IV.Look at the clocks and write the time: (Hãy nhìn đồng hồ và ghi thời gian) 1/ What time is it?. It’s four fifteen.[r]
(1)ANSWER KEY – UNIT – DATE: 24-4-2020 I.Number the picture: (Hãy đánh số tranh)
Boy: 5.shirt 3.jeans 4.boots Girl: 2.scarf
II.Write a check (√) or a cross (X): (Đánh dấu (√) (X)) 2/ √ 3/ √ 4/ √ 5/ X 6/ X
III.Write the sentences: (Hãy viết câu đúng) 2/ She’s wearing gloves
3/ She’s wearing boots 4/ He’s wearing a shirt 5/ He’s wearing a scarf 6/ She’s wearing a skirt
IV.Look at the clocks and write the time: (Hãy nhìn đồng hồ ghi thời gian) 1/ What time is it? It’s four fifteen