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- Some techniques can be used: Jumble words, Presentation dialogue, Word cue drill. Organization: (1') - Greeting[r]


Date of preparing: 22/05/2020 Period 76

Unit 13: Activities

Lesson 2: A


A.Objectives: * Knowledge

- Read the text for details about the activity of walking

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text for details about the activity of walking

* Skill:

- Practice comprehension reading skill * Attitude:

- Sts will love to go jogging to keep fit B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, poster C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Open prediction, Matching, Comprehension questions

D Procedure :

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A


Teacher & students’ activities Contents II Warm up (5')

* Kim’s games

- show the pictures, then collect them - say the activities in the pictures

III New lesson (35’):

Activity 1: Pre - reading (10') 1.Vocabulary:

( example)

* Kim’s games


( trans) ( explain) ( trans) ( example) Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- copy

Check : What and where

2 Open prediction ( A4P.132 )

a) What kind of sport s in the picture A4P132 ?

b) What is WFF? WTS? Ask ss to work invidual - Pairs compare

- Collect Ss’ ideas and write on the board Activity 2: While – reading (15')

1 Cheking prediction

- SS read the text and check Matching ( Guess the words )

- Teacher sticks posters on the board - Ask Ss to read the text and guess the meaning for the English words

- Give feedback and correct

3 Comprehension questions ( A4P132 ) - Ss read the text again and answer the questions a  f P132

- Ss work in pairs, practice asking and answering the questions

Activity 3: Post – reading (10') Write it up

1 Vocabulary

- win the prize: giành giải thưởng - competition(n) thi

- participant (n): thí sinh - activity (n): hoạt động - member ( n): thành viên 2 Reading

Answer key a) It’s walking

b) WFF means: walking for fun WTS means: walking to school

Answer key

- organized - t×nh ngun - increases - tỉ chøc - volunteer - thay v× - in stead of - gia tăng Answer key

a) He takes part in walking

b) Because the school team won the 1st prize in

a walking competition

c) They are: walking to the beach and walking to school day

d) It’s km e) Wednesday


IV Summary (2’): Reading the text for details about the activity of walking. V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 13: A3,5 E Evaluation:

……… ……… ……… Date of preparing: 22/05/2020 Period 77

Unit 13: Activities

Lesson 3: A


A.Objectives: * Knowledge

- Understand and know how to use adjectives and adverbs to talk about sports, improve water safety awareness for children

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand and know how to use adjectives and adverbs to talk about sports

* Skill:

- Practice speaking and writing skill * Attitude:

- Sts will love to take part in sports to keep fit B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, cards C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Chatting, Presentation text, Word cue drill D Procedure :

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A




- T asks sts some questions 1.Which sport you like best? Which sport does your father like? Which sport does your mother like? III New lesson (35’):

Activity 1: Presentation (15') 1.Vocabulary:

( explain) ( trans) ( example) (antonym) ( picture) ( trans) ( Antonym) Trans) ( Antonym) ( trans) ( Trans) Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- copy

Check: Rub out and remember

2 Presentation text ( A3 p 131 ) - Set the scene:

How many pictures are there? ( 6) What are they about? ( sports) - Let Ss listen to the tape and repeat * Concept check

- Meaning: - Form:

What kind of word “ skillful” ? ( adj) Where is it ? ( after tobe and before a noun) Is “ skillfully” an adjective or an adverb ? Where is it? ( come after a verb)

- Use:

1 Vocabulary

Adj Adv meaning

good well Tốt

skillful skillfully Điêu luyện

slow slowly Chậm

bad badly Tồi,

interesting interestingly Thú vị sudden suddenly Đột ngột

quick quickly nhanh

safe safely An toàn

careful carefully Cẩn thận careless carelessly Cẩu thả strict strictly Nghiên khắc

clear clearly Rõ ràng

- Kim’s games:

2 Reading

He is a skillful volleyball player He plays skillfully


Adj : emphasis for subject Adv: emphasis for an action - Pronunciation:

Activity 2: Practice (10') Word cue drill ( A3 p131 )

Teacher runs through the cues and models Good – Well / soccer player

S1: He’s a good soccer player S2: Yes, he plays well.

Activity 3: Further Practice (10') * Language focus P162

a Ask Ss to check the correct box and write them into the correct column - Give feedback

b Complete the sentences by underlining the correct words

* A5 P133

- Ask sts to change the adjectives in the brackets to adverbs then copy the passage into the notebooks

- Ss in teams on the board - Teacher corrects

S + tobe + a/an (adj + noun) S + V + adv

3 Practice

good – well / soccer player Slow – Slowly / swimme Quick – Quickly / runner Safe – Safely / cyclist

Bad – Badly / tennis player

Adjectives Adverbs dangerous

good bad

slowly skillfully quickly

Answer keys A: quickly B: slowly C: good

D: dangerous E: skillful

1.clearly 2.carefully 3.safely

4 carelessly strictly

IV Summary (2’): - Using the adjectives and adverbs V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson


E Evaluation:

……… ……… ………

Date of preparing: 22/05/2020 Period 78

Unit 13: Activities

Lesson 4: B


A.Objectives: * Knowledge

- Understand and know how to use modal verbs: can, should, must and ought to and give advice

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand and know how to use modal verbs: can, should, must and ought to and give advice

* Skill:

- Practice the comprehension reading skill,writing skill and speaking skill * Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading, speaking and doing some exercises and use modal verbs

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, cards C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Jumble words, Presentation dialogue, Word cue drill

D Procedure :

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7A


Teacher & students’ activities Contents II Warm up (5')

* Jumble words


- T sticks some cards on the board And ask sts if they know the words

- Ss have minute to prepare

- Call some ss to write the words on the board

III New lesson (35’):

Activity 1: Presentation (15') 1.Vocabulary:

( Trans) ( Synonym) (realia) ( trans) ( explain) ( trans) Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- copy

Check : What and where

2 Presentation dialogue: B1.p134

- Set the scene : Look at the picture, Who are they? ( Nam and Ba).

What are they talking about ? Now listen their dialogue

- Teacher reads the dialogue for model Ss listen and read

- Ask Ss to answer questions below the dialogue: b,c,d

* Concept check - Meaning

- Form

Are “ should , ought to , must” model verbs? (Yes.)

Where are their positions? (Before main verb.)

What is the form of the main verb? (Infinitive without to)



1 Vocabulary

- ought to = should: nên, phải

- must = have to (v): ph¶i

- table tennis paddle (n): vợt bóng bàn

- problem (n): vn

- spare (a): rỗi rÃi, d

- sure (a) : ch¾c ch¾n

2 Reading Questions:

b When will Nam be ready? c What will Ba do?

d How many paddles does Ba have? Answer key

b) In a few minutes

c) He has to finish his question for Math tomorrow

d) two

Model sentences:

What should Nam before he plays table tennis?


- Form : S + Model verb + V( inf ) - Use

- Pronunciation

Activity 2: Practice (14') Word cue drill

- Teacher runs through the cues - Teacher models:

What should Nam before he plays table tennis?

He ought to his homework. He must his homework. - Ss practice in halves / pairs

Activity 3: Further Practice (6') B4.P137

- Complete the passage with the model verbs in the box

- Let Ss in minutes

- Teacher collects Ss’ ideas and write on the board

3 Practice

Nam / before / table tennis Do homework

Children/ when / swimming Swim with an adult

We / after meal Brush teeth

Lan / when / very thin Eat more

Answer keys 1.can 2.must 3.should must not

5 can

6 ought to / should can /should should / must

IV Summary (2’): Using the model verbs: can, should, must and ought to.

V Homework (3’): - Learn by heart new words.

- Do Exercises onto your notebooks - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 13: B2 E Evaluation:


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:44

