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Các đề ôn tập cho học sinh trong đợt nghỉ học phòng chống dich bệnh Covid-19

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Exercise 8: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: used to + V or simple.. pastC[r]






Âm /e/

/e/ nguyên âm ngắn Để phát âm âm /e/ ta mở miệng vừa phải, hàm hạ xuống chút môi thả lỏng

Âm /eɪ/

/eɪ/ nguyên âm đôi Để phát âm âm /eɪ/ ta phát âm kéo dài từ /e/ chuyển đến kết thúc /ɪ/

Các em thực hành phát âm từ câu sau:

/e/ /eɪ/

check /tʃek/ head /hed/ scent /sent/ met /met/ bell /bel/

member /'membǝr/ jealous /'dʒelcs/ ready /'redi/ many /'meni/

breakfast /'brekfǝst/

h /eɪtʃ/ eight /eɪt/ rain /reɪn/ plane /pleɪn/ wait /weɪt/ later /'leɪtǝr/ tasty /'teɪsti/ danger /'deɪndʒǝr/ explain /ɪk'spleɪn/ exchange /ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ/ Send his friend a letter!

/send hɪz frend ǝ 'letǝr/ Let's rent a tent. /lets rent ǝ tent/

Ben never gets upset. /ben nevǝr gets ʌp'set/

Fred said it again and again. /fred sed ɪt ǝ'gen ǝn ǝ'gen/

Peg slept from six until ten and then left.

He came a day later. /hi keɪm a deɪ 'leɪtǝr/

It was the grey day in May. /ɪt wǝz ðǝ greɪ deɪ ɪn meɪ/ Is this the way to the station? /ɪs ðɪs ðǝ weɪ tǝ ðǝ 'steɪfn/

We pray the grey day will go away. /wi preɪ ðǝ greɪ deɪ wɪl gǝʊ ǝ 'weɪ/ Wait at the gate, I'll be there at eight. /weɪt ǝt ðǝ geɪt aɪl bi ðeǝr ǝt eɪt/


/peg slept frǝm sɪks ʌn'tɪl ten ǝn ðen left/ ❷ VOCABULARY


vehicle n /ˈviːəkl/ phương tiện

helicopter n /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/ máy bay trực thăng

tricycle n /ˈtraɪsɪkl/ xe đạp bánh

circle n /ˈsɜːkl/ vịng trịn

triangle n /ˈtraɪỉŋɡl/ hình tam giác

helmet n /ˈhelmɪt/ mũ bảo hiểm

railway station n /ˈreɪlweɪ ˈsteɪʃn/ nhà ga

roof n /ruːf/ mái nhà

lane n /leɪn/ ngõ

pavement n /ˈpeɪvmənt/ vỉa hè

seat belt n /siːt belt/ thắt lưng

driving licence n /ˈdraɪvɪŋ ˈlaɪsns / giấy phép lái xe

road sign n /rəʊd saɪn/ biển báo giao thơng

traffic light n /ˈtrỉfɪk laɪt/ đèn giao thơng

traffic jam n /ˈtrỉfɪk dʒỉm/ sự tắc đường

traffic rule n /ˈtrỉfɪk ruːl/ luật giao thơng

rush hour n /ˈrʌʃ ˈaʊə(r)/ giờ cao điểm

speed n /spiːd ˈlɪmɪt/ tốc độ giới hạn

zebra crossing n /ˈzebrə ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ vạch sang đường cho người đi


bumpy adj /ˈbʌmpi/ bì bõm, lầy lội

illegal adj /ɪˈliːɡl/ bất hợp pháp

right-handed adj /ˌraɪt ˈhændɪd/ bên tay phải

prohibitive adj /prəˈhɪbətɪv/ ngăn ngừa, ngăn cấm

safe adj /seɪf/ an toàn

safety n /seɪfti/ sự an tồn

park n /pɑːrk/ cơng viên

reverse adj /rɪˈvɜːrs/ ngược, ngược chiều

obey v /əˈbeɪ/ tuân lệnh, lời

warn v /wɔːrn/ cảnh báo

ride a bike v /raɪd ə baɪk/ đạp xe đạp

drive a car v /draɪv ə kɑː(r)/ lái xe ô tô


sail a boat v /seɪl ə bəʊt/ chèo thuyền

get on the bus v /ɡet ɒn ðə bʌs/ lên xe buýt

get off the train v /ɡet ɒn ðə treɪn/ xuống tàu


1 It indicating distance (Dùng it để nói khoảng cách)

Chúng ta sử dụng it để khoảng cách hai người, vật, địa điểm. a Form

Ví dụ:

How far is it from the supermarket to the museum? It is two kilometres

How far is it from the post office to the bank? It is one kilometre

2 Used to + Vinf (cấu trúc used to + Vinf)

Chúng ta sử dụng used to + Vinf để diễn tả hành động thói quen lặp lặp lại nhiều lần khứ khơng cịn

a Form

Ví dụ:

He used to walk to school when he was ten years old

Mary didn’t use to go swimming every weekend when she was little Did you use to cook when you were a student?


(?) How far is it from + place + to + place 2? (+) It is (+ about) + distance.


Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1 A gate B sensitive C date D fate

2 A rain B they C bread D lake

3 A anyone B many C head D safe

4 A translation B dead C tender D measure

5 A obey B leather C train D paint

6 A breakfast B nation C afraid D preparation

7 A stretch B jealous C neighbor D November

8 A eight B invasion C play D member

9 A liberation B eleven C heavy D steady

10 A wait B grey C pleasure D weight

Exercise 2: Divide the words into two columns: /e/ or /ei/

heavy men tomato hence bell

came pleasure later extend may

card gel way cheque draught

station heart dead guard away

pray wait ten eight bread

shell shade invader race hell

pay start leather father sharpen

aunt sense large raise terrace

/e/ /eı/


1 bus s_ _ _ c_ _ _ _ lane driving l_ _ _ _ _ _

4 r_ _ _ _ _ _ station

5 seat b_ _ _ s_ _ _ _ limit traffic l_ _ _ _ t_ _ _ _ _ _ rule

9 train t_ _ _ _ _ 10 z_ _ _ _ crossing

Exercise b: What is this?

1 A road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of passengers What’s this?

It’s a/ an

2 A road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals with your feet What’s this?

It’s a/ an

3 A flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines What’s this? It’s a/ an

4 A road vehicle with two wheels, driven by an engine What’s this? It’s a/ an

5 A large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road What’s this? It’s a/ an

Exercise 4: Put the phrases under the correct road signs

parking no parking no cycling no right turn

zebra crossing speed limit no left turn hospital ahead









Exercise 5: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.

1 There used to be fewer people and on the roads

A roofs B helmets C helicopters D vehicles

2 Do you know the in the UK is to keep to the left?

A traffic light B traffic rule C traffic jam D speed limit It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a

A helmet B triangle C tricycle D circle

4 In Hanoi, during rush hour, some road users ride their motorbikes on the

A driving licence B lane C pavement D seat belt Traffic is terrible during the when everyone is in a hurry to get to

work or come back home

A traffic light B road sign C traffic rule D rush hour The for motorcycles is 40 km/h in towns and 60 km/h outside urban


A speed limit B driving licence C traffic rule D traffic light You must the traffic rules in order to avoid accidents

A park B obey C reverse D warn

8 It takes us more than three hours to drive across those roads

A wide B safely C right-handed D bumpy

9 You need a driving licence to

A drive a car B ride a bike C get on the bus D get off the train

10.The large supermarkets in Vietnam often let you free

A park B obey C warn D find

11.Some vehicles beep when they to warn those behind

A ride B reverse C drive D sail

12 After school, children queue up and wait for the bus on the pavement in front of the school

A safe B bumpy C safety D safely

Exercise 6: Changed into negative and interrogative form. They used to play tennis twice a week


I used to go to the gym three times a week

Tennis used to be a sport for rich people only

My father used to take me to see soccer games on Saturday

He used to buy a new tennis racket

Exercise 7: Rewrite the sentences with "used to".

1 They often went to Da Lat in the summer

We usually played soccer in the past

I got up earlier when I had work

Tom did his homework in the evening

Lan wrote to Mary twice a month

He worked at night when he worked in the supermarket

Did they watch TV in the past?

She played badminton in her free time

They went swimming in the afternoon in 1990

10 He was a doctor in that hospital

Exercise 8: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: used to + V or simple

past (1)

1 I (see) Marcus at the library working hard He told me to say hello to you


3 There (be) three restaurants in this town, but two closed down leaving only one

4 If you look over there, you can see the field where they (fight) the Battle of Harris Hill in 1509

5 Did you (take) a lot of photos when you were in Moscow last year?

6 How many hours a day did you (go) to school when you were ten?

7 Children never (talk) so aggressively to their parents It’s terrible!

8 Soldiers (build) this bridge near the end of the Second World War

9 Your mother (have) a Yorkshire Terrier when she was a young girl, didn’t she?

10 When I was five, I (be) able to incredible gymnastics Now I can’t even touch my toes

Exercise 9: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: used to + V or simple past (2)

1 I (not play) computer games when I was a child, but now I (play) a lot of games in the evening

2 Mike (not smoke) before going to the army

3 There (be) three parks in our village, but now there (be) only one

4 Murat (like) cheeseburgers, but now he (eat) healthy food

5 She (not cook) before she got married, but now she (cook) everything

6 Alex (not have) a mobile phone, but now he (send) text messages easily

7 When I was single, I (have) big parties in my house, but now I (watch) TV in the evenings

8 When I was in Vietnam, I (watch) football matches at the stadium Now I (watch) on TV every weekend

9 A: you (drink) a glass of milk every morning when you were a child?

B: Yes, I did, but now I (drink) a cup of coffee every morning


Exercise 10: Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1 Astronauts in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now

A were used to stay B used to stay

C were staying D had used to stay

2 People that the earth is round before

A were not used to believe B used to believing C would not use to believe D did not use to believe Tuberculosis incurable before

A use to be thought B used to be thought

C used to think D use to think

4 Formerly babies of whooping cough

A have died B used to die

C would die D both B and C

5 These city girls are used in the field

A to work B used to lie

C would like D to working

6 Newton scientific books when being a boy

A used to read B has read

C had read D bad been reading

7 I am sorry I am not fast

A used to drive B used to driving

C use to drive D use to driving

8 Frank used to work in a small shop He

A doesn’t any more B still does

C is now D had never done anything else

9 I in Jakarta I’ve lived here all my life

A am used to living B used to living

C use to live D am used to live

10.Jane for the telephone company, but now she has a job at the post office

A used to working B used to work

C is used to working D am used to work

11.This work doesn’t bother me I hard I’ve worked hard all my life

A used to working B used to work

C am used to working D am used to work


A used to having B is used to having C was used to having D used to have 13.When I was a child, I anyone 40 was old

A used to think B was used to thinking

C used to thinking D was used to think Exercise 11: Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

1 is/ to/ it/ from/ How far/ the hospital?/ the park

is/ from/ three/ It/ here./ kilometers

it/ the/ Is/ to/ the/ far/ library?/ from/ supermarket

is/ National Museum?/ the/ Where

is/ The National Park/ from/ kilometers/ the University./ five

is/ to/ 200/ It/ from/ Nghe An/ nearly/ Hanoi./ kilometers

offices/ near/ Is/ post/ any/ here?/ there

here/ It/ from/ is/ minute/ walk/ to/ five/ the/ parking lot./ just / a

is/ row/ from/ the first/ to/ second/ the/ centimeters/ row./ It/ 30

10.house/ My/ so/ is/ school,/ I/ walk./ my/ near

Exercise 12: Write in full sentences.

1 It/ be/ about/ two kilometers/ my parents’ offices/ my school

be/ your grandfather’s house/ near/ here?

How far/ your house/ National Library?

be/ there/ a/ health center/ near/ here?

How far/ be/ it/ Lan’s house/ Mai Anh’s house?

you/ live/ near/ here?


7 be/ it/ 1000 kilometers/ Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh City?

Where/ be/ the Summer Restaurant?

Ngày đăng: 22/02/2021, 10:22

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