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Tải Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 Tuần 5 sách mới - Giáo án điện tử môn tiếng Anh 8 theo tuần

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Nội dung

5.Work in groups .Discuss and find some changes in a rural areas .Make notes of the changes -Ask Ss use their notes about the changes in a rural area to write a paragr[r]



NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020

Period: 13 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

-read for specific information about an unusual lifestyle in the countryside Mongolian nomadic life

-talk about what they like or dislike about life in the countryside Skills: Drill reading and speaking mainly

3 Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

3 Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II Main languages:

1 Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic 2.Structure

2 Grammar:

III Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents

Warm – up.( 5’)

-Write the phrase “Gobi

Class work Warm – up.( 5’):


Highlands” on the board and ask Ss if they know what and where it is

-Then write the word Mongolia next to it

-Ask Ss brainstorm what they know about this country and its people

-if possible T shows Ss some pictures and ask Ss to pick the ones they think are of Mongolia Pre-reading (5’)



1.Quickly read the passage and choose the most suitable heading A,B,C for each paragraph

-Ask Ss to read the headings first and make sure they understand their meanings .They then read each part of the passage and choose the correct heading for it if time allows ,ask Ss to underline the words /phrases which help them make their decision

Class work

Individual work


-nomadic (adj) -nomad (n) -ger(n) Key:


-Let Ss exchange their answers -Allow them some time to explain to one another about their choice -Check the answers as a class 2.Match the descriptions with the words and phrases from the passage

-Ask Ss to read the passage again and underline the words (a-e) -Have Ss try to guess the meaning of these words ,based on the context

-Let Ss complete the task independently

3.Read the passage again and choose the best answer A,B,C or D

-Let Ss remember the main information of the passage without having to reread it

-Ask them to read the questions and the exercise independently -May guide Ss to look for key words which can help them find the part of the passage where the information for the answers is given

Ss complete the task independently

Ss the exercise independently


1-b 4-a 2-d 5-c 3-e


1-A 4-B 2-C 5-B 3-A 6-D



Post-reading (12’)

4.Work in pairs .Interview your partner to see if he/she likes or dislikes mongolian nomadic life ; -Ask Ss individually refer to the passage and underline at least one thing they like about Mongolian nomadic life and one thing they don’t like about it

-Encourage them to follow up and talk about as many different details as possible

-To follow up ,T can ask some pairs to report on their likes and dislikes .T can make two list of their likes and dislikes on the board and see which ideas are the most common

*likes : *dislikes :

5.a: Work in pairs Discuss and find

-two things you both like about the countryside

-two things you both dislike about the countryside

-Let Ss move from talking about

Ss work in pairs

They can then start the interview : +one asks

+other answers

Based on the facts they have underlined

Ss work in pairs

about their nomadic like ?

B;Well, the children learn to ride a horse A;And what don’t you like about it ?


nomadic life to the countryside in VN

-Ask Ss work in pairs ,discussing which two things they both like and which things they both dislike .They can make a list in order to report the class later -For more advanced Ss and if time allows , let the whole class listen to each list and discuss what they think about these likes /dislikes 5.b:Report your findings to the class


Prepare unit lesson

Example :

Both of us love picking fruit in the summer .It can be hard work but very satisfying

Period: 14 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to : -listen for specific information about changes in the countryside -write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside Skills: Drill listening , speaking and writing mainly


3 Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II Main languages:

1 Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic 2.Structure

3 Grammar:

III Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents

Warm – up.( 5’)

-Use Netword to ask Ss answer

Pre-listening (5’)

1.listen to a boy talking about changes in his village and tick the changes he mentions

-Give Ss time to look at the changes (A-F) .Ask questions to make sure that Ss understand the meaning of the words / phrases While listening(15’)

-T plays the recording and Ss tick the changes which are mentioned -Give Ss time to -Check if they know the word “earthen”

Class work

-What you like about the countryside ?

-What don’t you like about the countryside ?

Class work

Warm – up.( 5’): Network


B.Electrical appliances in the homes

C.Means of transport E.School


-Ask Ss listen to the recording again (as many times as needed or if time allows ) and complete the exercise

-T checks their answers as a class 2.Listen again and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) -Ask Ss to read the questions first to see what kind of information they need to find

3.Listen again and answer the questions in no more than Four words

-Let some Ss might be able to answer some questions without listening to the recording again -Play the recording Ss listen and decide what words / phrase to write down for the answer

-Ask Ss compare their answers with a partner

-Check as a class

-First ,reminded Ss of the changes in the villages from the listening passage

-Can help by writing the changes in brief on the board as a guide for

Ss complete the task independently

Ss the exercise in pairs


1.F 4.T 2.T 5.T 3.F


1.His parents

2.life outside their village

3.Nearby/ Near the village


the writing exercise For example :

earthen houses ->brick houses Post-listening (12’)

4.What you think ?

Which changes in the listening do you see as positive ?which do you see as negative ?

Support your opinion with a reason Write it out

-Place Ss into small groups of or Ss in each group work together to decide which rural area they will talk about

-Then Ask them discuss and note down some changes they can find in this area

5.Work in groups .Discuss and find some changes in a rural areas Make notes of the changes -Ask Ss use their notes about the changes in a rural area to write a paragraph describing the changes -Can guide their writing by providing them with some key words/ phrases like “the list change is “ or “The change we are

Ss work in groups

Ss work in groups



most interested in is” If there is not enough time to write the paragraph in class


6.Write a short paragraph about the changes

-Write down the changes in the countryside

Prepare unit lesson

Individual work

Period: 15 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 7: Looking back & project I Objectives:

1 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to : -use grammar to exercises

-give plenty of time to brainstorm ideas for a group activity Skills: Drill reading , listening , speaking and writing mainly

3 Attitude:Ss must have good attitude towards the co-operation

3 Competencies: Presenting opinions and giving comments to others’ opinions

II Main languages:

1 Vocabulary: lexical items related to the topic 2.Structure: +My father works harder than Lans’



III Teaching aid: lesson plan , visual pictures IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Contents

Warm – up.( 5’)

Encourage Ss to complete Looking Back without referring to the previous sections in the unit .Ss should use what they remember from the unit to complete this section

Presentation (10’)

1.Use the words and phrases in the box to describe the picture A word / phrase may be used for more than one picture

-Ask Ss complete this exercise independently

-Correct the answers

2.look at each picture and write a sentence describing each person is doing .Use the verbs in brackets

Class work

-What you like about the countryside ?

-What don’t you like about the countryside ?

Class work

Ss complete this exercise independently

Ss complete the task independently

Warm – up.( 5’): Introduction


Picture a:

peaceful,vast,quiet, pasture,paddy field Picture b:quiet ,

paddy field,harvest

time , rice

Picture c:


Nomadic life,


,pasture,cattle,horses Key:


-Ask Ss complete this task independently .They can then exchange their answers with a partner

-Check as a class


3.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences .Use suitable comparative of the adverbs in brackets

-Ask Ss to read the situations carefully and decide which two things are being compared

-Let Ss may refer to the completed sentences in as a guide for this sentence completion

4.Read the situations below and complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs in brackets

-Ask Ss complete the exercise independently and then compare their answers with a partner

-Check as a class

Ss the exercise in pairs



3.A girl is picking apples (from apple tree ) 4.A boy is flying a kite 5.The children are around in the fields /countryside

6.A woman is collecting water from the river Key:

1.faster than 2.earlier than 3.better than

4.more skillfully than 5.more beautifully than


1 faster than a camel more happily than those in the city


Further practice (12’) 5.Work in groups

You are planning a trip to the countryside .Work together and answer the question :

-Ask Ss work in groups They take turns to ask the questions and note down the answers

-Call the groups then assigns a group representative to report *Finished :

-Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment

-Let Ss discuss what difficulties remain and what areas

B Project :I love the countryside -Divides Ss into groups and instructs them on what they have to

-Hand out two pieces of paper – one for brainstorming ideas

-Have Ss present their countryside pictures in the next lesson when all the groups have given their presentation ,the whole class can vote for the best

Ss work in groups

What will you during the trip ? Write the answers in the table below

Ss work individually

Ss work in groups


Homework(3’): Prepare unit lesson

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Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 15:26

