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ENGLISH 7 W7 P7-9 UNIT 2 A1-3 A4-5 A6-7

12 9 0

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Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: : Jumble words, Word cue drill, Slap the board, Presentation Dialogue, Substitution[r]



I Objectives:

1 Topic:

- Friends & Oneself and others 2 Competences:

- Ask for and give telephone numbers - Ask for and give personal information - Talk about future plans


- Speaking: Ask for and give telephone numbers; Make arrangements; Talk about future plans; Talk about dates and months; Ask for and give personal information - Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information

- Writing:Write an informal letter of invitation a paragraph within 60-70 words with idea / word or picture cues

4 Grammar:

- Tenses: Present simple, Future simple (will, shall) - Ordinal number

5 Vocabulary:

- Words describing dates and months: Monday, Tuesday, January, February, … - Phone numbers

II Unit plan:

Unit 2: Personal information(6 periods)


Date of preparing: 29/8/2019 Period UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION

LESSON : A1-3 A.The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: To ask for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses - Vocabulary: call, telephone directory, soon

- Tenses: simple present

- Structure: What is your telephone number? 432 235

Where you live? or What is your address? 2 Skills : - Drill listening, speaking and writing skills

3 Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice ask for and give telephone numbers

B Preparations

1.Teacher : computer, speaker, projector

text book, cards for word cue drill , poster for noughts and crosses Students: Unit A1-3

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Number transmitting, Word cues drill, Noughts and crosses

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting:

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7C 6/9


Teacher's activities SS' activities

II Revision (4minutes) Listen and write

B6 P18

Lan’s house (1) – school (2)– the post office (3) – the theater – Lan’s house

1 300m, 700m, 3km, 2km III NEW LESSON

Step1 Presentation(12ms)

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words

T introduces the content of the lesson and the structure: Ask for and give telephone numbers *Methods: W & W

* Work arrangement: Individual

Pair work


* Time: 12’ * Procedure Vocabulary

( mime ) ( realia)

( translation)

* Check vocabulary : What and where Presentation text (A3 p.20)

- Set the scence:Lan and hoa are asking and giving

their telephone number.

- Drill the dialogue: T-WC H-H open pairs closed pairs

* Concept check

- Is it a question or a statement ? - What does the sentence mean ?

- what kind of word standing behind “ What’s “ - Please replace another possessive pronoun ( his/ her )

- Is the question used to ask about address or telephone number ?

Step2 Practice(18ms)

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice asking and answering about address or telephone number ? *Methods: Word Drill, Noughts and crosses * Work arrangement : Individual, group work * Time: 18’

* Procedure Word cues drill

Thanh Ba/ 5267117

Van Anh / 7345610

Quy Bang/ 8237401 Thi Bang/ 929288 Xuan Ba/

6351793 Ngoc Bich/8231236

- SS run through the cues - T models

- T-WC H-H open pairs closed pairs Example exchange

S1: What’s her telephone number? S2 : 7345610

Noughts and crosses

- Divide the class into teams

- Ask ss to use the cues in the circle and part A1 on page 19 to make the questions and answer

- Make sure ss to know some following questions: + What’s his / her name ?

Vocabulary - call ( v) : gäi

- telephone directory (n) : danh bạ điện thoại - soon ( adv) ; sớm, repeat chorally and individually


Dialogue (A3 p.20) Model sentences

What’s your telephone number

his her { 7345610}

listen and answer



+ What’s his / her telephone number? +Where does he / she live ?

Duy Ai

8531701 6/ NguyenCong tru Viet Anh 13/ Hang

Dong Ngoc Bich8231263 Tran Phu34 Thi Bang Cong Bao

7821652 Thach Anh

Step3 Production :

*Aim: -SS can understand and further practice asking and answering about address or telephone


*Methods: Survey, Write it up

* Work arrangement: Individual, pair/ group work * Time: 10’

* Procedure

- Ask ss to work in pairs

- Let them write the form into a piece of paper of their notebooks

- Have ss ask their friend ( each student asks of their friends)

- Ask ss to report orally about their friends after they fill in the form

Name Address Telephone number Hoa Ha Long city 033872163

IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Asking for and giving telephone numbers V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Write a short paragraph( 60 words) about your friends , using the information in the form

- Do Ex A5 p P9 ( exercise book) -Prepare the next lesson

do the survey


- Write a short paragraph (60 words) about your friends , using the information in the form - Do Ex A5 p P9 ( exercise book)

* Evaluation :



A.The aims of the lesson Knowledge

+ The aims: - Talk about sure events in the future using “Will " future positive statements and "Wh" questions Make a similar dialogue as A4 ; Write a summary of the dialogue in part A4

- Vocabulary: meet, free, will - Tenses: Future

2 Skills : - Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skill.

3 Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice talk about sure events in the future B Preparations

1.Teacher : computer, speaker, projector

text book, cards for word cue drill , poster for noughts and crosses Students: Unit A 4-5

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: : Jumble words, Word cue drill, Slap the board, Presentation Dialogue, Substitution Drill

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7


Teacher's activities SS' activities


Jumble words

Ees = see, mvoei = movie, thaeert = theater, hwat = what

III NEW LESSON Step1.Presentation(12ms)

*Aim: SS can understand and pronounce the new words

T introduces the content of the lesson and the structure.

*Methods: R & R

* Work arrangement: Pair, group work, Individual * Time: 12’

* Procedure a Vocab

( Synonymn with see ) ( Antonym with busy ) ( Translation) * Check voc : R.O R

b Presentation Dialogue ( A4 P 21)

- Set the scene: Phong and Tam are talking on the

phone What are they talking about?

- Drill the dialogue -T models

- T-WC H-H open pairs closed pair

- Have ss to work individually to scan the dialogue and answer the questions ( short answer )

Answer key

a Phong and Tam c at 6.45

b see a movie d In front of the movie theater

c Model sentences *Concept check : Meaning

What the sentences mean?

Look at the first question, what is the verb? (meet)

Is “will “ an auxiliary verb or a verb ? ( auxiliary verb )

Look at the answer, what is the contraction of “will" ? ( ‘ll )

How is the verb standing behind “will” ( infinitive verb )

What subjects come after “ will “ ? ( all the subjects )


I, We, He, They….+ will + inf verb

do the game in teams


- meet ( v ) : gặp, gặp gỡ

- free ( adj ) : rảnh rỗi - will : repeat


work individually

Model sentences Where will we meet? We’ll meet in front of the movie theater

I, We, He, They….+ will + inf verb


Use: We use “ will “ to predict the future Pronunciation

Step2 Practice (17ms):

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice using the simple future tense

*Methods: Substitution Drill, Word cue drill * Work arrangement : T – WC, pair work * Time: 17’

* Procedure

a Substitution Drill

- Give students the substitution drill in “ wh ‘ questions only

Teacher says Students say Where will we meet ?

you he

What time go

How What / see Where / she / go

Where will we meet ? Where will you meet ? Where will he meet ? What time will he meet ? What time will he go ? How will he go? What will he see ? Where will she go ?

b Word cue drill * Cues:

1 Where / meet ? In the street

2 What time / meet ? At 7.00

3 What / see ?

a film How /go ? By bike

- SS run through the cues - T models

- T-WC H-H

- open pairs closed pairs * Example Exchange

S1 : Where will we meet ?

S2 : We’ll meet in the street

Step3 Production : Listening (9ms) (A5) *Aim: -SS can understand, listen the dialogue and write the answer by filling the form.

*Methods: Fill in the gap

* Work arrangement: Individual, pair work * Time: 9’

* Procedure

- Set the scence: Lan calls Nga She wants her to

go with Listen the dialogue and write the answer by filling the form.

- Ss copy down the form - Ss give their prediction


predict listen


- Ss compare

- T gives feed back

- Students listen and check their prediction IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

Talking about sure events in the future using “Will” future positive statements and "Wh" questions V HOMEWORK (1 minutes)

Using the information in the form to write a paragraph about Nga and Lan ( using “ Will “ ) -Prepare the next lesson : Unit A6-7

b) A movie

c) Lan’s house d) Bus

V Homework

Using the information in the form to write a

paragraph about Nga and Lan ( using “Will" ) * Evaluation :

Date of preparing: 29/8/2019 Period UNIT : PERSONAL INFORMATION

LESSON : A6 - 7



+ The aims: To practice more future tense with “ will”, "Wh" questions and answers

- Read and understand the dialogue between Han and Phong;

Tell or write the dialogue between Han and Phong Listen and write down the dialogue

- Vocabulary: moment, again, to tell, to talk about - Tenses: Future

2 Skills : - Drill listening, speaking and writing skills

3 Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to further practice with “will”

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker, projector Students: Unit B1-3

C Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Lucky number, Comprehension questions, Answers given, Mapped dialogue

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7 7

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (4minutes)

Noughts and crosses: Make sentences

name telephone

number this

old meet see

time Where Who


Lucky number !


- Write 10 number on the board, from to 10 - Tell students each number is for a question but of them are lucky numbers

- If students choose a lucky number, they not need to answer any question but they get two points and they can choose another number

- Divide the class into two teams The teams take turn to choose the numbers

1 name 2 Lucky

number !

3 live telephone number 5 Lucky

number !

6 old 7 Lucky

number !

( What’s your name? )

( Where you live? )


- Tell students that they have to make questions about personal information when teacher gives them a word as a cue


T : From

SS : Where are you from ?

III NEW LESSON Step1 Presentation(8ms)

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about talking on the phone

T introduces the content of the lesson: Han and Phong are talking on the phone

*Methods: Matching

* Work arrangement: Pair, group work, Individual

* Time: 8’ * Procedure a Vocab

( mime ) ( translation)

*Check voc : Matching b Dialogue A6 –P 22

- Set the scence : They are Phong and Han What

are they doing ? They are talking on the

phone.What are they talking about ? Let's read

- Drill the dialogue

- T models T- WC H-H open pairs closed


Step2 Practice(19ms) :

*Aim: -SS can understand the text and answer the questions

*Methods: Comprehension questions, Answers given

* Work arrangement: Individual, pair work * Time: 19’

* Procedure

a Comprehension questions (A6 P.22) Have ss run through the question

SS work in pairs in minute to find out the answers

SS compare T gives feedback

Answers given(A7 P.23)

8 far 9 Lucky

number !

10 from

( How far is it from your house to school ?)

( Where are you from? )

Play lucky number Vocabulary - speak ( v ) : nãi

- talk to sbd about st : nãi víi ®iỊu gi - Who’s calling ? : Ai ®ang gäi thÕ ?

- Can I speak to ? Tơi nói chuyện với đợc ?

- I’ll call again: T«i sÏ gäi l¹i

repeat chorally and individually


Dialogue A6 –P 22

read the dialogue

Comprehension questions a Phong is calling

b Han -Lan’s sister is answering the phone c They are talking about Lan

d She is out

e She’ll be back at about 6.00

f He’ll call her again after six

answer the questions b Answers given

Answers given Answer key a) At five


- Set the scence : Mary is going to have a party

She invites Tom to her party He agrees and ask her something about the party Now please help Tom to make the questions

- T puts some phrase words on the board - T give an example

- T gets feedback

Step3 Production(10ms)

*Aim: -SS can understand and further practice using “will”

*Methods: Mapped dialogue * Work arrangement: pair work * Time: 10’

* Procedure

Mapped dialogue

- Put the dialogue chart on the board

- Present the dialogue and have Students repeat sentence by sentence

- Call on students to demonstrate the dialogue

Tan Nam

What tomorrow morning ?

What….watch ?

Yes When start? Where…meet?


.go … stadium

A football match Would … like with me ?

4.30…meet at 4.15 Infrontof stadium

IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Practice in the "will" future, "Wh" questions and answers

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) Do exercise A1-5 Page 8-9 ( Exercise book )

-Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: B1-3

b) We’ll eat cakes and sweets

c) Till seven or half past d) we’ll meet in the street

What will we eat ?

How long will the party last? Where will we meet ?

- SS work individual

- SS compare with each other

Example Exchange

S1 : What will you tomorrow morning? S2 : I’ll go to the stadium S1 : What will you watch there ?

S2 :A foot ball match Would you like to come with me ? S1 : Yes When will it start ? S2 : At 4.30 Let’s meet at 4.15

S1 : Where will we meet? S2 : In front of the stadium



Do exercise A1-5 Page 8-9


* Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:47



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