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ENGLISH 10 TEST I LEXICO-GRAMMAR Mary was so disappointed that she into tears A fell B burst C broke D rushed This is .she makes vegetable curry A how B which C who D what Smoking is the most .cause of lung cancer A ordinary B common C normal D average We advised them to take a rest, but they .on finishing the work A declared B demanded C emphasised D insisted He said he would return the book, and I hope he keeps his A faith B saying C word D remark It was very rough sea, with ten metres high A floods B waves C currents D fountains Every morning he .ten and then jumps out of bed A is counting B counted C counts D has counted After his illness, he was advised to… gardening as a hobby A enter B occupy C turn into D take up After the robbery, the thieves… their escape in a waiting car A made B raced C did D had 10 Many people lost their homes in the earthquake The government to establish more shelters to care for those have homes A who doesn't B which doesn't C who don't D which don't 11 The stamp is so .that there are only thought to be three of them in the whole world A weird B odd C strange D rare 12 What .high taxes and his small income, he had much trouble supporting his family A for B with C on D about 13 If it too much trouble, I'd love a cup of coffee A weren't B isn't C hadn't been D may not be 14 My brother has always had a reputation hard A in working B to work C for working D about working 15 ~ "Why didn't you attend the concert?" ~ "I would have gone if I .time." A have had B have C would have D had had 16 I've always got well with old people A on B off C through D in 17 You'll get stomach-ache if you eat those apples They aren't enough to eat yet A ripe B ready C tender D fresh 18 These kinds of books are .little value A having B of C with D without 19 A lot of houses in this area are because nobody has bothered to look after them A second-hand B antique C out of date D dilapidated 20 you and me, I think our boss is stupid A In B Within C Between D Among 21 Don't forget to let me know you've arrived safely, ? A haven't you B you C won't you D will you 22 Lesley's lost an awful lot of weight, hasn't she? She on a diet A must go B must been C must have been D may go 23.1 won't enter the room until it .cleaned A will have been clearly B has been properly C will be clearly D has property 24 On the computer system at work, information is every hour A updated B renovated C renewed D done up 25.1 hope I haven't your cold I'm going on holiday tomorrow A received B taken C suffered D caught 26 My grandfather used to be an active person, but now he has to limit his activities .problems with his health A nevertheless B thanks to C because of D in spite of 27 Helen was surprised to see me at the party on my own and wanted to know why Rob… with me A wasn't coming B hadn't come C hasn't come D isn't coming 28 Until you learn to relax more, you .your ability to speak English A won't improve B aren't improving C don't improve D haven't improved 29 I'm much fitter than A she's B she is C her is D she 30 He's above height; about metre 78 cm A medium B normal C usual D average 31 If no one .to the plan, we will start next week A objects B avoids C minds D argues 32 That was the first accident you've ever had, .? A haven't you B isn't it C wasn't it D is it 33 More than half of the population are suffering malnutrition A with B from C by D for 34 What time is the next train ? A for B ready C due D arrived 35.1 read a newspaper every day because I like to know the news A last B ultimate C newest D latest 36 I had never seen the pyramids .I went to Egypt A after B before C since D when 37 You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely A voluntary B free C charitable D donated 38 You'll never that typewriter Can't you see it's beyond repair? A renew B update C fix D renovate 39 "Do you know Paris?" ~ "Yes, I remember .there when I was a child." A to be gone B to go C to have gone D going 40 The thief was arrested but he managed to escape , the police A from B with C of D by 41 This time tomorrow I'll be to Australia A flown B flight C flying D flew 42 Let me take a look at this photo, .? A will you B don't you C don't we D shall we 43 Spanish is the language of most Spaniards A mother B home C natural D native 44 When the telephone rang, Mary .TV A is watching B was watching C will watch D watched 45 We farmers have an enormous amount of extra work to at time A crop B produce C collection D harvest 46 It is with regret that we have to inform you that your scholarship has been withdrawn A deep B sombre C high D heavy 47 July 10th is my wedding anniversary Next month, my husband and I will .for twenty years A marry B have married C have been married D be married 48 I must remember .that book tomorrow A buying B to have bought C having bought D to buy 49 I it'll rain this afternoon A promise B bet C warn D vow 50 Did you remember to the cat? A eat B milk C give D feed 51 By rail it is cheaper to buy a return ticket than two .tickets A plain B single C simple D limited 52 Is this information ? Does it include the most recent changes? A up to date B modern C brand-new D renewed 53 I .to Hokkaido in the summer A think to go B am going C am thinking going D go 54 The company were very with his work A good B glad C impressed D agreed 55 They are going to ask the landlord to their rent A lower B leave C drop D lessen 56 If I .the truth, I would tell you A will know B know C have known D knew 57.There is no reason to his honesty; he is absolutely sincere A search B inquire C doubt D ask 58 We meet for lunch every Friday A hourly B at the same time C up to date D in good time 59 This is nothing to A laugh at B laugh C be laughing D be laughed 60.They took us to see an .monument which was built almost a thousand years ago A outdated B antique C ancient D antiquated 61 When you called on him last night, .back from his work? A had he already come B has he come C did he already come D already he had come 62 There was nothing .to eat in the refrigerator or in the cupboard A at least B at all C at once D at last 63 Mr Browning had always liked the sea and they moved to theSouth Coast when he retired A as B since C so D such 64 ~ "Is Mary coming today?" ~ "I She is sick." A suppose not B suppose her not C don't suppose D don't suppose her to 65 It is over a year I visited the dentist A when B past C yet D since 66.1 shall go on working on the farm I can A as long as B as far as C during the time D in the meantime 67 I .as ill as I now for a long time A wasn't feeling B didn't feel C haven't felt D haven't been feeling 68 Dad's just bought a(n) .car A updated B latest C newest D brand-new 69 I borrowed four books on gardening the last time I to the library A go B went C had gone D have gone 70 We're in good time; there's to hurry A no purpose B no need C unnecessary D no necessity II READING Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812 When he was eleven, his father (71) into debt Because he could not pay (72) his debt, he and his family were sent to a debtors' prison to work Charles Dickens himself had to work in a factory, washing bottles' and (73) labels onto bottles People looked down on his family and him Dickens was unhappy and ashamed (74) this period of his life His loss of dignity was later reflected in his book, "David Copperfield", in which the main (75) .also worked in a factory washing bottles The family returned to a more (76) life after Dickens' father received financial aid Dickens was sent to school School discipline in these days was very (77) Severe punishments were meted out, freely for (78) .misdemeanours Once again, Dickens suffered Throughout their (79) Dickens and hisv family members remained close-knit and supportive of one another Dickens knew that without them, he would probably have been a thief and a beggar like Oliver in his book "Oliver Twist" Among Dickens' greatest (80) were "Great Expectations", "Oliver Twist", "The Old Curiosity Shop" and "David Copperfield" 71 A fell B came C ran D turned 72 A for B off C away D up 73 A gluing B clinging C sticking D pressing 74 A for B about C with D of 75 A character B hero C person D actor 76 A ordinary B normal C common D average 77 A stern B severe C harsh D tough 78 A less B minor C trivial D slight 79 A trials B experiences C tests D proof 80 A careers B works C successes D hits The End ANSWER KEY A B C X X X X X X X 11 13 26 29 X 31 X X X X X X X X 33 X 36 17 X 37 20 X 32 16 19 X 30 X X X X X X X X X X X 39 D X X 27 X 10 C X 23 12 B 22 X A 21 X D X X X A 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 60 B C X D 61 X A X 62 X 63 X 6 66 X X X B X X X D X X X X X 67 X C X 69 X X 70 X 71 X X 72 X X 73 X X X X X 7 76 X X X X 77 79 X X X X X X ... have to inform you that your scholarship has been withdrawn A deep B sombre C high D heavy 47 July 10th is my wedding anniversary Next month, my husband and I will .for twenty years A marry B have... 29 X 31 X X X X X X X X 33 X 36 17 X 37 20 X 32 16 19 X 30 X X X X X X X X X X X 39 D X X 27 X 10 C X 23 12 B 22 X A 21 X D X X X A 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 60 B C X D 61 X A X 62 X 63 X 6 66 X X X B X

Ngày đăng: 26/12/2020, 14:48

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