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- Check and estimate the students’ knowledge and abilities about using: Past simple tenses, prepositions of time, used to, reported speech, present simple, modals.. Practice skill:?[r]


Date of planning: 16/11/ 2018 Period:37


1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a good chance to review:

- Present simple with future meaning - Gerunds

- Modals: may, can, could

2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading,writing

The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Ask and answer about the Y&Y spring activity program

Talk about their friends’ hobbies

Ask for favors and respond to themby ccompleting the dialogues

+Advanced knowledge: Make some more situations to ask for and respond to favors 5.Basic language:

+ Vocabulary: gather(v); support(v); cultural(a); ticket(n); across(prep); orphanage(n)

+ Structures: - Present simple with future meaning - Gerunds

- Modals: may, can, could

5 Attitude:

Help ss to have good consciousness in order to learn hard, to be friendly and save the environment

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster/ computer

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: chatting , projector

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 21/11

8B 22/11


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities II Warm up: (5’)

Chatting :

1 What you usually on your summer holiday?

2 Are you remembers of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization? Are there any activity programs

for the summer?

4 Do you take part in them? What activity you like most? -T asks Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holidays ( Ex 1- 60)

-Ss give feedback

III New lesson: 1 Gerunds ( V-ing)

-T explains How to use Gerund When we use gerund?

After some verbs and prepositions Form : V-ing

After: - love, like, enjoy, hate … + V-ing

- on , at, in, ………….+ V- ing -T asks Ss to exercise (p/61)

-T explains how to -Ss work in pairs

-Ss practice their sentences

-T calls some Ss to complete their sentences

-T corrects if necessary

-T asks Ss to complete information about them

-T asks Ss ask and answer questions with partner

- T calls several Ss to practice in front of the class

- T corrects if necessary

2 Work with a partner

a) Look at the table Talk about our friends’ hobbies ( p/61)

A Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up

B Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up either Ss ‘ answer

b) Copy the table into your exercise book. Then complete it with information about you Next ask and answer questions with your partner.( p/61 )

EX: Do you like playing soccer? Yes, I love playing soccer No, I hate it


2 Modals: May, can, could

- T explains How to use Modals May, Can, Could …

- T asks ss to the exercise 3(p.61-62 ) -Ss give feedback

- T explains How to - Ss complete the dialogues - T corrects if necessary

3 Work with a partner(10’)

a) Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor Then practice the dialogue with a partner.( 3/61-62 )

Answer :

A …buy a ticket for me? B… takes me across the road?

C … helps me with this math problem? B… water the flowers in the garden

b) Use useful expressions in the boxes on page 55 to complete the dialogues Then practice the dialogues with a partner.(p/62 )

A: May I… B:

A: Do you need… B: … me help you … A: …very kind…

IV Summary: (1m)

- Present simple with future meaning - Gerunds

- Modals: may, can, could

V Homework :(2’)

Learn by heart how to use gerund, modals May Do exercise 5,6,7 page /42,43

Review: Unit 4-6 Prepare for test *Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… Put the verb into the correct form :

1 I prefer (walk) to (ride )

2 Don’t try (persuade) me Nothing can make me (change) my mind Don’t forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed

4 Ask him (come) in Don’t keep him (stand ) at the door Answer:


Date of planning: 16/11/2018

Period: 38



1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to review the main grammar points

and vocabulary from Unit to Unit

2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading,writing

The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Ask and answer about the Y&Y spring activity program

Talk about their friends’ hobbies

Ask for favors and respond to themby ccompleting the dialogues

+Advanced knowledge: Make some more situations to ask for and respond to favors 5.Basic language:

+ Vocabulary: vocabulary of the theme “personal information” + Structures :

- Past simple tense, and present simple with future meaning - “used to”

- Prepositions of time

- Modals: should, can could, may - Adverbs of manner

- Commands, requests and advice in reported speech - Gerunds

5 Attitude:

Help ss to have good consciousness in order to learn hard, to review the main grammar points and vocabulary from Unit to Unit

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster/ computer

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Multiple choice, Fill in the blanks

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 27/11

8B 22/11


III New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Past simple tense(7’)

- T reminds ss the use of the past simple tense

- T asks ss to give the structure - T corrects

Ex: I Use the Past form of the verbs: Yesterday, I (go) to the restaurant with a client We (drive) around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space

3 The waitress (tell) us to come back in two hours My client and I slowly (walk) back to the car

5 We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) some sandwiches

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

a -I (meet) Lan’s boyfriend last night He’s really cool

-I know I (like) him a lot

b.- How was Nancy King concert last night?

- She (not, sing) She (have) a sore throat

1 Past simple tense(7’)

- Ss listen

* express past actions

* yesterday, last (week, year,…), ago are usually used

- ss write structure on the board * Structure:

- Ss copy


- ss the exercises in pairs - Ss copy the correct answer Answer:

a met

b didn’t sing/ had c didn’t ride/ took d Did…read

+) S + was/were… S + V2/ Ved

- ) S + wasn’t/ weren’t…

S + didn’t + V (bare infinitive) ?) Was/ Were + S…?

Yes, S + was/ were No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t Did + S + V (bare infinitive) ? Yes, S + did


c -Why were you early for work today? - I (not, ride) my bike I (take) the bus instead

d – (you, read) the newspaper this morning?

- No, I didn’t I never have time to read before I go to work

e -How was the beach, Nga?

-It was nice We (not, swim) We just (sit) in the sun

- T calls ss to check the answers - T corrects ss’ answers

2 Prepositions of time(5’)

- T calls ss to retell the prepositions of time they’ve learnt

- T takes notes on the board

In, on, at, after, before, between +in: -trước buổi, tháng, năm

In June, in 1999, in the morning…

*Nhưng: at noon, at midnight không in noon, in midnight +on: - trước thứ, ngày tháng

+at: - trước số giờ

+after/before: trước mốc tgian đó +between: trước khoảng tgian

3 Used to(2’)

* express habit actions in the past * Structure:

e didn’t swim/ sat

2 Prepositions of time

- Ss retell - Ss copy

Fill in the gaps with at, on, after or before

a I hate doing shopping…Saturday b She passed her driving test…March c It’s ridiculous (buồn cười) the bank loses…2.30 pm

d Some people study best…night but I prefer the morning

e …Sunday mornings I have coffee and toast for breakfast


a on b in c at d at e On

3 Used to

- Ss listen

- Ss copy

Using the verb USE and the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences

a When I was a child, I (go) swimming in the lake

b In the army I (get) up at six every morning

c When he was a student, he (play) truant.(bỏ học)

+) S + used to + V (bare infinitive) -) S + didn’t + use to +V (bare infi.) ?) Did + S + use to + V (bare infini.)? Yes, S + did


4 Adverbs of manner(3’)

- T reminds ss of the position of adverbs of manner

- T asks ss to list some adverbs of manner they’ve learnt

- T remarks the position

- Teacher gives ss some exercises

5 Commands, requests and advice in reported speech.

+ Commands and requests Form:

+ Advice: use should to give an advice

6 Present tense (future meaning)

* review

7 Gerunds

*use after: like, love, hate,…

8 Modals

Answer: a used to go b used to get c used to play

4 Adverbs of manner

- Ss list some adverbs of manner Softly, well, fast, badly, hard

* usually at the end of the sentence

S + Ordinary verbs + Adverbs

2 Here are the things Amanda told her friends about the plan for Albert’s party Write down her requests using ask , tell , or


a Meet at Albert’s apartment at 7.30 on Sunday

b Can you bring your favorite CDs? c Don’t bring any food

d Can you bring a small gift for Albert? e Don’t spend more than $10 on the gift

f Be careful not to say anything about the party to him


a Amanda told them to meet at Albert’s apartment at 7.30 on Sunday

b Amanda told them to bring their CDs c Amanda told them not to bring any food

d Amanda told them to bring a small gift for Albert

e Amanda told them not to spend more than $10 on the gift

f Amanda told them to be careful not to say anything about the party to him



advice using Should, must, ought to, have to with the prompt words given Sometimes the verbs will be in the negative form

Student 1 I feel sick

2 I need a new pair of glasses the sea is rough today I’ve a lot ò homework to I failed my test

6 Someone’s stolen my purse (ví nữ) I have a headache

8 My tooth hurts Student

- see a doctor

- consult an optician - swim

- cinema - try

- report the police - take an aspirin - see a dentist

IV Summary:(1’)

T reminds ss of the knowledge above V Homework(1')

Review ( Unit 4- 6) Prepare for test

*Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………


*Date of planning: 16/11/2018 Period :39

ENGLISH – TEST 45’ (NUMBER ) 2018-2019


1 Aims: Students can summarize the knowledge they have learnt , know how to

improve their knowledge of English and know how to apply their knowledge to the test well.

- Check and estimate the students’ knowledge and abilities about using: Past simple tenses, prepositions of time, used to, reported speech, present simple, modals (unit - unit 6)

2 Practice skill:

- Practice writing, reading and listening skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: understand the way to use: Past simple tenses, prepositions of

time, used to, reported speech, present simple, modals (unit - unit 6)

+ Advanced knowledge: Use the vocabulary and structure to the test well.

4 Basic language: Past simple tenses, prepositions of time, used to, reported speech,

present simple, modals (unit - unit 6)

5 Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to the test well. B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, test papers speaker, computer

C Methods:

- Individual work

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 27/11

8B 28/11

8C 29/11

II Test :


Name: ……… Class:

Binh Duong Secondary School

TEST 45’ – N2

(2018 -2019)


I Listening: (2.5 ps)

A Listen to Sam talking about his holiday What did he on each day?

For questions 1-5, select, match an activity to each day

1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday

4 Thursday Friday

a went for a long walk b went shopping c went swimming d read on the beach

e visited museums

1 … … … … …

B Listen to the dialogue and tick T (true) or F (false) to the statements.

… On Monday, the weather was really good … On Tuesday, it was very sunny

… On Wednesday, we bought lots of great things … On Thursday we visited a river

… On Saturday we came home

II Language Focus + Phonetics: (2.5ps)

A Circle the word that has the underlined part pronouned differently from others (1p)

1 A annoy B character C agree D arrange … A commercial B conduct C demonstrate D blond … A sink B scissors C rice D fishing … A knife B sink C rice D rise …

B Underline the best answer

There are different ways of learning the same number of words For example, if you try to learn ten words (1) (in/ on/ at) two days, you can so in two ways You can learn the first five words the first day, and then learn the other five the next day However, (2)( so/ because/ that) revision is necessary, you can learn all the ten words the first day and revise them the next day This helps you practice the words (3) ( less/ more/ little) times

C Gerund or to - infinitive? Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1, Where you want (go) … ?

2, We hope ( give) … more green color to the city Do you like (camp) … ? Yes I love camping very much

III Reading: 2.5 ps

A Read the passage and tick T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) to the statements.

I remember the days when I was a little girl, when the New Year came, my mother used to tell us not to cry, she used to take me to the market and buy some new clothes for me, she used to make sticky rice, square cake and cook them all night She used to go to the flowers market to buy some fresh flowers My father used to paint the walls and redecorate the house Now my parents are old and I am grown up so I everything myself But I still remember the day

… I remember the days when I was a little boy.

… When the New Year came, my mother used to take me to the market … When the New Year came, she used to make sticky rice


B Read the passage again and answer the questions:

Hello! My name is David I work for a construction company I started working for this company in 2004 We build roads, dams, bridges and things like that At the moment my company is producing a plan for a new motorway I usually work in the road department, but this month I am working in the department that builds bridges So my whole working day is different just now I normally spend a lot of time outdoors because I have to go to the construction sites But with this new project I spend a lot of time in the workshop Now I am testing a model of one of the new bridges I enjoy it a lot because I have learned a lot of new things

1 When did David begin working for his construction company? What is his company doing at the moment?

3 Does he normally spend a lot of time outdoors? ……… Why does he normally spend a lot of time outdoors?


5 Do you usually spend a lot of time outdoors? ………

6 Do you like outdoor activities?

IV Writing: 2.5 ps

A Change the sentences into reported speech (1.0 p)

1 “Can you give me a hand ” He told me

" You should speak English every day " The boys said to Nam

“Can you tell me the truth” She told me

"You should take part in English Speaking Club " The teacher said to the girls

B Use the given words to complete the letter (2.0p)

Dear mom,

I am very happy to tell you that I am going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school

The Green Group/ holding/ environmental month plan We/ going/ clean the banks/ the lakes/ weekends We/ going/ plant trees/ flowers/ the school garden/ water them every afternoon after class We/ planting young trees/ plants/ sell/ other schools

We hope that we can give more green color/ the city/ earn some money/ our school Y&Y The program/ very interesting/ useful, isn't it?

I will tell you more about the group activities later Love




ENGLISH - TEST 45’ – N2 (2018 -2019) KEY

I Listening: (2.5 ps – 0,25/ each)

Listening text

Woman: Did you have a good time on holiday, Sam? Man: Yes, we had a great time.

Woman: What did you do?

Man: Well, on Monday, the weather was really good, so we went for a long walk near the sea It was beautiful.

Woman: That sounds nice.

Man: On Tuesday, we wanted to go up a mountain, but it was very rainy and windy, so we visited some museums They were quite interesting.

Woman: Okay

Man: On Wednesday, we went shopping in the city We bought lots of great things We spent a lot of money.

Woman: Oh dear! That always happens!

Man: On Thursday we visited a lake I wanted to go canoeing, but the water sports centre was closed So we just went swimming

Woman: Really? Was the water cold?

Man: Yes, it was a bit! On Friday we were quite tired, so we went to the beach and relaxed with a book And on Saturday we came home!

Woman: Well, it sounds like a great holiday.

A Listen to Sam talking about his holiday What did he on each day?

For questions 1-5, select, match an activity to each day

1 f, j, g, h, i

B Listen to the dialogue and tick T (true) or F (false) to the statements.

1 T F T F T

II Language Focus + Phonetics: (2.5 ps – 0,25/ each)

A Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from others

1 B D B D

B Underline the best answer

1 in because more

C Gerund or to - infinitive? Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


III Reading: (2.5 ps – 0,25/ each)

A Read the passage and tick T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) to the statements.

1 F T T T

B Read the passage again and answer the questions:

1 I started working for this company in 2004

2 At the moment his company is producing a plan for a new motorway Yes, he does

4 He normally spends a lot of time outdoors because he has to go to the construction sites

5 Students’ answer Sstudents’ answer

IV Writing: (2.5 ps – 0,25/ each)

A Change the sentences into reported speech (1.0 p)

1 “Can you give me a hand” He told me He asked me to give him a hand

2 "You should speak English every day " The boys said to Nam The boys advised Nam to speak English every day

3 “Can you tell me the truth” She told me She asked me to tell her the truth

4 "You should take part in English Speaking Club " The teacher said to the girls The teacher advised the girls to take part in English Speaking Club

B Use the given words to complete the letter (2.0p)

Dear Mom,

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school The Green Group is holding an environment month plan We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y & Y

The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it? I will tell you more about the group activities later Love,


ENGLISH – TEST 45’ (NUMBER 2) (2018 - 2019) Matrix

Topics English (unit to 6)

Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng




T N K Q TL Tổng I. Listening Matching 1.25 (10.25%) T/F 1.25 (10.25%) 10 2.5 II. Phonetics Multiple choice 1.0(10%) 4 1.0 Languag e focus Multiple choice 0.75 (0.75%) Use the right form of the verb 0.75 (0.75%) 6 1. 5 III. Reading T/F 1.0 (10%) Questions & answers 1.0 (10%) Questions & answers 0.5 (0.5%) 10 2.5 IV. Writing Write a letter 1.5(15%) Write reported speech 1.0(10%) 10 2.5 Total 12


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:02


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