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Ex4: Complete with the suitable verb in present simple tense (Hoàn thành câu sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn)1. I (1)...(get up) at 7 o’clock during the week.[r]



A Grammar: The present simple tense and the present continuous tense A Grammar: Present simple

Cơng thức đơn

Thể Động từ “tobe” Động từ “thường”

Khẳng định

S + am/are/is + …… I + am;

We, You, They + are He, She, It + is Ex: I am a student (Tôi sinh viên.)

S + V(e/es) + ……I ,

We, You, They + V (nguyên thể) He, She, It + V (s/es)

Ex: He often plays soccer (Anh thường xuyên chơi bóng đá)

Phủ định

S + am/are/is + not + is not = isn’t ;

are not = aren’t

Ex: I am not a student (Tôi sinh viên.)

S + do/ does + not + V(ng.thể) do not = don’t

does not = doesn’t

Ex: He doesn’t often play soccer (Anh không thường xuyên chơi bóng đá)

Nghi vấn

Yes – No question (Câu hỏi ngắn)

Q: Am/ Are/ Is (not) + S + ….? A:Yes, S + am/ are/ is

No, S + am not/ aren’t/ isn’t Ex: Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I am not

Wh- questions (Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi)

Wh + am/ are/ is (not) + S + ….? Ex: Where are you from? (Bạn đến từ đâu?)

Yes – No question (Câu hỏi ngắn) Q: Do/ Does (not) + S + V(ng.thể) ? A:Yes, S + do/ does

No, S + don’t/ doesn’t Ex: Does he play soccer? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

Wh- questions (Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi)

Wh + do/ does(not) + S + V(nguyên thể)….? Ex: Where you come from? (Bạn đến từ đâu?)

Lưu ý

Cách thêm s/es:

– Thêm s vào đằng sau hầu hết động từ: want-wants; work-works;… – Thêm es vào động từ kết thúc ch, sh, x, s: watch-watches; miss-misses; wash-washes; fix-fixes;…

– Bỏ y thêm ies vào sau động từ kết thúc phụ âm + y: study-studies;…

– Động từ bất quy tắc: Go-goes; do-does; have-has

Cách phát âm phụ âm cuối s/es: Chú ý phát âm phụ âm cuối phải dựa vào phiên âm quốc tế không dựa vào cách viết.

– /s/:Khi từ có tận phụ âm /f/, /t/, /k/, /p/ , /ð/

– /iz/:Khi từ có tận âm /s/, /z/, /∫/, /t∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/ (thường có tận chữ ce, x, z, sh, ch, s, ge)

– /z/:Khi từ có tận nguyên âm phụ âm lại Dấu hiệu nhận biết đơn

Always (ln luôn) , usually (thường xuyên), often (thường xuyên), frequently (thường xuyên) , sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), seldom (hiếm khi), rarely (hiếm khi), hardly (hiếm khi) , never (không bao giờ), generally (nhìn chung), regularly (thường xuyên)

Every day, every week, every month, every year,…… (Mỗi ngày, tuần, tháng, năm)

Once/ twice/ three times/ four times… a day/ week/ month/ year,…… (một lần / hai lần/ ba lần/ bốn lần …… ngày/ tuần/ tháng/ năm)

B The present continuous (Thì tiếp diễn) 1 Công Thức:


You/ We/ They + are + Ving She/ He/ It + is

(-) I+ am not

You/ We/ They + aren’t +Ving She/ He/ It + isn’t

(?) Am + I

Are + You/ We/ They + Ving Is + She/ He/ It

2 Cách dùng:

Dùng để diễn tả hành động diễn Dấu hiệu nhận biết:

Now, at the moment, at present, look!, Be careful! 3 Cách thêm “ing” vào sau động từ

- Những động từ tận chữ “e” bỏ “e” + ing Smile → smiling

- Những động từ tận “ie” chuyển “ie” thành “y”+ing Tie → tying

- Những động từ tận phụ âm trước phụ âm chữ “u, e, o, a, i” nhân đôi phụ âm + ing

Sit → sitting

B Exercise: The present simple and present continuous (Thì đơn tiếp diễn) The present simple tense: Thì đơn

Ex1: Change these sentences into negative and intergrotive (chuyển sang câu phủ định nghi vấn) Her father goes to work by bike

My friends and I have some pets

Peter has a cat

He keeps it in the house

Phong has a dog

Ex2: Add “s/ es” into verb (Thêm “s/es” vào sau động từ)

1 see sleep look dance take

6 study sell wash 10 smile

11 go 12 brush 13 walk 14 miss 15 run

16 find 17 leave 18 drink 19 kiss 20 eat Ex3: Write the correct verb (Chia động từ ngoặc)

1.He (play) the guitar every night

2 We usually (go) to the zoo on the weekend My mother (not sleep) late everyday

4 Mr Minh and Hung often (drink) coffee in the morning .you (like) football?

6 They never (come) home on time


9 He usually (write) a letter to his friend 10 She often (listen to) music in the evening

Ex4: Complete with the suitable verb in present simple tense (Hoàn thành câu sử dụng đơn)

I (1) (get up) at o’clock during the week First I (2) (wash) and then I

(3) (get dressed), while Mum (4) (make) breakfast I only (5) (have) fruit juice and toast, because I (6) (not like) cereal My sister Sandra (7) (stay) in bed for ages, so she always (eat) her breakfast in a hurry We (9) (walk) to school, beause we (10) (not have) bikes

Ex5:Arrange the words into sentence (Sắp xếp từ thành câu) 1.you/ Do/ after breakfast/ brush your teeth/ ?/

2.Jenny/ at/ 7.30/ get up/

Do/ have/ ?/ a/ bike/ you

goes / the/ Candy/ to/ swimming pool/

We/ scoocer/ and/ like/ badminton

6.has/ Minh/ brown/ eyes/?/

have/ Does/ long/ ?/ Chau/ legs/

8.I/ black/ long/ hair/ have/ don’t

They/ round/ don’t/ faces/ have/

10 you/ Do/ have/ big/?/ nose/

Ex6:Fill the blank with is/ am/ are/ isn’t/ aren’t/ am not 1.He usually early at school because she gets up late They kind because they never help the children Minh confident when she talks to everybody

4 Mai and Chau clever and creative because they are good at drawing 5.We students at secondary school

Ex7: Matching the verb with the suitable word

1.Do a a letter

2 watch b a car

3 play c the radio

4 sing d to school

5 write e pizza

6 go f a song

7 ride g late

9 drive h a bike

10 eat i the guitar

11 drink k home

12 sleep l cool water

13 listen to m movie

14 come n my grandma

15 visit o experiment

The present continuous :Thì tiếp diễn


1 play read sleep 13 sit

2 go have 10 drink 14 cook

3 watch swim 11 study 15 fly

4 write wash 12 teach 16 dance

Ex2: Change these sentences into negative or interrogative (Chuyển câu sau sang câu phủ định nghi vấn)

1 Peter is riding a bike in the park

We are reading books in the library

The boys are playing “Hide and Seck” in the school yard

The girls are eating in the canteen

Some students are talking under the tree

Ex3: Write the correct verb in the brackets (Viết động từ ngoặc)

1 Look! The dog in the river (swim) She her holiday with her family (enjoy) Listen! Someone at the door (knock) Be quiet! We in the library (study) Lan her homework (do) They TV at home (watch) My grandfather newspaper (read) The boys football in the yard (play) I a reality show on TV (watch) 10 Joe on the computer (play) Ex 4: Choose the best answer (Chọn đáp án đúng)

1 Joe (are playing/ is playing) on the computer What (are/is) you watching TV?

3 Tina (are doing/ is doing) grammar exercises Look! He (is running/ is runing)

5 Please be quiet! My father (is sleeping/ are sleeping) He (isn’t buying/ aren’t buying) a new car now

7 My sisters (is listening/ are sleeping) to music at the moment (Is/ Are) they working now

9 Sam (is playing/ are playing) the piano right now 10 She (isn’t cleaning/ aren’t cleaning) the window

Ex 5: Make the questions for underlined words (Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân) I am eating a pizza in the reataurant

We are sitting in the classroom with our friends

Amy is writing an email at the moment

Mary and Peter are learning English


5 Her mother is cooking fish and chicken for her children

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 09:03



