examples of speaking preparation for b level topic 1

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examples of speaking preparation for b level topic 1

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There are many kinds of goods and I need to know some information about them to have a good choice with the best quality and a reasonable price.. Moreover, I also have a need [r]



When I was a child, I lived with my family in the country It was the happiest time It brought to me many fun and sad memories which I never forget

I have a happy family with four members They are my parents, my brother and me My parents are farmers My brother is a sophomore of Nong Lam University I am an engineer All family’s members always talk to each other in every evening The family is always the warm place where I want to come back after hard working

There are many places to come, but there is only place to come back It is hometown My hometown is Vinh Hung which is on bank of Vam Co River The weather is very comfortable; it is not as hot and polluted as Ho Chi Minh I will hardly forget your unlimited green fields and people in there They are friendly and honest I love all things in there

My childhood combined to traditional games I always played “Hide and Seek” and selling-buying games with my friends in the village I always wanted to be a seeker when we played “Hide and Seek” because I was really worry and afraid of while I was seeking a place to hide Besides, we also played selling-buying games We collected anything which can be used to cut or contain then we sold them for each other and used green, red or yellow leafs like money All things were really simple but that is the time when I felt happy beside my friends

That is all I cannot forget the past time It is exciting to rather together and talk about memories I will always miss them

Topic 4: Do you think marriages should be arranged by parents or left to the choice of the young people concerned?

Today people have their own right to lead their own marriages But, their parents don't want them to so They feel worried of that if their children would decide the marriage on their own That's why there's a question: "Should marriages be arranged by parents or left to the choice of the young people concerned?"

Traditionally, the marriage is decided by parents, the young people have no choice; they can only follow the decision This leads to many unhappy marriages The husband and the wife live without happiness, they live together only because of responsibility It's really a disaster!

Now, parents shouldn’t arrange marriages for their children They are responsible for their decision The young people can decide their own marriage They won’t regret marrying the one they’re chosen Some of them are happy with their own family, but some of them are not The reason is that when they are in love they always express themselves to the good character of their long-term partners and entering into marriage life, as a result, they cannot get on well with each other


To sum up, the marriage should be the result of discussion because it makes a more true decision

Topic 6: The benefits versus the dangers of television

Today, although there are a lot of ways to entertain, watching TV is still the most popular one Because it is easy to use and it has a lot of benefits, but everything is not perfect at all

The first, the benefits of television: watching TV helps us relax after working, studying hard Let’s imagine after a tiring day, you sit down a sofa, drink a cup of tea or coffee and watch the program you like, it is wonderful If you want to get information, watching TV will help you that You only need to turn on TV and the news - both national and international will be transferred to you exactly and fully Watching foreign programs on TV can help you improve your foreign language and knowledge; some best channels are Star movies, HBO, Cartoon network

The second, beside the benefits, TV has also some dangers Watching TV wastes a lot of time Example, there is a favorite program showed on TV, you watch until the end so you can’t another works TV uses a lot of electricity, so you must pay a big money for the bill although our government encourages saving electricity Watching TV so much may be harmful to your eyes; most children have to use glasses in the young age Some violent programs will influence to our life

In my opinion, TV has both benefits and dangers So we should use it effectively and avoid the dangers


The environmental pollution is the situation of environment contaminated by chemical and biological toxic, which effects on human and the other creatures

There are main kinds of environmental pollution: The air pollution

2 The water pollution The land pollution

Nowadays, the environment of the world is being threatened by pollution The first is the air pollution

The ozone layer is being destroyed by CFCs air wasted from the refrigerators…which caused skin cancer The greenhouse effect and ice-melted phenomenon have been caused by CO2, wasted from factories, vehicles and burning forest We can’t breathe in

poisonous air


The river, the sea has being polluted by chemical waste, toxic from the factories, which kill the aquatic animals People throw away the garbage into the river The oil-spilled from the ships also causes the water pollution

The third is the land pollution

People throw away the domestic waste, the toxic, manure and pesticide They burn forest to have land for farming and to have the wood The quality of land is decreasing

Today, the environment is being destroyed seriously by human The pollution is over the limit The resources become exhausted A lot of animals become extinct The weather is more horrible The natural disasters are more terrible

However, nowadays, the environmental organizations co-operate with the government to ban human destroying the environment and advise them to protect the environment The scientists give some solutions to save the environment, such as: reducing the emission, chemical waste, toxic, recycling the garbage, planting trees, etc

As you know, the environment is very important with us So, it’s necessary to save and protect the environment


Good health is very important to everybody There are many different opinions about health but in my opinion, a strong body has not only physical strength but also mental strength Having good health, you can everything and live longer

According to a survey of the leading experts on health, there are 38% of the population worldwide know how to good health care The rest, they care of their outside or think that the health isn’t important The health is important to us When you are physically fit, it gets reflected on your face So, you look attractive and start to feel good about yourself It will help you complete better everything Doing excellent work helps you be a valuable member of a health society Staying healthy for kids is vital for proper growth and development of their physical and mental They should be able to concentrate in the classroom and fully participate in the activities on the field So you know, most old people is easy take disease of cardiovascular, osteoporosis and high blood pressure So, they need to exercise regularly to have a good health It will help them prolong the life and live happily


On the market, there is more drink but you choose the drink for your health A glass of milk provides about 10% protein, riboflavin, potassium, vitamin A and B12 for the daily needs of the body Some fruit juices can contain 10 spoons of sugar with 150 calories of energy Besides, you should drink the cereal Because it contains a high level of carbohydrates, it is very important for the activity of cells inthe brain and body after a long sleep

Playing sports such as: soccer, volleyball, swimming… is good for your health because playing sports prevent yourself from osteoporosis, high blood pressure In addition, you should have a good health habit such as: going to bed early, getting up early, doing exercise…to prevent health deterioration A good nutrition helps you enhance your body’s immunity When you are sick, you can’t anything All your activities will have to depend on other people So, you feel uncomfortable and annoying of them You will feel useless Specially, when you want to protect your health, you should keep fit and healthy with determination and perseverance in your habits as well as an appropriate diet

The body is like a car If you put good fuel in it, it will run well If you don’t, it will not run well Good food is the best fuel for your body


Since I was a child, my parents have always encouraged me to read So I have read a lot of books But the sort of stories that I like most is science – fiction stories I prefer science – fiction stories because they help me improve knowledge, enrich ability and entertain myself

Firstly, science – fiction stories help me broaden my mind They always have an appearance of modern means in all fields These are the newest things which have just invented and recognized Reading them helps me approach advances of science and technique quickly They also give me a vision about the future Through the eyes of scientists, the future life appears clearly That is the modern and convenient life, human controls everything by just pushing a few buttons Besides, scientists forecast bad problems which will be able to happen in the future For example, if we continue to pollute environment, until a certain period we will have to remove to other planets to live Secondly, I read science – fiction stories to develop my skills They are built on facts and provable hypotheses Every story is a series of argument They give me a logical thought about the facts happening In addition, they also stimulate my imagination and creation After reading science – fiction stories, I usually spend hours thinking about the facts described in each story Sometimes, I have initiatives or new applying from theories into life


stories provide gateway to escape from reality, immerse myself in the unknown and impossible world I forget the cares of everyday reality and travel to a completely different world where human has never arrived in the universe

For all of these reasons, I enjoy science – fiction stories

Topic 14: “Advertisement is boring, useless and often misleading” How far you agree with this opinion?

Nowadays, advertisement is very popular all over the world You can easily find an advertisement everywhere, such as newspapers, magazines, fosters, radios, televisions or even on the buses Because production has been developed quickly, more and more goods of all kinds are being produced with a great quantity, the need to sell these goods also developed Producers easily find a method to let the public know their products, it is advertising

I think that advertisements are necessary for me There are many kinds of goods and I need to know some information about them to have a good choice with the best quality and a reasonable price Moreover, I also have a need of using something which I not know whether it has been on sale or not Where can I find this information? Advertisement; of course! For example, I want to buy something to make my teeth cleaner and I easily find from an advertisement that there is a product which is suitable for my need It is called the mouthwash Advertisement also helps me find the place to buy goods There are many things which are sold in the supermarkets or the markets these days but there are still some special things you have to come to the right shop to get them Advertisement helps me find these places quickly to save much time

However, advertisement is being abused now In order to sell as many goods as possible, many producers try to give the wrong or the misleading information about their products The consumers are becoming tired of advertisements recently The information is not true and always overstated Watching a shampoo advertisement on TV, you can feel this clearly The price, the usage, the ingredients are almost ignored and the replacements are the beautiful model with beautiful clothes, hair and well – make up face with a splendid light and atmosphere Sometimes, the audience forgets about the product, they just focus on the beautiful model They even not know what this advertisement is about after watching it

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 16:45