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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS ENGLISH CLASSIFIER CONSTRUCTIONS AND REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE (CẤU TRÚC CỦA TỪ CHỈ LOẠI TRONG TIẾNG ANH VÀ TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT) NGUYEN HUYEN MY Field: English Language Code: Hanoi, 2020 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS ENGLISH CLASSIFIER CONSTRUCTIONS AND REFERENCE TO THE VIETNAMESE (CẤU TRÚC CỦA TỪ CHỈ LOẠI TRONG TIẾNG ANH VÀ TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT) NGUYEN HUYEN MY Field: English Language Code: Supervisor: Pham Lan Anh, Ph.D Hanoi, 2020 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled ENGLISH CLASSIFIER CONSTRUCTIONS AND REFERENCE TO VIETNAMESE submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, no other person‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2020 Nguyen Huyen My Approved by SUPERVISOR Supervisor: Pham Lan Anh, Ph.D (Signature and full name) Date:…………………… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the help and support from a number of people First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Pham Lan Anh, my supervisor, who has patiently and constantly supported me through the stages of the study, and whose stimulating ideas, expertise, and suggestions have inspired me greatly through my growth as an academic researcher A special word of thanks goes to all the lecturers at English Faculty of Hanoi Open University and many others, without whose support and encouragement it would never have been possible for me to have this thesis accomplished Last but not least, I am greatly indebted to my family, my husband, my daughter and my son, for the sacrifice they have devoted to the fulfillment of this academic work ii ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the typical classifier constructions in English and primary semantic functions of English classifiers The common types, the form and the meanings of English classifiers were considered in order to find out the references to Vietnamese Eight types of English classifier constructions were discussed and also in Vietnamese The author pointed out some difficulties which were faced by Vietnamese learner in the translation process, especially in choosing the suitable classifiers in Vietnamese Some further concerns were mentioned for future study in order to help learners in the research iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CL Classifier Det Determiner NUM Numeral Q quantifier CV Compound verb N Noun NP Noun phrase V Verb VP Verb phrase E.g For example A Adjective AP Adjective phrase CA Compound adjective CN Compound noun CV Compound verb PP Prepositional Phrase Dem Demonstrative iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aim and objectives of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Methods of the study 1.6 Design of the study Chapter 2.1 English and Vietnamese noun phrase 2.1.1.English noun phrase and its elements 2.1.2.Vietnamese noun phrase and its elements 2.2 Definition of classifier 2.3 Types of classifier in English 2.4 Semantic features of English classifier 2.5 Recognizing English classifiers 10 2.6 Types of classifier in Vietnamese 11 2.7 Semantic features of Vietnamese classifiers 13 2.8 Summary 14 Chapter 16 METHODOLOGY 16 3.1 Methods of the study 16 3.2 Procedure 16 3.3 Data analysis 17 3.3.1 Common classifier constructions in English 17 3.3.2 Common Vietnamese classifiers used in the study 18 v 3.4 Summary 18 Chapter 19 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 19 4.1 Classifier constructions in English 19 4.2 Classifier constructions in Vietnamese 33 4.3 Semantic functions of classifiers used in the data source 36 4.4 Semantic interpretations in English and Vietnamese 36 Chapter 42 CONCLUSION 42 5.1 Recapitulation 42 5.2 Concluding Remarks 42 5.3 Limitation of the study 43 5.4 Suggestions for further study 43 REFERENCES 45 APPENDICES 48 vi Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study A classifier, sometimes called a measure word or counter word, is a word or affix that is used to accompany noun and can be considered to "classify" a noun depending on the type of its referent English is not a classifier language, but it has an open productive class of words that are functionally similar to classifiers, as in a herd of cattle and a box of cakes Classifiers are not without meaning, however, as is evident in extended senses of these word In many cases the classifier meaning follows from the normal meaning and no special information need be included in the lexicon Many uses of words in classifier constructions need pragmatic rules which rely on the prior existence of conventional classifiers Meanwhile, Vietnamese is an isolating language with lexical tones Verbs not have any marking for tense, person, or number agreement Nouns not have any morphological inflections for case, gender, person, or number Vietnamese is one of several Asian languages with a complex numeral classifier system This system is not easy for foreigners to grasp and not easy for children to acquire This is due to the large number of classifiers (over 150), the complex semantic nature of classifiers, and the fixed order of elements in classifier phrases Due to these above reasons, the author would like to choose classifiers in English and Vietnamese as the object of the study so that English and Vietnamese learners can solve the difficulties they meet when performing the skills of translation 1.2 Aim and objectives of the study In this thesis, the author aims at focusing on the meaning of the structures of classifiers in noun phrase in English and Vietnamese It studies the types of classifiers, their forms, and meanings From this point of view, the thesis will discuss the types of the classifiers and their functions as specifying the reference of a noun The discussion will be also on the similarities and the differences in meaning between the two languages: English and Vietnamese basing on their syntactic and semantic feature 1.3 Research questions The author plans to answer the two main questions: What are the possible categories of classifiers in noun phrase in English and Vietnamese found in the novel Master of the Game? How is the semantic interpretation affected when classifiers are used in English and vice versus? 1.4 Scope of the study Classifiers in noun phrase in English and Vietnamese is a complicated phenomenon so that making the right recognition is also the challenge to the learners of English The researcher would like to investigate English classifiers in the complex interaction of syntactic and semantic factors that apply to words which could be used as classifiers, both as conventional classifiers and as novel ones The data are collected in English novels of Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon and in Vietnamese translation version by Nguyen Ba Long Where possible, the data are extended to cover the researcher‟s learning experience Within the frame of a minor M.A thesis, the analysis is particularly confined to classifiers that are commonly used by Vietnamese and English 1.5 Methods of the study To fulfill the thesis, the author would employ the method of collecting, analyzing comparing and contrasting the examples mainly taken from English novels of Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon and in Vietnamese translation version by Nguyen Ba Long the and also from the researcher‟s learning and teaching experience However, contrasting method is the main method the researcher uses to complete the analysis They are from the two languages, namely English and Vietnamese so that the similar and different features will be revealed to make the contribution to the achievement of the study, which helps learners gain more acknowledge about classifiers both in English and Vietnamese 1.6 Design of the study This thesis is organized into five chapters Chapter – Introduction – gives a brief overview of the research with the rationale for choosing the topic of the research, aims, objectives, scope, significance of the thesis and structural organization of the thesis the centre 58 a glass or clay co ntainer with a wide opening at the topand sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storingfood jar a round glass container, with a lid (= cover), used for storing food, especially jam, honey, etc pounds (in Britain and North America) a unit for a unit for measuri measuring weight, ng weight equal to 0.454 of a kilogram miles a unit for measuring distance equal to 1 609 metres or 1 760 yards a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards or 1.6 kilometres A hundred barrels barrels of oil a large round container, usually made of wood or metal, with flat ends and, usually, curved sides a large container, made of wood, metal, or plastic, with a flat top and bott om and curved si des that make it fatter in the middle Six cups of flour a small container that is like a bowl in shape, usually with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, a small, round container, often with a handle, used for drinking tea, c a jar of jam a glass contai ner with a wide top and a lid, used hũ, lọ, vại, for storing fo bình od such as jam or hon ey, or the amount it contains Measure classifiers 59 60 61 62 Three pounds of beans Four miles of bush cups 57 a unit for mea suring weight , equal to 16 ounces or 0.454 kilogra ms a unit for mea suring distanc e, equal to 1,760 yards o r about 1,609 metres a large curved c ontainer with a flat top and bottom, made of wood or m etal, and used for storing be er, wine etc a small round c ontainer, usually with a handle, that đơn vị trọng lượng dặm,lý thùng, thùng tròn đựng rượu dầu cốc, chén etc 63 64 A mouthful of food A pail of milk mouthful pail 65 A packet of powder packet 66 Six cups of tea cups 67 A pocketful of coins 68 A pocket of coins offee, etc.: an amount of foo an amount of food d or drink that fill or drink that you put s your mouth, or in your mouth at one that you put time into your mouth a t one time The significance of collecting milk an open container is further with a handle, used emphasised by for carrying or the fact that the holding liquids, milk pail must be sand, etc wooden and not made of metal or pottery you use to drink tea, c offee etc an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one time lượng thức ăn miệng lúc a metal or w ooden contain er with thùng, xô, a handle, used chậu for carrying liqui ds a container m a small container a small paper or c ade made of paper or ardboard containe of paper, plast gói, bọc card in which goods r in which ic, nhỏ are packed for a number of small or cardboard t selling objects are sold hat something is sold in a a small container a small, small round c that is like a bowl in round container, ontainer, shape, usually with a often with usually with cốc, chén handle, used for a handle, used a handle, that drinking tea, coffee, for drinking tea, c you use etc offee, etc.: to drink tea, c offee etc pocketful the amount a pocket holds as many or as the amount much of that can fit in something as a pocket a pocket will hold pocket small piece of material like a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you a small bag for ca rrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or 58 túi (đầy), số lượng đựng túi a type of small bag in túi nhỏ or on quần áo a coat, trouser s etc that you can carry things in it 69 70 A roomful of people A room of people roomful a large number of people or things that are in a room room building that has its own walls, floor and ceiling and is usually used for a particular purpose onto the outside of a piece of clothin g can put money, keys etc in a large number of as many or as things or much as people that a room will hold are all together in one room a part of the a part of inside of the inside of a a building that building that is separated from has its other parts by wal own walls, flo ls, floor, or, and and ceiling ceiling phịng có nhiều người phòng Long Measure 71 inch, foot, metre, yard, rod, pole, perch, chain, inch mile, league VD: : a yard of cloth a unit for measuring length or height, equal to 2.54 centimetres There are 12 inches in a foot a unit used for measuring len gth, approximatel y equal to 2.54 centimetres, sometimes shown by the symbol a unit for mea suring length, equal to đơn vị đo 2.54 centimet chiều dài res There are 12 inches in a foot foot the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or anima l stands the part of your body đơn vị đo that you stand chiều dài on and walk Anh on metre a unit for measuring length; a hundred centimetres a unit of measure ment equal to 100 centimetres đơn vị đo the basic unit chiều dài for measuring hệ length Mét 59 yard a piece of land next to or around your house where you can grow flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc., usually with a lawn (= an area of grass) a unit of measure ment equal to three feet or appr oximately 91.4 ce ntimetres a unit for mea suring length, thước Anh( equal to three 0,914 feet or mét) 0.91 metres rod a long straight piece of wood, metal or glass a long, thin pole made of wood or metal a long thin pole or b ar pole perch chain a long, thin stick of wood or metal, long thin straight often piece of wood or used standing stra metal, especially one ight up in with the end placed the ground to sup in the ground, used port things as a support a long stick or post usually made of wood or m etal, often set upright in the ground to support something a high place a seat or or position, a measure of length other place high especially one containing five and a up, often giving a where you half yards good view of can sit something below and watch so mething a series of me tal rings whic h are joined tog A chain is also ether in a line a length of conne a unit of length and used cted rings worn as for fastening t jewelry hings, supporting we ights, decorati on etc 60 gậy,roi,cần câu đơn vị đo chiều dài 5,03 mét đơn vị chiều dài 5.03 mét dây,xích, thước dây mile a unit for measuring distance equal to 1 609 metres or 1 760 yards league a unit for measuring distance, equal to about miles or 4 000 metres inch a unit for measuring length or height, equal to 2.54 centimetres There are 12 inches in a foot link a connection between two or more people or things a unit of distance equal to 1,760 yards or 1.6 kilometres a unit for mea suring distanc e, equal to 1,760 yards o r about 1,609 metres an ancient uni t for measurin g distance, eq ual to three miles or about 4,828 metres on land, and three nautical miles or 5,556 metres at sea dặm,lý (nghĩa cổ) đơn vị đo khoảng cách Measure 72 inch, link, chain, furlong, mile _ a mile of land chain a unit of length a unit used for measuring len gth, approximatel y equal to 2.54 centimetres, sometimes shown by the symbol a unit for mea suring length, equal to 2.54 centimet res There are 12 inches in a foot to physically joi a connection betw n two or more een two people, things, things, or ideas people, or places a series of me tal rings whic h are joined tog A chain is also ether in a line a length of conne and used cted rings worn as for fastening t jewelry hings, supporting we ights, decorati on etc 61 đơn vị đo chiều dài liên kết thước trắc địa,thước dây furlong mile a unit for mea suring length, a unit of length eq equal to a unit for measuring ual to about distance, equal to 201 metres or 201 metres, 220 yards or 201 1/8 mile, which is used metres; one eighth used especially in in horse racin of a mile horse racing g There are eight furlongs in a mile a unit for mea a unit for measuring a unit of distance suring distanc distance equal to equal to e, equal to 1 609 metres or 1,760 yards or 1,760 yards o 1 760 yards 1.6 kilometres r about 1,609 metres đơn vị đo chiều dài 201 mét dặm,lý Nautical Measure 74 foot, fathom, cable, sea mile _a fathom of depth foot fathom cable the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person or anima l stands a unit for measuring the depth of water, equal to feet or 1.8 metres a unit for measuri ng the depth of w ater, equal to 1.8 metres or feet thick, strong, metal rope used on ships, for supporting bridges, etc a set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electri city, phone signal s, etc.: 62 the part of your body that you stand on and walk on a unit for mea suring the dep th of water, equal t o six feet or about 1.8 metres a plastic or ru bber tube taining wires that carry tele phone messag es, electronic signals, televi sion pictures et đơn vị đo chiều dài Anh, khoảng 0,34 mét đơn vị đo độ sâu nước, sải (1,82 mét) cáp Tầm ( hàng hải) sea mile a unit for measuring distance at sea; 1 852 metres square inch a unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one inch a unit of distance used at sea that is equal to 1,852 metres a unit for mea suring distanc e at sea that is dặm, đơn slightly vị đo chiều longer than a dài biển land mile, and equals 1, 853 metres unit of area equal to one inch by one inch square a unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one inch đơn vị đo diện tích, inch vng defined as the area of a square with sides of foot đơn vị đo diện tích Square Measure 76 square inch, square foot, square yard, square acre, square mile _a square acre of land square foot a unit of area equal to one foot by one foot square used to describe the are a of a building One million square fee t is approximately 90,000 square me tres square yard a unit of area equal to one yard by one yard square an imperial unit of area with sides of one yard square acre, a unit for measuring an area of land; 4 840 square yards or about 4 050 square metres a unit for measuri ng area, equal to 4,047 square metr es or 4,840 square yard s 63 area of a square with sides of one yard (thre iat vuông e feet, thirtysix inches, 0.9144 metres ) in length a unit for mea suring area, e qual to mẫu anh( 4,840 square 0.4 héc ta) yards or 4,047 square metres square mile an unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square with a side length of one statute mile an area of 640 acres an unit of measure for an area equal to the area of a square with a side length of one statute mile dặm vuông Anh a measurement of space which is calculated by multiplying the length of something by its width and height foot khối Cubic Measure 78 cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic acre, cubic mile _ a cubic mile of land cubic used to show that a measurement is the volume of something, that is the height multiplied by the length and the width used in units of volume to show when the length of something has been multiplied b y its width and he ight Liquid Measure 80 gill, pint, quart, gallon _ a pint of gill milk / a gallon of petrol pint a unit for mea suring liquid, equal to a measure of liqui ¼ pint In an unit for d that is equal to Britain this is measuring the liquid 0.142 litres or 0.14 litres, a quarter of a pint and in the US it is 0.12 litres a unit for mea suring an amount a unit for measuring of liquid, liquids and some dry a measure for liqu especially bee goods, equal to id equal to r or milk In 0.568 of a litre in the about half a litre Britain a pint UK and some other There are eight is equal to countries, and 0.473 pints in a gallon 0.568 litres, of a litre in the US and in the US it is equal to 0.473 litres 64 đơn vị đo chất lỏng, khoảng 0.141 lít Anh, 0,118 lí Mỹ) panh, đơn vị thể tích (0,58 lít Anh, 0,473 lít Mỹ) quart gallon a unit for mea a unit for measuring a unit of measure suring liquid, liquids, equal to ment for liquids, e equal to pints or about qual to approxima two pints In 1.14 litres in the UK tely 1.14 litres in Britain this is and Canada, and the UK, or 1.14 litres, 0.95 of a litre in the 0.95 litres in the and in the US US US: it is 0.95 litres a unit for mea a unit for measuring suring liquids liquid In the UK, , equal to Canada and other eight pints In a large amount of countries it is equal Britain this is liquid to about 4.5 litres; in 4.55 litres, the US it is equal to and in the US about 3.8 litres it is 3.79 litres lít Anh ga lơng, đơn vị đo dung tích (4,54 lít Anh,3.78 lít Mỹ) Arrangement classifiers 82 ball, loaf, cube, slice, string, sheet, stack, row, line, heap, ball pile _Six rows of trees _A pile of books round object or a thing that has been formed into a round shape a long piece of thr ead that has been rolled into a ball to make something form a small round shape loaf an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece bread that is shaped and bak ed in a single piece and can be sliced for eatin g bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and can be cut into slices cube a solid or hollow figure with six equal square sides a solid object wit h six square sides o f equal size a solid object with khối lập six equal squa phương re sides 65 ổ bánh mì slice a thin flat piece of bread, meat, cheese, etc that has been cut off a larger piece; a piece of cake that has been cut from a larger cake string a series of things or people that come closely one after another a series of related things or events: sheet a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to lie on or lie under a large piece of th in cloth used on a bed for sleeping on or under stack a pile of something, usually neatly arranged a pile of things arranged o ne on top of another a neat pile of things row a number of people standing or sitting next to each other in a line; a number of objects arranged in a line a line of things, people, ani mals, etc arranged next to each other a line of things or hàng ghế, people next to dãy each other a flat, often thin, piece o f food that has been cut from a larger piece a thin flat pie ce of food cut from a larger piece a number of similar thin gs chuỗi, dây or events com ing one after another a large piece of thin cloth t hat you put tấm, tờ on a bed to lie on or lie under line a long, thin mark a long, thin mark on on the surface of a surface something a long thin mark on a piece of paper, the ground, or another surface heap an untidy pile of something a large untidy p ile of things an untidy pile or mass of things 66 miếng, lát cắt Cụm, chồng, đống hàng đống pile a number of things that have been placed on top of each other a group of several things objects positioned of the same one on top of type that are another put on top of each other nhiều,chồn g , đống Metaphorical comparison classifiers 85 a bear of a man A slip (wisp) of a girl A dream (honey) of a woman A devil (hell) of a situation to bravely to accept, tolerate, accept or deal or endure somethi with ng, especially so a painful, chấp nhận mething unpleasa difficult, nt or upsetting si tuation bear to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant slip a small piece of paper, especially one a small piece of p for writing on or aper with something printed on it a small or narrow pie ce of paper mẩu giấy a wish to have or be something, especially one that seems difficult to achieve an event or condit ion that you hope for very much, although it is not likely to happ en a wish to do, be, or have something – used especially when this seems unlikel y lời hi vọng used to talk about somebody and to emphasize an opinion that you have of them used with an adjective to de scribe someone and express your opinion about something that has happened to them a difficult or unpleasant ti me tồi tệ class or group of people or things that share particular qualities or features and are part of a larger group; a kind or sort a particular group of people or things that share similar characteristics an d form a smaller d ivision of one member of a group of people or things that loại Nhóm have similar f eatures or qua lities dream devil Recognizing classifiers 89 type, cup, group, litre, row _such as a type litre of petrol and a row of desks 67 a larger set cups group litre row a a small container a small, small round c that is like a bowl in round container, ontainer, shape, usually with a often with usually with cốc, chén handle, used for a handle, used a handle, that drinking tea, coffee, for drinking tea, c you use etc offee, etc to drink tea, c offee etc a number of people several a number of peopl or things that are people or e or things that together in the same things that are are put together nhóm, hội place or that are all together in or considered as connected in some the same a unit way place a unit for measuri the basic unit a unit for measuring ng the volume of for measurin đơn vị đo volume, equal to a liquid or g liquid in dung tích, 1.76 British pints or a gas, equal to the metric sy lít 2.11 American pints 1,000 cubic centi stem metres a number of people a line of standing or sitting a line of things, people, ani hàng ghế, next to each other in things or mals, dãy ghế, a line; a number of people next to etc arranged next dãy bàn objects arranged in a each other to each other line 68 Appendix Categorization and list of Vietnamese classifiers The table shows all 160 classifiers at a glance, with those selected for the study marked in bold The ―List of Vietnamese classifiers‖ provides a description for each of the classifiers not selected for the study Semantic Primary category features Secondary features Classifiers cái, con, Animacy cây, sợi/cọng, tia, làn, 1-D lượn, dạn flat, square, with width Shape (a) 2-D bức, tâm, tờ, lá, manh brought out flat, square, with length thanh, thỏi, thẻo brought out flat, round 3-D khoanh, vầng round, cubic, or cylindrical hòn, viên, cục, hạt/hột, quả/trái, giọt, tảng, khối, phiến, súc, cone shape Transportatio land, air, water Function nấm, ngọn, đỉnh Chiếc n Cultural, oral bài, written quyên/cuốn, cuộn, bản, social, literary/artisti bài, pho, thiên, áng, 69 đạo c works Arrangement Buildings túp, căn/gian, ngơi, tịa Events đám Single Paired đơi, cặp long đẵn, đoạn, khúc, thẻo, rẻo Parts (b) mảnh, thửa, mảng, lát, flat, even khoảng/khoảnh, khoanh, Miếng, mẩu small size forming rectangular shape, manh/thếp, tập/tệp, 3-D Collectives vertical direction (D) xâp/x ếp/đệp, chồng forming pyramid shape (E) đụn, đống 1-D forming cylindrical or vác, bối/búi/lọn, bó, round shape (C) nắm/vắt dynamic dịng, luồng, đồn, tốp stationary (B) chân, dãy, hàng, rặng, dải 70 gathered and clustered (A) nài, quày, buông, cum, khom, chùm, chom, dam, dàn, bây shapeless (F) bô, mo, mui, me, nhà, trà, xâu, tràng, xoc, thang Limited use cô, kiên, dông/nen/tru, quân, vi Miscellaneous bai, bàn, bâc/buc, bui, canh, ngon, mai, dieu, phong, mon, müi, ô ‗Event„ action, state, process chuyen, con, cu, cuôc, classifier giâc, khoa, ky, lân, loi, s luot, me, môi, nét, nên, nguôn, nhat, niêm, nôi, nuoc, su, trân, van, ve, vu 71 ... table below Most typical classifier constructions in Vietnamese Two-element classifier Three-element classifier 35 Four-element classifier constructions constructions constructions CL + Dem CL... Common classifier constructions in English 17 3.3.2 Common Vietnamese classifiers used in the study 18 v 3.4 Summary 18 Chapter 19 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 19 4.1 Classifier constructions in English. .. Vietnamese and English to determine those to help the people will who study and translate from English into Vietnamese and via visa 3.3.1 Common classifier constructions in English A complete analysis