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Unit 7- lesson 1

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- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Mi to understand the details then do some more tasks to understand more about a projec[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 55



- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Mi to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about a project on pollution

+ Vocabulary: waste, dumping poison, aquatic animals, environmental project, presentation, illustrate, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution

+ Grammar:

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to reduce pollution and protect their environment


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Brainstorming, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions, matching, gap filling,

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8C6 8C7

II Revision / Warmer: (5’) * Chatting.

* Playing game: Crossword - Ask SS to play game: crossword

- Say SS numbers are words about the environment

- SS in teams take turn to choose the numbers they like and find out the words with T's questions

- A key word has letters The team which finds out the keyword first is winner

1 D U M P



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 It's a place we put garbage

2 We can see it when you burn something 3.We plan trees, rice, vegetable on it It is the same meaning as garbage It comes from cars, mortobikes Another word for litter

7 When a lot people talk at the same time What heppens? It's a place where wild animals live

9 It makes noise * Brainstorming(5')

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: think and say types of pollution you know - T models the first one with a video: noise pollution

Noise pollution - SS search pictures of types of pollution on the Internet and send to Teacher

- T and SS look at the pictures and speak out the types of pollution - Ss think and prepare in about minute

+ Possible answers :

- thermal pollution ; radioactive pollution ; light pollution; visual pollution; land pollution; Air pollution


III New lesson: (20')

Activity 1: Vocabulary.( 7'): T asks Ss to find out the new words from the text. And use the Internet to get meanings

Possible answers

- waste (v) : thải ( translation)

- dumping poison (n) : chất độc vứt bỏ ( translation) - aquatic animals (n) : động vật nước ( picture) - presentation (n) : giới thiệu ( example)

- illustrate (v) minh họa ( translation)

- thermal pollution (n) Ô nhiễm nhiệt ( example)

- radioactive pollution (n) : nhiễm phóng xạ ( translation) Activity 2:Exercises(4m)

1.a.Find a word/ phrase that means

- Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation - Allow them to share answers before discussing as a class

- Remember to ask Ss to read out the lines in the dialogue that contain the words - Quickly write the correct answers on the board.


1 dead aquatic dump poison polluted to come up with - Have Ss look at that Watch out! box and quickly read the information

- Ask them if they know what I can’t believe my eyes means Then explain to them that this expression means you are very surprised at something you see

1.b Questions- Answers.(7') - T runs through the Qs

- T asks Ss to work individually to answer the questions - Let Ss compare

- T calls some Ss to give the As- asks the whole class to correct + Keys: Key:

1 They are in Mi’s home village. 2 It’s almost black.

3 She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead. 4 It’s dumping poison into the lake.

5 He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean.

1.c- Decide which sentences are True Put (V) beside each sentence( Use ipads)(4') - T asks Ss to read the sentences quickly to make sure they understand them


- Then have some Ss write their answers on the board Now ask Ss to read the conversation again to check their answers

- Ask Ss if they want to change the answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Confirm the correct answers.


1 F (It’s polluted by the factory) F T T T * Further practice: (12’)

Ex Gap fill( use ipads)(5')

- T asks Ss to read through the words in the box to check if there are any new words – make sure that they understand their meanings

- Let Ss the Ex individually, then check their As with their partners - T collects the As by asking Ss to read the completed sentences aloud + Keys:


1 thermal pollution air pollution radioactive pollution light pollution water pollution Land / Soil pollution noise pollution visual pollution Ex Work in groups(7')

- Organise a game for this activity

-Ss work in groups of five or six in minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness

-They also have to give reasons for their order Call group representatives to present their group’s order and reasons

- Have the class vote for the group with the best reasons

If time does not allow, not have Ss this activity Instead just ask Ss to quickly review the pollution types

IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary

- Do the exercises in the work book: 1, and in U7-part B ; Ex 4( p7- Ss’ book) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 2: A closer look


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:59

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