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BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TRÌNH ĐỘ C1.Uncontrollable bush fires ....... by high winds engulfed nearly 300 houses in the states of Victoria and South Australiaa.blown b.fanned c. inflated d.flown2.Smoke and dust clouds were so thick above Melbourne that airports were closed.....a.indefinitely b. endlessly c. timelessly d.eternally3.Perhaps no creature on land or sea _ so much terror as the Great White Shark.a.makes b.does c.inspires d. impresses4.A sixmetre shark died after trying to swallow a man .a.complete b.total c.entire d.whole5.Sharks are singleminded, and will usually .... rescuers; they concentrate on their original victims.a.ignore b.forget c.abandon d.leave6.Shark attacks always hit the .a.paper b.press c.column d.news7.70% of sharkattack victims die, largely due to blood and shock.a.failure b.deficiency c.shortage d.loss8.Mandanga broke off diplomatic with Zaspal yesterday when talks between the two countries over a border dispute broke down.a.channel b.relations relatives d.encounter9.Help is for suffers from the flu epidemic which broke out before Christmas.a.on the way b.in the way c.by the way d.over the way10.Prince George has broken with family by getting engaged to a shop assistant.a.heritage b.anniversary c. inheritance d.traditions

BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TRÌNH ĐỘ C 1.Uncontrollable bush fires by high winds engulfed nearly 300 houses in the states of Victoria and South Australia a.blown b.fanned c inflated d.flown 2.Smoke and dust clouds were so thick above Melbourne that airports were closed a.indefinitely b endlessly c timelessly 3.Perhaps no creature on land or sea Shark a.makes b.does d.eternally _ so much terror as the Great White c.inspires d impresses 4.A six-metre shark died after trying to swallow a man a.complete b.total c.entire d.whole 5.Sharks are single-minded, and will usually rescuers; they concentrate on their original victims a.ignore b.forget c.abandon d.leave 6.Shark attacks always hit the a.paper b.press c.column d.news 7.70% of shark-attack victims die, largely due to blood and shock a.failure d.loss b.deficiency c.shortage 8.Mandanga broke off diplomatic with Zaspal yesterday when talks between the two countries over a border dispute broke down a.channel b.relations relatives d.encounter 9.Help is for suffers from the flu epidemic which broke out before Christmas a.on the way b.in the way c.by the way 10.Prince George has broken with family assistant a.heritage b.anniversary 11.I hope you won't take a.annoyance b.offence by getting engaged to a shop c inheritance d.traditions if I tell you the truth c.resentment 12.Computer scientists are now working on the next ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.over the way d.irritation of computers a.generation b institution c imposition d.age 13.Most people are aware of their astrological a.signs d.signals b marks c.points 14.They sent out a party for fear he'd got lost a.looking b searching c search 15.He said an airplane would be a.dropping d.hunting supplies to him at regular intervals b throwing c.falling d.relieving 16.The British monarchy is an enormously popular a.station b status c.state 17.In the late 1970s, a newspaper a.operated d.institution an opinion poll b.created c.conducted d.caused 18.Anger that you don't to others can become anger that you turn against yourself a.feel b express c relieve d.spread 19.Most collectors begin things which interest them, and as the collection grows, knowledge of the subject grows a.acquiring b.searching c.finding d.massing 20.Ball-point pens were widely available, and were made in a large and styles a.group b.mixture c.range 21.He opened the letter without a.worrying 22.I am very a.concerned of colors d.space to read the address on the envelope b.caring c.fearing d.bothering in the information you have gievn me b.surprised c.interesting d.interested 23.Workers who not obey the safety regulations will be immediately a.refused 24.He was an his ideas a.ordinary b.rejected c.disapproved writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of b influential 25.Many education courses require both before degrees are awarded a.prepared ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.dismissed b spoken c.unlimited d.accurate (oral) and written presentations c.excellent d.understood 26 (gradually), John's fear of heights subsided as he climbed Mt Katahdin, Maine's highest peak a.Immediately b Slowly c.Hesitantly d.Approximately 27.It would be impossible to _(remember) all the events of that day: it was so gectic a.understand b appreciate c.forget 28.Handwriting analysis is a valuable forgeries a.method b type 29.Trees that d.recall (tool) for the identification of c.benefit d.handle (block) the view of oncoming traffic should be cut down a.alter b obstruct 30.Attitudes to animals c.improve greatly between two extremes a.commute b modify 31.You must asleep in the train c alter d.vary a.be tired if you have been fallen b.be tired of you had fallen c.have been tired if you fell 32.Would you like to elaborate d.have been tired if you fall your last answer? a.with b.over 33.Scarcely when the fight broke out a.he arrived arrived d.spoil c.about d.on b.he had arrived c.did he arrive d.had he 34.It was as if the whole town asleep a.fell 35 b.had fallen c.would have fallen d.should fall is called erosion a.The wearing away of land b When the land wears away c Lands which wears away d.Wearing away land 36 , we drove the horses into the stable a.Aware that a tornado was brewing c.Although a tornado was brewing 37.It is a sign a.for b.Because a tornado brewing d.A tornado was brewing fall when the leaves on the trees begin to change color b at c to d.of 38.I don't want to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ me a favor a.make b.do c find d.pick 39.I had to get up early, I'd have missed the train a.otherwise b if not c.but 40.Although he hasn't said anything, he a.acts d.so that to be upset about it b.shows c behaves d.seems 41.Throughout history, the moon has inspired not only song and dance a.and also poetry and prose b.but poetry also prose c.together with poetry and prose d.but poetry and prose as well 42.Precaustions are taken United States a.whenever 43 a hurricane threatens to strike the coast of the b.however c always d.whether about how much sleep is necessary a.No rules are are required b.There are no rules c No rules discuss d.No rules 44.Although there is plenty of coal left underground, the mine is unsuitable modern equipment, and is uneconomic a.for b.into c by d.through 45.At present, a government enquiry is taking place massive nuclear reactor two miles north of the town a.in b.into c.by plans to build a d.through 46.The economies of several small countries rely heavily the sale of colorful stamps a.on b.in c.with d.by 47.If you want your collection to grow value, it is probably best to avoid things which are sold especially for collectors a.by b.with c.through d.in 48 that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon than of the earth a.To say b.They said 49.For the first time simultaneously a.since history ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ c The saying c.It is saying , large portions of the universe can be observed b in history c history began d.of the beginning of history 50.Some areas of the moon are so full of crators a.that they present present b presenting an extremely rough surface c.which present d.to 51.Many people are throw away used pens, and put them in a drawer or box, perhaps hoping they might work again one day a.reluctantly to reluctantly b.reluctant at c reluctant to 52.He remembered the day three months to order the car a.previously when d.previously which d.to he had walked into the showroom b previously that c previously then 53.The earth might look like a perfect sphere, but careful measurements a.show is not is not b.show that it is not c that show it is not 54.Near the White House is another famous landmark Monument a.is which b.which call c.called b.as c.on d.show it that the Washington d.it is called 55.For many children, nothing seems so exciting a.so does their first airplane ride d.is 56.On no account be removed from the library a reference books may b.may reference books c.reference books cannot d.reference books 57.Kilimanjaro, Kenya , rises almost 20,000 feet on the border of Tanzania and a.it is Africa's highest mountain c.is Africa's highest mountain 58.The young of most species eat their lives a.regularly 59.Be sure to send the a.questionable 60 b.intermittently b Africa's highest mountain d.of the highest African mountain (voraciously) for the first few weeks of c.ravenously d.quickly (requisite) information with the application form b.necessary c important d.enclosed (lacking) the complete specifications for the job, we completed the ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ drawings as best we could a.Using b.Missing c.Interpreting d.Requiring Questions 61-64 Barbara Tuchman was an American Pulitzer Prize-winning historian who knew how to stand out from the crowd Author of books such as "The First Salute", her best selling account of the American Revolution, Tuchman had a special talent for making history appealing to common people Unlike other unpublished historians, Tuchman did not limit herself to a dry retelling of fact Her prose skillfully combined scholarly treatment with high drama Tuch man also distinguished herself by declining to pursue a doctorate degree, which won her the disrespect of many of her mainstream colleagues To them, the lack of advanced trainingmade her books suspect has literary works and teachings tools A few others, however, maintained that her art of historical investigation might actually have suffered if she had acquired a Ph.D degree They point to the boring efforts of historians whose works, for the most part, lie buried on library shelves Tuchman, on the other hand, succeeded in bringing history to the attention of the masses 61.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a.Pulitzer Prize-winning Historians b.The Works Of Barbara Tuchman c.An Account of the American Revolution Historia d.Barbara Tuchman: A Unique 62.According to the passage, Barbara Tuchman had the special ability to a.make historical facts interesting b.write many bestselling books c.overcome the effects of advanced training historical facts d.limit her accounts to 63.In the passage, the word "others" could best be replaced by which of the following? a.literary works people b.colleagues c teaching tools d.common 64.It can be inferred from the passage that many mainstream historians a.view Tuchman with great respect literary success b.suffered as a result of Tuchman's c.dismissed Tuchman's works as literary prose degrees ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.never attained advanced Questions 65-69 Money is an international commodity that moves across continents almost as fast as moves across the street One of the things that lures money across international borders is the rate of interest If interest rates are higher abroad than at home, American businesses and investors will move their money out the the USA and into countries with higher interest rates When domestic interest rates are higher, the flow of money will reverse These international money flows are another constraint on monetary policy Suppose the federal government wants to slow the economy by limiting money-supply growth Such tight-money policies will tend to raise interest rates in the USA A higher interest rate is supposed to curb domestic investment and consumer spending But those higher U.S interest rates will also be an attraction to foreign money People holding dollars abroad will want to move more money to teh United States, where it can earn higher interest rates Foreigners will also want to exchange cheir currencies for dollars, again in order to earn higher interest rates As international money flows into the United States, the money supply will expand more quickly than the government desired This will frustrate the government's policy objectives and may force it to increase the international value of the dollar, making it more difficult to sell U.S exports In sum, the internationalization of money is one more problem the federal government has to worry about when it conducst monetary policy 65.This passage mainly discusses a.international politics c.international money and money policy b.U.S banking d.interest rates for foreign investors 66.The main idea of the passage is that a.money is an international commodity b.interest rates determine the flow of international money c.the Fed controls the international money market d.internationalization of money will affect monetary policy 67.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? a.Foreign Money in the USA b.Higher Interest Rates: A Cure for Financial Problems? c International Constraints on Monetary Policy ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.Take Your Money Abroad 68.What is the purpose of the passage? a.To discourage foreign investment b.To gain support for the federal government c.To argue for lower interest rates d.To discuss the effect of the flow of international money 69.Which of the following best describe the organization of the passage? a.A classification of monetary policies policies b.A criticism of current monetary c.A response to a proposal for a change in monetary policy d.An explanation of an issue in monetary policy Questions 70-74: The world above the forest floor can be observed by all of us Rarely, however, we take the time to notice the teeming life and bustling activity that occurs beneath the ground we walk on Of all soil-dwelling creatures, the most abundant are mites and springtails, insect-like creatures that literally eat their way through caverns of subterranean vegetation The tiny, eight-legged mites lay their eggs on plant matter, which their larvae eat and convert into fresh soil The bright-colored springtails are named for their ability to leap long distances during their search for decomposed plant matter to eat Both mites and springtails are prey to a host of soil-dwelling predators They thus anchor one end of the food chain that extends to higher forms of forest "lowlife", such as moles that feed on earthworjms and shrews that eat beetles Those mammals, in turn, dig tunnels that function as underground byways for other subterranean species Hibernating chipmunks, turtles, and salamanders sift and mix the soil when they burrow to winter dens Cottontails and gray foxes excavate shallow dens as sanctuary from predators and harsh weather, while gray squirrels, hiding acorns for the lean season, further blend the earth From microbe to people, thousands of species work the land upon which all life depends ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ 70.The passage states that which of the following are the most numerous inhabitants of the soil? a.Foxes and cottontails b Earthworms and ants c.Mites and springtails d.Shrews and moles 71.According to the passage, all of the following are true about mites and springtails EXCEPT a.they make new soil b.they resemble insects c.they form the lower end of the food chain d.they hibernate for the winter 72.An example of predator and prey given in this passage is a.mites and springtails b turtles and salamanders c moles and earthworms d gray squirrels and acorns 73.Which of the following are mentioned in the passage as living underground during the winter? a.Shrews b Foxes c.Squirrels d.Salamanders 74.According to the author, the contribution that all the animals mentioned in the passage make to their habitat is a.they form the food chain c.they find safety in the soil b.they work the soil d.they convert plant material to new earth Questions 75-78: Man's association and involvement with birds of prey is recorded as far back as the Middle Ages, so if you are interested in history, photography or birdwatching, you will enjoy a visit to the Hawk Conservancy Here you can see birds of prey from many parts of the world including hawks, falcons, owls, eagles, vultures and kites Owls vary enormously in size - from the dimunitive Scops Owl to the great Eagle Owl of the Scandinavian forests The huge grotesque vultures contrast strangely with the grace and elegance of the falcons Using old falconry methods to train our birds, hawks, falcons and eagles are flown free at intervals daily - and this really is a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and splendour of the bird in flight At these demonstration times you have the opportunity to hold a bird of prey and to take photographs If you would like to learn a little more about birds of prey, then our staff will be only too pleased to teach and pass on their ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ enthusiasm and experience, as we believe education is the cornerstone of conservation Try to come on a fine dry afternoon to make the best of your visit as our birds will not fly in wet weather Weather permitting, flying demonstrations are usually given at 12 noon, 2pm, pm, and pm The Conservancy offers educational facilities to schools and youth organizations at no extra charge on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week during term time This includes a short introductory lecture and questionnaire for the children to complete , n addition to a full educational flying demonstration To take advantage of these facilities, all parties must book at least sevens prior to the intended visit Reduced rates for parties of twenty or over are available upon application 75.If you go to the Hawk Conservancy, you will see a.birds of all kinds b.a selection of British birds of prey c every European eagle d.birds of prey from all over the world 76.One of the main attractions of the Hawk Conservancy is a.seeing the birds flying free b.being able to handle all the birds c.helping to trains falcons d.being allowed to feed the birds by hand 77.There are afternoon flying demonstrations almost every hour a.unless you ask for special facilities b.as long as you don't mind paying extra c.provided there are enough people d.if the weather is good 78.Which party of school children would get reduced rates? a.A party of 12 booking days before their Friday visit b.A party of 40 booking days before their Monday visit c.A party of 25 booking weeks before their Tuesday visit d.A party of 10 booking a month before their Saturday visit Questions 79 - 83: What is the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome? Past research has suggested a link to the Epstein-Barr virus, but now many scientists are questioning that ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ connection New findings suggest that he Epstein-Barr virus is not a primary cause, but it may still trigger the illness The symtoms may be due to a variety of things, rather than just one Still, some researchers are sticking with the idea of Epstein-Barr virus causing the illness They say that it is premature to make such a judgement Chronic fatigue syndrome has been dubbed the "yuppie disease" by some since it is often diagnosed in professional women in their twenties and thirties It may be the result of never recovering completely from illnesses such as the flu Though the cuase is not clear, the symptoms are To be called a chronic fatigue sufferer, one must have the debilitating illness for more than six months and must exhibit at least eight of the eleven symptoms, including sore throat, mild fever, and muscular aches 79.With which of the following subjects is the passage mainly concerned? a.A disagreement between scientists b.Diseases affecting yuppies c.Causes and symptoms of an illness d.The relationship between a virus and an illness 80.Why is this illness often called "the yuppie disease?" a.It affects so many young professional women b It has so many symptoms c.It is difficult to treat d.No one knows for sure what causes it 81.According to the passage, a sufferer of chronic fatigue syndrome a.will be sick for about six months c.will have eleven symptoms b.will have had the flu d.will have sore throats, aches and fever 82.According to the passage, which of the following statements about chronic fatigue syndrome is best supported? a.A sufferer might never recover from it b.Scientists don't agree on the cause c.It is more common among women than men d.The Epstein-Barr virus can cause premature effects of the illness 83.Chronic fatigue syndrome will cause which of the following? ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ a.Weakness b.Vomiting c.Rash d.Dizziness Questions 84-88: Exposure to bright light may hold the key to helping people who suffer from jet lag and other sleep disorders In a study of 14 men exposed to fluorescent lighting at various times during 24-hour stretch, research scientists have discovered that the body's natural alarm clock can be reset over a period of two or three days This cuts in third the time required for adjustments in the body after long international flights Dr Charles Czeisler , director of the research team, believes that light has a direct biological effect on the sleep-wake cycle of the body The hypothalamus; the brain's sleep regulator, is connected straight to nerves in the eye's retina Dr Czeisler's theory is that light impulses are the primary factor in resetting the sleep-wake cycle This stands in contrast to accepted belief that light only indirectly affects the cycle by making it more difficult to sleep 84.What is the main subject of this passge? a.Various ways to avoid jet lag and sleep disorders b.Benefits of fluorescent lighting c.The nature of the sleep-wake cycle d.The effect of light on the internal clcoks of humans 85.It can be inferred that resetting the body clock after long flights normally takes a.between six and nine days b almost exactly 24 hours c.around two to three days d.about four to five days 86.According to the passage, what is the hypothalamus? a.The body's control center for sleep c.The sleep-wake cycle b.The retina of the eye d.Light impulses 87.According to the passage, a traditional scientific belief is that light a.has much effect on the body adjustments b should not prevent people from sleep c.only indirectly influences the scleep-wake cycle ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.is the main regulator of the body's clock 88.It can be inferred from the passage that Dr Czeisler's theory a.will completely eliminate all sleep disorders b.is not yet accepted principal c.has little practical application d.is based primarily on guesswork Questions 89-94: During the 1920's the Broadway musical, now widely thought to be the United States's unique contribution to the universal list of theater genres, came into being Its forebears were certainly the Viennese operettas of Franz Lehar and Oscar Straus Yet the musical differs from them in that it utilizes a credible plot, music and lyrics of equal importance, strong chorus and ensemble work, and expert choreography Unlike the earlier operettas and musical comedies in which the company was clearly divided into musicians, dancers, and actors, the Broadway musical requires a cast in which every member can sing, dance, and act with skill and energy These demands have for two decades dictated the training policies of most of the leading theater schools in the United States 89.The ancestors of the musicals that were seen in the United States in the 1920s were a.American musical comedies c.Viennese plays b.Vietnnese operettas d.American operas 90.The main importance of the Broadway musical to America is that a.it is different from other kinds of American musical b.it is America's particular gift to world theater c.it contains many different elements d.it is a large scale American enterprise 91.Which of the following may NOT be used to distinguish a Broadway musical from other, earlier kinds of musical? a.Its plot is fairly believable b.The words and music have the same importance c.The dancing is very professional ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.It is extremely theatrical 92.In the kind of musicals that came before the Broadway musical there was a greater emphasis placed on a.more specialized roles b.general co-operation c a wide range of abilities d.chorus work 93.The author of the passage implies that some theater schools in the United States are very much interested in finding a.more varied plays b.tougher training programs c.an increasing number of students d.students possessing many abilities 94.The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses a.how the Broadway musical was developed overseas b the activities of theater schools in the United States c.the relationship of the Broadway musical to other forms of musical d.what each member of a company must in a Broadway musical Questions 95-100: Dolphins emit rapid streams of high-pitched clicks, some audible to us, some ultrasonic It is probable that the "melon", the bulging dome on the front of a dolphin's head, has something to with beaming the sonar signals forward, but its exact workings are not understood As in the case of bats, there is a relatively slow "cruising rate" of clicking, rising to a high speed (400 clicks per second) buzz when the animal is closing in on prey Even the "slow" cruising rate is pretty fast The river dolphins that live in muddy watr are probably the most skilled echolocators, but some sea dolphins have been shown in tests to be pretty good too 95.All the sounds made by dolphins a.are ultrasonic b.can be heard by humans c are loud d.are high in pitch 96.The "melon" can be found a.among sonar signals ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ b on a domeon c.a dolphin's head d.among a stream of clicks 97.Scientists are not sure about a.how some dolphins emit sounds c.the pitch of the dolphin's clocks b.the composition of sonar signals d.the function of the "melon" 98.The rate of clicking in dolphins increases when a.they get near their targets b.they approach bats c.the cruising rate accelerates d.they get excited 99.River dolphins are good at a.locating melons in muddy water b.crusing at pretty high speeds c using sounds to find objects d.beating sea dolphins in tests 100.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? a.Sea and river dolphins b.The cruising rate of dolphins c.The quality of dolphins' sounds ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ d.Dolphins and echolocation KEYS 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.a 13.a 14.c 15.a 16.d 17.c 18.b 19.a 20.c ~ Phạm Ngọc Mai~ 21.d 22.d 23.d 24.b 25.b 26.b 27.d 28.a 29.b 30.d 31.c 32.d 33.d 34.b 35.a 36.a 37.d 38.b 39.a 40.d 41.d 42.a 43.b 44.a 45.b 46.a 47.d 48.b 49.b 50.a 51.c 52.a 53.b 54.c 55.b 56.b 57.b 58.c 59.b 60.b 61.d 62.a 63.b 64.c 65.c 66.d 67.c 68.d 69.d 70.c 71.d 72.c 73.d 74.b 75.d 76.a 77.d 78.c 79.c 80.a 81.d 82.b 83.a 84.d 85.a 86.a 87.c 88.b 89.b 90.b 91.d 92.a 93.d 94.b 95.d 96.c 97.d 98.a 99.c 100.d ... Barbara Tuchman c. An Account of the American Revolution Historia d.Barbara Tuchman: A Unique 62.According to the passage, Barbara Tuchman had the special ability to a.make historical facts interesting... African mountain (voraciously) for the first few weeks of c. ravenously d.quickly (requisite) information with the application form b.necessary c important d.enclosed (lacking) the complete specifications... a.is which b.which call c. called b.as c. on d.show it that the Washington d.it is called 55.For many children, nothing seems so exciting a.so does their first airplane ride d.is 56.On no account

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 17:26

