0.189 0.000 Supported Developmental experiences 0.115 0.004 Supported Procedural justice in performance appraisal 0.417 0.000 Supported Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square 760a 577 572 Page 51 Discussion THE END Page 52 ... International School The Asian International School is a member of The Group of Asian International Education (GAIE) GAIE comprising The Asian International School (Primary School IPS and Middle & High School. .. orginizational commitment so that the school can deal with the current issue at the school 1.3 Purpose of the research To solve the problem of high turnover at The Asian international School, ... ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine factors affecting organization commitment at the Asian international School since that the school has been experiencing high turnover in recent years The

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