Improving business performance At petrolimex chemicals limited company Improving business performance At petrolimex chemicals limited company Improving business performance At petrolimex chemicals limited company luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp
ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN HẢI LONG NÂNG CAO HIỆU QUẢ HOẠT ĐỘNG KINH DOANH CỦA CƠNG TY TNHH HĨA CHẤT PETROLIMEX IMPROVING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AT PETROLIMEX CHEMICALS LIMITED COMPANY LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2020 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN HẢI LONG NÂNG CAO HIỆU QUẢ HOẠT ĐỘNG KINH DOANH CỦA CƠNG TY TNHH HĨA CHẤT PETROLIMEX IMPROVING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AT PETROLIMEX CHEMICALS LIMITED COMPANY Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 8340101.01 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS.TS HỒNG ĐÌNH PHI HÀ NỘI - 2020 DECLARATION The author confirms that the thesis's research outcomes result from the author's independent work during the study and research period, and it is not yet published in other's research and article The other's research results and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and another document) used in the thesis are correctly cited, and permission (if required) is given The author is responsible for the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for the declaration mentioned above Hanoi, June 30th, 2020 NGUYEN HAI LONG ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Dinh Phi, for his patience, motivation, inspiration, passion, and vast knowledge, continuously supporting me throughout the study course and thesis research Besides the primary instructor, I would like to thank the HSB faculty and support staff to study and research my thesis I want to thank the Board of Directors of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd., and my colleagues for creating all conditions for me to implement the topic and use the unit's data to complete the article Mainly, I would like to thank my family for all the support and encouragement during this Master's course and in my life Hanoi June 30th, 2020 NGUYEN HAI LONG TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES, CHARTS, AND DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION The urgency of the topic The research objectives of the topic Object and scope of the study Research question Research methods 5.1 Data collection methods 5.2 Data analysis method The significance of the topic Structure of the topic CHAPTER I: THEORETICAL BASIS OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE 1.1 Overview of business performance 1.1.1 The concept of business performance 1.1.2 Distinguish between business performance and results 1.1.3 The persuasive nature of business operations 1.1.4 Classification of business performance 10 1.1.5 The Necessity and Meaning of Improving Business Operations 11 1.2 Content and consumption indicators in business performance analysis 12 1.2.1 Content analysis of business results 12 1.2.2 Overall effect 14 1.3 Evaluate the efficiency of input resources 15 1.3.1 Effective use of Labor 15 1.3.2 Effective use of fixed assets 15 1.3.3 Effective use of liquid assets 15 1.4 Factors affecting business performance 16 1.5 Content and analytical methods 16 1.5.1 Content analysis 16 1.5.2 Analytical method 17 1.6 Directions and measures to improve business performance 21 CHAPTER II BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF PETROLIMEX CHEMICALS COMPANY LTD 24 2.1 Overview of Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 24 2.1.1 History and development of Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 24 2.1.2 Characteristics of business activities at Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 24 2.1.3 Organizational and managerial characteristics at Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 25 2.2 Overview of industrial chemicals and industrial chemical business activities 28 2.2.1 Characteristics of chemical products and industrial chemical business 28 2.2.2 Characteristics of industrial chemical trading 30 2.3 Analyzing the business performance of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd in the period 2017-2019 30 2.3.1 Overview of production and business results of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd in the period 2017-2019 30 2.3.2 Analysis of general financial indicators of Petrlimex Chemical Co., Ltd in the period 2017-2019 37 2.3.3 Analysis of other primary financial ratios of Petrolimex Co., Ltd in the period 20172019 45 2.3.4 Analysis of the results of investment in the construction of technical materials of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd in the period 2017-2019 49 2.3.5 Classification of salary and income of officers and employees of Petrolimex Chemicals Co., Ltd in the period 2017-2019 52 2.4 Analysis of the criteria for evaluating the business performance of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited from 2017 to 2019 55 2.4.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of profitability 55 2.4.2 Evaluate the efficiency of using assets 56 2.4.3 Evaluate the efficiency of capital use 58 2.4.4 Evaluate the efficiency of cost use 59 2.4.5 Evaluation of the efficiency of labor use 60 CHAPTER III: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE OF PETROLIMEX CHEMICALS COMPANY LIMITED 62 3.1 Development orientation of Petrolimex Chemicals Co., Ltd in the future 62 3.1.1 The main goals of the company 62 3.1.2 Medium and long term development strategy 62 3.2 Several solutions to improve the business performance of Petrolimex Chemicals Co., Ltd 63 3.2.1 Solution to increase revenue 63 3.2.2 The solution to increasing cost-efficiency 66 3.2.3 The solution to increasing the efficiency of labor use 68 3.2.4 The solution to increasing the efficiency of capital use 69 3.2.5 Solution on risk management 72 3.3 Some recommendations for effective implementation of the above solutions 73 CONCLUSION 74 LIST OF REFERENCES 76 APPENDIX APPENDIX 18 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BH BHXH BHYT BQ CNHC CP CPSX CSVCKT DMHC DT ĐTXD GTGT GTTSL HĐ HĐQT HĐSXKD KDHC KPCĐ LN NCC NLĐ QLDN SSL SSX SXKD TCKT TĐLC TNDN TNHH TSCĐ TSLĐ XDCT Sales Social insurance Health Insurance Average Chemicals branch Cost Production expense Technical facilities Chemical solvents Revenue Construction investment Added value Value of total output Work Administrative Council Production and business activities Chemicals business Union funds Profit Supplier Workers Business management Profitability Productivity Manufacturing business Accounting financial Rotation speed Corporate income Limited Fixed assets Liquid assets Building construction LIST OF TABLES, CHARTS, AND DIAGRAMS LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Output structure of the company's key business items from 2017 to 2019 30 Table 2: Summary of business performance of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited in the period of 2017 - 2019 32 Table 3: The Company's assets and capital sources in the period 2016-2019 38 Table 6: Other primary financial ratios of the company in the period 2017-2019 46 Table 9: Results of the company's construction of technical materials from 2017 to 2019 49 Table 10: Salary and income of the company's officers and employees from 2017 to 2019 52 Table 11: Indicators reflecting the profitability of the company from 2017 to 2019 55 Table 12: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of using assets of the company from 2017 to 2019 56 Table 13: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the company's capital use from 2017 - 2019 58 Table 14: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of cost management of the company from 2017 to 2019 59 Table 15: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the company's labor use from 2017 to 2019 60 Table 1: Plan for the year 2021-2025 of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited 62 LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1: Sales structure of essential business products of the company from 2017 to 2019 31 Chart 2: Indicators reflecting the profitability of the company from 2017 to 2019 56 Chart 3: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of using assets of the company from 2017 to 2019 58 Chart 4: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of the company's capital use from 2017 to 2019 59 Chart 5: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of cost management of the company from 2017 to 2019 60 Chart 6: Indicators for evaluating the efficiency of using the labor of the company for the period 2017 to 2019 61 LIST OF DIAGRAMS Diagram 1: Organizational chart of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited 27 Diagram 2: Organizational chart of the Chemical Business Department 27 Diagram 3: Sales process of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited Diagram 4: Domestic purchase process of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited Diagram 5: The import process of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd 11 Diagram 6: The management process of suppliers and contractors of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited 15 Domestic purchase process Responsibility Sales Manager, Finance and Accounting Department Working order Make a purchase statement Director Approve Expert Purchase Contact supplier 94/5000 Legal staff (if needed); Sales Manager, finance and accounting department Director Purchasing staff; Dispatching staff; Warehouse (or sale) Purchasing staff Purchasing staff Dispatching staff; Sales staff; Purchasing staff Check Sign the contract Planning freight forwarding Forms, related documents Report Contract Sale contract Contract Tracking table of domestic purchases Communicate delivery plan with supplier, warehouse or marketer Buy insurance Track the delivery process Insurance Tracking table of domestic purchases Warehouse delivery department; Purchasing staff Warehousing Fail Pass Purchasing staff; Sales staff Purchasing staff Delivery record; Invoice; Quality certificate (if any) Handling/consulting for direction Update data, save documents and records Diagram 4: Domestic purchase process of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited Flowchart interpretation: Step 1: Prepare a purchase order Based on current market demand, price developments, and forecasts about the future market, the leaders of the business department shall coordinate with the Finance and Accounting Department in preparing the purchase statement; The submission should contain the following principal contents: - Name of goods, quantity, quote; - Overall market assessment; - Business plan For items with three or more suppliers, quotes from at least three are required Step 2: Approval After obtaining the Department of Administration and Finance and the Department of Finance and Accounting leaders' unanimous opinion, the Proposal will be transferred to the Department of Finance and Accounting for consideration and then submitted to the director of the Company for approval Step 3: Contact vendor Purchasing staff contacts the supplier to obtain the purchase contract (usually the supplier's model purchase contract) Step 4: Check - The Purchasing staff checks the contract, then passes it to the Law Officer (for first-time supplier contracts) Purchasing staff submits to the administrative division leaders, finance department to check and review the contract - If there is content that needs to be changed, the Purchasing staff notifies the supplier by email to negotiate to come to a general decision Step 5: Sign the Contract The Purchasing staff submits to the director of the Company to sign the contract Step 6: Plan freight forwarding Purchasing staffs coordinate with relevant departments via email to review the ability to receive goods and agree on specific delivery times: Case 1: If the goods are delivered to the warehouse - The Purchasing staff informs the warehouse about the receipt of the goods: name, quantity, time, and confirms whether the warehouse can accept the intended delivery plan - Inform the dispatcher of the contract's cargo quantity: Name of goods, quantity, and length of time the warehouse can be received a request the dispatcher to report on the specific plan of the shipment Case 2: If the goods are delivered directly to the customer - Purchasing staff informs the Sales staff about the contract's quantity: Name of goods, quantity, estimated time Ask the Sales Officer to contact the customer to confirm when they can receive the goods and notify the dispatcher - The transfer specialist is based on the information of the Sales staff to plan a specific delivery - Purchasing staff checking and tracking shipment plan Step 7: Announce the delivery plan with supplier, warehouse, or marketing After a specific delivery plan has been made, the Purchaser announces the delivery plan with the warehouse Particularly with suppliers, Purchasers notify stakeholders via email plans to prepare to receive goods from suppliers The dispatcher requires the carrier to contact the supplier regarding the supplier's warehouse delivery specifications and times to make the planned delivery Step 8: Buy insurance Based on the quantity and shipping plan, the buyer will contact the insurance company to buy the cargo If there is a change to the delivery plan, the insurance will be notified to make additional adjustments Step 9: Track the delivery process The Purchasing Officer, Sales staff (in the case of direct delivery to customers), and the dispatcher to monitor the delivery process; if there is a change, it will repeat from step Purchasing staff updated with information about the freight forwarding process in the Domestic Purchase Tracking Table Step 10: Enter the warehouse Purchasing staff contacts the warehouse's delivery department to check the goods' status that has arrived at the warehouse, collect delivery records, invoices, and quality certificates (if any) The warehouse delivery department receives the goods according to the warehousing process Step 11: Processing Suppose the amount of goods entering the warehouse is lost in quantity In that case, the buyer will contact the freight forwarding department at the warehouse to find out the cause to complain about the insurer or the transport company, or the supplier In case of unsatisfactory quality, the Purchasing staff finds out the cause and report to management of the sales department for guidance Step 12: Update data, save documents, and records At the end of the buying process, the Purchasing staff will update data, save documents, and records Import purchase process Responsibility Leaders of the Administrative Department and Department of Finance and Accounting Director Purchase staff Legal staff (if needed); Sale manager Director Financial Accounting Staff Purchase staff Purchase staff Purchase staff Purchase staff Working order Make a purchase statement Forms, documents related documents submission Approved Contact supplier Check Contract Contract Sign the contract Prepare your finance, make procedures with the bank Apply for an import permit Contract Payment vouchers Import permit Announced import plans Buy insurance Insurance Purchase staff Track the contract performance Purchase staff Complete the payment process Payment order; Original document set Procedures for importing goods Customs declaration; Related invoices; Inspection certificate (if any) Purchase staff Logistic contractor Transport Purchase staff Logistic contractor Warehouse delivery department; Purchase staff Related invoices Delivery record; Invoice; Quality certificate (if any) Warehousing Fail Pass Purchase staff Purchase staff Process Update data, complete and save documentary records Receipt Diagram 5: The import process of Petrolimex Chemical Co., Ltd Flowchart interpretation: Step 1: Prepare a purchase order Based on current market demand, price movements, and forecasts about the future market, the administrative division leaders will coordinate with the Finance and Accounting Department to prepare the purchase statement The submission should contain the following principal contents: - Name of goods, quantity, quote; - Overall market assessment; - Business plan For items with three or more suppliers, quotes from at least three are required Step 2: Approval After obtaining the administrative department leaders and the finance department's unanimous opinion, the director of the company reviews and approves the purchase proposal if the business plan is reasonable On the contrary, if the Company Director disapproves of it, the Sales Department will prepare another business plan Step 3: Contact vendor Purchasing staff contacts the supplier by email regarding the content of the contract following the approved purchase statement Step 4: Check the Contract Based on the statement, the Purchasing staff compares and checks the contract's contents If you need to verify the legality of the contract’s terms, the contract will be referred to as a legal expert for examination The sales department leader reviews the contract for the last time before submitting it to the director of the Company for signing Step 5: Sign the Contract The Purchasing staff submits to the director of the Company to sign the contract The purchasing staff sent back the signed contract to the supplier by email to formally order Step 6: Prepare the finances, make procedures with the Bank Based on the method of payment in foreign contracts to perform one of the following three processes: For the method of transferring money by electricity (Telegraphic Transfer): Purchasing staff sends a payment request to the Department of Finance and Accounting The specialist of the Finance and Accounting Department sends the document to the Bank for payment for the imported shipment - For the collection method (Document against payment): Purchasing staff check banking information on foreign Contracts - For payment by letter of credit (Letter of Credit): Purchasing staff prepares a document for opening a letter of credit When completed, it will be submitted to the leaders of the Finance and Accounting Department for review Then it will require to be submitted to the director of the Company for approval Step 7: Apply for an import permit For some products requiring confirmation of chemical declaration and import license, the Purchasing staff needs to prepare a document and send it to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to confirm the procedure for confirmation of chemical declaration or import license Password Step 8: Announce the plan for imported goods Upon receipt of a supplier's email delivery notification, the buyer should notify the warehouse or Sales staff by email in the event of direct delivery to customers Step 9: Buy insurance For shipments with a responsibility to buy insurance belonging to the buyer (Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited): The client buys insurance and saves the insurance company's policy Step 10: Track the contract performance After the supplier informs the shipping schedule by email, the shopper tracks the shipping process at sea and tracks the supplier issuing the document If there is a change in the arrival date from the scheduled shipment, the Purchaser will notify the parties involved Step 11: Complete the payment procedure The purchasing staff sends a payment request to the finance department The Finance and Accounting Department will contact the Bank and complete the payment procedures For payment methods by collection or payment by credit: After original documents (including Commercial Invoice (Invoice), Bill of Lading ) to the Bank, Bank Goods will fax or email notification to the buyer The Purchasing staff will take the original documents to perform the next steps Step 12: Do import procedures Based on contracts, commercial invoices (Invoice), Bill of Lading (Bill of Lading), Purchasing staff conduct customs declaration, and send documents to subcontractors or warehouse to customs procedures concerned After completing the customs procedures, based on the customs declaration's parameters, the Purchasing staff sends a tax request to the Finance and Accounting Department Step 13: Shipping In containerized imports, the Purchaser will contact the shipping subcontractor to move the port's goods to the warehouse Step 14: Enter the warehouse Purchasing staff tracks the transportation and warehousing of goods through the fax customs declaration, inspection certificate (for bulk shipments) The warehouse delivery department receives the goods according to the warehousing process Step 15: Processing Suppose the amount of goods entering the warehouse is lost in volume or quality In that case, the buyer will contact the warehouse's delivery department to determine the reason for insurance claims (if it is the responsibility of the insurer) and let handle handling Step 16: Complete the purchase process and save the document on file Based on Customs declaration, Commercial Invoice, Insurance Policy (if any), Inspection Certificate (if any), the buyer will update data on the Solomon program and send it to the Department of Finance and Accounting The Purchasing staff conducts subcontractor reviews and records the record At the end of the month, the Purchasing staff will pay for insurance, freight, and inspection fees to subcontractors Method of management of suppliers, contractors Responsibility Moderate staff Director Moderate staff Sales Manager, the finance and accounting department checks Director Working order Make a list of vendors, actors Approval Forms, documents related documents List of suppliers, contractors; contractor capacity profile; Report List of suppliers, contractors Contact suppliers, contractors, contract negotiation Sign the tract Moderate staff Monitor, evaluate suppliers, contractors Moderate staff Re-evaluate suppliers and contractors Contract; Contract Appendix Supplier, Contractor Tracking Table A summary table, supplier and contractor evaluation Moderate staff Update data, save documents and records Diagram 6: The management process of suppliers and contractors of Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited Flowchart interpretation: Step 1: Make a list of suppliers and contractors The dispatcher makes a list of traditional subcontractors that the Company uses by using the form (BM - QT-KDHC-03-01) The dispatching staff makes a report to the Sales Manager, Chief Accountant, to submit to the Board of Directors for approval for new subcontractors The main criteria for selection of subcontractors include: - Having the function of providing products and services by law in one or several fields: chemical transportation, chemical packaging production and recycling, chemical product forwarding, and chemical warehouse operation) - Competence to meet the requirements of the Company - Competitive price of goods and services - Reputable in the market Step 2: Approval Based on the level of compliance with the current subcontractors' requirements, the Director will decide whether to continue using or discontinue using those subcontractors' products/services At the same time, approve the additional list of new subcontractors who can better meet service requirements Regarding selecting new subcontractors, the Board of Directors of the Company, based on the capacity profiles, reports to the Administrative Department, the Department of Finance and Accounting to choose Step 3: Contact the subcontractor, negotiate the contract The dispatcher liaises with the approved subcontractors, selects and negotiates the terms of the contract Step 4: Sign the Contract The company Director reviewed the contract or contract addendum and signed it If changes or adjustments are required, the dispatcher will re-negotiate with the subcontractor Step 5: Monitoring and evaluating suppliers and contractors During the contract performance monitoring process, if there is an incident affecting service quality or delivery progress, the dispatcher must update the subcontractor monitoring sheet according to the form (BM-QT- KDHC-03-02) When a Supplier works, transacts, or provides products or services with the Company, it must be ensured not to affect or adversely affect the safety, health, and working environment to the extent of the Company All relevant entities/divisions and individuals must ensure that the contract between the Company and the other parties must be in all terms when composing business partner contracts Business partners must have a contractual term or addendum that identifies the full compliance and compliance with the Company's requirements, rules, regulations, or otherwise in the environmental management system, even for security: whole, the employee's health Business partners are responsible for implementing this The units/departments and related individuals must guide the partners to fully comply with environmental requirements during contract performance or work at the Company The partners, when working at the Company, implement the contents under the instructions as below: Step 6: Re-evaluate the subcontractor Annually, after the end of the fiscal year, the dispatching staff prepares the Subcontractor Assessment Summary Sheet according to the form (BM-QT-KDHC-03-03) for leaders of the department to consider and report to the director of the Company for his decision to continue or stop using the products/services of such subcontractors In addition to information about the supplier's products or services, the purchasing department must keep the information or conduct verification at the external supplier's premises about the documents Necessary vendor submission related to the control are as follows: - Processes, products, and services to be provided - Approval for: Products and services -Methods, processes, and equipment are done - Adopting production and services (e.g., processes related to delivery, logistics, logistics) Qualifications, including the qualification required by personnel, is done Step 7: Update data, save records The dispatching staff maintains records relating to the selection, evaluation, and reassessment of subcontractors APPENDIX PROVISIONS ON PRODUCTION AND TRADING OF CHEMICALS SUBJECT TO CONDITIONAL PRODUCTION AND TRADING IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR According to the Chemical Department's provisions - the Ministry of Industry and Trade, enterprises engaged in the trading of industrial chemical solvents must satisfy the conditions for trading products and trading chemicals as follows: Being an enterprise, cooperative, or household business established under the provisions of law, having business lines of chemicals; The physical and technical foundations must satisfy the following specific requirements: Requirements for workshops, warehouses The workshop must meet the requirements according to national technical standards and regulations, suitable to the nature, scale, and technology of chemical production and storage b Workshops and warehouses must have an emergency exit and exit doors Emergency exits must be indicated by signs and signals and are designed to facilitate emergency exits, rescue, and rescue operations c The ventilation system of factories and warehouses must meet ventilation system regulations and standards d The lighting system complies with regulations to meet chemical production and storage requirements Electrical equipment in workshops and warehouses containing flammable and explosive chemicals must meet fire and explosion prevention and fighting standards d Chemical workshops and warehouses must withstand chemicals, load, not cause slippery, have good drainage, and collection grooves e Chemical workshops and warehouses must have regulations on chemical safety, have warning signs suitable to the hazard level of chemicals, and hang in conspicuous places Signs showing hazardous properties of a chemical must contain the following information: Chemical identification code; Warning graphics, warning words, risk warnings Where a chemical has many different dangerous properties, the warning images must fully show such dangerous properties There must be specific instructions on safe operating procedures in the production area with hazardous chemicals in an easy-to-read and visible place g Workshops and warehouses must have lightning arresters or lightning protection systems or are located in safe lightning protected areas and periodically checked according to current regulations h For outdoor tanks, it is required to build ring dikes or other technical measures to ensure chemicals not escape to the environment when chemical incidents occur and take measures to prevent fire, explosion, and lightning i Workshops and warehouses must satisfy fire prevention and fighting conditions, environmental protection, occupational safety, and sanitation following relevant laws Requirements for technology, equipment, tools, packaging According to national technical standards and regulations, technical equipment must meet general safety requirements, be suitable for chemicals and technological processes, and satisfy production capacity and business scale Machinery, equipment, and materials with strict requirements on occupational safety and sanitation and test measuring equipment must be inspected, calibrated, calibrated, and maintained under current machinery inspection devices Requirements for chemical storage and transportation a Hazardous chemicals must be classified and sorted according to each chemical's nature Do not store chemicals that can react with each other or have different chemical safety, fire prevention, and fighting requirements in the same area b Chemicals in warehouses must be preserved according to current national technical standards and regulations, ensuring safety and convenience for chemical incident response Warehouse locations and areas must meet the requirements of national technical standards and regulations; Having a store or place of business, a place for sale that meets the requirements of chemical safety, fire and explosion prevention, and fighting by the law; Chemical storage containers and packages must ensure quality and environmental sanitation by law; Chemical transport vehicles must comply with the provisions of law; Having a chemical warehouse or having a contract to rent chemical storage or using a warehouse of an organization or individual that buys or sells chemicals that satisfy the requirements for chemical safety, fire and explosion prevention, and fighting; The person in charge of the chemical safety of a chemical trading establishment must have an intermediate or higher degree in chemistry ... CHEMICALS COMPANY LTD 2.1 Overview of Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 2.1.1 History and development of Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited is a one-member limited. .. of Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 24 2.1.2 Characteristics of business activities at Petrolimex Chemicals Company Limited 24 2.1.3 Organizational and managerial characteristics at Petrolimex. .. production and business operation at Petrolimex Chemical Company Limited 5.2 Data analysis method The thesis uses some information analysis methods to evaluate the business performance of Petrolimex