This chapter’s objectives are to: Explain how managers connect facilities, processes, and people to control performance; describe the context and standards through which managers control facilities; illustrate how managers use processes to design, develop, and deliver quality products and services;...
MANAGEMENT SECOND EDITION Chapter 17 Performance Development Learning Objectives § § § § § Explain how managers connect facilities, processes, and people to control performance Describe the context and standards through which managers control facilities Illustrate how managers use processes to design, develop, and deliver quality products and services Describe how managers work with team members to improve andadaptfacilitiesandprocessescontinuously Showhowmanagersconnectfacilities,processes,andpeople toachievesuperiorperformanceresults Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc HowPerformanceDevelopment MakesaDifference(p.418) Đ Đ Performancedevelopmentspansawholerangeof businessactivities Managersexaminetheinterconnectedpartsofthe organizationtounderstandtheimportanceofeach andthecontributionitmakes Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc HowPerformanceDevelopment MakesaDifference(cont.) Đ Connectingspace,processes,andpeople(p.418) ã Facilityưbuildingdesignedandbuilttosupporta particularserviceorfunction(p.419) Figure17.1 Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc PhysicalSpaceandFacilities Management(p.421) Đ Layout ã Đ Designofspaceinanorganizationthatspecifiesthe workflow Facilitieslayout ã ã Locationcharacteristicofanorganizationthatprovides strategicaccesstoallsegments,vendors,andvitality Operationalcapacityabilityofanoperationtoworkat itsmaximumofpotentialandsuccessfulexecution Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc PhysicalSpaceandFacilities Management(cont.) Đ Facilitieslayout(cont.) ã ã Fixedưpositionlayoutoneofthethreebasicoptionsfor layingoutafacilitytoproducegoods,deliverservices,all withinafixedposition(p.422) Cellularlayoutcombinationoffixedpositionandservice elements Đ Desksandmachinesaregroupedtogetherincellswhere employeescarryingoutsimilarroleswouldallbetogetherandbe crossưtrainedtoruneverymachinethere Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc PhysicalSpaceandFacilities Management(cont.) Đ Technologiesandautomation(p.423) ã • • Operations management – processes and systems built to assist in the daily activities of production Automation – implementation of manufacturing through an electronic device that does not need continual operations support Productservice mix – combination of the number of products provided versus the services delivered Copyright ©2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc ProcessesforMakingQualityProducts andServices(p.423) Đ Đ Qualitymeasureofproductorserviceexcellenceminusthe amountofdefects Leanmanufacturing(p.423ư424) ã ã ã Implementation of best practices to eliminate inefficiencies and waste while increasing profits Main principles include using flexible and uptodate technology, educating employees on the lean methodology and philosophy, training employees in all areas, instilling a sense of commitment, and shifting cultural values to embrace the lean model Manufacturing – process where large goods are made, typically by manual labor or large machinery Copyright ©2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Processes for Making Quality Products andServices(cont.) Đ Purchasingandinventorymanagement(p.424) ã ã ã Inventoryitemsandquantityinstocktypicallyheldina warehouseoronedesignatedarea Purchasingprocessofbuyinggoodsorservicesto accomplishagoal Justưinưtime(JIT)methodproductionmethodthat providesanitemasneededversuskeepinginventoryin stock Đ Commonlyusedtoreducecycletimes,meetcustomerorders, increasequality,andaddvalue Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ProcessesforMakingQualityProducts andServices(cont.) Đ Supplychainmanagement(p.424) ã ã ã Networkofinterconnectedbusinessesstrategically alignedtoprovideproductandservicepackages Suppliersandpurchasersmustworktogether Pointsinthesupplychainoftenlinked electronically Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc AchievingResultsThroughTalent Management(p.427) Đ Dynamicsteering ã ã Processwhereanorganizationengagesin incrementaladaptationbasedonrealưtime feedbacktopushtowardbetterengagementand overallproductivity Creation of an idea leads to a deal that initiates team collaboration under the guidance of leadership to generate successful results Copyright ©2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Achieving Results Through Talent Management (cont.) Figure 17.2 Copyright ©2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Achieving Results Through Talent Management (cont.) § Continuously evolving facilities and processes (p. 427) • • • • • • Selection and recruitment Onboarding(p.428) Buildinganemotionalconnection Goalalignment(p.429) Candidconversations Honestappraisals(formalandinformal) Đ Behaviorallyanchoredratingscales(BARS)ưaccuratelyrate employeeperformancebasedonspecificbehaviorsrelatingtoa particularrole Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc AchievingResultsThroughTalent Management(cont.) Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc AchievingResultsThroughTalent Management(cont.) Đ Continuouslyevolvingfacilitiesandprocesses(cont.) ã Careerdevelopment(p.430) Đ • • Provide additional training for employees who express an interest in moving into different roles Leadership and innovation Compassion for all (p. 431) § § Most important point Employees must care for one another in order to bring goals to fruition Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ManagingForExcellence(p.431) Đ Totalqualitymanagement(TQM) ã ã ã ã ã • • Longrange, bigpicture process to assist companies in better overall total management for an entire organization Strive for longterm solutions rather than shortterm gains Rectify errors and delays as quickly as possible Focusing on customer is the main priority Continually improve processes and people Build teams that are motivated to be innovative All employees involved in providing ideas and feedback Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ManagingForExcellence(cont.) Đ TQM(cont.) ã Improvesservice,quality,andproductivity(p.431) Đ ã Productivitymeasurementofquantityofproductandservicesbeing made TQM tools § Valueadded analysis – element that provides a core study of an item or process down to its raw costs versus measurement to provide the most effective product or service § § Helps to identify and eliminate waste Benchmarking – information provided to mark a norm on the measurement scale of a product or service in the same vertical market Đ Learnfromcompetitors Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ManagingForExcellence(cont.) ã TQMtools(cont.) Đ Đ Outsourcingoccurswhenthedeliveryoraproductor servicebecomesvaluedasmoreprofitablebyusing outsideresourcesorsystemsversusinternalresources (p.431) Cycletimelengthoftimeittakestoperforma functionortaskfrombeginningtoend Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ManagingForExcellence(cont.) Đ Sixsigma(p.432) ã ã Businessmanagementstrategydesignedtoanalyzethe causesofdefectsusingstatisticalmethods Statisticalqualitycontroluseofstatisticsthatare monitoredonanongoingbasisfromproduction Đ solepurposeofusingistodetermineproductionquality Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc ManagingForExcellence(cont.) Đ Qualitycertificationstandards(p.432) • • • ISO 9000:2000 – standard from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) which provides an exact measure of quality globally over a platform of systems ISO 1 4000 – ISO standard focuses totally on the organization’s environmental impact and quality Malcolm Baldrige award – annual prize that recognizes performance excellence in U.S. companies and nonprofit organizations § Based on the ability to show continuous improvement § Process to strive for enhanced production on an ongoing basis by reevaluating processes on a frequent basis Copyright ©2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc ... Showhowmanagersconnectfacilities,processes,andpeople toachievesuperiorperformanceresults Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc HowPerformanceDevelopment MakesaDifference(p.418) Đ § Performance? ?development? ?spans a whole range of ... PhysicalSpaceandFacilities Management( cont.) § Technologies and automation (p. 423) • • • Operations? ?management? ?–? ?processes and systems built to assist in the daily activities of production Automation? ?–? ?implementation of manufacturing through an ... Copyrightâ2017JohnWiley&Sons,Inc PhysicalSpaceandFacilities Management( p.421) Đ Layout • § Design of space in an organization that specifies the workflow Facilities layout • • Location? ?–? ?characteristic of an organization that provides