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Perceptions in local communities of drivers behind ecological changes that take place in bich dam, nha trang MPA

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY _ Anthony A Yokie PERCEPTIONS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF DRIVERS BEHIND ECOLOGICAL CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE IN BICH DAM, NHA TRANG MPA MASTER THESIS KHANH HOA – 2017 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY _ Anthony A Yokie PERCEPTIONS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF DRIVERS BEHIND ECOLOGICAL CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE IN BICH DAM, NHA TRANG MPA MASTER THESIS marine ecosystem based management and climate change Major: Code: 57ch023 Topic allocation Decision Decision on establishing the Committee: 04th June 2017 Defense date: PROFESSOR JAHN PETTER JOHNSEN DR THUY PHAM THI THAN Chairman: (Full name) Faculty of Graduate Studies: (Full name) KHANH HOA – 2017 UNDERTAKING I undertake that the thesis entitled: “PERCEPTIONS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF DRIVERS BEHIND ECOLOGICAL CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE IN BICH DAM, NHA TRANG MPA” is my own work The work has not been presented elsewhere for assessment until the time this thesis is submitted Nha Trang, 3rd May 2017 Anthony A Yokie i ACKNOWLEDGMENT Firstly I want like to acknowledge the Almighty God for life and strength in completing my research work I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to the NORHED program, Nha Trang University for helping and giving me the best conditions for the completion of my thesis Foremost, I like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof Jahn Petter Johnsen for his continuous support of my master study and research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge His guidance helped me in all the time of my research and writing of this thesis I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my master study I also like to express my very great appreciation to Dr Thuy Pham Thi Thanh for her valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of this research work Her willingness to give her time so generously has been very much appreciated Special thanks should be given to Mr Swaleh Ali Aboud for his moral and valuable support, patience, motivation during this research work My deepest gratitude also go to Alvin Jusseah for his advice and assistance in keeping my progress on schedule My grateful thanks are also extended to Mr Duy for his help in translating my questionnaire to the Vietnamese Language to Ms Jade, who supported me during the interpretation process My special thanks go to my parents for supporting me spiritually throughout my study and writing this thesis Finally, I wish to thank all of my friends and well-wisher for the continuous support of my study 3rd May, 2017 Anthony A Yokie ii Table of Contents UNDERTAKING iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF GRAPHS x LIST OF PLATE xi LIST OF APPENDICES .xii Abstract xiii CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND JUSTIFICATION 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTION CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 2.1 Importance of marine ecosystem in community livelihood 2.2 Impact of Marine ecological changes to local communities 2.3 Drivers behind Marine ecological changes 2.4 peoples’ perception of drivers behind Marine ecological changes 10 CHAPTER THREE 12 MATERIALS AND METHOD 12 3.1 Study Site 12 3.2 Data collection 13 iii 3.3 Data Analysis 15 CHAPTER FOUR 17 Results 17 4.1 Respondents details 17 4.2 Ecological benefits and changes 18 4.3 Drivers behind ecological changes 21 CHAPTER FIVE 24 5.1 Discussion 24 5.2 Conclusion 24 5.3 Recommendations 27 Reference 28 APPENDIX 33 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IUU Illegal Unreported and Unregulated MPA Marine Protected Area IUCN International Union for Conservation of nature SSC Statistical Services Centre GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1; Summery of the ecological changes, drivers and the reasons behind the drivers as perceived by the locals in Hon Mun MPA (Source; Yen & Bernard, 2002) 11 vi LIST OF FIGURES Fig 2.1; Interactions between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, Human Well-being, and Drivers of Change (Source; MEA, 2005) Fig 3.1; The map showing the location of the study area within the Nha Trang Bay (Source; google map) 12 vii LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 2.1; Distribution of household income in the Nha Trang Bay MPA (Nguyen L T., 2009; Phan, 2013) Graph 4.1; the number of respondents, age, education levels and duration of residential of the respondents 17 Graph 4.2; Livelihood activities and the duration the villagers stayed in this activities (error bars represents the standard error) 18 Graph 4.3; Marine ecological benefit of the Bich Dam community 19 Graph 4.4; Ecological changes experienced in Bich Dam 20 Graph 4.5; Frequency of occurrence for the ecological changes experienced 21 Graph 4.6; Percentage respondents who knows the drivers behind ecological changes 21 Graph 4.7; Drivers behind ecological changes perceived by the Bich Dam Villagers (1 = I don’t know, = No effect, = Low effect, = Moderate effect and = High effect) 23 viii c u s s i o n / t r a i n i n g ( T h ả o l u ậ n n h ó m / đ o t o ) N o n e ( k h ô n g h ọ c 42 ) O t h e r ( L o i k h c ) Perception and expectations (Nhận thức kỳ vọng) What are the most important four problems that affects livelihood in your village? (bốn vấn đề quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến sinh kế làng bạn gì?) a        ………………………………………………………  ………………………………………………………  ………………………………………………………  ………………………………………………………   b How you learn about the local news? (Làm để bạn tìm hiểu tin tức địa phương?) Local television and radio channels (các kênh truyền hình đài phát địa phương) Internet Posters (Áp phích) Village meetings (các họp thơn) Teacher (Giáo viên) Neighbors/Friends (Hàng xóm / Bạn bè) Others (Loại khác) Section 3: Ecological Changes (Những thay đổi sinh thái) Marine ‘ecological change’ is simply the variation of the marine state, outputs and structure Have you experienced any of the below changes in Bich Dam? (multiple choice) (thay đổi sinh thái đơn giản thay đổi nhà nước biển, kết đầu cấu Change in habitat (Thay đổi môi trường sống) 43 Change in marine species (Thay đổi loài sinh vật biển) Change in marine resource population (Thay đổi nguồn tài nguyên biển) Environmental change (thay đổi môi trường) None of the above (Không có thay đổi trên) I am not sure (tôi không chắc) How important are the following benefits from marine ecosystem for your households? (Làm quan trọng lợi ích sau từ hệ sinh thái biển cho hộ gia đình bạn?) Benefits( Tick (đánh dấu) Lợi ích) N S A I o l v m t i e p g r o I h a r m t g t p l e a o y n I r t m t I p a m ( o n p R r t o ấ t r t a ( t n K a q c h n u e ô t a ( n n Q g ( t u í r a q t ọ n u n a q g t n u ) r t a ọ r n n ọ g n t g r t ) ọ r n u g n ) g b ì n h ) Fishing (Đánh bắt cá) Recreatio nal 44 A b s o l u t e E s s e n t i a l ( t u y ệ t đ ố i c ầ n t h i ế t ) fisheries (Hoạt động đánh bắt giải trí) Coastal tourism (du lịch ven biển) Commun ity and recreatio nal services (Cộng đồng dịch vụ giải trí) Aquacult ure(Ni trồng thủy sản) Tradition al Handicra fts (Thủ công mỹ nghệ truyền thống) Others (Loại khác) The following ecological change has been experienced in Bich Dam (multiple choice) (Sự thay đổi sinh thái sau diễn Bích Đầm? (nhiều lựa chọn)) ( đ n h N e v e r 45 T i c k S t r o n d ấ u ) S t r o g l e x p e r i e n c e Ecological Change ( C h a b a o (Thay đổi sinh thái) g i k i n h n g h i ệ m ) Decrease in Fish Stock (Giảm luồng cá) Loss of Marine species (Mất loài hải sản) Coral Damage (Thiệt hại san hô) Mangrove Degradation (Rừng ngập mặn suy thoái) 46 y D i s a g r e e ( R ấ t k h ô n g đ n g ý ) n g l y D i s a g r e e ( k h ô n g đ n g ý ) A g r e e A g r e e ( Đ n g ( H o n ý ) t o n đ n g ý ) Seagrass Degradation (suy thoái thảm cỏ biển) Characteristic of water(temperature, current, wave and sea level(đặc trưng nước ( nhiệt độ , dịng chảy, sóng mực nước biển) Change in weather pattern (Temparature, rain) (Thay đổi mơ hình thời tiết ( Nhiệt độ , mưa) None (khơng gì) Others (Loại khác) 10 What is the frequent occurrence of the changes selected above? (sự xuất thường xuyên thay đổi chọn gì?) FREQUENT OF OCCURANCE (Sự kiện xảy thường xuyên) V e r y Ecological Change N e v e r (Thay đổi sinh thái) ( k h ô 47 R a r e l y ( H i S o m e t i m e s ( T h O f t e n ( R ấ t A l w a y s ( L u ô n g a i ) Decrease in Fish Stock (Giảm cá Cổ) Loss of Marine species (Mất lồi Marine) Coral Damage (Thiệt hại san hơ) Degradation of habitast such as seagrass bed and mangrov es xuống cấp habitast giường cỏ biển rừng ngập mặn) ( S ự characteristic of water (temparature, currents, wave and sea level) ( đ ặ c trưng nước ( temparature , dịng chảy, sóng mực nước biển)) Change in weather pattern (Temparature, 48 ế m ) n g x u y ê n ) n t h n g x u y ê n ) l u ô n ) ( T h a y rain) mơ hình thời tiết ( Nhiệt độ , mưa)) Others (Loại khác) đ ổ i Section 4: Drivers behind Ecological change (Trình điều khiển đằng sau thay đổi sinh thái) 11 The ecological drivers are defined as ‘any natural or human – induced factor that directly or indirectly brings about change in an ecosystem’ These driver they alter the ecosystem function in significant way Do you know the drivers which cause effect and/or change the ecological functions of an ecosystem? (Các trình điều khiển sinh thái định nghĩa 'bất kỳ nhân tố tự nhiên, người - gây trực tiếp gián tiếp mang lại thay đổi hệ sinh thái Bạn có biết trình điều khiển tác động/thay đổi chức hệ sinh thái?) Yes (Có) No (Khơng) 12 If Yes, among the mentioned below which are the drivers affecting ecosystem in your area? (multiple choice) (Nếu có , số thứ đề cập đây, đâu trình điều khiển ảnh hưởng đến hệ sinh thái khu vực bạn ? (nhiều lựa chọn) Drivers of Ecologi cal change (Động thay đổi sinh thái) Status of the driver's effect (Hiện trạng tác động trình điều khiển) I N L M o o o d w d o e e ( n f r t ' f a h t e t ấ c e p k t ( ) n V ( o k w a h 49 H i g h ( C a o ) ô n g ( T ô i c ó k h ô n g t c đ ộ n g ) b i ế t ) Demographic (Population) (Nhân học ( Dân số ) Local People migrati on to(Dân di cư địa phương ) Increas e in birth rate (Tăng tỷ lệ sinh) Tourist (khách du lịch) Fisher men (ngư dân) Investo rs/Deve lopers (Các nhà đầu tư / phát triển) Science and Technology (Khoa học Công nghệ) Industr ial Develo pment (Phát triển công 50 p h ả i ) nghiệp) Oil and gas explorat ion project (dự án khai thác dầu khí) Educati on and Resear ch Progra ms (Giáo dục chương trình nghiên cứu) Harbor /Port (Cảng/ Cảng biển) Socio – Political (Xã hội - Chính trị) Political Pressur e(áp lực trị) Local Manag ement Conflic t (Xung đột quản lý địa phương ) Economic (kinh tế) Increas e in Income (Tăng thu nhập) Resourc e 51 Depend ence (Sự phụ thuộc tài nguyên) Inflatio n rate (Tỷ lệ lạm phát) Cultural & Religious (Văn hóa & Tôn Giáo) Traditi onal practic es (tập quán truyền thống) Inspira tion (Cảm hứng) Religio us Believe s (Niềm tin tôn giáo) Harvest of Resources & Consumption (Thu hoạch nguồn tài nguyên & Tiêu dùng) Over – Fishing (đánh bắt mức) Use of Destruc tive fishing gears(S dụng ngư cụ hủy diệt) Coral damage (thiệt hại san hô) Habitat s degrad ation 52 (môi trường sống suy thối) Technological adaptations & Land Use (Ứng dụng cơng nghệ & sử dụng đất) Use of fertilize rs (Sử dụng phân bón) Aquacu lture develop ment (phát triển ni trồng thủy sản) Oil spills & pollutio n (sự cố tràn dầu ô nhiễm) Introdu ction and Transfe r of alien Species (Du nhập chuyển giao loài thủy sản khác bên ) Change in Local Land Use (Thay đổi sử dụng đất địa phương) Mangr ove (Rừng ngập mặn) Coastal Forest 53 (rừng ven biển) Beach (bờ biển) Seagras ses bed (Thảm Cỏ biển) Climate Change (Biến đổi Khí hậu) Coral bleachi ng (tẩy trắng san hô) Sea level rise (Mực nước biển dâng) Floods (lũ lụt) Tempe rature rise (nhiệt độ tăng) Change in Water current s and waves (Thay đổi dòng nước hải lưu) THANKS FOR YOUR TIME & COOPERATION!!! (CẢM ƠN SỰ HỢP TÁC CỦA BẠN!!!) Appendices 2; Request for adjusting thesis title SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence- Freedom- Happiness REQUEST FOR ADJUSTING THESIS TITLE 54 To: - Rector of Nha Trang University Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies Dean of Faculty/institute in charge My name is: Anthony Ansu Yokie Student code: 57CH023 I am master students in Norhed Master Program academic years: 2015 According to recognition decision No: …772 /QD-DHNT, dated …Sep 20,2016…by the Rector of Nha Trang University, I am assigned to implement master thesis entitled: “…Perception of local community in buffering climate change impacts in the Nha Trang Bay Marine Protected Area….” Supervisor: ….Prof Jahn Petter,….Dr Pham Thi Thanh Thuy,… Implementation timeline: Six Months…… During the implementing process, and after consultation with my supervisor, I want to adjust the thesis title as follows: “….Perceptions in local communities of drivers behind Ecological changes that take Place in Bich Dam, Nha Trang MPA… ” Now I am writing to kindly request the Rector, Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies and other relevant Faculties to consider and approve I commit to complete thesis on time Sincerely yours Supervisor’s comments Khanh Hoa, Date month Reques ter I support the change in title The original title was misleading and indicated a different approach Professor Jahn Petter Johnsen 55 y e a r 56 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHA TRANG UNIVERSITY _ Anthony A Yokie PERCEPTIONS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF DRIVERS BEHIND ECOLOGICAL CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE IN BICH DAM, NHA TRANG. .. of Graduate Studies: (Full name) KHANH HOA – 2017 UNDERTAKING I undertake that the thesis entitled: ? ?PERCEPTIONS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF DRIVERS BEHIND ECOLOGICAL CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE IN BICH. .. communities in identifying different drivers behind ecological changes that take place in Bich Dam, Nha Trang Bay MPA Purposive (or judgment) sampling was used to select a sample of the local respondents

Ngày đăng: 17/02/2021, 10:52

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