Meat production performances of Cay Cum chickens on rations with different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein with probiotics Meat production performances of Cay Cum chickens on rations with different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein with probiotics luận văn tốt nghiệp thạc sĩ
MEAT PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES OF CAY CUM CHICKENS IN RATIONS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY AND CRUDE PROTEIN WITH PROBIOTICS A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate Studies and Applied Research College of Agriculture Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Laguna In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Agriculture Major in Animal Science DIEN PHAM VAN June 2019 i VISION, MISSION, QUALITY POLICY, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Vision The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center for sustainable development, initiations transforming lives and communities Mission LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension and production services for improved quality of life towards nation-building Quality Policy We, at LSPU are committed with continual improvement to provide quality, efficient services to the university stakeholder’s highest level of satisfaction through a dynamic and excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation Goals Graduate Education is at the apex of the educational system In the field of education, professionals who aim to continued improvement of teaching and learning in the classrooms, delivery of student services, and management of educational programs Graduate education also one of the most effective means of developing capabilities related to ding research that will improve educational theory and practice in many aspects of educational process ii Establish a graduate school that is expected to be a molder of the Filipino minds and laboratory for the study of social, technological, economic problems besetting our people and the country today Objectives To acquire advanced professional training and technological skills necessary for one in maximizing his her teaching competencies and managerial ability in his/her field of specialization To produce quality graduates needed in the field of work To develop and elevate one's aesthetic and personal ideals particularly in his fields of specialization, and To gain advanced knowledge and skills in conducting various kinds of research in one's field of study iii Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE APPROVAL SHEET This research entitled “MEAT PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES OF CAY CUM CHICKENS IN RATIONS CONTAINING DIFFERENT LEVELS OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY AND CRUDE PROTEIN WITH PROBIOTICS” prepared and submitted by PHAM VAN DIEN in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture Major in Animal Science has been examined and is hereby recommended for approval ROBERT C AGATEP, Ph.D Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the COMMITTEE ON ORAL EXAMINATION with a grade of NESTOR M DE VERA, Ph.D Chairman LOLITA L BEATO, Ph.D Member ROBERT C AGATEP, Ph.D Member LOLITA D VIYAR, Ph.D Member FLORENCIO G REBERTA, JR., MRD Member Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, Major in Animal Science LOLITA L BEATO, Ph.D Dean Research Contribution No.: ISABELITA DOMINGO, RPChE Chairperson, Research MA GRACIELA C PRADILLADA, R.G.C Registrar III iv DISCLAIMER The Laguna State Polytechnic University-Siniloan Campus nor the researcher does not constitute to the promotion of the brands mentioned and/or the demotion of the other brands not mentioned herein v DEDICATION This priceless Master’s Thesis is sincerely and lovingly dedicated to my family PHAM VAN NGHIA, NGO THI BICH, NGUYEN VAN BIEN, NGUYEN THI PHUONG vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT This Master Thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and help of several individuals who contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study Laguna State Polytechnic University, his alma mater, for the knowledge, skills, and values gained towards the fulfillment of his dream; Dr Robert C Agatep, Thesis Adviser and Statistician, for the never ending encouragement, support, shared knowledge and ideas for the completion of this study; Dr Nestor M De Vera, the University President, for the inspiration and being a living example of a successful manager and leader; and for being the Chairman of the Oral Defense Panel, for his wise advises and comments to improve this study Dr Lolita L Beato, his Adviser and Dean of College of Agriculture, for the comments, suggestions and guidance to finish this work and for the unbounded encouragement and steadfast support in the conduct of this study; Dr Lolita D Viyar, Technical Editor, for the meaningful pieces of advice she shared and for still believing the author through his thick and thins Mr Florencio G.Reberta, JR the Coordinator graduate program, for sharing his expertise and genuine apprehension for the improvement of His manuscript; vii LSPU-security guards, for lending the author a walky-talky, and for always securing the authors welfare Registrar Office family, Ma’am Bing, Ma’am Josie, Ma’am Grace, Ma’am Jai, Ma’am Julie, Ma’am Vangie, Sir Mario, and Sir McNe for the prayers and motivation Grateful appreciation and thanks is also extended to Mrs BUI THI THOM for the financial support they have rendered for this study to materialize The Author also expresses his heartfelt and sincerest gratitude to his tender loving parents, Mr PHAM VAN NGHIA and Mrs NGO THI BICH for unending encouragement, unconditional love and care, guidance and support His family supported him morally, financially, emotionally and spiritually The author owes this success to you His compassionate siblings PHAM THI HUE, PHAM THI CHUYEN, for their love, kindness, and help viii ABSTRACT PHAM VAN DIEN, Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Laguna November 2018, “MEAT PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES OF CAY CUM CHICKENS IN RATIONS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY AND CRUDE PROTEIN WITH PROBIOTICS" Adviser: Dr Robert C Agatep A 2x3 factorial experiment in Split-Plot Design in a Randomized Complete Block Design was conducted in under to determine the meat production performances of Lac Thuy chickens in rations containing different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein with and without probiotics Results show that significant interaction between the effects of the inclusion of probiotics and the different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein in the ration were detected on the final bodyweight, feed consumption, feed conversion efficiency, gross profit margin of production and protein efficiency ratio of 90 days old Cay Cum chickens The best effects in terms of the above-mentioned parameters were observed from the ration with probiotics and containing 2904 kcal ME/kg with 22% CP at to 45 days of age and 2945 kcal ME/kg with 19% CP at 46 to 90 days of age No significant interaction but main effect of the inclusion of probiotics in the feeds and the different levels of ME and CP in the ration were detected on the energy efficiency ratio of the experimental chickens The energy efficiency ratio is significantly higher among the chickens given with the feeds containing probiotics, irrespective of the ME and CP contents of the ration Likewise, irrespective of the inclusion or non-inclusion of probiotics in the feeds, the best energy efficiency ratio was observed among the chickens fed with the ration ix containing 2904 kcal ME/kg with 22% CP at to 45 days old and 2945 kcal ME/kg with 19% CP at 46 to 90 days of age The dressing percentage, cut-up parts yield and carcass characteristics of the 90-day old Cay Cum chickens were apparently not affected by the treatments applied Nevertheless, the carcasses from the experimental chickens have reached acceptable levels for chicken carcass characteristics in terms of these parameters Conclusions Based on the findings stated above, the following conclusions were made: Significant interaction between the effects of the inclusion of probiotics and the different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein in the ration were detected on the final bodyweight, feed consumption, feed conversion efficiency, gross profit margin of production and protein efficiency ratio of 90 days old Cay Cum chickens Therefore, hypothesis is not sustained No significant interaction but main effects of the inclusion of probiotics in the feeds and the different levels of ME and CP in the ration were detected on the energy efficiency ratio of the experimental chickens Therefore, hypothesis is sustained The dressing percentage, cut-up part yield and carcass characteristics of the 90 days of age Cay Cum chicken were apparently not affected by the treatments applied Therefore, hypothesis is sustained Recommendations Based on the findings and conclusions made, the following are recommended: x 48 Assaf, I M M (2004) “ Effect of dietery pritein and energy levels on growth performance and econimic efficiency of growing 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Appendix Table Gantt Chart April W4 May June July August W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 September October November December W1 Preparation and disinfectant of the poultry house Arrival of the chicks Brooding Practice Light management Preparation of feed with different ME/CP with probiotics Feeding management Water management Gain in weight Feed consumption Feed conversion Efficiency Gross profit gargin Protein efficiency ratio Energy efficiency ratio Dressing percentage Cut-up part yield Carcass characteristics Preparation of final oral Defense Final oral defense Final Editing of manuscript Submission of manuscript 54 55 Appendix B Plates 56 Appendix Plate Setting up the experimental cages Appendix Plate Probiotic 57 Appendix Plate Preparation/mixing of the ration Appendix Plate Day-old chicks during brooding 58 Appendix Plate Cay Cum chicken at weeks of old Appendix Plate Cay Cum chicken at weeks of old 59 Appendix Plate Carcass of slaughtered chicken Appendix Plate Sampling of carcass for cut-up parts yield determination 60 Appendix Plate Breast and leg muscles of Cay Cum chickens Appendix Plate 10 Meat Sample 61 Pham Van Dien (Raffy) Yen Binh, Vinh Tuong, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam Contact no: +84 966252289 E-mail address: Personal Background Age 29 Birthday November 8, 1989 Birth place Vinh Phuc province, Vietnam Gender Male Civil Status married Nationality Vietnames Religion Atheistic Parents Father Pham Van Nghia Mother Ngo Thi Bich Height 1.7m Weight 66 kg Educational Attainment Course Master of Science in Agriculture Maior in Animal Science Institution Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Laguna, Philippines Bachelor’s Dgree Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry 2008-2012 62 High School Secondary Elementary Nguyen Viet Xuan High School 2004-2007 Yen Binh Secondary School 2001-2004 Yen Hoa Elementary School 1994-2000 Skills Computer Literate Have knowledge in Animal Veterinary Medicine Have knowledge in Animal Husbandry Honors/Awards Received Scholarships (each semester in university) Scholarships (each semester of company of animal feed) Certificate for student with outstanding success in Youth’s activities by Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union ... interaction between the effects of the inclusion of probiotics and the different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein in the ration on the total feed consumption of the Cay Cum chickens. .. effect on the performance of Cay Cum chickens for meat production The different levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein in the ration have no significant effect on the performance of Cay Cum. .. Siniloan, Laguna November 2018, ? ?MEAT PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES OF CAY CUM CHICKENS IN RATIONS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF METABOLIZABLE ENERGY AND CRUDE PROTEIN WITH PROBIOTICS" Adviser: Dr Robert