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The released book last year earned the author a lot of money.. Many types of classical music speed plants to grow.[r]






Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

a lazy b lapel c label d labourer

2 a while b which c who d white

3 a come b roll c comb d grow

4 a blood b prove c rude d souvenir

5 a hour b honest c heir d hospital

6 a dealt b dreamt c heal d jealous

Pick out the word whose main different from the rest.

7 a product b satisfy c mistake d however a approval b novel c compulsory d illusion a inversion b miserable c pleasant d difficulty 10 a establish b rely c project d require 11 a organize b embarrass c discourage d Surrounding Choose the best answer.

12 The bus conductor told him to get off because he couldn't pay the _

a fare b journey c bill d travel 13 Look, mother! Jack has you some flowers

a taken b brought c carried d presented 14 The boy's photograph you saw was taken a long time ago

a who b whom c whose d which 15 I'm very fond of Graham Green's novels He is my modern author

a likely b favoured c popular d favourite 16 The sky is I don't think it will rain

a tidy b clean c clear d cloudy 17 Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he up

a grew b brought c settle d came 18 Her parents gave her everything she asked for She's a completed child

a wounded b spoilt c damaged d destroyed 19 Many pop and rock stars love being the of attention

a middle b point c element d centre 20 I sport to keep fit, not because I like it

a b make c practice d train Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

A thirteen-year-old does not spend as much money as his parents suspect - at least not (21) according to the findings of recent survey, Money and Change The survey (22) included three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old from (23) all over Britain

By the time they (24) reach their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of $5.14 Two thirds think they get (25) enough money but most expect to have to something to get it

Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (26) increasing among teenagers Therefore, the majority of children make an effort to save for the future

Greater access to cash (27) among teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible as a result The economic recession seems to have encouraged cautious attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages Instead of wasting what pocket (28) money they have on sweets or magazines, the teenagers who took (29) part in the survey seem to respond to the situation by saving more than half (30) of their cash


27 a among b through c between d along 28 a cash b money c change d savings 29 a part b place c share d piece 30 a from b as c of d for Choose the best answer.

31 Have you ever heard this song in Thailand?

a singing b sing c sung d being sung 32 Who actually saw the accident ?

a to happen b happen c happened d has happened 33 They were walking on tiptoe the Director's room

a pass b passed c past (adv) d passing 34 He book the tickets, but he had no time to call at the Cinema

a would b might c could d was going to 35 We are not used to in a cold climate

a lived b live c living d be lived 36 Your friends won't be here for long ?

a they b will they c would they d wouldn't they 37 We hear you to Italy three days ago

a have gone b went c had gone d were going 38 Neither of the two girls my student

a is b are c have been d had seen 39 If you had locked the gate properly, the robbers into the house

a would not bread b should not break c would not have broken d won't break 40 Our people began the fight 1972

a from b at c since d in 41 Maria hasn't visited her home in Spain

a for many years b since many years c many years since d many years 42 John has been trying for an hour, but his car still start

a won't b wouldn't c didn't d hasn't 43 The window was shut, and he to open it

a did even not try b tried not even c even didn't d didn't even try 44 Mr Orson a car if he had enough money

a will buy b would buy c bought d has bought 45 He ownes you a lot of money,

a isn't it b doesn't he c hasn't he d has he 46 Of course, she would come to the meeting if you her

a asked b have asked c will ask d have been asked 47 l in the cafe having a drink when the police arrived

a sat b was sat c was sitting d have sat 48 It's an hour since he so he must be at the office now

a is leaving b was leaving c has left d left Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.

49 If only one was rich and famous A B C D

50 Because the heavy flood, many people are homeless


51 People say that during World War II, many women take over the business for their absent husbands A B C D

52 His mother was anxious because of his lazy


53 She shouted at him, "Go away, I don't want to see you no longer." A B C D 54 We any longer go to work by bus We have just bought a car


55 Because of the train was late, I took a taxi A B C D



57 Sometimes students fail to well when taking examinations because they are very nervous to concentrate


58 10 Not until the late Middle Ages, glass was used as a major construction material


Read the passage and choose the best answer


Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played "long, long ago" Chess was probably invented in India, and it has been played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400 The name "chess" is interesting When one player is attacking the other's king, he says in English "check"; when the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says "check mate" These words come from Persian "Shah mat" means "the king is dead" That is the game is over and one player has won

Such an old game changes very slowly The rules have not always been the same as they are now For example, at one time the queen could only more one square at a time Now she is the strongest piece on the board It would be interesting to know why this has happened! Chess takes time and thought, but it is a game for all kinds of people You don't have to be champion in order to enjoy it It is not always played by two people sitting at the same table The first time the Americans beat the Russians was in a match played by radio Some of the chess masters are able to play many people at the same tine The record was when one man played 400 games! It is said that some people play chess by post This must make chess the slowest game in the world

59. What is the main idea of the reading?

a Chess is an unusual game b The history of chess as an interesting game c How the game of chess is played d Why the game is called "chess"

60. Which of the following is known to be true?

a Chess is an old Indian travelling game b Chess is the oldest game in the world c Chess was played in Japan and Europe before 1400 d Chess was played in India long before 900 61. One player has won the game when .

a he attacks the other player's king b he says some Persian words c he says "check" to the other player

d the other player's king could not move anywhere 62 All of the following are correct except

a All kinds of people can play chess

b Some people write to each other in order to play chess c Only two people can play chess sitting at the same table d The Russians lost the game played by radio

63. According to the old rules of the game

a the queen was the strongest piece on the board b the king had to be attacked all the time c the queen could move no more than one square at a time d the king could move diagonally Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one.

64. I used to work as a telephone operator. a I am used to working as a telephonist

b I worked as a telephone operator and I am used to it c I no longer work as telephone operator

d Working as a telephone operator is useful

65. I can't stand this weather It's getting worse and worse.

a The weather is making me worse b The weather is not better but I can stand it c I can't bear this bad weather any more d I can't stand up in this bad weather 66. The police questioned two men but neither of them could speak English.

a The police questioned two Englishmen in English

b The police questioned two men who could not speak English c Neither of the Englishmen was questioned by the police d Either of the men could answer the police questions in English 67. No sooner had they found her number than they called her.

a They called her as soon as they found her number b They found her number sooner or later


d They found her number as soon as they called her

68. Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting. a Martin thought part two of the film was not as interesting b Martin liked the second film because it was interesting

c Martin thought part one of the film is not as interesting as part two d Martin only saw the second part of the film, which is interesting 69 I cannot understand why she did that, it really doesn't add up

(a) doesn't calculate (b) isn't mathematics

(c) doesn't make sense (d) makes the wrong addition 70 All the sudents got high marks in the test but Mary stood out

(a) got a lot of marks (b) got higher marks than someone (c) got very good marks (d) got the most marks of all

71 He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing (a) he is unemployed (b) he has almost no money

(c) he has a few things (d) he has nothing at all

72 As a newspaper reporter she always wanted to get information at first hand

(a) Quickly (b) slowly (c) easily (d) directly

73 I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are home and dry (a) have not got wet (b) have got no water

(c) have been successful (d) have got home dry

74 It was very of you to pay for all the drinks last night

a appreciative b generous c grateful d sympathetic 75 Don’t you think it was rather of you not to let us know that you weren’t coming?

a mean b unkind c thoughtless d unsympathetic

76 You're completely ! You never think about anybody but yourself

a mean b selfish c tight-fisted d greedy

77 It’s very of you to offer me your seat, but really I'm quite happy to stand

a sympathetic b grateful c considerate d appreciative 78 She’s so that she refuses to put the fire on, even in the middle of winter

a greedy b selfish c self-centred d mean

79 I haven’t been feeling very well

a of late b not long ago c currently d by now 80 _ we get to the top of this hill, we’ll be all right



1B 2C 3A 4A 5D 6C 7D 8B 9A 10C

11A 12A 13B 14D 15D 16C 17A 18B 19D 20A

21D 22A 23B 24A 25D 26C 27A 28B 29A 30C

31C 32B 33C 34C 35C 36B 37B 38A 39C 40D

41A 42A 43D 44B 45B 46A 47C 48D 49B 50A

51C 52D 53D 54A 55A 56B 57D 58B 59B 60D

61D 62C 63C 64C 65C 66B 67A 68C 69C 70D





I Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the other

1 A influential B opportunity C temperament D expectation A government B employment C refusal D redundant A improvement B occasion C believe D interest A industrial B interfere C develop D activity

5 A extremely B necessary C nesesity D co-operate II Choose the best answer to complete each unfinished sentence Fortunately, the demonstration to be quite peaceful

A turned into B turned out C turned off D turned up “ How much you earn, Joe?” “ I’d “

A rather don’t say B better not to say C rather not say D prefer not say The traffic in town was very _ and I arrived home earlier than expected

A light B weak C little D few

9 The witness’s account was not _ with the facts

A matched B reliable C consistent D confirmed 10 He is very ill, and the doctors are not sure whether he will _ it through the night

A last B survive C endure D make

11 you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $100 a day

A Unless B Although C Provided that D As soon as 12.I suggest we _ outside the cinema tomorrow at 8:30

A meet B meeting C met D will meet

13.I hope we will be able to avoid _ anyone

A disappointment B disappoint C disappointed D disappointing 14 Is he really _ to judge a brass band contest?

A efficient B skillful C capable D competent 15 No matter how angry he was he would never _ to violence

A resort B recourse C exert D resolve

16 The move to a different environment had brought about a significant _ in Mary’s state of mind

A impact B effect C influence D change

17 His house is nothing out of the ; it’s just an average five-room house

A normal B usual C ordinary D typical

18 The school a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam

A took B gathered C collected D adopted

19 “I think that the youth are high-flying but inexperienced” “ “

A There’ s no doubt about it B Certainly C Are you kidding me? D It’s nice of you to say so

20 What you think of your new bookkeeper?” - “He works his figures never need .”

A such efficiently that / to check C so efficient that / checking B such an efficient that / to be checked D so efficiently that / to be checked

21 It was a horrible ride through pouring rain _ he had a puncture and for the last hour had to push the bicycle

A As a matter of fact B To make matter worse C Even so D In fact 22 All through his life he remained _ resentful of the way he had been abandoned by his parents as a child

A fully B seriously C completely D bitterly

23.: Do you still live there? B: No, We’ve moved to a new house


24 I’m not particular I’ll wear of your dresses that fits me

A some one B that one C which one D any one

25 It is imperative that this letter immediately

A were sent B sent C be sent D send

26 The pub was so crowded that he could get to the bar

A almost B barely C quite D merely

27 The teacher asked a difficult question , but finally Ted _ a good answer

A came up to B came up for C came up with D came out of 28 I’ve had this cold for a week now I just don’t seem to be able to shake it

A out B over C up D off

29 It is not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name

A in type B in print C in letters D in edition 30 Could you stand _ for me and teach my English class tomorrow morning, John?

A up B down C out D in

31 Can you _ out the answer to number 2?

A check B leave C work D go

32 The complaints he received were like water off a duck’s _

A back B wings C feather D body

33 “Don’t forget to as I have told you.” “ _ “

A Yes, I won’t B No, I will remember C Yes, I will D No, I won’t

34 “How long does it take to get to the City Library from here?” “ _ “

A “Yes, it’s a long way” B “ It isn’t very far“ C “I am sorry I don’t know” D “You can go there by bus”

35 We can form a negative verb by adding the prefix to the verb ”lead”

A un- B dis- C mis- D

im-36.” Your parents must be proud of your result at school.” “ “

A Sorry to hear that B Thanks It’s certainly encouraging C I am glad you like it D Of course

III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each of the sentences that needs correcting.

37 Drug (A) addition has resulted (B) of many (C) destroyed careers, and (D) expulsions from school or college 38 A future system of (A) solid waste (B) managements should begin with (C) reduction in the (D) amount of waste

39 A mosquito (A)is filled with blood (B) is carrying (C) twice its own body (D) weight

40 (A) A desire to eradicate (B) irregular spelling in English (C) can trace back (D) to the sixteenth century 41 Because (A) not food is (B) as nutritious for a baby as its mother’s milk Many women are returning (C) to the pratice of (D) breast feeding

IV Read the passage and choose A, B, C, D for each of the following blanks

Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to consider this taboo question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you (42) _ well have heard some or all of the (43) _ It's the money, of course, some say with a smile, as if explaining something to a child Or it's the satisfaction of a task well-done, the sense of achievement behind the clinching of an important (44) _ I worked as a bus conductor once, and I can't say I (45) _ the same as I staggered along the swaying gangway trying to (46) _ out tickets without falling over to someone's lap It's the company of other people perhaps, but if that is the (47) _, what about farmers? Is it the conversation in the farmyard that keeps them captivated by the job? Work is power and sense of status say those (48) _ have either attained these elusive goals, or feel aggrieved that nobody has yet recognized their leadership qualities Or we can blame it all on someone else, the family or the taxman, I suspect, and I say this under my breath, that most of us work rather as Mr Micawber lived, hoping for something to (49) _ up We'll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think We'll scrape together the (51) _ and open that little shop we have always dreamed of, or go round the world, or spend more time in the garden One day, we'll get that (51) _ we deserve, but until then at least we have something to And we are so busy doing it that we won't have time to wonder why

42 A might B can C will D should

43 A below B rest C following D latter


45 A enjoyed B wished C hoped D felt

46 A make B turn C issue D give

47 A one B case C question D problem

48 A people B must C who D may

49 A move B turn C ease D end

50 A resources B opportunities C riches D money 51 A ambition B station C vocation D promotion V Reading comprehension:

TEXT According to airline industry statistics, almost 90 percent of airline accidents are survivable or partially survivable But passengers can increase their chances of survival by learning and following certain tips Experts say that you should read and listen to safety instructions before takeoff and ask questions if you have uncertainties You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips and as tightly as possible Of course,, you should also know how the release mechanism of your belt operates During takeoff and landings you are advised to keep your feet flat on the floor Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit and an alterative exit and count the rows of seat between you and the exits so that you can find them in the dark if necessary

In the even that you are forewarned of the possible accident, you should put your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane come to complete stop If smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing If possible, wet these for added protection against smoke inhalation To evacuate as quickly as possible, follow crew command and not take personal belongings with you Do not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated and when you jump, so with your arms and legs extended in front of you When you get to the ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the wreckage

52 What is the main topic of the passage?

A airline industry accident statistics B procedures for evacuating aircraft C guidelines for increasing aircraft passengers survival D safety instructions in air travel 53 Travelers are urged by experts to read and listen to safety instructions ?

A in an emergency B before locating the exits C if smoke is in the cabin D before take off

54 According to the passage, airline travelers should keep their feet flat on the floor -A throughout the flight B during takeoff and landings

C especially during landings D only if an accident is possible

55 According to the passage, which exits should an airline passenger locate before takeoff A the ones that can be found in the dark B the two closest to the passenger’s seat

C the nearest one D the ones with counted rows of seats between them 56 It can be inferred from the passage that people are more likely to survive fires in aircrafts if they

-A keep their heads low B wear a safety belt

C don’t smoke in or near a plane D read airline safety statistics 57 Airline passenger are to all of the following EXCEPT

A locate the nearest exist B ask questions about safety

C fasten their seat belt before takeoff D carry personal belongings in an emergency 58 The word “evacuate” in the second paragraph is closes in meaning to _

A evade B abscond C vacate D forestall 59 The word “inflated” in the second paragraph is closes in meaning to _

A lifted B extended C expanded D assembled 60 What does the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss?

A How to recover your luggage B Where to go to continue your trip

C When to return to the aircraft D How to proceed once you are away from the aircraft Text


Descendants of fish-type ancestors crossed the seashore barrier and accommodated themselves to life on land As amphibians, they possessed limbs instead of fins and lungs instead of gills But they never became completely free of the bonds that tied them to the water; even today many amphibians return to the water to lay their eggs

Millions of years after the first clumsy amphibians crawled over the land, newer types of land dwellers appeared; these animals gave rise to the present-day reptiles and mammals They were more completely converted for land dwelling, with bodies and biological activities far different from those of fish With these special adaptations, mammals have been able to colonize the woods and meadows, the deserts and high mountains, often far removed from the sea

61 Of the animals with backbones, the first to appear were

A mammals B fish C amphibians D birds

62 Fish are suited to underwater life because of their

A scales B gills C streamlines shape D All of

the above

63 In converting to land life, animals acquired

A eyes B lungs C tails D warm


64 The word “descendants” in line is closest in meaning to

A descenders B offspring C grandchildren D


65 The passage suggests that the first amphibians used their limbs to

A swim B crawl C jump D run

66 An example of an amphibian’s incomplete adaptation to land life is its

A return to water to lay eggs B scales-covered skin C need to keep its skin wet D inability to breath air 67 Animals found desert living possible only

A when they became amphibious C after they could walk on two feet B if they migrated to the sea periodically D when they were fully adapted 68 The seashore was a barrier for descendants of fish type creatures in that

A the land once rose much higher above the sea B crossing it required bodily changes C every attempt to cross it ended in death D once they crossed there was no return 69 The word “They” in line 11 refers to

A animals B amphibians

C land dwellers D reptiles and mammals 70 The adaptation process described in the article was accomplished

A over millions of years B through biological changes

C by the receding of the seas D over millions of years and through biological changes VII Choose the sentence among A, B, C, D that is closest meaning to the original sentence

71 He never suspected that she was a witch

A Never has he suspect she was a witch B He used to think she was not a witch, C At no time did he suspect that she was a witch D What he thought was she was not a witch

72 If only you told me the truth about the theft

A You should have told me the truth about the theft B Only if you had told me the truth about the theft

C Had you had told me the truth , there wouldn’t have been the theft D You only told me the truth if there was a theft

73 The demand was so great that they had to print the book immediately

A So great the demand was that they had to reprint the book immediately B So great was the demand so they had to reprint the book immediately C So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately D So great the demand was , they had to reprint the book immediately 74 It is certain that the new cuts will worry the staff


75 The minister's popularity suffered as a result of the scandal A The scandal had a negative effect on the minister's popularity B The scandal had bad effect to the minister's popularity C The scandal influenced on the minister's popularity

D The scandal effected the minister's popularity.

VIII Choose the sentence (A, B, C, D) that is best written based on the words provided. 76 Factory/ close down/ account/ economic depression//

A The factory had to close down on account for the economic depression B The factory was closed down on account of the economic depression C The factory had to close down on account for economic depression D The factory had to close down on account of the economic depression 77 the author/ released/eared/last year/the book/a lot of money

A Released last year, the book earned the author a lot of money B Released last year ,the author earned the book a lot of money C The author released the book last year a lot of money earned D The released book last year earned the author a lot of money 78 classical music/speed/plant /grow

A Many types of classical music speed plants to grow B Many classical music speed plant growth

C Many types of classical music speed plant growth D Many types of classical music speed plants’ growth 79 British/American/culture/time/see/valuable commodity

A British and American culture, time is seen as a valuable commodity B In British and American culture, time sees as a valuable commodity C In British and American culture, time is seen as a valuable commodity D British and American cultures see time as a valuable commodity 80 sport/serious/expensive business /hour/ training


1C 2A 3D 4B 5B 6B 7C 8A 9C 10D

11C 12A 13D 14D 15A 16D 17C 18D 19A 20D

21B 22D 23A 24D 25C 26B 27C 28D 29B 30D

31C 32A 33D 34C 35C 36B 37A 38B 39A 40C

41A 42A 43C 44A 45D 46D 47B 48C 49B 50D

51D 52C 53D 54B 55B 56A 57D 58B 59B 60D

61B 62D 63B 64B 65B 66A 67D 68B 69C 70D

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 00:50
