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An investigation into the effectiveness of peer written feedback on the development of ESL writing for the 11th specialized english grade in sontay high school

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES  *** *** CHU THỊ PHƢƠNG LINH AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTTIVENESS OF PEER-WRITTEN FEEDBACK ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ESL WRITING FOR THE 11 th SPECIALIZED ENGLISH GRADE IN SONTAY HIGH SCHOOL (Khảo sát tính hiệu phƣơng pháp sử dụng ý kiến phản hồi bạn học tới việc phát triển kỹ viết Tiếng Anh học sinh lớp 11 chuyên Anh – Trƣờng THPT Sơn Tây) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Hanoi – 2015 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES  *** *** CHU THỊ PHƢƠNG LINH AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTTIVENESS OF PEER-WRITTEN FEEDBACK ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ESL WRITING FOR THE 11 th SPECIALIZED ENGLISH GRADE IN SONTAY HIGH SCHOOL (Khảo sát tính hiệu phƣơng pháp sử dụng ý kiến phản hồi bạn học tới việc phát triển kỹ viết Tiếng Anh học sinh lớp 11 chuyên Anh – Trƣờng THPT Sơn Tây) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Van Do Hanoi – 2015 DECLARATION I confirm that the thesis “An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Peer-written th Feedback to the Development of ESL Writing for 11 Grade Majoring English in Sontay High school” is a presentation of my original research work It was carried out under the consultant of Prof Assoc Dr Nguyen Van Do I also declare that quotation for the information and references in the thesis has obeyed academic rules I hereby want to confirm that this research had never been published anywhere before the submission and this research is only carried out in the framework of a master thesis Date: ……………………………………… Signature: ………………………………… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With boundless love and great attitude, I would like to send my deepest sincere and appreciation to the people who devote their valuable work and time for the researchers during the time conducting the research Without their help, this research would have never been completed First of all, I would like to express my special thankfulness to my supervisor, Prof Assoc Nguyen Van Do for the guidance, support, consistence advice as well as remarks and engagements through the process of this master thesis All of his help contributes to bring the success to the research I would also like to send my appreciation to all the participants of this thesis They are Mrs Nguyen Thu Huyen- the former teacher of 11 th English gifted class in Sontay high school, Mrs Le Phuong Lan- the teacher of English and 45 students in this class, who willingly shared their precious time and efforts to help me complete the questionnaire and conduct a long series of writing test during four months of collecting data Without their support, the thesis would never been fulfilled I hope to send my thanks to my colleague, teachers and English teaching staffs in Sontay high school for their valuable critical feedbacks, comments and encouragements Last but not least, I am very grateful to my family and friends, who always stand by me and give me mental support as well as encouragement to complete the master thesis ii ABSTRACT The study is designed to investigate the effect of peer written feedback on the development of ESL writing skill for the 11 explore the attitude of 11 th th grade The study primarily aims to grade students majoring English towards peer written feedback activity This study also explores students‟ writing aspects which had been improved thanks to the feedback from their peers The results of the research may be proved to suggest some implications for the teacher to exploit more roles of peer written feedback within ESL writing lesson th Firstly, the sample including 45 students in 11 grade majoring English in Sontay high school was required to the proficiency tests to measure the level of improvement students had thanks to the help of their peer-feedback After that, half of them were asked to attend the survey to give the data for the attitude of students towards peer written feedback in their ESL writing The collected data were then presented under the form of tables and charts The result showed that students had mixed attitude towards peer-written feedback However, the number of students having positive attitude were out-numbered than those who has negative viewpoint about it The main instrument to collect research data were students‟ writing tests measured during the four-month testing The change in the assessment and the number of mistakes which could be realized and corrected indicated that peer written feedback had improved the quality of students‟ writing products in some aspects iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURES DEFINITION OF TERMS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale of the study 2.Aims of the study 3.Research questions 4.Scope of the study 5.Previous research findings about the study 6.Organization of the research paper CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.An overview of writing 2.Approaches to writing teaching in ESL classes 2.1The product approach 2.2The process approach: 3.An overview of peer written feedback on writing 3.1An overview of feedback 3.2Peer-feedback and its formats on language writing 4.The purposes and drawbacks of peer-written feedback 4.1The purposes of feedback on English Second Lang 4.2Drawbacks of peer written feedbacks CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1.Context of the study 1.1The setting of the study th 1.2 The writing program applied in 11 grade majorin school 2.Research design iv Participants Data collection instruments 4.1 Writing tests 4.2 Questionnaire Research procedure Data analysis methods 6.1 Questionnaire 6.2 Proficiency tests CHAPTER 4: RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS Students’ general information 1.2 Research questions: CONCLUSION Summary of the findings Recommendation to exploit students’ more role of peer- writte ESL writing lesson 2.1 Clear checklist or rubrics 2.2 Timely and regularly 2.3 Feedback should illuminate both the strength and 2.4 Teacher’s control and instruction Limitation of the study Suggestions for further research REFERENCES APPENDIXES v LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURES I List of Tables Table 1: The number of population in the two groups of students Table 2: Students‟ attitude towards peer written feedback on their writing skill Table 3: Writing score scales of students‟ Pre-test Table 4: Writing score scales of students‟ Post- test Table 5: The disadvantages of peer written feedback on students‟ writing II List of Charts Chart 1: Students' experience in English Chart 2: Students‟ attitude towards English language learning Chart 3: Number of students preferring students‟ comment or teacher‟s comment Chart 4: The number of errors students make in the Pre- test and Post- test Chart 5: Number of mistakes can be shown and corrected III List of Formula 1 Mean: ( X  n xi  ( x1  x2   xn ) n i1n  ( x1  X )2n Variance: S   Deviation Standard: (x1  X )2n vi DEFINITION OF TERMS  Control group: The group that was taught and learn under the traditional teaching approach  Experimental group: The group that was tested with innovative teaching approach  Quantitative research: is used to quantify data by generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics It uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns  Mean: an average score within a set of number  Min: the lowest number in a range  Max: The highest point or number in a range  Mode: The most frequently number in a set  Deviation Standard: a measure of the spread of the score within a set of data  Variance: A measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set vii not have motivation to learn All of these factors destroy the roles of feedback Therefore, it is advisable that students‟ comments should include the strength and weaknesses as well as suggestions for the writing to make improvement Moreover, the checkers should make certain that their comments should start by exploring their strength It is more comfortable for students to get compliments rather than the comment on their weak points One more thing students should remember when checking their peer„s product is that giving the negative feedback must be together with the constructive suggestions for them to improve their writing (Kilminster et al, 2007) 2.4 Teacher’s control and instruction As peer written feedback is a new learning approach for most of the students, the roles of teacher and instruction takes a vital part in modeling and enhancing their attention to this learning approach Teacher can attend to give checklist based on which, students can focus to give comments on the most important checking If students are forced to concern on so much work to do, the peer written feedback cannot work Therefore, giving students with a brief guideline will help them more focus on the response Teacher should also instruct them to feedback honestly about their peers‟ errors All of these makes peer written feedback on ESL writing lesson more effective Limitation of the study Despite many efforts made by researcher in justifying the methodology for the study, as well as collecting and analyzing data during the time of conducting the research, the research still meets some unavoidable limitations The first shortcoming comes from the tools used to collect data for the research With the scope of the minor thesis, only students‟ writing portfolios and questionnaire are used as the sources of data for the research Therefore, it may be weak for the study to ensure the validity and reliability of the research Moreover, before writing the data analysis for the thesis, the researcher has an ambition to 41 discover the roles of SPSS tool to analyze and measure the research data Unfortunately, the researcher‟s knowledge is not good enough to make use of the tool, and just Data Statistics Method is applied It is the most serious limitation, which can be improved if researcher takes more time and efforts Besides, as shown in the previous chapters in this thesis, students‟ writing portfolios analysis is the main tool to collect data for the research However, the researcher cannot make full use of its results Only the pre-test and post-test are given mark and compared to see the improvement of students, while there are only four writing essays students conducted within four-month investigation being collected random to analyze If all their products are collected and analyze, researcher can well aware their improvement, but it is a real burden which the researcher cannot afford to solve Despite these unavoidable limitation, the research itself is hope to make a certain contribution to the current situation of ESL teaching and learning within Vietnam‟s domestic region, and Sontay high school in specific My colleague can take this thesis for reference if they hope to apply peer written feedback in their lessons Suggestions for further research In the framework of this thesis, the researcher can just focus on the roles of peer th written feedback to the improvement students‟ writing proficiency in 11 majoring English class It is the limitation of the thesis Therefore, the researcher raises the questions that could be answered by the other researches to conduct a more successful product First, whether the other studies could explore the roles of other types of feedback to the improvement of other students‟ skills such as speaking, listening or communication Moreover, a future study, if conducted, should reconstruct the structure and population of the research In another words, it should be carried out with a longitudinal design with the hope of retaining more detail analysis In order to fulfill the purposes; the researchers are required to contribute more time and efforts to investigate deeper research methods as well as some useful equipment to analyze the research data 42 REFERENCES Brown, H.D (1994), Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Englewood, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Regents Bostock, S, J (2000) Students’ Peer Assessment A workshop at Keele University, 2000 Chaudron, C (1984), “The Effects of Feedback on Students‟ Composition revisions”, RELC Journal, 15(2) Coffin, C., Curry, M., Goodman, S., Hewings, A., Lillis, T., & Swann, J (2003) Teaching academic writing: A toolkit for higher education London: Routledge Elbow, P (1983) Writing without Teachers New York: Oxford University Press Elbow, P (1998) Writing with Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process New York: Oxford University Press Hassen, J.G & Liu, J (2005), Guiding Principles for Effective Peer response, ELT Journal, 29 (1) Honeycutt, R.L& Pritchard, R, J (2005) Using Unstructured Writing Workshop to Help Good Readers who are Poor Writers North Carolina State University, Raleigh Hyland, K (2001), “Managing group work”, Guidelines A 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for the th 11 Major English Grade in Sontay High School” Hi everybody! I am conducting the above thesis for my M.A graduation paper, and this questionnaire is designed with the purpose of finding the attitude of students‟ attitude towards peer-written feedback I strongly appreciate if you could help me complete the questionnaire, which served as the major source of data for my paper Please feel free to write down because all the information will be strictly confidential Thank you for your help! PART A: PERSONAL INFORMATION How long have you been learning English? Your answer: …………………… Why you wish to become an English gifted student? (You can choose MORE THAN one answer) A I am forced to learn by your parents B I just need to pass university exam C I am interested in English D English is good for my future career E Others (What are they?)…………………………………………………………… Do you appreciate the importance of English writing skill for your future job or higher education? Yes I PART B: Question 1: Please put a tick (√) in the most suitable answer for you (5= Completely Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1= Totally Disagree) Statements You appreciate peer-written feedback on the improvement of your writing It‟s useful to give and receive feedback to/ from your peer Giving feedback to your friends‟ writing helps you to correct your own writing Giving peer feedback helps you to improve critical thinking skills (think and read carefully) Question 2: Do you agree with the following statements? (5= Completely Agree, 4= Agree, 3= Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1= Totally Disagree) Statements Some comments of your friends on your writing are not correct Your friends may not understand your ideas Your friends not have enough vocabulary and structure to correct the mistakes of your writing Your friends are not serious in checking your work You have a chance to give and receive peer feedback on every writing lesson Your friends‟ comments are too general and difficult to understand Your friends not have enough time to give feedback carefully to yours in the classroom Your second draft writing can correct the mistakes in the first version that are not found by your peer II Question 3: What kinds of errors you expect your friends to correct in your writing? A Word choice B Spelling C Grammar and structures D Expression E Ideas F Others: (What are they?)…………………………………………………………… Question 4: How you feel when your writing is found out so many mistakes? A Embarrassed B Ashamed C Thankful D Others: (What are they?)…………………………………………………………… Question 5: Whom you prefer your writing to be corrected by: your teacher or your friends? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………… …… ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO COMPLETE THE QUESTIONNAIRE! III APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCALES FOR WRITING PERFORMANCE Assessable features Grammar Content Ideas Expression Word choice and IV spelling ( Adapt from Jacobs et.al.‟s (1998) From “The Impact of Online Peer-feedback on EFL Learner’s Motivation in Writing and Written Peformance” written by Minh Hien V APPENDIX 2: STUDENTS’ PROFICIENCY WRITING TESTS I/ Pre-test: WRITING ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: Write a paragraph of NO MORE THAN 150 words to summarize the main information in the chart below: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………….………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………….…………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …….………………………………………………………………………………… VI III/ Post- test WRITING ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared Write a report for university lecturer, describing the information shown below You should write at least 120 words VII VIII ... DECLARATION I confirm that the thesis ? ?An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Peer- written th Feedback to the Development of ESL Writing for 11 Grade Majoring English in Sontay High school? ??... skills In the minor thesis, the researcher hopes to concentrate on the roles of peer feedback on the single writing section 3.2 Peer- feedback and its formats on language writing To the field of language... in written form The purposes and drawbacks of peer- written feedback on English Second Language teaching and learning 4.1 The purposes of feedback on English Second Language writing teaching and

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2020, 12:16

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