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Nội dung

Sử dụng phần mềm SAP/ theo dõi tiến độ đơn hàng PO/ Trực tiếp quản lý và kiểm đếm hàng nhập kho/ Thực hiện 5S.. Kỹ năng tìm kiếm trên Internet/Tìm kiếm nguồn cung cấp.[r]


Date of planning :31/10/2019



1 Aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and read a dialogue to know about the things that ss have to when enrolling for an activity at school in the summer

2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening, reading The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Practice the dialogue and complete Nga’s details +Advanced knowledge: Ask some questions about Nga

5.Basic language:

+ Vocabulary: enrol(v) + for ; application form(n); fill (v); hobby(n) ; draw(v); sign(v); bring(v); interest(n)

+ Structures : - Past simple tense, present simple with future meaning - Gerunds: V(ing)

- Modal: may, can, could

5 Attitude:Educate ss to learn hard and take part in outdoor activities regularly B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster/ computer, projector, tablets C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: R & R, Q&A D Procedure :

I. Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 4/11


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities II Warm up: (2’)

- T asks Ss some questions:

 What you usually on your summer holiday?

 Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization?

 Are there any activity programs for the summer?

 Do you take part in them? see your friends

attend a club meeting play games

go on a day trip take part in camps blood donation

take part in different charity activities

 What activity you like most? III New lesson

1 Presentation : (10’) T asks:

 In Vietnam, which organizations are there for the young?

 What can we when we enroll this organization? Are these activities useful for you an d the general public? - Ss answer

- T asks Ss to work in groups

- Ss work in groups to answer the questions

- Ss write on the posters their answer III New lesson:

T gives new-words, writes on the board, guides Ss to read, asks the meaning - Ss read after the teacher (chorus, individually), give the meaning

- T corrects if necessary

- Answer I usually …

- Ss answer

 The Y & Y programs: - clean up the streets - help elder people - take park in sports - help blind people

- help handicapped children - collect and empty garbage - plant trees and flowers - water tree and flowers - support cultural activities Listen and read:

 New-words:

- (to) enroll: (translation) đăng kí - (to) get an application form: mẫu đơn(visual)

- outdoor activities: (explanation) Rub out and Remember:

2 Practice : (15’)



- T sets the scene: Nga is a student in grade eight She wants to enroll in the activities for the summer

- Ss listen

- T plays the tape Listen and read - Ss look at their book and listen - Ss work in pairs the dialogue - Ss play the roles

- T corrects the mistakes

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete Nga’s particulars

- Ss work in pairs to complete

T asks some questions to check their understanding

What’s her name? Where does she live? When was she born? What are her hobbies? - Ss answer

- T calls on Ss to retell the activities of The Y & Y programs

 Write-it-up:

The Y & Y programs: - clean up the streets - help elder people - take park in sports - help blind people

- help handicapped children - collect and empty garbage - plant trees and flowers - water tree and flowers - support cultural activities - Propagandize and educate more for everyone who participates in transport implements the traffic regulations seriously

2 Complete Nga’s details Answers:

Name: Pham Mai Nga

Home address: Tran Phu Street Phone number: Not available Date of birth: April 22, 1989 Sex: Female

Interests: drawing, outdoor activities, acting

- Ss retell and write on the posters

3.Further practice (10’)

IV Summary : (1’) - Her name’s Nga

- She lives at Tran Phu Street - She was born April 22, 1989


- Learn by heart new-words

- Read the dialogue page 54 many times - Prepare: Speak

*Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Chào người, số làm CV để xin việc, CV Tiếng Anh căng thẳng, nên bạn tạt ngang dịch hộ thơng tin bên với Mình cảm ơn nhiều !

Tỉ mỉ, biết lắng nghe, quan sát khía cạnh, góc nhìn

Có nhìn khách quan, tự lập phán đốn cơng việc Hịa đồng, thân thiện với đồng nghiệp

Tình nguyện Hiến Máu Nhân Đạo Tham gia mùa hè xanh

Tham gia tuyên truyền phòng chống HIV

Hội thảo kỹ mềm – việc làm; buổi ngoại khóa trưởng tổ chức Chương trình hỗ trợ cộng đồng vùng sâu vùng xa Tỉnh ĐăkLak

Sử dụng phần mềm SAP/ theo dõi tiến độ đơn hàng PO/ Trực tiếp quản lý kiểm đếm hàng nhập kho/ Thực 5S

Kỹ tìm kiếm Internet/Tìm kiếm nguồn cung cấp

Kỹ giải vấn đề, đàm phán với khách hàng

Khả giao tiếp


Ghi chép sổ sách, nhập liệu chứng từ… Phát tờ rơi, phục vụ nhà hàng, coffee… Nhờ bạn!


29-05-2016, 02:29 PM -Meticulous, receptive,observant

-Objective, independant and critical to work -Sociable, friendly with colleagues

-Volunteer for Blood Donation Organizations -Join Green Summer Campaigns

-Participate in campaigns against HIV

-Join Soft Skills-Vocational Guidance Workshop, school curricula -Community support programs in remote areas in DakLak

-Capable of using SAP software, monitoring progress line PO, supervising warehousing directly, doing 5S

-Searching ablity on the Internet, finding supplies -Good at solving problems, negotiating with customers -Communication skills

-Materials managing skills, processing orders, requests, planning to buy materials, inventory controlling/processing

-Noting, checking vouchers,

-Giving out leaflets, serving at restuarants, coffees

Mình dịch tạm thơi bạn tham khảo nguồn khác Hecate

30-05-2016, 10:48 AM Cảm ơn bạn nhiều, cần tham khảo thêm ý kiến bạn khác Vậy người vui long giúp dịch nhé, cảm ơn nhiều


03-06-2016, 02:35 PM Up, nhờ giúp với :)


10-06-2016, 02:04 PM Up ! Ai dịch giúp với !

Xuân Ánh Nguyễn

10-06-2016, 03:23 PM Chào người, số làm CV để xin việc, CV Tiếng Anh căng thẳng, nên bạn tạt ngang dịch hộ thơng tin bên với Mình cảm ơn nhiều !


Có nhìn khách quan, tự lập phán đốn cơng việc Hịa đồng, thân thiện với đồng nghiệp

Tình nguyện Hiến Máu Nhân Đạo Tham gia mùa hè xanh

Tham gia tuyên truyền phòng chống HIV

Hội thảo kỹ mềm – việc làm; buổi ngoại khóa trưởng tổ chức Chương trình hỗ trợ cộng đồng vùng sâu vùng xa Tỉnh ĐăkLak

Sử dụng phần mềm SAP/ theo dõi tiến độ đơn hàng PO/ Trực tiếp quản lý kiểm đếm hàng nhập kho/ Thực 5S

Kỹ tìm kiếm Internet/Tìm kiếm nguồn cung cấp

Kỹ giải vấn đề, đàm phán với khách hàng

Khả giao tiếp

Quản lý vật tư, tiếp nhận, xử lý đơn hàng, lên kế hoạch mua vật tư, kiểm soát tồn kho …

Ghi chép sổ sách, nhập liệu chứng từ… Phát tờ rơi, phục vụ nhà hàng, coffee… Nhờ bạn!

_Meticulously, listenable, observing every aspect, perspective _Having an objective view, independence and judgment on the job _Sociable, friendly colleagues

_Voluntary blood donation _Join the summer green _Propaganda in HIV

_Workshops on soft skills - employment; Chief extracurricular sessions held _The program supports communities in remote areas in Dak Lak Province _Using SAP software / tracking progress PO orders / Direct management and warehousing tally / Implementation of 5S


_Problem solving skills, negotiation with customers

_Communication skill

_Materials management, receiving, processing orders, purchasing materials planning, inventory control

_Bookkeeping, data entry vouchers _Leaflets, waiter at the restaurant, coffee

Date of planning: 31/10/2019 Period: 33



1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Ask for and respond to favors, offer and respond to assistance 2 Practice skill:

- Practice speaking

The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Ask for and respond to favors, offer and respond to assistance +Advanced knowledge: Make real conversation

4.Basic language:

+ Vocabulary: favor(n); of course; assistance(n); offer(v); respond(v); may(v); unite( v) shout(v); hold(v)

+ Structures: Modals: can, could, may

5.Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Ask for and respond to favors, offer and respond to assistance

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster/ computer C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Shark’s attack, Asking and Answering D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 5/11


Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content - T gives Ss to play a game “Shark’s


- Ss play a game in two teams

- T asks Ss the meaning of the word

- Ss give the meaning III New lesson:38’

- T asks Ss: What you say to ask for a favor?

- Ss answer: Can / Could you help me? - T asks Ss: When you ask for a favor?

- Ss answer : Need some help

- T asks Ss: How you say to respond to favor?

-Ss answer : Certainly / Of course / Sure / No problem

- T asks Ss to copy down the following phrases

- Ss write in their notebooks

- T moves around and checks Ss write or not

- T asks Ss to work in pairs

- Ss work in pairs the dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa

- T summarizes the content of the dialogue: “Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag, but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help”

- Ss listen and use the expressions in the table to play the roles the dialogue - Ss make similar dialogue

- T gives the situation - Ss work in pairs

- T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a tourist - Ss listen

1 Warm up: (3’) Shark’s attack: favor

1 Pre- speaking : (8’) New-word:

1 favor (n): giúp đỡ, ân huệ Look at the phrases in the boxes Then practice the dialogues with a partners:

Asking for favors Responding to favors

- Can/ Could you help me, please? - Could you me a favor?

- I need a favor - Can you …? - Could you…?

- Certainly / Of course Sure / No problem

- What can I for you?

- How can I help you?

- I’m sorry I’m really busy 2.While – speaking (20’)

a) Mrs Ngoc: Hoa:

“Your neighbor needs help tidying his yard because he had broken his leg”


- T asks some questions to checks Ss understanding

- Ss answer

 What does the receptionist say? What’s for?

 Another way to offer assistance?  How you say to respond to assistance?

- T asks Ss to copy down the following phrases

- Ss write

- T asks Ss to repeat chorally and then individually all the phrases in the chart - Ss repeat (chorus, individually)

- Ss work in pairs the dialogue b page 56

- T gives another situation: “You want to help a tourist who needs to find the nearest police station because he has lost money”

- Ss work in pairs to make a similar dialogue then practice with their partners

- T moves around the class and helps Ss if necessary

- Ss practice the dialogue in front of the class

- “May I help you?” - For offering assistance - Do you need any help? - Let me help you

- Yes/ No, Thank you Offering


Responding assistance - May I help you?

- Do you need any help?

- Let me help you

- Yes That’s very kind of you

- No, thank you - I’m fine

- I can manage

Now use the appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogues about some of the following situations with a partners:

3 Post – speaking : (10’) Play – roles:

“Your aunt needs to buy some vegetables because she is busy cooking meal”

“Your friend needs help fixing her bike because she has a flat tire”

IV Summary (1’)

T reminds ss how to ask for favor/offer assistance and to give responses V Homework(2’)

- Learn by heart new-words

- Write on your notebooks the dialogue between you and a tourist who lost money

- Do exercise: page 38, 39 (Workbook) - Prepare: Unit 6: Listen

*Evaluation :


……… ……… ……… ……… Date of planning: 31/10/2019 Period:34


A Objectives:

1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listening comprehension skill: Listen a song and fill in the missing words

2 Practice skill:

Listen to fill in the missing words The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Listen and complete a song +Advanced knowledge: Understand and sing a song. 5.Basic language:

+ Vocabulary: unite, peace, right, hold, show, shout, place + Structures: Let’s …

5 Attitude: Educate Ss to love peace, right Learn hard and to be friendly

B Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster/ computer, projector. C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: W & w, Guessing, filling D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A 6/11

8B 8/11


T’s activities SS’ activities

II Warm up Listen to a song for fun III New lesson

Step Pre – Listening (10’) 1 New words:

- Elicit – Model – Copy - Check


Unite Peace Right

(v) (n) (n)

đồn kết hồ bình quyền



Hold Show Shout Place

(v) (v) (v) (n)

nắm trình diễn cổ vũ, la hét địa điểm, nơi - Check: W & W

- T guides SS to read them - Call some SS read them again

- Gets pupils to sing the song "A-B-C" and introduce the theme of the lesson: adapted from a song by Margaret Thomas-Cochran

2 Guessing the missing words

- Ask Ss to guess the words to fill in the gaps in the song

- Give feedback

Step While – Listening ( 20’ ) * Filling

- Teacher turns on the tape, Ss look at the song, listen and fill the missing words

? Gets pupils to give out the answer ? Lets pupils listen again and check the answer

- Teacher gives out correct answer Key

- Children of our land (1) unite - Let's sing for (2) peace

- Let's sing for (3) sight

- Let's sing for the (4) love between (5) north and (6) south.

- Oh, children (7) of our land unite. - Children of the (8) world hold hands - Let's (9) show our love from (10) place to place

- Let's shout (11) out loud - Let's make a (12) stand

- Oh, children of the (13) world, hold hands

c Post – Listening ( 8’)

- Teacher sings a new song and gets pupils to complete the missing words - Ask Ss sing the song

IV Summary( 1’)

- T repeats the contents of the lesson

- Guessing

- Share with their partners

- Ss check their answer with their friends

# Exercise: Listen to a song and fill in the missing words

Goodbye teacher Goodbye teacher I am home. I am home


V Homeworks (2’)

- Learn vocabulary by heart - Sing a song

- Prepare Unit Read 1,2 (a-f)

Bye goodbye.


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:41

