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1 Boil /bɔɪl/ v Sôi, đun sôi, luộc Water boils at 100 °C Buffalo /ˈbʌfələʊ/ n trâu Every day, he leads the buffalo to the field for work 19 Condition /kənˈdɪʃən/ n Điều kiện They left the flat in a terrible condition - there was a mess everywhere 20 CV /ˌsi:ˈvi:/ n Bản lí lịch Applicants for the position should submit their CVs to the manager (cirriculum vitea) Arrive /əˈraiv/ v Đến, đạt tới Our plane arrived in Hanoi at p.m yesterday Plough /plaʊ/ v Cày ruộng, xới đất The farmer led the buffalo to the field to plough his land 21 Determine /dɪˈtɜ:mɪn/ v Xác đinh, tâm People should be allowed to determine their own future Rest /rest/ n Nghỉ ngơi, nghỉ ngơi He often takes a short rest after lunch 22 Diploma /dɪˈpləʊmə/ n Văn bằng, chứng My brother has got a diploma in business studies Repair /rɪˈpeəʳ/ v Sửa chữa My brother is repairing his bicycle 23 Ease /i:z/ v Làm dịu đi, giảm bớt These pills will ease the pain Transplant /træns'pla:nt/ v Cấy ruộng, trồng Farmers are doing the transplanting in the field 24 Obtain /əbˈteɪn/ v Đạt được, có In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result Crop /krɒp/ n Vụ mùa, vụ thu hoạch We hope tohave a bumper crop this year 25 Gift /gɪft/ n Có tài, có khiếu He has a gift for languages Contented /kənˈtentɪd/ adj Hài lòng, vừa ý, toại nguyện I am contented with my life 26 Humane /hju:ˈmeɪn/ adj Nhân đức, thương người She treats animals in a humane way 27 Humanitarian /hju:ˌmænɪˈteəriən/ adj Nhân đạo The 10 Corner shop 11 Marital status /ˈkɔ:nər / n cửa hàng góc phố You can buy foods and other things at the corner shop over there /ˈmỉrɪtəl ˈsteɪtəs/ n Tình trạng hôn nhân Could I ask you about your marital status? prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons 28 Interrupt /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ v Tạm ngừng, làm gián đoạn Don't interrupt while I am talking Mature /məˈtjʊər/ adj trưởng thành, chín chắn He's very mature for his age 12 Origin /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ n Nguồn gốc, lai lịch It's a book about the origin of the universe 29 13 Profession /prəˈfeʃən/ n Nghề nghiệp Teaching is an underpaid profession 30 Rare 14 Semester /sɪˈmestər/ n kì học The new semester will begin next month 15 Stuck /stʌk/ adj Bị kẹt, bị tắc This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open? 16 Traffic /ˈtrỉfɪk/ n Giao thơng There was heavy traffic on the roads this morning 17 Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adj Tham vọng, có tham vọng My brother is very ambitious Background /'bækgraund/ n Lai lịch The school has pupils from many different backgrounds /reər/ adj Hiếm, có It's very rare to find these birds in England in winter 31 Romantic /rəʊ ˈmæntɪk/ adj Lãng mạn I'm reading a romantic novel 32 Tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adj Bi thảm, bi kịch It is tragic that the theatre has had to close 33 Add /æd/ v Cộng If you add three and four you get seven 34 Deaf /def/ adj Điếc He's been totally deaf since birth Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 35 Demonstration /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃən/ n Sự thể hiện, thuyết minh Let me give you a demonstration of how the camera works 36 52 Keyboard 53 Miraculous /mɪˈrỉkjʊləs/ adj Kì diệu, thần kì The Determination /dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃən/ n Sự tâm She has great determination to succeed /ˈki:bɔ:d/ n Bàn phím I have to buy a new keyboard for my computer diet promised miraculous weight-loss 54 Mouse /maʊs/ n Con chuột (máy tính) My computer's mouse is broken 37 Disabled /dɪˈseɪbl d/ adj Tàn tật The accident left him severely disabled 55 Press 38 Dumb /dʌm/ adj Câm He's been deaf and dumb since birth /pres/ v Ấn, nhấn Press this button to start the machine 56 Printer 39 Enclose /ˈprɪntər/ n Máy in We use a printer to print documents 57 Software /ˈsɒft weər/ n Phần mềm We should use appropriate software to run on the computer 58 Altitude /ˈæltɪtju:d/ v Độ cao We are flying at an altitude of 1000 m /ɪnˈkləʊz/ v Gửi kèm Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application 40 Exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən/ n Cuộc triển lãm The photographs will be in the exhibition until the end of the month 41 Passion /ˈpæʃən/ n Niềm say mê Politics and philosophy were his lifelong passions 42 Require /rɪˈkwaɪə/ v Yêu cầu,đòi hỏi Please telephone this number if you require anyfurther information 43 camcorder /ˈkæmˌkɔ:dər / n Máy quay video I bought a new camcorder last week 44 CD ROM 45 CPU (Central Processing Unit) 59 Botanical Garden 60 Cave 61 63 64 46 Communicator /kəˈmju:nɪkeɪtər / n Người giao tiếp Destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən/ n Nơi đến, đích We arrived at our Glorious Permission Persuade screen 48 49 50 51 Dial Floppy disk Hardware Insert /kəm'pju:tə skri:n/ n Màn hình máy tính I am cleaning my computer screen /ˈdaɪəl/ v Quay số Can I dial this number direct, or I have to go through the operator? /ˈflɒpi disk/ v Đĩa mềm I need a new floppy disk /ˈhɑ:dweər/ n phần cứng Each time you turn the computer on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of doing almost everything you ask it to /ɪnˈsɜ:t/ v Cho vào, chèn vào Insert the key into the lock /ˈglɔ:riəs/ adj Rực rỡ, lộng lẫy The match was over and Vietnam had a glorious victory /pəˈmɪʃən/ n Sự cho phép You will need permission from the council to extend your garage /pəˈsweɪd/ v Thuyết phục He is trying to persuade local and foreign businesses to invest in the project She is a great communicator 47 Computer /keɪv/ n Hang động The ancient people used to live in caves destination tired and hungry 62 /ˌsi:di:ˈrɒm/ n Đĩa CD dùng để lưu trữ Give me the CD /ˌsi:pi:ˈju:/ n Bộ xử lý trung tâm The most important component of the computer is the central processing unit /bəˈtænɪkəl 'gɑ:dn/ n Vườn bách thảo This Sunday, our class will go to the Botanical Garden 65 Picturesque /ˌpɪktʃərˈesk/ adj đẹp tranh I like the picturesque streets of the old city 66 Resort 67 Site /rɪˈzɔ:t/ n Nơi nghỉ They are going to build a resort here /saɪt/ n Địa điểm, vị trí The manager is going to visit the building site this afternoon 68 urally /ˈɔ:rəli/ adv Bằng thính giác, tai We receive information aurally when we listen to the radio 69 Cartoon /kɑ:ˈtu:n/ n Phim hoạt hình I like watching cartoons 70 Comedy /ˈkɒmədi/ n Hài kịch I prefer Shakespeare's comedies to his tragedies Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 71 Documentary /ˌdɒkjʊˈmentəri/ n Phim tài liệu There was a documentary on animal communication last night 72 Feature /ˈfi:tʃər / n Đặc điểm, đặc trưng The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace 73 Internet /ˈɪntənet/ n Mạng internet I often search information on the Internet 74 Mass media /mỉs ˈmiːdiə/ n Thơng tin đại chúng Mass media has a great effect on human life 75 Orally /ˈɔ:rəli/ adv Bằng miệng, lời nói This subject will be checked orally 76 Passive /ˈpæsɪv/ adj Thụ động He is always passive in relationship 77 Quizshow 78 Visually 79 Weather forecast 80 Wildlife 81 Atmosphere 82 Better 83 Brick 84 /kwɪz ʃəʊ/ n Chương trình đố vui I like watching quiz shows on TV such as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? /ˈvɪʒuəli/ adv Bằng mắt, thị giác Children can learn visually very well resort Last /lɑːst/ v Kéo dài The meeting lasted two hours 91 Mud /mʌd/ n Bùn The vehicles got bogged down in the heavy mud 92 Muddy /ˈmʌdi/ adj Bùn, đất nhão Don't bring those muddy boots inside! Resurface /ˌriːˈsɜːfɪs/ v Trải lại (mặt đường) Drivers will experience delays while stretches of the road are being resurfaced 95 Shortage /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/ n Sự thiếu thốn The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages Straw /strɔː/ n Rơm rạ After the harvest, straw is gathered in the field to be burnt Widen /ˈwaɪdən/ v Mở rộng Reading books 96 97 99 /brɪk/ n Gạch The chimney was made of bricks helps me to widen my knowledge Atstake 86 Crop 87 Farming method Flooded /kæʃ krɒp/ n Cây trồng thương phẩm The farmers in our village grow mainly cash crops /krɒp/ n Vụ mùa The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice /ˈfɑː.mɪŋ ˈmeθəd/ n Phương pháp canh tác Farmers in our country are applying new farming methods /ˈflʌdɪd/ adj Bị ngập lụt The government is trying hard to help the flooded area /ət steɪk/ n Bị đe dọa Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon Biodiversity /ˌbaɪəʊ da ɪˈvɜːsɪti n Đa dạng sinh học A new National Biological Survey will protect species habitat and biodiversity 100 Carnivore /ˈkɑːnɪvɔːr / n Động vật ăn thịt Lions and tigers are carnivores 101 Dolphin /ˈdɒlfɪn/ n Cá heo Among sea animals, I like dolphins the most 102 Entrapment /ɪnˈtræpmənt/ n Sự đánh bẫy, mắc bẫy Sperm whale populations are at risk due to hunting and their accidental entrapment in fishing nets Bumper crop /ˈbʌmpər krɒp/ n Vụ mùa bội thu 85 Cashcrop /reɪz/ v Nâng lên The government plans to raise taxes 94 /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ n Cuộc sống/ động vật hoang dã There was a program on wildlife on TV last night /ˈbetər/ v Cải thiện, làm cho tốt The organization was established to better conditions for the disabled Raise 93 98 /ˈætməsfɪər / n Khơng khí There's a very relaxed atmosphere in our office /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ rɪˈzɔːt/ n Khu nghỉ mát, thành phố du lịch We arrived at the holiday resort at p.m yesterday 90 /ˈweðər ˈfɔ:kɑ:st/ n Dự báo thời tiết Farmers usually watch the weather forecast to prepare for farming work Farmers have reported a bumper crop this year 88 89 Holiday 103 Gestation /dʒesˈteɪʃən/ n Sự thai nghén The gestation period of rats is 21 days 104 Gulf /gʌlf/ n Vịnh, vùng vịnh The gulf of Tonkin is in the South China Sea 105 Herbicide /ˈhɜːbɪsaɪd/ n Thuốc diệt cỏ Herbicides are widely used in agriculture to kill unwanted plants 106 Jellyfish /ˈdʒelifɪʃ/ n Con sứa The jellyfish is a sea animal with a soft oval almost transparent body 107 Krill /krɪl/ n Con tôm (rất nhỏ, sống vùng biển quanh Nam Cực), nhuyễn thể Krill are very small animals with a hard outer shell which live in the sea and are eaten in large numbers by some types of whale 108 Offspring 109 Organism /ˈɔːgənɪzəm/ n sinh vật cá thể Amoebae and bacteria are singlecelled organisms 110 Reveal /rɪˈviːl/ v Tiết lộ He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians 112 Shark 113 Spermwhale /ʃɑːk/ n Cá mập The movie 'Jaws' is about a man-eating shark /spɜːm weɪl/ n Cá nhà táng The sperm whale is a large whale with a very large long head Starfish /ˈstɑːrfɪʃ/ n Con biển The starfish is a beautiful fish 115 Submarine /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/ n Tàu ngầm They have sent a submarine to investigate the seabed Turtle 117 Whale 118 Breed /ˈtɜːtl/ n Rùa biển The turtle is an animal which lives in or near water and has a thick shell covering its body /weɪl/ n Cá voi The whale is a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole on the top of its head /briːd/ v Nuôi, gây giống His main income comes from breeding cattle 119 Cancer 120 Conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/ n Bảo tồn So much /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/ n Các lồi động thực vật có nguy tuyệt chủng Most countries are trying hard to protect endangered species 126 Erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ n Sự xói mịn The farmers fight against soil erosion every year 127 Forester /ˈfɒrɪstər / n Người trông coi rừng, người làm rừng A forester is a person who is in charge of taking care of the forest 128 Imprison /ɪmˈprɪzən/ v Bỏ tù,tống giam He was imprisoned in 1965 for attempted murder 129 Reconstruction /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃən/ n Sự xây dựng lại species City reconstruction work after the disaster must be carried out immediately 130 Risky /ˈrɪski/ adj Đầy rủi ro, nguy hiểm It's risky to buy a car without some good advice 131 Variety /vəˈraɪəti/ n Sự đa dạng She does a variety of fitness activities 132 Vegetation /ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃən/ n Thực vật, cối The railroad track construction area must be clear of vegetation 133 Will /wɪl/ n Mong muốn, ý chí From an early age she had a very strong will 134 Abandon /əˈbændən/ v Từ bỏ The match was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditions 135 Butterfly /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/ n Con bướm Butterflies are a type of insect with large often brightly coloured wings 136 Contamination /kənˌtỉmɪˈneɪʃən/ n Sự nhiễm, /ˈkænsər / n Ung thư He died of liver cancer nhiễm bẩn The water supply is being tested for contamination effort has been put into wildlife conservation 121 Create /kriˈeɪt/ v Tạo He created a wonderful meal from very few ingredients 122 Damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ n Tổn hại Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof 123 Defence /dɪˈfens/ n Sự bảo vệ A good diet helps build the body's natural defences /dɪˈstrʌkʃən/ n Sự tàn phá Many people are very concerned about destruction of the rainforests 125 Endangered /siːl/ n Con hải cẩu Now, we can see many seals at some aquariums 114 116 Destruction /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ n Con cái, đẻ In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offspring varies between two and five 111 Seal 124 137 Endanger 138 Ethnic minority /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər / v Gây nguy hiểm He would never anything to endanger the lives of his children /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrɪti/ n Dân tộc thiểu số The plan was designed to help women and ethnic minorities overcome discrimination in the workplace Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 139 Explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr / v Thám hiểm The best way to explore the countryside is on foot 156 Jazz 140 Fauna /ˈfɔːnə/ n Hệ động vật The scientists are studying fauna in Cuc Phuong National Park 157 Lull /lʌl/ v Ru (ai đó) ngủ The motion of the car almost lulled her tosleep 158 Lyrical /ˈlɪrɪkl ̩/ adj Trữ tình The book contains lyrical descriptions of the author's childhood 159 Mournful /ˈmɔːnfəl/ adj Tang thương, buồn thảm I hate to listen to mournful music 141 Fine 142 /faɪn/ n Tiền phạt If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy fine Flora /ˈflɔːrə/ n Hệ thực vật We were surprised at the various flora in this area 160 National Anthem 143 Orphan /ˈɔːfən/ v Làm cho mồ côi The children were orphaned by the war 144 Sub-tropical /ˌsʌbˈtrɒpɪkəl/ adj Cận nhiệt đới Vietnam has a sub-tropical climate 145 Wilderness /ˈwɪldənəs/ n Vùng hoang dã, bãi hoang This is such a beautiful 162 Action mountain wilderness 163 /klæsɪkəl mju:zik/ n Nhạc cổ điển Do you prefer classical music like Mozart or pop? 164 Cartoon 146 Classical music 147 Powerful film Audience film Communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ v Giao tiếp We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world 148 Compose /kəmˈpəʊz/ v Soạn thảo The music was specially composed for the film 149 Composer /kəmˈpəʊzər / n Người soạn thảo,nhà sáng tác A composer is a person who writes music, especially classical music 150 Delight /dɪˈlaɪt/ v Làm hài lòng Peter's success at college delighted his family 151 Emotion /ɪˈməʊʃən/ n Tình cảm Like a lot of 152 Folk 153 161 music Funeral /ˈsɪnəmə/ n Phim ảnh, rạp chiếu phim The town no longer has a cinema 167 Detective 168 Disaster /dɪˈzɑːstər / n Thảm họa This is one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the area 169 Discover dɪˈskʌvər / v Khám phá, tìm Who discovered America? 172 Lovestory /ˈɪntɪgrəl pɑ:t/ / n phần thiết yếu He's an integral part of the team and we can't it without him /kɑːˈtuːn fɪlm/ n Phim hoạt hình In my opinion, Tom and Jerry is one of the greatest cartoons of all time Cinema /ˈfjuːnərəl/ n Lễ tang The funeral will be held next Friday Integral part /ˈɔːdiəns/ n Khán giả The audience were clearly delighted with the performance 166 171 155 /ˈækʃən fɪlm/ n Phim hành động I like action films /ˈkærɪktər / n Nhân vật The film revolves around three main characters /fəʊk 'mju:zik / n Nhạc dân ca I enjoy listening to folk music /ˈdʒentl ̩/ adj Nhẹ nhàng, dịu êm He's very gentle with his kids /ˈpaʊəfəl/ adj Mạnh mẽ China is becomeing more and more powerful Character 170 Horror Gentle /'neiʃənl ˈænθəm/ n Quốc ca The national anthems of the teams are played at the beginning of a big international football match 165 men, he finds it hard to expresshis emotions 154 /dʒæz/ n Nhạc jazz To be honest, I don't like jazz film Liner film /dɪˈtektɪv/ n Trinh thám I like reading detective stories like Sherlock Homes /ˈhɒrər fɪlm/ n Phim kinh dị I not dare to see a horror film /ˈlaɪnər/ n Tàu thủy Titanic was considered the largest liner at that time /lʌv ˈstɔːri fɪlm/ n Phim tâm lí, tình cảm Do you like love story film? Motion /ˈməʊʃən/ n Sự chuyển động The motion of the car almost lulled her to sleep 173 174 Movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ n Sự chuyển động, dịch chuyển Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 175 Sciencefiction film /saɪəns ˈfɪkʃən fɪlm/ n Phim khoa học viễn tưởng Avatar is one of the most exciting science fiction films that I've seen 176 Ambassador /æmˈbæsədər/ n Đại sứ She's a former ambassador of the United States 177 Champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ n Nhà vô địch, quán quân She is the world champion for the third year in succession 178 Championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ n Giải vô địch, chức vô 191 Title /ˈtaɪtl ̩/ n Danh hiệu (vô địch) Our nation hopes to win the honoured title in the championship this year 192 Tournament /ˈtʊənəmənt/ n Vòng thi đấu They were defeated in the first round of the tournament 193 Trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ n Cúp, chiến lợi phẩm Brazil became the first team to win the trophy five times 194 Victory /ˈvɪktəri/ n Chiến thắng Vietnam had a victory over Malaysia in an elimination match in this year's Sea Games địch The world championships will be held in Scotland next year 179 Committee /kəˈmɪti/ n Ủy ban, hội đồng The local council have just set up a committee to study recycling 195 Volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/ n Người tình nguyện He took part in the 2010 World cup as a volunteer 180 Compete /kəmˈpiːt/ v Đua tài, cạnh tranh The two athletes are competing for the gold medal 196 Attract /əˈtrækt/ v Thu hút, hấp dẫn These flowers are brightly coloured in order to attract butterflies 181 Competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ n Cuộc thi đấu, cạnh tranh There's a lot of competition between computer companies 197 Base 182 Defeat /dɪˈfiːt/ v Đánh thắng, vượt qua If we can defeat the Italian team, we'll be through to the final 198 /ɪˈvent/ n Sự kiện This year's Olympic Games will be the biggest sporting event ever 199 Crown 183 Event 184 Globe 185 Hero 186 Host 187 Postpone Characterise /ˈkærəktəraɪz/ v Đặc trưng hóa The city is characterised by its hundreds of tall offices and apartment buildings /kraʊn/ n Vương miện He plans to defend his Olympic crown 200 Convenient /gləʊb/ n Quả địa cầu She is a superstar all around the globe /kənˈviːniənt/ adj Thuận tiện A bike's a very convenient way of getting around 201 Finance /ˈhɪərəʊ/ n Anh hùng He became a national hero for his part in the revolution /ˈfaɪnỉns/ n Tài New York is the center of global finance, communications and business 202 Located /ləʊˈkeɪtɪd/ adj Ở vị trí New York city is located in the southeastern part of New York state 203 Metropolitan /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪtən/ adj Thuộc khu đô /həʊst/ n Chủ nhà We thanked our hosts for the lovely evening /pəʊst ˈpəʊn/, v Hoãn lại They decided to postpone their holiday until next year 188 Professional /prəˈfeʃənəl/ adj Chuyên nghiệp She's a professional dancer 189 Runner-up /ˌrʌnəˈrʌp/ n Người nhỉ, người đứng thứ Brazil was the runner-up in the championship last year 190 Score /beɪs/ n nền, sở This cream provides an excellent base for your make-up /skɔːr/ n Tỉ số The score of the match was 3-2 thị lớn With a population of more than million in the city and 19 million in the whole metropolitan area, New York is the largest city in the US 204 Mingle /ˈmɪŋgl ̩/ v Hòa lẫn, trộn lẫn The two flavours mingle well 205 Reserved /rɪˈzɜːvd/ adj Dè dặt, kín đáo She is a quiet, reserved woman 206 Robe /rəʊb/ n Áo choàng Judges wear black robes when they are in court 207 Torch 208 209 /tɔːtʃ/ n Ngọn đuốc The Statue of Liberty holds a torch in its right hand Unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ adj Kì lạ, đặc biệt I was actually on time, which is unusual for me 211 213 Categorise Chamber Engrave Flourish 215 Heritage 217 /ɛnˈθuziˌæzəm/ n lịng nhiệt tình They take up new interests with enthusiasm /'give ænd 'teik/ n cho nhận Friendship must be give-and-take air bombardment in February 1963 226 loyalty /ˈkætəgəraɪz/ v Phân loại The books are categorized into beginner and advanced /'lɔiəlti/ n lòng trung thành Loyalty is one of the most valuable qualities of a true friendship 227 residential /,rezi'denʃəl 'eəriə/ n khu dân cư I'm renting a small flat in the Nguyen Cong Tru Residential area in Hanoi /'tu:'saidid/ adj hai mặt, hai phía Did Robert say he wanted to be the manager? He told me he did not He's so two-sided take area /ˈtʃeɪmbər / n Phòng lớn Meetings of the council are held in the council Citadel 214 216 enthusiasm 225 give-and- chamber 212 224 /´kɔnstənsi/ n kiên định Constancy is one of the most valuable qualities of a true friendship Bombardment /ˌbɒmˈbɑːdmənt/ n Sự ném bom Thong Nhat Conference Hall was built in 1865 and heavily damaged by an 210 223 constancy /ˈsɪtədel/ n Thành lũy The town has a 14th century citadel overlooking the river 229 unselfishness /ɪnˈgreɪv/ v Khắc, chạm trổ The bracelet was engraved with his name and date of birth 230 affect /ˈflʌrɪʃ/ v Phát triển My tomatoes are flourishing this summer /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n Di sản Hue's Imperial City was listed as a Cultural World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1993 Legend /ˈledʒənd/ n Truyến thuyết The dance was based on several Hindu legends Mausoleum /ˌmɔːsəˈliːəm/ n Lăng, lăng tẩm President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum 218 Merchant /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ n Nhà buôn, thương gia He is a wine merchant 219 Scholar /ˈskɒlər/ n Học giả My uncle is a history scholar 220 acquaintance /ə'kweintəns/ n người quen Yesterday, I came across an old acquaintance in the street 221 apartment /ə´pa:tmənt/ n hộ (khép kín) Mai and Lan shared an apartment in Hanoi's Nguyen Cong Tru Residential Area 222 brighten /´braitn ʌp/ v làm rạng rỡ, làm bừng sáng I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night up 228 two-sided 231 /ʌn´selfiʃnis/ n tính khơng ích kỉ A true friendship is based on unselfishness and equality /ə'fekt/ v ảnh hưởng His upbringing by his parents deeply affected his personality appreciate 232 attitude /əˈpriʃiˌeɪt/ v coi trọng, đánh giá cao He highly appreciates her efforts to help the disabled /'ætitju:d/ n thái độ He always has a positive attitude to others' work 233 confidence 234 embarrassing /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ a ngượng ngùng, lúng /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n tự tin, lòng tin She has a lot of confidence in her little child túng One of my most embarrassing experiences was to forget my daughter's name at her wedding 235 embrace /im'breis/ v ôm, ôm ấp He rushed to embrace me at the airport 236 floppy (hat) /´flɔpi/ a (mũ) mềm My biggest dream was a red hat - a floppy cotton hat like the one my favourite pop star wore in her video clip 237 glance at /glỉns ət/ v liếc nhanh, nhìn qua The girl was so shy that she didn't look him in the eye She just glanced at him and looked away Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 238 makea fuss 239 memorable 240 sneaky 241 scream /meik ə fʌs/ làm ầm ĩ lên She complains noisily about anything she doesn't like She is the type of person who is always making a fuss /'memərəbl/ a đáng ghi nhớ My 21st birthday was memorable because my sweetheart proposed to me /´sni:ki/ a vụng trộm, lút The pickpocket gave a sneaky look at her handbag /skri:m/ v kêu thét, la hét Passengers screamed when the car crashed into a motorbike 242 outlook 243 anniversary /ˌænəˈvɜrsə ri/ n ngày kỉ niệm Fedel's /ˈaʊtlʊk/ n quan điểm, cách nhìn nhận His outlook on this issue is quite subjective He ignores his employees' needs tenth anniversary makes me realize how far we have come in such a short time 244 celebrate 245 celebration 246 childish 247 clap 248 249 cosy /ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/ v làm lễ kỉ niệm Our National Independence Day is celebrated on September 2nd /,seli'breiʃn/ n lễ kỉ niệm I'm looking forward to many more birthday celebrations with her /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ adj trẻ Paul said: " When I become a man I'll put away childish things." 253 hostess /ˈhoʊstɪs/ n chủ nhà (nữ) The hostess in the hostel is very friendly 254 icing /ˈaɪsɪŋ/ n lớp kem phủ mặt bánh There is a thick chocolate icing on the birthday cake 255 New Year's Eve /nju: jə:z i:v/ n đêm giao thừa All the members of our family gather on New Year's Eve 256 party-goer 257 refreshments 258 charity 259 clear /ri'freʃmənts/ n ăn nhẹ There will be delicious and cheap home-made refreshments at Wray Institute all week /ˈtʃỉrəti/ n lịng bác ái, nhân đức, từ thiện This billionaire frequently does charity to help the disabled /klɪər/ v dọn, dọn dẹp It's your turn to clear the table 260 co-operate /koʊˈɒpəˌreɪt/ v hợp tác, cộng tác, giúp đỡ Women should not co-operate in demeaning womanly things just so men can feel proud of themselves 261 co-ordinate /koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt/ v phối hợp, xếp đặt This month, our school is co- ordinating with a local charity to launch a programme to raise money for those who have suffered heavy flooding 262 craft /klæp/ v vỗ, vỗ tay After each performance, we clapped our hands /ˈkoʊzi/ adj ấm cúng I enjoy the cosy atmosphere in my family /ˈpɑrtiˌgoʊər/ n người dự tiệc Every party-goer wore casual clothes 263 /krɑːft/ n thủ công We hope you enjoy our wonderful collection of handmade crafts that have been imported from America disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvỉntɪdʒd/ a bị thiệt thịi Many students take part in volunteer organizations to help disadvantaged children enthusiastic /ɛnˌθuziˈæstɪk/ adj hăng hái nhiệt tình She is very enthusiastic about social activities at school 250 enthusiasm /ɛnˈθuziˌỉzəm/ n hăng hái, lịng nhiệt tình His enthusiasm for disabled children is highly appreciated 264 donation /doʊˈneɪʃən/ n đóng góp, dâng hiến We highly appreciate his generous donation to our school 251 helicopter /ˈhɛlɪˌkɒptər/ n máy bay trực thăng On his 9th birthday, he was given a toy helicopter by his father 265 gratitude /ˈgrỉtɪtjuːd/ n lịng biết ơn On Teachers' Day, students often express their gratitude to their teachers 252 host /hoʊst/ n chủ nhà (nam) Vietnam was the host country in the 3rd Asian Indoor Games 266 handicapped /ˈhændiˌkæpt/ a tàn tật, bị tật nguyền At university, we volunteer to help handicapped children at Nguyen Dinh Chieu school 267 issue /ˈɪʃuː/ v phát, phát hành Next month, VietinBank is going to issue a new service 268 martyr /ˈmɑːtər/ n liệt sĩ, người hi sinh We are grateful to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect our country 269 270 minority mow 271 wounded 272 273 remote campaign strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ n chiến lược To get good results, students must have effective learning strategies 284 survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ n khảo sát, điều tra Our school has conducted a survey of students' attitudes to teachers in the classroom 285 universal /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəl/ a thuộc/ có tính tồn cầu Illiteracy is a universal issue 286 stimulate /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ v khích lệ, khuyến khích Reading stories can stimulate children's imagination 287 sponsor /ˈspɒnsər/ v bảo trợ Pepsi sponsored the AFF cup /kæmˈpeɪn/ n chiến dịch Last week, Oxfam launched a new fair trade campaign 288 worksheet /´wə:k¸ʃi:t/ n tờ giấy làm Each group was 289 /maɪˈnɒrəti/ n thiểu số, số Most ethnic minorities live in the highlands /moʊ/ v cắt cỏ, xén cỏ Many workers are mowing the lawns in the park /wuːndɪd/ a bị thương My brother who was wounded in the war receives a monthly allowance /rɪˈmoʊt/ a xa xôi, hẻo lánh In summer, a lot of students volunteer to work in remote areas to provide education for children effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ a có hiệu Her advice has proved highly effective for my job 275 eradicate /ɪˈrỉdɪkeɪt/ v xóa bỏ More effort is needed to eradicate illiteracy in our country eradication 277 ethnic minority 278 expand 279 illiteracy 280 mutual respect 281 /reɪt/ n tỉ lệ The government is anxious to reduce the rate by half within the next ten years 283 274 276 282 rate /i¸rỉdi´keiʃən/ n xóa bỏ By 2000, sixty-one provinces and cities throughout Vietnam had completed programmes for Illiteracy Eradication /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrɪti/ n dân tộc thiểu số The Tay and Thai are ethnic minorities in Vietnam /ɪkˈspænd/ v mở rộng Our company is expanding production to meet its potential /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ n mù chữ There is a mass campaign aiming to mobilize 100,000 teachers with the aim of eradicating illiteracy /ˈmjuːtʃuəl rɪˈspekt/ n tôn trọng lẫn Friendship is based on mutual respect given a worksheet to write their answers on observe 290 judge /dʒʌdʒ/ n trọng tài The judge's verdict was against the footballer 291 smoothly /ˈsmuːðli/ adv cách trôi chảy The competition was held smoothly 292 recite /rɪˈsaɪt/ v ngâm (thơ), kể lại They earn millions of dollars per film by reciting poetry 293 appoint /əˈpɔɪnt/ v định, bổ nhiệm She has been appointed Prime Minister behalf of /ɒn bɪˈhɑːf əv/ adv thay mặt cho On behalf of the class, I would like to express our gratitude for your contribution 295 poetry /ˈpəʊətri/ n thi ca A poetry reading competition was held in our school last week 296 participant /pɑrˈtɪsəpənt/ n người tham dự There 294 on are 44 participants in this competition 297 procedure /prəˈsidʒər/ n thủ tục She would like to know some information about the entry procedure for the competition performance /pəˈfɔːməns/ n thể hiện, thành tích She explains how sports medicine can help improve athletic performance /əbˈzɜrv/ v quan sát, theo dõi Our teacher will observe and score our performance 298 venue /ˈvenjuː/ n nơi thi đấu My Dinh stadium is one of five main venues in the Asian Indoor Games 299 birth-control method 300 decrease 301 /bə:θkən'troul 'meθəd/ n phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ Safe birth- control methods for family planning are not available to those living in the mountainous areas /'di:kri:s/ v làm giảm A high population growth rate decreases economic development get together 314 grand 302 double 315 greenbean 304 increase 305 overpopulation 318 /in'kri:s/ v gia tăng, tăng lên The number of injuries from automobile accidents increases every year 319 lucky /'ouvə,pɔpju'leiʃn/ n đôngdân mức Many environmental, social, and economic problems stem from the overpopulation problem 307 raiseanimal /reiz 'ỉniməl/ ni động vật My grandparents raise many kinds of animals 308 Third /θə:d wɜ:ld/ n Thế giới thứ ba Most of the countries in the third world are very poor 309 agrarian /əˈgreəriən/ adj thuộc nghề nông, nông dân Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to care for their crops 310 comment / ˈkɒment/ n lời nhận xét People should only make positive comments during the days of Tet fireworks tree 5, 12, 1997 /´prɔbəbli/ adv có thể, có lẽ The decision to set up a new company is probably his most risky decision 311 dressup influence 317 kumquat / figɜ:/ n số These are all figures: 306 probably World 316 /'dʌbl/ v gấp đôi The world population doubled from 1945 to 1970 303 figure /'dres ʌp/ v ăn mặc đẹp She dressed up to attend the ceremony /ˈfaɪəwɜːks/ n pháo hoa Our family often watches fireworks on New Year's Eve /get təˈgeðə(r)/ v tụ tập, đoàn tụ All the members of my family always get together at my grandparents' house at Tet /grænd / adj hành tráng, quan trọng The Lunar New Year is the grandest occasion of the year family planning /ˈfỉmili / n kế hoạch hóa gia đình Family planning is essential for each family and the whole society 312 313 longevity /gri:n bi:n/ n đỗ xanh Banh Chung is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork /ˈɪnfluəns/ v ảnh hưởng My father was the biggest influence on my character /ˈkʌmkwɒt tri:/ n quất In the North of Vietnam the kumquat tree is a popular plant at Tet /lɒnˈdʒevəti/ n trường thọ We wish you both health and longevity money /'lʌki'mʌni/ n tiền mừng tuổi Children receive lucky money inside red envelopes at Tet 320 parade /pə´reid/ n diễu hành Later that day there was a torchlight parade around the streets 321 plum /plʌm/ n mận Plums are popular in the northern areas 322 pray /prei/ v cầu mong, cầu nguyện People often go to a pagoda to pray for good things in their life 323 shrine /∫rain/ n đền thờ Japanese people often go to a shrine at Tet 324 represent /repri'zent/ v đại diện, tượng trưng cho The colour violet represents faith 325 pine tree /paɪn tri:/ n thông The Japanese usually decorate their houses with some small pine trees 326 equip (with) /ɪˈkwɪp/ v trang bị It's going to cost $4 million to equip the hospital 327 equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ n thiết bị, trang bị A lot of money was spent on the equipment for the new hospital 328 advanced /ədˈvɑːnst/ adj tiên tiến This is the most advanced type of engine available 329 advancement /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ n tiến All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career 613 614 615 include inclusion inclusive 616 spectator sports 617 /ɪnˈkluːd/ v bao gồm Tax and service are included in the bill /ɪnˈkluːʒən/ n bao gồm, gồm She is being considered for inclusion on the England team /ˈen.tri ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n điều kiện nhập học What entry qualifications are needed for this course? /ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ adj bao gồm, kể My rent is $700 a month inclusive /spekˈteɪt ̬ɚ spɔːrts/ n môn thể thao thu hút nhiều khán giả Football is one of the most popular spectator sports 632 generous /ˈdʒenɚrəs/ adj dễ dãi, rộng lượng He was so generous when he gave me $10 a week 633 basement /ˈbeɪsmənt/ n tầng hầm Our company's do-it-yourself /ˌduːɪtjɚˈself/ n tự làm Don't look for parking lot is in the basement gardening /ˈgɑrːdənɪŋ/ n công việc làm vườn Many people in Britain are fond of gardening undertake /ˌʌndɚˈteɪk/ v thực Students are required to undertake simple experiments 620 snooker /ˈsnuːkɚ/ n môn snooker (1 loại hình bi-da) Is snooker popular in your country? 621 pool /puːl/ n mơn pool (1 loại hình bi-da) you know where pool comes from? 622 darts /dɑːrts/ n môn phi tiêu Do you like darts? Do 623 enormous /ɪˈnɔːrməs/ adj nhiều, to lớn He earns an enormous salary 624 on offer / ɔːn ˈɔːfər/ phrase sẵn có There are a number of courses on offer at the moment 625 bricklaying /ˈbrɪkˌleɪɪŋ/ n xây gạch Bricklaying is a skilled job 626 sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ adj tinh vi, phức tạp These are among the most sophisticated weapons in the world 634 spectacular /spekˈtækjʊlɚ/ adj hùng vĩ From the window you can have a spectacular view of the mountain 635 hire /ˈhaɪər/ v thuê, cho thuê How much would it cost to hire a car for a fortnight? 636 memento /məˈmentoʊ/ n kỉ vật I keep a stone as a memento of our holiday 637 campground ˈkæmpgraʊnd/ n bãi đất cắm trại This area would make a wondeful campground 638 trash /træʃ/ n rác Don't throw the trash away, save it and sell it for money 639 giant /ˈdʒaɪənt/ adj khổng lồ What a giant cabbage! 640 giant tree /ˈdʒaɪənt triː/ n cổ thụ Wait for me at the giant tree 641 dirt 628 shoemaking engrave /ʃuːmeɪkɪŋ / n đóng giày I'm going to learn shoemaking /ɪnˈgreɪv/ v khắc, chạm He started learning glass engraving 10 years ago bike /dɝːt baɪk/ n xe đạp địa hình Is it expensive to buy a new dirt bike? 642 depressed /dɪˈprest/ adj chán nản, thất vọng She became deeply depressed when her husband died 643 solitude /ˈsɑːlətuːd/ n biệt lập, cô độc She enjoys her life of solitude 644 wilderness /ˈwɪldənəs/ n miền hoang dã Mary likes the solitude of the wilderness 645 desert /ˈdezət/ n sa mạc They were lost in the desert for nine days stock market /stɑːk ˈmɑrːkɪt/ n thị trường chứng khoán You should learn how to make your own stock market decisions 629 631 entry qualification 619 627 /ˈpræktɪkəl skɪl/ n kĩ thực hành This course provides people with practical skills they can with their hands skill help, this is a do-it-yourself environment 618 630 practical 646 umbrella tent 647 wallet /ʌmˈbrelə tent/ n lều dù We need an umbrella tent for camping /ˈwɑːlɪt/ n ví (thường dùng cho nam giới) Do you see my wallet anywhere? Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/ 648 conquest /ˈkɒŋkwest/ n chinh phục There have been many achievements in human's conquest of space 667 /ˈkɒŋkər / v xâm chiếm, chinh phục The Spanish conquered the New World in the 16th century 668 psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ n tâm lí học She studied psychology at Harvard 669 failure /ˈfeɪljər / n thất bại The meeting was a complete failure 670 fail /ˈfeɪ/ v thất bại He failed in his attempt to break the record psychological /ˌsaɪkəlˈɒdʒɪkəl/ adj thuộc tâm lí His illness is due to psychological problems 649 conquer 650 human /ˈhjuːmən/ n người Gagarin was the first human being in space 651 human being /ˈhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ/ 652 humanity /hjuːˈmỉnəti/ n lồi người The massacre was a crime against humanity 671 venture /ˈventʃər/ n mạo hiểm How you feel about man's first venture into space? /speɪs/ n không trung, vũ trụ Who was the first Vietnamese to fly into space? 672 feat /fiːt/ n chiến cơng, chiến tích The Eiffel Tower is a remarkable feat of engineering 673 tragic /ˈtrædʒɪk/ adj thảm kịch, bi thảm The bomb explosion resulted in a tragic loss of life 674 tragedy /ˈɔːbɪtəl/ adj thuộc quỹ đạo An orbital space station has been built /ˈtrædʒədi/ n bi kịch Hitler's invasion of Poland led to the tragedy of the Second World War 675 occur /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ n phi hành gia He is a cosmonaut /əˈkɜːr/ v xảy A tragic accident occurred near my house this morning 676 occurrence /əˈkʌrəns/ n điều xảy ra, xảy Traffic accidents are an everyday occurrence in this city 653 space 654 spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ adj rộng rãi This room is so spacious 655 orbit /ˈɔːbɪt/ n quỹ đạo Once in space, the spacecraft willgo into orbit around the Earth 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 orbital cosmonaut weightlessness /ˈweɪtləsnəs/ n trạng thái không trọng weightless uncertainty precisely precise react reaction 665 deal 666 with tension lượng He became the first person to eat and drink in weightlessness 677 crash /ˈweɪtləs/ adj không trọng lượng The experiment was carried out in weightless conditions 678 lift-off /ʌnˈsɜːtənti/ n không chắn Life is full of uncertainties /ˈlɪftɒf/ n phóng The lift-off took place in 1961 679 spacecraft /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/ n tàu vũ trụ Have you ever seen a spacecraft? /prɪˈsaɪsli/ adv xác But it's precisely because of the noise that they're thinking of moving /kræʃ/ n va chạm, đâm sầm The plane crashed into a mountainside v va chạm, đâm sầm 680 launch /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj xác He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted /lɔːnt ʃ/ v phóng The launch of the spacecraft was delayed for 24 hours /lɑːnt ʃ/ n phóng 681 manned /riˈỉkt/ v phản ứng She slapped him, but he didn't react /mỉnd/ adj có người lái It is a manned spacecraft 682 milestone /riˈækʃən/ n phản ứng You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ n kiện quan trọng The successful flight marked a milestone in China's space project 683 carry out /dɪəl wɪθ/, v đối phó It's a difficult matter to deal with /ˈkæri aʊt/ v thực Our soldiers carried out a successful attack last night 684 artificial /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl/ adj nhân tạo Sputnik is the first artificial satellite /ˈtenʃən/ n căng thẳng There are growing tensions between the two countries Follow FACEBOOK thầy để nhận thêm tài liệu hay nhé! https://www.facebook.com/ngocbinh.edu.vn/

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2021, 13:06

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