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The most common means of providing dubious proof that salt causes hypertension is to compare societies that use little salt with those that use mountains of salt in their daily diets.. W[r]


Trờng THPT Chuyên Hng Yên Tổ Ngoại Ng÷ ADVANCED STS 11A N033

Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi vùng duyên hảI đồng bắc lần th V

Đề thi môn: Ting Anh (khi 11) Thời gian: 180 phót (§Ị thi gåm trang)

PART I: LISTENING (20 Points) Part 1: Questions 1-10

A man and a woman are talking about booking transport for the trip Listen to them and supply the missing information in the space provided.

Questions and 2

Complete the sentences below:

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Example: The caller works as a teacher

1.There will be……….passengers on the coach. 2 The students leave the school……… Questions - 8

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Example

Company name: Burnham coaches

Name of Client: 3……… Address: Down Language School

Down House



Contact number: 5……….to be contacted on 01273 512634 Pick-up number: 6……….

Return time: 7………

Purpose of Hire: Visit to Stonehenge and 8……….


Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 9 What does the cost of hiring the coach include?

……… 10 Who does the customer have to speak to before confirming the booking? ………. Part 2: Questions 1-10

A woman is telling a strange story Listen to the recording and choose the best answer (A, B, or C) for each of the following questions

1 What is the story about?

A How superstitious the speaker is B How he has become superstitious C A ghost story the speaker has imagined

2 When did the story take place?

A Two years ago B Two months ago C Two weeks ago

3 Where was the speaker living at the time?

A France

B Frankfort, Germany C Franklin

4 What did he at that time?

A He was a businessman B He was involved in finance C He was a reporter on finance

5 Which of the following statements is not true?


6 When did the telephone ring for the first time?

A At three Saturday morning B At three Saturday afternoon C At three Sunday morning

7 How many times did the telephone ring?

A Twice B Three times C Four times

8 What was the speaker doing when there was knock at the door?

A He was boiling some water B He was cooking in the kitchen C He was making some coffee

9 Which of the following does not describe Roger?

A Man of a few words B Introvert

C Talkative

10 What did the speaker after letting Roger in?

A He sat down and talked with Roger

B He went to the kitchen to bring out the coffee C He went to the kitchen to finish pouring the coffee


Question 1: Choose one of the words marked A, B, C, or D which best completes the sentence. (10 points)

1 Employees who have a ……… are encouraged to discuss it with the management A hindrance B grievance C disadvantage D disturbance

2 The police are ……… certain who the culprit is


3 Women’s participation ………… in the workforce was lower in the countries which had less-developed economies

A scale B speed C velocity D rate

4 Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ……… improvement in her condition

A decipherable B legible C discernible D intelligible

5 I’ve been doing my best to reduce the backlog but I must admit that I’ve hardly put ……… in the problem so far

A a dent B a foot C a brave face D damper

6 From time to time he ………himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel A craves B indulges C treats D benefits

7 Men still expect their jobs to take _

A superiority B imposition C priority D seniority

8 According to a recent survey, most people are on good ……… with their neighbors A terms B relations C relationships D acquaintance

9 The police have been ordered not to ……… if the students attack them A combat B rebuff C retaliate D challenge

10 The police finally arrested the ……… criminal

A famous B renowned C respectable D notorious

Question Each line in the following passage contains one mistake (grammar or spelling). Underline that mistake (IN LINE ORDER) and write your answer in the space provided (0) has been done for you as an example.


how my worries had been answered One change over these years has been the increasing in the number of parents who take their children to sea on long voyages

Example: Across

Question 3: Complete these sentences using the correct form of one the phrasal verbs below in each space (5 points)

catch on catch up drop out drop off kick off join in fall behind fall out kick out join up 1 I am not friends with Peter anymore We’ve ……… 2 Don’t just sit there watching the game,……….…… !

3 If there is a war and they want soldiers for the army, would you.……… ? I’m looking forward to the match What time they……….…….? 5 The pupil misbehaved so much that the teacher had to……… him……….……… After the first year I couldn’t cope with university, so I decided to……… That style looks so old-fashionned; I don’t think clothes like that will ever……… … The other runners were so far ahead that it was difficult for him to……… …… She couldn’t catch up with the other runner because she had………….….too far……… 10 When we got to the market I asked the taxi driver to……… me………

Question 4: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets (5 points)

1 It’s ……… of him to lose his temper like that – he’s usually very calm


2 He’s the most unpleasant ……….person I’ve ever met! (manner)

3 The negotiations are at a……… with neither side willing to make concessions (stand) 4 It’s ………when people won’t believe things that are obviously true (furious) 5 We………go to the pub before lunch on Sunday (vary)

Question 5: Read the passage and then decide which word best fits each space.


lot of people had (3)……… with the old headsets They were so heavy that if you more them (4) …………for more than an hour or so, they could cause quite a lot of (5)……… Our new

headsets are very comfortable, and will be perfect for games, as well as in education

Some scientists, however, are worried about the effects of VR Child psychologist Brenda smith explained: “There have already been several cases of violence among young children where computer games were to (6)……….with VR, we will soon have children who are not (7) ……….to playing with other people (8)…………your life in a constant with aliens and monsters is not really a ((9)……… environment for someone young WE recommend that a child should experience actual really, and it would be a great (10) ………….for parents to bring this sort of technology into the home

1 A claim B threaten C offer D recommend

2 A hat B cap C helmet D hood

3 A mistakes B faults C problems D errors A continuously B throughout C always D regularly

5 A hurt B ache C pain D suffering

6 A fault B errors C defect D blame

7 A used B made C allowed D interested

8 A Spending B Doing C Making D Passing

9 A convenient B suitable C real D right

10 A defect B fault C mistake D blame


Question 1: Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

The sun today is a yellow dwarf star It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert hydrogen to helium The Sun has existed in its present state for about billion, 600

million years and is thousands of times larger than Earth


distance to Mercury, which is the closest planet to the Sun The Sun will then be a red giant star Temperatures on the Earth will become too hot for life to exist

Once the Sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink After it shrinks to the size of the Earth, it will become a white dwarf star The Sun may throw off huge amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova explosions as it changes from a red giant to a white dwarf

After billions of years as a white dwarf, the Sun will have used up all its fuel and will have lost its heat Such a star is called a black dwarf After the Sun has become a black dwarf, the Earth will be dark and cold If any atmosphere remains there, it will have frozen onto the Earth’s surface

1 What is the primary purpose of this passage?

A To alert people to the dangers posed by the Sun B To discuss conditions on Earth in the far future C To present a theory about red giant stars

D To describe changes that the Sun will go through The word “fueled” in line is closest in meaning to

A powered B bombarded C created D propelled The word “state” in line is closest in meaning to

A shape B condition C location D size It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun

A is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf B has been existence for 10 billion years

C is rapidly changing in size an brightness

D will continue as a yellow dwarf for another 10 billion years

5 What will probably be the first stage of change as the Sun becomes a red giant? A Its core will cool off and use less fuel


6 When the Sun becomes a red giant, what will conditions be like on Earth? A Its atmosphere will freeze and become solid

B It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the Sun C It will become too hot for life to exist

D It will be nearly destroyed by nova explosions As white dwarf, the Sun will be

A the same size as the planet Mercury

B thousands of times smaller than it is today C around 35 million miles in diameter

D cold and dark

8 According to the passage, which of the following best describes the sequence of stages that the Sun will probably pass through?

A Yellow dwarf, white dwarf, red giant, black giant B Red giant, white dwarf, red dwarf, nova explosion C Yellow dwarf, red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf D White dwarf, red giant, black dwarf, yellow dwarf

9 The word “there” in the last sentence of paragraph refers to A our own planet B the outer surface of the Sun C the core of a black dwarf D the planet Mercury

10 Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?

A Alarmed B Pessimistic C Comic D Objective

Question 2: Choose from the phrases A-G the one which fits each gap (5 points)


Sleepwalking also seems to occur with more intensity or frequency in a person (3)……… not remember the incident at all It is also a common misconception that it is dangerous to wake a sleepwalker It is, in fact, more dangerous to not wake a sleepwalker This is due to the actions that can be done by a sleepwalker A person might drive a car, walk out into traffic, try cooking, etc All of these actions are highly dangerous to a person (4)…………what they are doing

This disorder can be just a mild annoyance to some but can also be a life-altering disorder to others Sleepwalking is more serious than aggressive so the danger lies more with self-injury than injuries to others Sleepwalkers are not allowed in the Armed Services at least partly due to the damage they can cause themselves and also partly to the fact (5)……… Treatments can range from relaxation techniques to anti-depressant medications

A that there are other sources for sleepwalking

B who is sleep-deprived and a sleepwalker often will C that advise women to exercise for a good night’s sleeps D while pre-adolescents make up the larger number

E who want to have an early night sleep F that they are around dangerous equipment G who is asleep and unaware of

Question 3: Read the following passage carefully, then decide whether each sentence is True (T) or False (F) or information not given (NI) (5 points)

Fortunately there are still a few tasty things for us gourmands to enjoy in relative security Their numbers, however, are depleted almost daily, it seems, by ruthless proclamations from the ever-vigilant Food and Drug Administration and its allies, our doctors The latest felon to face prosecution is the salt of life, sodium chloride


the only harmful ingredient in food If the manufacture has to provide sodium content, why not require him to list every ingredient and specify which are detrimental to our health? Cigarettes have a warning printed on them Shouldn’t the same type of warning appear on canned foods that are notoriously over salted?

There are endless ifs and buts in the controversy, but the most telling of these is the questionable proof of salt’s diabolic effect upon the blood pressure True, people who cut their salt intake lowered their blood pressure, but where is the scientific proof that something other than salt didn’t the trick? The most common means of providing dubious proof that salt causes hypertension is to compare societies that use little salt with those that use mountains of salt in their daily diets Which group has the higher rate of hypertension? Whose blood pressure is lower? What happens when salt is introduced into a group where salt is a novelty? Does the blood pressure rise significantly? Studies of the Japanese indicate that as the world’s greatest salters, they suffer the most from hypertension On the other hand, the simple, salt-free cuisine of several tribes in the Solomon Islands has kept older tribesmen and women from developing hypertension and high blood pressure, ailments traditionally killing their peers in America No account is taken of the effects of inflation, recession, pollution, crime, and sundry other ills to which Americans, unlike people on primitive islands, are exposed

To salt or not to salt? That is the question Now that the question has arisen, it must

not be treated with levity but, rather, with searching scientific investigation so that those of us who are preoccupied with body savory food and longevity may decide which of the two is worth its salt


1 The attitude of the author of this passage toward the salt controversy is that we most stop eating salt immediately The author’s approach to the topic is humorous

3 Presumably a gourmand is a person

4 Food manufacturers don’t want to label packages with sodium content because it isn’t important to single out salt At present baby food contains salt


7 Comparing societies is a scientific means of determining the dangers of salt consumption

8 According to the passage, the Japanese use a lot of salt People in societies that use little salt never have high blood pressure

10 The author suggests that Americans suffer from hypertension as a result of ailments

Question 4: Cloze test: Fill in each blank space with an appropriate word (10 points)

Energy is one of the (1) that many people are interested in It is not an unfamiliar word It is heard, said, discussed day after day It is close to everyone’s (2) life You turn on the lamp and it is (3) that gives you light You turn on a TV and it is energy that gives you pictures and sound You ride a motorcycle and it is energy that gives you (4) You cook your meals and it is energy that gives you heat to boil rice

The problem is that the demand for energy is rising and that the price of energy is getting (5) and higher The supply of energy on earth is limited It cannot provide us all forever The (6) of energy in the future is inevitable Therefore, saving energy is a must if we want to (7) to live in a safe and sound world

If we save energy, the (8) will be less polluted and our health will be better and we will live a more meaningful life and more happily Perhaps the best (9) to the problem of energy is a source of clean energy coming from the sun: solar energy This kind of energy is easily available, free, and inexhaustible Furthermore, it does not cause (10)

Part V WRITING: (20 points)

Question 1: Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (5 points)

1 Because the chemicals were properly combined, the prescription has brought about the expected result

-> Because of The man’s life was one of great poverty


3 She doesn’t know why they are attracted to spending all day on the beach

-> She can’t see _ They are soon accustomed to swimming

-> It is _ Her success went beyond her expectation

-> Never _

Question 2: For each of the sentences below, write new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given This word must not be altered in any way (5 points)

1 I put a lot of care and attention into the letter trouble

I bought it without thinking about it first


_ She chooses the kind of hotels she stays in very carefully


_ He’s never afraid to say what he thinks


_ Because I believed his lies, he got a lot of money from me



There is an excessive number of cars on our roads today and this leads to many problems Individuals and governments should ensure that public transport plays a more important role in modern to tackle these problems To what extent you agree with this statement?

(20 points)



Part Gap filling (NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS) (10 points)

1 34/ thirty-four on Monday Paul Scott Hill Street

5 (the) school secretary 7.30/ seven thirty

7 11 pm/ eleven p.m latest Bath

9 tax and insurance

10 (the) school accountant

Part Multiple choice (10 points)

1 B A B C C

6 B A C C 10 C

PART II LEXICO - GRAMMAR (30 points) Question (10 points)

1 B B D C A C C A C 10 D

Question (5 points)

1 family -> families duaghter ->daughter discuss ->discussed england -> England firstly -> first late -> later

4 however -> how indicate ->: indication Add-> Added 10 increasing->increase

Question (5 points)

1/ fallen out 2/join in 3/join up 4/kick off 5/kick (him) out

6/drop out 7/catch on 8/catch up 9/fallen (too far)behind 10/drop (me) off Question (5 points)


mannered Question (5 points)

1 A C C A C

6 D A A B 10 C

PART III READING (30 points): Question (10 points)

1 D A B A D

6 C B C A 10 D

Question (5 points)

1 D A B G F

Question (5 points)

1 F T T F F T F T NI 10 F

Question (10 points)

problem daily energy movement higher shortage continue environment solution 10 pollution

PART III WRITING Question (5 points)

1 Because of the proper combination of the chemicals, the prescription has brought about the expected result

2 Throughout his life the man was very poor/ suffered from great poverty She can’t see the attraction of spending all day on the beach

4 It is not long before they are accustomed to swimming Never had she expected that she was so successful

Question (5 points)


(to take a lot of trouble : to spend a lot of time and effort) I bought it on the spur of the moment

(on the spur of the moment : suddenly, without being planned) She’s very fussy about the kind of hotels she stays in

(fussy about sth: very particular I choose very carefully) He’s never afraid to speak his mind

(to speak his mind: to say what you really think) He conned me out of a lot of money

(to sb into doing sth/ out of sth)

Question (10 points)


Convincing ideas: pts Good organization: pts Logical cohesion: pts

Accurate grammar and spelling: pts

Wide range of vocabulary and clear expression: pts

Ngày đăng: 21/01/2021, 18:58



