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CONTENTS -Scope and Sequence .vi Introcluction .xi UNIT AlL IN TIlE FAMILY Chapter A Family Bike Trip What's in a Name? Chapter The Jint 1\vins 13 Chapter Tie It All Together 19 Unil Vocabulary Self-Test 20 UNIT LET'S EAT A Peanut Butter Restaurant 22 Chapter Chapter The Tokyo Fish Market 29 A Cookie with a Surprise Inside 34 Chapter Tie It All Together 42 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test ,44 UNIT KEEPING IN TOUCH Sending E-Cards 46 Chapter Easy Ways To Keep in Touch 53 Chapter Sending Cyber-Hugs 58 Chapter Tie It All Together 63 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 65 UNIT TIlE WORK WORLD Chapter What's New? 68 AJob Change 74 Chapter Chapter A Popular Cartoonist 81 Tie It All Together 87 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 89 iv Contents UNIT LANGUAGE AND LIFE Chapter Chapter Chapter Languages of the World 92 Hangul Day 98 Students Save Their Native Language 104 Tie It All Together 108 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 109 UNIT ANIMAL TALES Chapter Chapter Chapter Friends with Four Legs 112 A 8aby Panda Gets a Name 117 A Lost Cat Comes Home 123 Tie It All Together 130 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 132 UNIT SPORTS STORIES Chapter Chapter Chapter A Marathon Marriage 134 Who Is TIger Woods? 139 The "Ultimate" Game 145 Tie It All Together 152 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 154 UNIT CITY SIGHTS Chapter Chapter Chapter Istanbul's Grand 8azaar 156 An Ice Hotel 162 Sister Cities Exchange Gifts 169 Tie It All Together 174 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 176 Vocabulary Self-Tests Answer Key 177 Glossary 179 Map of the United States 183 Map of the World 184 Reader's Joumals 187 Contents V ALL IN THE FAMILY Families are an important part of every culture In many countries, family is the most important thing in a person's life In this unit, you will learn about some interesting families and family traditions Points to Ponder Discuss these questions in a small group Look at the picture What are the people doing? Do you think they are having a good time? What acti vities you like to wi th your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What are th eir nam es? A Family Bike Trip Before You Read A Discuss these questions with a partner t Do you have a bicycle? How often you ride it? Do you like to take trips with your fam ily? Why or why not? What are some places you have traveled to with your family? B St udy these words from the artic le Write each word next to the correct definition celebrated exciting UNIT I daughters goal d isease special I di5ease a sickness had a specia l meal or party for an important event better or more important than most things something you want to or make happen s making you feel very happy or interested female children A FAMILY BIKE TRIP The Eber family just took a trip around the world The trip took sixteen months PauIa and Lorenz Eber and their daughters Anya, fourteen years old and Yvonne, twelve, rode their bikes more than 9,300 miles (about 15,000 kilometers) They rode their bikes in twenty· four countries They rode in four continents: Europe Asia, North America, and Australia the world to breathe." The Ebers want to teach people around the world about asthma They also want to collect $5 mimon through World Bike for Breath How will they mise the money? People and companies give money to their organization for each mile the family rides The Ebers will use the money to find a cure for asthma and to help children with asthma The Ebers take many bike trips, but this one was very special One of the most exciting parts of the trip was having a Christmas dinner of Chinese duck in Hong Kong They also celebrated Yvonne's twelfth birthday in Tonga, an island in the Pacific Ocean They ate a coconut-and-mango birthday ~ake The trip was exciting but difficult The family had to sleep in tents for most of the trip The hardest part, Yvonne said, was the bad weather and the bugs A map of the Ebers' bike trip around the world Why did the Ebers want to ride their bikes around the world? They had an impOItant goal They wanted to raise money to help people who have asthma Asthma is a disease that makes it hard [or people to breathe Paula has had asthma since she was a child Now, she helps other people who have asthma The Eber family started an organization called World Bike for Breath "Asthma is a big problem," Anya said "The djsease makes it difficult for over 150 million people all over organIzation _ a group of people working for the same purpose cure -something that makes a sick person healthy The fbers in front of the Great Wall of China 3tent- f7\~p again Chapter I I Comprehension Check I A Circle the correct answer Why did the Eber fa mily r ide their bikes around the wo rld ? a to celebrate Yvonne's birthday h to visit Hong Kong (SI to raise money for asthma What will the Ebers use the money for? a to help people with asthma h to take another trip around the world c to buy a Christmas dinner Where did the family usually sleep a t night? a in houses h in tents c on bikes What was the hardest part of the trip for Yvonne? a the bad weather and the bugs b eating coconut-and-mango b irthday cake c helping people throughout the world to breathe Scanning for Information Sca nning is a way to read quickly to find specific information such as a name or date To scan , move your eyes quickly down the page until you find the information you need Think about how the information will be presented For example, if you are looking for a date, scan for numbers learning to scan will help you become a better reader B Scan the article for the answer to each question Work as fast as you can How long did the trip take? s ixteen months How many countries did the Ebers visit? _ _ How much money the Ebers want to raise? How many miles did they ride their bikes? S Where did Yvonne celebrate her twelfth birthday? _ _ _ _ _ UNIT I Vocabulary Practice A Complete each sentence with the correct word celebrated exciti ng daughters goal disease special Yvonne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her birth day on the trip An _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ part of the trip was eating Chr istmas dinner in Hong Kong The Ehers ta ke many bike trips, bu t this one was _ _ The Ebers a nd their two took a trip a round the world The _ _ of their trip wa s to raise money for asthma Asthma is a n example of a B Circle the correct answer There are more than billion When people celebrate something, they usua lly _ _ _ bicyclel in the a have a good time world That is h have a bad time two times Q5 manybike5 as cars When you something exci ting, you feel _ _ _ _ _ _ a sad h ppy If your goal is to learn E nglish , you _ _ _ _ _ a want to learn English h don't care abo ut lea rning E nglish Which is a special day? a a baby's first birthday h every Tuesday Which is an example of a disease? a asthma h had weather If you have one da ughter and two sons, you have _ _ _ _ _ _ a two boys and one girl h one hoy and two girls Ch apter 8KlIl Organizing Words When you learn new word s, it is helpful t o put them into groups that have SUCCESS something in common This helps you remember their meanings more easily f{)8 C Read the list of family words Organize the words by writing each one in the correct column Use your dictionary to help you aunt daug hter brother father nephew ni ece child h usband parent sister son uncl e Male Female cousin mother sibling w ife Male or Female aunt Tal~ It Over Discuss these questions as a class Do you or does anyone you know have asthma? Have you ever helped raise money to help people with problems? Would you like to travel around the world with your family? Why or why not? UNIT I • UN I T What's in a Name? Before You Read A Discuss these questions with a partner Does your name have a special meaning? What does it mean? Do you have the same name as anyone else in your family? What are some common boys' names and girls' names in your country? A nickname is a name your friends or family call you Do you have a nickname? What is it? B Study these words from the article Write each word next to the correct definition choose intelli gent customs pop ul ar honest I to decide which thing you want truthfu l; not likely to lie or stea l smart; able to lea rn and understand things easily ways of behaving that have been done for a long time liked by many people Chapter employees suggest Ihat guesls dress wannly It's a good idea 10 wear all easl three layers of clothing A nd at night, guests sleep in very wanTI sleeping bags The cold doesn't stop people from com ing to the hate\ Lots of people come every year Last year, more than 14,000 guests stayed at the hotel ! So if you plan to visit the !eeholel, be sure 10 make a reservation Things to Do at the leeh otel There are lots of things 10 al the lcehOlel There is an excellent restaurant that serves wonderful food on plates made of ice Guests can watch movies in an ice theater or look at the paintings and sculptures at the ice art show The lcchotel also has a beautiful ice church Couples come from all over the world to get married there A Different Hotel Every Year By late Apri l, the Icehotel gets warm and begins to melt Soon it becomes a water hotel Every year workers have to rebuild the Icehotcl so every year it is different Just like no two snowflakes are the same, no two lcehotel s are the same After You Read Comprehension Check A Read these statements If a statement is true, write T on the line If it is false, write F The Icehotel is the world's biggest hotel made o f ice and snm\' _ The beds are made of wood _ _ _ Guests at the hotel should dress warmly _ _ _ The Icehotel looks the same every yea r _ UNITS The Icehotel has a church and a movie (healer B Scan the article to match each question with the correct answer Answer Question I Where is the Icehotel? a 14.000 How big is the Icehotel? b 23 degrees Fahrenheit How many guests stayed c in October at the Icehotel last year? What is the tempera ture inside the !cehotel? Whe n workers begin d nearly 54,000 square feet e in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden f by late April building each new!cehotel? When does the Icehole} begin to melt? Vocabulary Praclice A Complete each sentence with the correct word (s) or phrase employees guests melts rebui ld make a reservation The first come to the Icehotel in Decembel: The hotel's give suggestions about how to stay walm In the spring, the Icehotel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ So, evel)' year workers have to the Icehote!' You should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you want to stay at the !cehote!' B Circle the correct answer An employee at the Icehotel is someone who a visits the !cehotel h works at the Icehotel If you make a reservation a t a restaurant, you a don't want to go there h plan to go there A guest at a hotel a p~ys to stay there h serves food there Cnapter When workers rebuild the lcehotel, they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a build it again h stay there again When ice melts, it becomes a colder h water Understanding Word Parts: The Prefix re- The prefix re- is common in English Re- is usually added to a word to mean to again For example, the word rebuild from the article means build again C Complete each sentence with the correct word Use your dictionary to help you recycle rea rrange reread resend I did not understand the paragraph I need to _ _ _ _ _ it I did not get your e-mai l Please _ _ it to me I want to change the way this room looks I think I will _ _ _ _ _ the furniture It is important to old newspapers, bottles, and cans Read E-mail Read the four e-mails that Emma wrote to her friend while visiting Costa Rica Then match each e-mail with the photo on page 168 that she took that day ~ ~ ~ NOW ~ Reply To: From: Subject: Attachment: ~ Reply All ~ Forward ~ Flag ~ Print 'fi3 Delete Sandra@Newlink.com Emma@E-link.com Hi fro m Costa Rica photo • Hi Thanks for your e-ma il Today, was a great day We visited the Arenal Volcano During the day it just looks like a big mountain But a t night it's an amazing sight! Fire and hot, melted rock come ou t the top! Scientists come from all over the world to study it Attached here is a photo I too k today • UNIT • • I ~I ~ New • ~ R,ply Reply All ~FolWard ~ Flag ~ Print 'it Delete " • Sandra@NewJink.com Emma@E-link com A great day Subject: ~ Attachme nt: photo To: From: Another great day in Costa Rica! In the morning, we visited a butterfly farm There were over a thousa nd butterflies After lunch, we spent the afternoon on the beach The beaches here are so beautiful There are no crowds The water is very clean a nd clear It was a vel)' relaxing day Here is a great picture of the beach for you Check it out! • • • _ _ ~ New ~ rt5 ~ Reply ~ Reply All ~ Forward ~ Flag ~ Print ~ Delete j Sandra@Newli nk com From: Emma@E-link.com Into the rainforest Subjec t: Attachme nt: photo To: ~ • Hi! Today, we hiked deep into the rainforest Our guide was grea t, and we learned a lot about the plants and animals of the rain forest We saw beautiful, unusual birds and monkeys playing in the trees The monkeys weren't happy to share thei r forest with us They th rew th ings at us One '; monkey even spit at me Look at this beautiful bird we saw • • ~ ~ ~ New • ~ Reply ~ Reply All ~ Forward ~ Flag • ~ Print ii3 Delete · • Sandra@Newli nk.com Emma@E-link.com Subject: Rafting in Costa Rica Attachment: photo To: From: ~ Guess what? I went white-water rafting today for the first time We went down a fast-movin g river in the rain forest I was a little scared at first, but I loved it The trip down the river was amazing Look at the attached picture I am so tired now Time for bed • Chapter • • §l Write an E-mail a b c d Pretend you are staying at the Icehotel Write about it in an eRmail to a friend Try to use at least three new vocabulary words from this chapter Compare e-mails with a partner I ~I rE5 New • To: Subject: • UNITS ~ Reply ~ Reply All ~ Forward ~ Flag y ~ Print m Delete Sister Cities Exchange Gifts Before You Read A Discuss these questions with a partner Have you ever been to a teahouse? Is there a teahouse in yOllr city? Have you ever been to a cyber cafe? Is there a cyber cafe in your ci ty? Have you heard of a group called Sister Cities In tern ational? Does you r ci ty have a S is ter City? B Study these words from the article Write each word next to the correct definition capital citizens gorgeous international socialize I the people w ho live in a city or country the city where a country's main government is to spend time w ith people in a friendly way fOf, from, or with many co untri es very bea utiful " 'Skimm ing for the Main Idea C Skim the article one time Circle the correct answer The article mai nly di scusses two cities that shared gifts cyber cafes around the world mee ting h·i ends at teahou ses Chapter o b!JEl • Sister Cities Exchange Gifts , Dus hanbe is the capital of the Republic of Taj ikistan in Central Asia The U.S city of Boulder, Colorado, is on the other side of the world Dushanbe and Boulder are Sister Ci ties They belong to an organization ca ll ed Sister Cities International The organi zation supports intern ational fri endship, peace, and understanding In 1989, the people of Dushanbe gave a beauti ful teahouse to the citizens of Boulder The teahouse is truly beautiful to see Inside, the walls are covered with colorful handmade tiles There are also a fou ntain and many pieces of art Visitors can enjoy the beauty in side the teahouse, or they can sit outside and admire the gorgeous fl ower garden In Taj ikistan, teahouses are places where peopl e meet to drink tea, eat, talk, and play chess The teahouse in Boulder is also a place where people meet to socialize, eat, and drink tea More than 100,000 people visit the teahouse each year The teahou se ser ves food from many cultures It also serves teas fro m around the world Now, Boulder's citizens want to give a gift 10 the Dushanbe gave Bou/der this beautiful traditional peop le o f Dushanbe T hey are teahouse going to g ive them a cyber cafe A cyber cafe is a cafe or 17 I UNIT coffeehouse that has computers for its customers to use Cyber cafes are popular in many cities around the world Now, Dushanbe will have a cyber cafe, too The cyber cafe in Dushanbe will have eighteen computers It will also have a restaurant and a library It will be a great place for people to meet, talk, e-mail friends, eat, and have fun The people of Boulder hope the citizens of Dushanbe wi ll enjoy the cyber cafe as much as the teahouse in Boulder is enjoyed The Dushanbe and Boulder Sister Cities' relationship shows how people can connect with one another around the world It is a wonderfu l example of international friendship, peace, and understanding • I Comprehension Check • I A Circle the correct answer Where is Dushanbe? a in Colorado h in the Republic of Tajikistan c in South Asia What did the people of Dushanbe give to Boulder? a a cyher cafe h a teahouse c eighteen computers What is Boulder giving to Dushanhe? a a cyber cafe h pieces of art c a rose garden What does Sister Cities International do? a build restaurants and libraries around the world h support international friendship and understanding c create beautiful art Chapter .l'ldentifying Facts and Opinions B Decide if each statement is a fact or an opinion Check the correct box fact Opinion Dushanbe is the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan A cyber cafe is a cafe with computers for its customers to use More than 100,000 people visit the teahouse each year Dushanbe and Boulder's relationship is a wonderful example of international friendship The cyber cafe in Dushanbe will have eighteen computers The cyber cate will be a great place for people to talk, e-mail friends, eat, and have fun Vocabulary Practice A Complete each sentence with the correct word capital intern ational citizens socia lize gorgeous The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Dushanbe gave Boulder a wonderh.l gift There is a flowe r ga rden outs ide of the teahouse The Boulder-Oushanbe Sis ter Cilies' relationship is an example of fdendship, peace, and understanding Th e ofTajikistan is Oushanbe Teahouses and cyber cafes are great places to B Ask and answer these questions with a partner Where you usua lly go (0 social ize with fliends? What counLry are you a citizen of? What is the capital of you r nat ive country? What is the most gorgeous garden you have ever seen? Do you think Sister Cities can help create international fri endship? How? UNIT Understanding Word Parts: The Suffix -tul The suffix -ful is added to a word to mean full of For example, the word co/orlul from the reading means full of color C Add the suffix -tut to each word Then write a sentence using the new word Use your dictionary to help you Compare sentences with a partner l care _ 2.lhank _ wonder _ U5e _ power _ Talk II Over Discuss these questions as a class The article says that Sister City relationships help build international friendship, peace, and understanding Do yOll agree or disagree? Why? What can we all to spread friendship, understanding, and peace throughout the world? Do you think teahouses and cyber cafes are good places to socialize? Why or why not? Make a Posler In a small group, discuss ways people can build international friendships Make a poster that explains at least three ways Show your poster to the rest of the class Chapter Tie It All Together Discussion Discuss these questions in a small group What is the most popular place to visit in your city? What suggestions you have for tourists visiting your city? Which place described in this unit would you most like to visit? Why? Justlo Fun You have been traveling around the world, and now you want to go home Find your way home through the maze • NEWS Video Activity Icehotel This video is about the Icehotel What you remember about the Icehotel from the second article in this unit? What else you hope to learn abou t it? A Study these words and phrases Then watch the video comfortab le 17 Tie It All Together entertainment igloo B Watch the video again Write four words or phrases that describe the Icehotel C Discuss these questions with a partner or in a small group If you could invent an unusual type of hotel, what would it be like? Where would you build it? What would be special about it? Reader's Journal Thin k about the topics and ideas you have read about and discussed in this unit Choose a topic from the list and write about it for ten to twenty minutes Pick a topic from the following list, or choose one of your own • your favorite city • why Sister Cities are a good idea • an interesting place you have visited Tie It All Toge the r 1~ Vocabulary Self-Test Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase A capital guests crowded employee socialize t When you work for a company, you are an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cairo is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Egyp t Shamsul doesn't like to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with people he doesn't know Th e bus was very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " There were not enough seats for everyone The hotel has room s for 100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B citizens international explore make a reservation gorgeous Let's eat at that new restaurant I'll for P.M Ahmed is going to southern Spain during his vacation The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o f the country were proud to host the Olympic Games People Erom many countries will come to the meeting this year It will be an meeting Yesterday was warm , sunny, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C bargain melt relax tourists re bu ild Sometimes it's hard to after working all day The Jensens' house was badly burned in the fire, but they will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it Paris a very popular city with _ _ _ _ _ _ if the temperatu re goes above Ice will 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) I tried to _ _:- _ with the ow ner o f the store I wanted him to lower the price Vocabulary Self-Tesl Unit Unit Unit (page 20) (page 65) (page 109) A S honest goal popular vacation choose twice A e disappear ceremoriy educational message B B intelligent celebrate favorite disease exciting A wise control Technology lose touch with e S kindergarten fluent useful inexpensive make a habit of hear from graduation B accomplishment weird expressed community S simple customs special hobby I free lonely make a commitment figure out similar put on e enonnous equal foolish contest honor headache Unit Unit Unit (page 89) (page 132) (page 44) A A cookbook seafood neighborhood smelly fired B invented e noisy dessert recipe huge note handmade famous menu unusual disappoint for a living successful adventure S fashionable jewelry A vote diet command starve s journey B exhausted B report forecasted earns occupation boss draw e career challenge continued take a break interviewed glad trains rare pick up e disability turn on curious thin habitat Vocabulary Self-Tests Answer Key 177 Unit (page 154) A B trust invited couple Professional scored C took place athlete exchange TIlIes proud explore citizens international gorgeous C relax Unit rebuild competitive (page 176) attended A employee tourists melt bargain multicultural substitute object 178 B make a reservation Vocabulary Self-Tests Answer Key capital socialize crowded guests ... Language 10 4 Tie It All Together 10 8 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 10 9 UNIT ANIMAL TALES Chapter Chapter Chapter Friends with Four Legs 11 2 A 8aby Panda Gets a Name 11 7 A Lost Cat Comes Home 12 3... specific information such as a name or date To scan , move your eyes quickly down the page until you find the information you need Think about how the information will be presented For example,... Self-Test 15 4 UNIT CITY SIGHTS Chapter Chapter Chapter Istanbul's Grand 8azaar 15 6 An Ice Hotel 16 2 Sister Cities Exchange Gifts 16 9 Tie It All Together 17 4 Unit Vocabulary Self-Test 17 6 Vocabulary

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