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The research concentrated on the impact of a tutoring program on the theory comprehension by a group of preservice teachers as they attend a lesson planning course. During the tutoring program, they had to design the lesson plans merely based on their past experience without any theoretical instructions. After the process of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis process which deeply involved the thorough examination on the participants’ lesson plans as well as the summary of questionnaire responses, the researcher was eventually able to establish the answers to the research questions. In general, the Tutoring program was an effective experience for the tutors. To be more specific, by following the procedure of the programs, the students had the opportunities to experience the task of designing lesson plans with various related skills and contents ranging from writing the lesson objectives to sequencing the class activities and henceforth. Thanks to the experience gained from the Tutoring program, the learning efficiency in several aspects of the Lesson planning course were enhanced. To be more precise, most of the students found it more straightforward to realize and understand the terms introduced in the course as well as envisage the lesson planning paradigm. However, due to the nature of this program, constraints and limitations were inevitable as claimed by most of the participants. To be more specific, there were two main drawbacks of the Tutoring program namely the lack of the theory introduction prior to the microteaching and the inadequate opportunities of practices. Therefore, with a view to continue ameliorating the quality and the effectiveness of this potential program, further research could be done to figure out the impact of this program on inclass teaching skills.

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER THE IMPACT OF TUTORING PROJECT ON PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ THEORY COMPREHENSION WHEN ATTENDING LESSON PLANNING COURSE Supervisor: Phạm Thanh Thủy, M.Ed Student: Dương Nguyễn Anh Course: QH2014.F1.E1 HA NOI – 2018 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TUTORING LÊN QUÁ TRÌNH HỌC LÝ THUYẾT MÔN THIẾT KẾ GIÁO ÁN CỦA SINH VIÊN SƯ PHẠM Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Ths Phạm Thanh Thủy Sinh viên: Dương Nguyễn Anh Khóa: QH2014.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2018 Acceptance page I hereby state that I: Duong Nguyen Anh – QH2014.F1.E1 being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Date Abstract The research concentrated on the impact of a tutoring program on the theory comprehension by a group of pre-service teachers as they attend a lesson planning course During the tutoring program, they had to design the lesson plans merely based on their past experience without any theoretical instructions After the process of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis process which deeply involved the thorough examination on the participants’ lesson plans as well as the summary of questionnaire responses, the researcher was eventually able to establish the answers to the research questions In general, the Tutoring program was an effective experience for the tutors To be more specific, by following the procedure of the programs, the students had the opportunities to experience the task of designing lesson plans with various related skills and contents ranging from writing the lesson objectives to sequencing the class activities and henceforth Thanks to the experience gained from the Tutoring program, the learning efficiency in several aspects of the Lesson planning course were enhanced To be more precise, most of the students found it more straightforward to realize and understand the terms introduced in the course as well as envisage the lesson planning paradigm However, due to the nature of this program, constraints and limitations were inevitable as claimed by most of the participants To be more specific, there were two main drawbacks of the Tutoring program namely the lack of the theory introduction prior to the microteaching and the inadequate opportunities of practices Therefore, with a view to continue ameliorating the quality and the effectiveness of this potential program, further research could be done to figure out the impact of this program on in-class teaching skills List of abbreviations VNU: Vietnam National University, Hanoi ULIS: University of Languages and International Studies FELTE: Faculty of English Language Teacher Education Table of content TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PAGE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE RESEARCH Rationale of the research Aims of the research and research questions 10 Research goals and objectives 10 Significance of the study 11 Scope of the study 11 Organization of the study 12 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Key definitions 13 1.1 Pre-service teachers 13 1.2 Tutoring 13 1.3 Microteaching 15 1.4 Lesson planning 15 1.5 Lesson plan 18 Previous research and research gaps 19 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY Participants and the selection of participants 21 1.1 Participants’ description 21 1.2 The Tutoring program of BA honors program QH2014 21 1.3 Lesson planning and Materials development course 22 1.4 Selection of participants 23 Data collection instruments 23 2.1 Lesson plan collection 23 2.2 Questionnaire 25 Data collection procedure 25 3.1 Lesson plan collection 25 3.2 Questionnaire 26 Data analysis instruments 27 4.1 Quantitative analysis – Questionnaire 27 4.2 Qualitative analysis - Lesson plan analysis 27 Data analysis procedure 29 5.1 Lesson plan analysis 29 5.2 Questionnaire analysis 30 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Findings from data analysis 1.1 Experience of the participants in the Tutoring program as 31 31 demonstrated through the lesson plans 1.1.1 The experience of the participants in the lesson planning process 31 1.1.2 The content coverage presented in the lesson plans for the 33 Tutoring programs 1.1.3 Lesson plan evaluation 1.2 The impact of the Tutoring program on understanding the theory 34 36 presented in the Lesson planning course Major findings and Discussions 2.1 Research question 1: What aspects of lesson planning did the BA 37 38 Honors program students experience during the participation in the Tutoring program? 2.2 Research question 2: In what way does the experience of attending 40 the Tutoring program affect the theory comprehension in official lesson planning course as perceived by the BA honors program students? CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION Conclusion 43 Contribution of the study 44 Limitations of the study 45 Suggestions for further studies 46 REFERENCES APPENDICES CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE RESEARCH This chapter presents an introduction of the study including the rationale of the research, research questions, the goal and objectives, the scope of the study, the significance of the study and the organization of the study Rationale of the research Since the brightest dawn of the history, the work of preserving and transferring the knowledge to the next generations has been greatly considered to be one of the most noble career paths Those whose duty is to convey and deliver the values to ameliorate and strengthen the next generations can be called by a respectful name “teacher” Therefore, in order to become a fully trained and well qualified teacher, it is indispensable that all the pedagogy students be required to experience formal training with a wide range of skills and knowledge to be equipped Among such enormous array of diverse aforementioned requirements, one of the most significant pedagogic skills is lesson planning Such preparations are crucial to any teacher on the grounds that they will provide the teacher with the guideline and guarantee the successful delivery of a lesson (Richard, 1998 as cited in Farrell, 2002) Notwithstanding the fact that learning and practicing lesson planning skills are of no effortless matter, there was a particular case of teacher training which remarkably stood apart from the conventional paradigm that was going from the theory to practice It was the case of QH2014 3C* and QH2014 4C* courses conducted in the second year of QH2014 BA Honors program – Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (FELTE) at University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS) During the two courses, all pre-service teachers in the education program were required to participate in a teaching program named “Tutoring project” in which they had to design lesson plans and execute their own microteachings without prior formal training or theory introdution In other words, their assignments were delivered completely based on their personal experiences acquired outside official classes Even though the tutoring activity is a reportedly effective method in enhacing students skills (Hock, Pluvers, Deshler & Schumaker, 2001), its impacts have been proven from the perspectives of merely the tutees There has not been sufficient research done on the effectiveness of tutoring activity on teacher education It is also reported that microteaching is a fruitful activity to train pre-service teachers (Aydin, 2013) Nevertheless, the reverse approach of microteaching in which the pre-service teachers conduct the lesson before receiving the theory has not been fully investigated Also given the fact that in the third year, the students of QH2014 BA Honors program would participate in an official lesson planning course named “Lesson planning and materials development”, I would like to obtain a deeper insight into this “Tutoring program” and explore whether this experiential method will be of any assistance to the students when they learn the theory as well as practice lesson planning skills Aims of the research and research questions When conducting this research, the researcher’s main aim was to investigate the impact of the Tutoring program on third-year pre-service teachers’ level of theory acquisition when they the official Lesson planning course As a result, this research was conducted with the view to establishing the answers to these following questions: What aspects of lesson planning did the BA honors program students experience during the participation in the Tutoring project? In what ways does the experience of attending the Tutoring project affect the theory comprehension in the official Lesson planning course as perceived by the BA honors program students? Research goals and objectives The purpose of this research was to explore whether or not the past experience of attending a tutoring project and conducting microteaching without any formal training could be of any assistance in terms of knowledge absorbance when the pedagogic students actually receive the formal training course Through the results of this research, the effectiveness of this teacher training activity could also be reflected As a result, it was expected that the findings of this research would provide an empirical base for the 10 concept of lesson planning Moreover, up to 86% of the participants claimed that they could benefit from the Tutoring program in learning to sequence the lesson – a major skill in lesson planning Thanks to the fact that some aspects of Procedure in lesson planning, especially the activity order was included and described in completely 100% of the analyzed lesson plans plus the detailed feedback provided by the supervisor, the students were more or less familiar with this task Therefore, as confirmed in the openended answers of the questionnaire, the participants claimed that when the different instructional sequences such as T-T-T or P-P-P were introduced, they could refer back to the Tutoring project and visualize the process more comfortably Second, the experience from the Tutoring program was of a certain role in helping the students realize and comprehend the terminologies presented in the Lesson planning course As demonstrated in the survey, 84% of the participants asserted the effectiveness of the Tutoring program in helping them tackle the technical jargons A large number of them explained in the open-ended answers that they were able to understand the concept of the terms presented in the course more clearly because that they could relate the meaning of those words back to the context of the Tutoring program Several noticeable samples were the classification of verb usages in Bloom’s taxonomy or the distinction between goals and objectives or the concept of procedures The last impact of the Tutoring program on the Lesson planning course was not directly related to the content of the course and yet played a considerable role in enhancing the efficiency of the learning process Such impacts emphasized on the improvement of student’s skills and attitudes towards lesson planning During the participation in the Tutoring program, all the students were required to conduct lesson planning all by themselves without instructions and theory As a result, in the open-ended answers, more than 80% of the students appreciated the experience of self-exploration and learner’s autonomy They claimed that they had the opportunity to actively involve themselves in the training process and This set of pre-formed active attitudes were asserted by the participants to be of great essence in assisting them learning lesson planning 41 As regards the constraints of the Tutoring program, after the survey in the forms of openended questions, the researcher has analyzed the answers and summarized them into two major problems with the program as proposed by the participants The first constraint of the program was the lack of prior instruction nor theory briefing before the participants commenced their lesson plan design This was the most obvious problem as it was claimed by the majority of the population Even though most students confirmed their appreciation on the opportunity for self-exploration and novel experience in this field, they still admit that it would have been more effective and less time-consuming if they had been provided with some guidance and theory The second limitation of the Tutoring program was the insufficient teaching for each tutor According to the program description (Fast Track Division, 2015, Fast Track Division, 2016) as well the reality of the event, each group of tutor were allowed to conduct a full session of microteaching one time in each semester, which means that throughout the whole duration of the Tutoring programs, there were sharply two chances for each group to conduct lesson planning This number of occasions was not sufficient to guarantee perpetual practice nor the improvement of skill and knowledge 42 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION This chapter presents the summary of major findings, the conclusion of the research and the limitations of the research From these, the suggestions for further research are drawn Conclusion The research was designed to with the highest aims of establishing the answers to these two research questions: What aspects of lesson planning did the BA honors program students experience during the participation in the Tutoring program? In what way does the experience of attending the Tutoring program affect the theory comprehension in official lesson planning course as perceived by the BA honors program students? After the data analysis process which deeply involved the thorough investigation into the lesson plans as well as the synthesis of questionnaire responses, the answers to the research questions have been revealed In general, the Tutoring program was an effective experience for the tutors in terms of lesson planning By following the procedure of the programs, the students had the opportunities to experience the task of designing lesson plans with various related skills and contents ranging from writing the lesson objectives to sequencing the class activities and henceforth As a result of the past experience, it played a certain role in enhancing the learning efficiency in several aspects of the Lesson planning course To be more specific, with the previous experience gained during the Tutoring programs, most of the students found it more straightforward to comprehend the terms introduced in the course as well as visualize the formats of lesson planning task in general and lesson plans in particular However, due to the nature of this program as well as the novelty of the teaching approach itself, constraints and limitations were inevitable To be more specific, there were two major drawbacks of the Tutoring program namely the lack of the theory 43 introduction prior to the microteaching and the inadequate chances of pedagogic training Therefore, with a view to continue ameliorating the quality and the effectiveness of this potential program, the researcher proffered two solutions to tackle the two remaining constraints of the Tutoring program respectively The first solution stems from the first limitation which is the lack of instruction and theory In order to tackle this lack, the researcher suggests two paradigms The first paradigm is to present briefly the components of a lesson plan and several frameworks to the students before they conduct lesson planning The second paradigm is to remain the process of the current Tutoring project but the supervisor will analyze the tutor’s lesson plans more meticulously and provide the theory in the feedback Each proposed pattern has its own advantages The first pattern will guarantee the systematic introduction of the theory while the second one will cater for the highly individualized needs of each group Moreover, the supervisor can also suggest several sources for teaching materials or inclass activities These suggestions are expected to appropriately boost the learner’s autonomy The second solution is suggested to resolve the problems related to the insufficient practice time The underlying idea of this solution is to maximize the tutor’s opportunity to practice lesson planning In order to that, the supervisor can require the tutors to design two lesson plans for each microteaching session One lesson plan will be used to conduct the microteaching while the other one will be presented and commented by the class Contribution of the study The research has provided the results on the impact of a teacher training program (named the Tutoring project) on the efficiency of pre-service teachers’ as they attended the Lesson planning course after the completion of the Tutoring programs The findings from this study are expected to be of certain essential contribution to the current literature of the pedagogic training context on the grounds that the research has provided a novel perspective on language teacher education approach with the analysis based on authentic 44 evidence This research is also expected to benefit those who involve in this educational field especially the course designers as well as the teachers themselves From the analysis of the findings, the advantages and the disadvantages of this Tutoring program and other programs of this similar format have been summarized With such comprehensive input, it would be more convenient for the course designers who are in charge of constructing teacher training schemes to finalize the most suitable and relevant programs within their respective contexts Limitations of the study Reviewing the whole process of this research, this study has pointed out the knowledge and skill coverage of lesson planning in the Tutoring programs The results also reflected the effectiveness of this program in supporting the theory comprehension of the subject In order to complete all those tasks and fulfill the aims of this study, the research collected and analyzed 18 lesson plans using a chosen rubric to figure out the content coverage Moreover, to guarantee both the width and the depth of the data simultaneously, the researcher also distributed the questionnaire to all 38 preservice teachers and received 34 responses In general, after all the analysis of the data, the answers to the research questions were successfully established Nevertheless, there were still several limitations that should have been tackled in order to guarantee a higher potential for this study First of all, considering the participants of this study, this might be the most obvious drawbacks due to the factor of time At the time when the research commenced, all the participants were senior students (at their fourth year) while the Tutoring program was conducted in the second year and the Lesson planning course was performed in the third year This gap of two years might affect the memories and the reflection of some participants As a consequence, some of the collected answers were not vividly and clearly presented Moreover, due to a long period of time, some participants did not remember where they stored their lesson plans or in some cases, they had deleted the lesson plans Therefore, the researcher did not manage to collect 100% of the lesson plans 45 The second limitation was related to the lesson plans gathered for the analysis Due to the fact that it was completely voluntary for the participants to send the lesson plans to the researcher, in most of the cases, the participants only sent one version of their lesson plans With the original purpose of the researcher that was to collect and analyze all the versions of those lesson plans so as to gain a board picture of each participant, the result of collection did not turn out as expected This insufficient collection of lesson plans might have, to a certain extent, limited and decreased the reliability of the data The last limitation of this study was related to the population of this study The whole population for this study was humbly 38 people Nevertheless, due to some contact problems, the researcher did not succeed in reaching all the participants who were living and studying in foreign countries at that time Eventually, the study was still proceeded with only the response rate of 90% Even though 90% response rate was an acceptable number, it would have been better and more reliable if 100% of the population had participated in the research Suggestions for further studies Based on the limitations of this research as well as the researcher’s concentration in this study, there can be several suggestions as well as approach for further research in this particular field First, it is obvious that this research merely concentrated on lesson planning skills and designing lesson plans Therefore, further research can be conducted to investigate the impact of the Tutoring project or similar programs on the students’ teaching skills Second, since this research focused on the perspectives of students on the impact of the Tutoring program, the teacher’s perspectives on this program might be a potential topic for further studies It is positively expected that this study can provide a reliable and helpful source and literature for these further research Word count: 12213 46 REFERENCES Amanda G Mergler & Tangen D (2010) Teaching Education, Using microteaching to enhance teacher efficacy in pre‐service teachers, 21(2), pp 199-210 Aydin, I S (2013) Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, The effect of micro-teaching technique on Turkish teacher candidates’ perceptions of efficacy in lesson planning, implementation and evaluation, 12(43), pp 68-70 Balderas, J U & Gonzalez A L (2016) Study Abroad and Service-Learning in a Catholic Social Teaching Context: The Implications for Teacher Education and Social Justice, Handbook of Research on Effective Communication in Culturally Diverse Classrooms (pp 356-374) Retrieved from IGI Global Cohen, P A., Kulik, J.A & Kulik, C C (1982) American Educational Research Journal, Educational Outcomes of Tutoring: A Meta-analysis of Findings 19(2), 237-248 Debois, S (2016) advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires Retrieved May 4, 2018, from https://surveyanyplace.com/questionnaire-pros-and-cons/ Desai, A A (2015) International Journal of Research in Humanities & Soc Sciences, Characteristics and Principles of Communicative Language Teaching, 3(7) 1-3 Faculty of English Language Teacher Education Fast Track Division (2015) 3C* Course Guide Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies Vietnam National University, Hanoi Faculty of English Language Teacher Education Fast Track Division (2016) 4C* Course Guide Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies Vietnam National University, Hanoi Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (2017) Lesson planning and material development Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies Vietnam National University, Hanoi Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (2016) Module 2: Lesson planning, ESL/EFL Classroom techniques and practices (pp 69-89) Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies Vietnam National University, Hanoi 47 Farrell, T S C (2002) Lesson planning, In J.C Richards & W A Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice (pp 30-39.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Fernandez, M L (2012) Learning through Microteaching Lesson Study in Teacher Preparation, Action in Teacher Education (pp 37-47) Florida: Routledge Guerra, M J & Wu, H (2016) Journal of Education and Training Studies Examination of Pre-service Teacher’s Training through Tutoring Approach, 5(2), 2-4 Hock, M F., Pluvers, K A., Deshler, D D & Schumaker, J B (2001) Remedial and Special Education, The Effects of an After-School Tutoring Program on the Academic Performance of At-Risk Students and Students with LD 22(3), 172-174 Ireson, J (2004, August 15) London review of education Private tutoring: how prevalent and effective is it?, 109-12 Rahimi, M (2015) The Impact of Learning Management System on Students Evaluation of Teaching: The differences between Pre- and In- service EFL teachers Handbook of Research on Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning (pp 425-448) Retrieved from IGI Global South Central College (1995) Tutor training Retrieved February 5, 2018, from http://southcentral.edu/tutor_training/module1/index.html Uzin, N (2012) Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, A sample of microteaching in environmental education and its effect on pre-service teachers’ presenting effective lessons, 13(1), 2-4 48 Appendix 1: Lesson plan evaluation rubrics Criterion Not yet Getting there Met expectations Objectives for the lesson are Purpose of the lesson is Purpose of the lesson is Clear, concise purpose of clearly articulated vague stated but lacks depth and lesson established clarity Curriculum outcome (s) is (are) clearly stated No reference or evidence of outcomes Outcomes referred to but are vague Outcomes are clearly and completely stated and referenced Lesson plan includes No reference made in Prior student knowledge, Lesson clearly includes skills and attitudes are consideration of student’s knowledge, skills and attitudes student’s knowledge indicated but not fully prior knowledge, skills and relevant to the topic explained attitudes consideration of student prior Lesson is introduced in a lesson regarding prior No evidence of Lesson is introduced but Lesson is well introduced manner that creates interest and introducing the lesson with no link to prior in a manner that creates links to prior knowledge knowledge interest and links to prior knowledge Instructional strategies allow for a progression of learning Instructional strategies Instructional strategies not allow for a progression allow for some progression allow for a logical of learning Materials being used are Instructional strategies Sufficient use of materials of learning Materials being used are progression of learning Materials being used are clearly stated and reflect student is not evident indicated but not interest and need adequately address student the interests and needs of interest and need Closure is built into lesson There is no evidence of a There is a closure, however, it is not clearly stated and reflect all students Purposeful, meaningful closure is built into the 49 design closure for the lesson Authentic student assessment – assessment (tool)s included There is no evidence of meaningful Plans for checking for lesson design Checking for how the teacher will check understanding are included understanding is planned that will measure whether or not for understanding included – however plans are not such that the teacher will students have met the sufficient to move forward know whether or not outcome(s) of the lesson for another lesson students have met the outcome(s) of the lesson Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (2017) Lesson planning and material development (pp.67-68) Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies Vietnam National University, Hanoi 50 Appendix 2: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE “The impact of Tutoring program on pre-service teachers’ theory comprehension when attending Lesson planning course” I am Duong Nguyen Anh from class QH2014.E1, ULIS, VNU I am conducting my thesis on “The impact of Tutoring program on pre-service teachers’ theory comprehension when attending Lesson planning course.” Your answers in this questionnaire will be a fundamental input in order to guarantee the success of this research All your information will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose only Thank you very much for your time and cooperation SECTION A: Your personal information Your name: Your class: Your phone number: Your email address: SECTION B: Your experiences with the Tutoring programs Have you done any teaching activity before taking part in the Tutoring projects? A Yes Please specify the context of your class (content, class size, your students,…) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… B No From questions 2-4, please choose the answers that closely describes your opinions When you designed the lesson plans for the Tutoring program, … 51 What sources did you use to get the teaching materials? (You can choose more than answer) A The Internet Please clarify the websites: ……………………………………………………………… B From textbooks Please clarify the name: ……………………………………………………………… C Other people (friends, teachers…) Please clarify: ……………………………………………………………… D Other sources Please specify: ………………………………………………………………………… What sources did you use to get the ideas for class activities? (You can choose more than answer) A The Internet Please clarify the websites: ……………………………………………………………… B From textbooks Please clarify the name: ……………………………………………………………… C Other people (friends, teachers…) D Other sources Please specify: ………………………………………………………………………… Did you base on any lesson plan framework? A Yes Please specify your framework: …………………………………………………………… B No How did you design your lesson plan? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 52 From question 5-13, please tick (X) in the box that most closely describes your experiences Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree disagree Strongly agree My objectives for the lesson were clearly written in my lesson plans My personal aims for my teaching skills were clearly written in my plans My class description was carefully written in my plans My assumption of my students’ prior knowledge was included in my plans My class procedures were clearly stated 10 I anticipated some potential problems that may appear in my lesson 11 My solutions for potential problems were included in my plans 12 I received careful instructions of how to conduct lesson planning from my lecturers 13 I received detailed feedbacks for my lesson plans from my lecturers SECTION C: Your opinions on the impact of the Tutoring program From question 1-7, please tick (X) in the box that most closely describes your opinions When I learned Lesson planning in the third year after the Tutoring programs, … Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree I can understand the terms in Lesson planning more easily I can visualize the procedure of lesson planning 53 more clearly I can identify the mistakes I made in the lesson plans during the Tutoring program I can visualize how to write lesson objectives more clearly I know how to improve the lesson plans that I made during the Tutoring program My teacher’s feedbacks in the Tutoring programs help me understand the theory better I can evaluate my own lesson plan I used in the Tutoring program How would you rate the effectiveness of the Tutoring program in helping you learn Lesson planning? Not helpful Very helpful Please give the reason for your answer ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….…………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………… If you can change the Tutoring program (E.g the procedure…) to make it more helpful for your lesson planning skills, what would you do? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………………… Thank you for your cooperation! 54 Appendix 3: TUTORIAL PLAN TEMPLATE      TUTORIAL PLAN Tutorial … Tutors’ names: _ Level and number of tutees: _ Aims: _ Aids & resources: _ Procedure: Main Timing Tutor’s activities Tutees’ activities Materials stages & Aims … Homework: _ 55 ... HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TUTORING LÊN QUÁ TRÌNH HỌC LÝ THUYẾT MÔN THIẾT KẾ GIÁO ÁN CỦA SINH VIÊN SƯ PHẠM... TUTORING LÊN QUÁ TRÌNH HỌC LÝ THUYẾT MÔN THIẾT KẾ GIÁO ÁN CỦA SINH VIÊN SƯ PHẠM Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Ths Phạm Thanh Thủy Sinh viên: Dương Nguyễn Anh Khóa: QH2014.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2018 Acceptance page I... features of the investigated Tutoring project, the researcher proffered an his own explanation for this term The ? ?tutoring? ?? as conducted in the Tutoring project is the strategic tutoring which involves

Ngày đăng: 28/12/2020, 14:59