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Public expenditure review for the national program for children protection at the first half of period 2011 2015

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UPPSALA UNIVERSITÉT & VNU UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMĩCS & BUSINESS _ 7C » t • * VNU-UEB UPPSALA UNIVERSITET MASTER THESIS OF MPPM PUBLIC EXPENDITURE REVIEW FOR THE NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN PROTECTION AT THE FIRST HALF OF PERIOD 2011 -2015 Author: Lê Thu Hoàng Supervisor: PhI) Lars-Torsten Kriksson Local Supervỉsor: PhD Hoàng Thị Thúy Nguyệt Class: MPPM INTAKE Hanoi, January - 2015 ACKNOVVLEDGEMENT I would like to extend my sincere and heartĩelt obiligation towards all the personages who helped me in the thesis Without their active guidance, help, encouragement, I would not have made headvvay in tltie study I offer may sincerest gratitude to my sưpervisors, Dr Nguyet and Dr Lar-Torsten, who has supported me thoughout my thesis One simply could not wish for better or friendlier supervisors I extend my gratitude to CITE Center, VNU Universty o f Economics & Business and UPPSALA Universitet for giving me this opportunity I would like to thank Bureau o f Children Protection and Care, MOLISA and some local authorities for providing m e vvith reíerence, interview and data sources I also acknovvledge with a deep sense o f reverence, my gratitude tovvards my family who has always supported me m orally as well as economically At last but not least gratitude goes to all o f my íriends who directly or indirectly helped and contributed me ideas and comments to complete this thesis Respectíìilly, Lê Thu Hồng ABSTRACT Title: PUBLIC EXPENDITURE REVIEW FOR THE NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN PROTECTION AT THE FIRST HALF OF PERIOD 2011 -2015 Level: Final assignment for Master Program in Public Management Authors:Lê Thu Hoàng Sweden Supervisor:PhD Lars-Torsten Eriksson Local Supervisor: PhD Hoàng Thị Thúy Nguyệt Date when the thesis is presentedron 6thDecember 2014 Aim: Out o f Vietnam’s 90 miỉlion inhabitants 29 % are children O f these about 1.5 million are considered to be children in specially difficult circumstances The National Plan for Protection o f Children in 2011-2015 aims at protecting children from violence, abuse and exploitation The purpose o f this study is to describe and revievv public expenditure for NPCP for the first half o f period 2011-2015 However, It need to deíined clearly that: the result o f review for whom? What is the revievv purpose? Since the Plan is in the implementation process, the purpose o f mid-term evaluation is to assess the progress and its results are used for State management o f this plan Speciíically, activities are assessed if they serve the objectives o f the Plan and follow the timelime o f the Plan ữamevvork There are many methods to revievv public expenditure, for example, cost — beneíĩt analysis In this study, indicators o f evaluation method base on result-based management will be chose to anaỉysis and review This research only analyse in scope o f project about Child protection Service m odels which MOLISA manages and monitors Evaluated objects are results o f the program and the degree o f the program’s implementation Method: Firstly, a logic framework is establihed for the Program NPCP is not made and shovvn logically from goal, objects to activities, indicators and criteria Base on the approved program and knovvledge, experience in management and monitoring the program, prọịect is revvrote according to Logical Framework A íter that, the frame o f reference rests on the theory o f result-based evalutation and its five indicators o f efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance and sustainability Base on these five evaluated indicators, thisresearch collected secondary data, from mainly the MOLISA database, for statistics, comparisons o f different periodical and technical evaluations, íìndings o f surveys on protection and care for children, and in-depth intervievv (offícers who work on child care and protection) If evaỉuation is made by another method as cost - benìt analysis, results could be đifferent because o f a different approach This study does not discuss that what method is better or more exact and so on However, in this case, cost - benìt analysis is put on appendix primarily, not deeply and completely It is just to reference In cost - benefit analysis, beneíĩts and costs are expressed in monetary terms, and are adjusted for the time value o f money, so that all flows o f beneíits and flows o f project costs over time (which tend to occur at different points in time) are expressed on a common basis in terms o f their "net present value." It is very diffĩcult, time - consuming and expensive - costly to implement Moreover, the project is not íinish It should be reviewed base on results based management It is the more suitable method which developed organizations such as WB, UNDP and n ic ef are applying Finally, SWOT analysis is used and recommendations for the prọịect in the next time are proposed base on evaluated indicators Moreover, the future management method, RBM, will also be suggested Result & Conclusions: On the basis o f its cvaluation criteria, the dominant successes are high reỉevance and relatively good effĩciency o f budget use E ffectiveness can be found but not very clearly Because o f long-term project, its im pact and sustainabỉe are diffcult to obvious, evaluate and predict Nevertheless, there emerges a tendency for systematically sustainable planning and global m anagement innovation o f RBM can be predicted High development o f efficiency and effectiveness will further boost impact and sustainability The best solution for fùture managem ent is applying RBM for public expenditure m anagem ent because o f the relation between good govemance and RBM M oreover, logical íramevvork is its best basic tool to make and implement plan It also makes clear results o f a prọịecưprogram to monitor and evaluate better Suggestions for future research: Some shortcom ing are found as follow: - Data from local stakeholdres such as children, their parents, local officers and collaborators are very important and objective However, indicators and criteria o f the Program in general, especially the Project have many problems They are general problems o f Vietnam public policies They does not show goals and objectives o f a prọịecưprogram adapquately It is also difficult to apply them to evaluate results at locals For example,the overall criteria should be gain at 5,5% CEDC o f total children is not suitable In 2013, Ha Giang province gain criteria as 5% CEDC despite number of CEDC is high and wam ing It is because that its total children is many in number There will be support and guiding administration documents for local authorities to implement after every public policy is null and void Therefore, data which collected from local stakeholdres are ju st used to reference and qualitative analysis Data are mainly collected and analysised from State mangement at Central level - Social supportive and protection ĩield also relates to this children protection and care íìeld However, relative effects and impacts has not researched yet These above limitations could be suggestions for íìirther researchs Contribution of the thesis: This study helps to practices and inhances work skills, logic and critical thinking Applying Logical Framework and indicators o f results base evaluation makes monitoring and evaluation more effective This research contributes to new knovvledge o f results base management for administrative officers on approving an action plan in general, especially public expenditure management It is also íbundation for whom research and make policies, plans, programs, These skills and knowlegement are being a trend on the world vvhich developed organizations and countries has been applying Key words: Logical Framewwork, results base management, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainable Table of Content Abbreviation Introduction: / / Background 1.2 NPCP Introduction 10 1.3 Research scope and ỉimitation 13 1.4 Research purpose 14 1.5 Research questions 15 Frame o f reference 16 2.1 Theory o f resuỉt-based m anagem ent 16 2.2 Theory o f resuỉt-based evaluation 18 2.3 SWOT Anaỉysis 26 Research m ethods 27 Empirical data and an alysis 28 4.1 Reỉevance ỉndicator 29 4.2 Effìciency Indicator 31 4.3 Efectiveness Indicator 34 4.4 ĩmpact Indicator 36 4.5 Sustainable Indicator C onclusion 39 Recommendations 39 6.1 Analysis o f situation o f chiỉd care and protectìon work 39 6.2 Recommendations fo r the proịect pỉan in the next tim e 41 6.3 Recommendaíion fo r the fuíure management 43 Contribution and further research 44 Reĩerence 46 A ppendix l:Stakeholders analysis 48 A ppendix 2: Cost —benetĩt anlysis 51 Appendix 3: Indicators and criterias O ÍN PC P 53 Appendỉx 4: In-dept Intervievv an officer 60 Appendix5: Results o f pilot ranking o f provinces/cities in child rights implementation in 2013 62 Abbreviation CPSM child protection Service model CEDC Children in especially difficulty circumstance CRC United Nations Convention on the Rights o f the Child M O LISA M inistry o f Labor, Invalids and Society Affair NPCP National Program for Children Protection in the 2011-2015 periods RBM Results Based M anagement Introduction 1.1 Background In 2011, the population o f Vietnam vvas 90 million including 29% child population(about 25.244.159 people) Thereíore, the State paid attention to works o f children protection more and more Forms o f care for CEDC have been more various and appropriate for each group’s needs.The number o f CEDC, children o f poor families, ethnic-minority children in especiaỉly difficult residential areas and children under the age o f six who have received State assistance have risen quickly 100% o f CEDC, poor children, ethnicminority children are entitled to legal assistance on fam ily’s demand All children o f ethnic minorities receive assistance for their education via tuition fee w aiver and other forms Care for CEDC increased to over 80% by 2011 Hovvever, a number o f Children in especially diffícult circumstance (CEDC) was still high, nearly 1.5 million, accounting for 5,9% o f child population Reported cases o f child abuse, tracfficking, labour and exploitation are increasing that: 50% o f children experiecing physical punishment, 8% o f sexually abused children, Recognizing the significant o f children and problems they have to face, Government has expressed their concem s and implemented many special policies to help care and protection children In recent times, legislation, policies and programs on child care and protection has been concemed and enhanced greatly In particular, Vietnam was the first country in Asia and the second nation in the world to ratiíy United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on 20th February 1990 Since then, it gains some remarkable achievement in child protection, care and education The nation’s legal system and policies have been íĩne-tuned, State m anagem ent has been enhanced, greater resources have been allocated to children However, impact 49 BTC-BLDTBXH) - Source of cxpenses are from State budget for Central organizations Local - Implement their duties - Support - Local People’s and authorities in local (becausc of it administrative Committee administrative much benefits) documents of and management on child - Object: a few of provinccs and authorities protection and care provinces had not cities under - Results of the programe enough Central has been supporting to conditions for management implement other policies one proịect, such - Source of in local such as public as local budget, expenses are from health, vocational training, íacilities, and and employment State budget for human resource Central problems about organi/ations, quantity or local budget and cability othcr assistancc sourcc Staff, - Rcccivc salary, wage collaborators and compcnsation for - Support: Thcmsclves otĩicers havc Results of and results of thcir enough activities volunteers assignmcnt condilions to partly - Practice and inhance - Object: some of on their abilities their competence them, especially - Have knovvledge to care at area in difficult and protect for their conditions, have family, relative and had many people problems such as georaphical challenges, low wage, and ability have dependcd 50 Children Receivc mostly benìts of Support Themselves They the programc such as bc havc becn supportcd, receiving bencíìts protectcd, actively or cared, and educated passively Social - Have a labour resourcc Support (bccause Thcy did not community which develop well in of its positive impact the both mind and body in extcmalities) programe They advance partly support - Have better life activities o f the conditions such as programe increase social security indirectly and reduce social evils 51 Appendix 2: Cost - benìt anlysis Benĩí Direct Descrípíion Measure (unit) Money equivalent Built a function system of 50% provinces unablc to mcasure in child protcction centers, and citics in monetary management boards and country has built network oí' local the system collaborators and volunteers Built a system of child 80% of children in unable to measure in assistance centers to helps especial children in difficult or be circumstance hurted circumstance bcen assisted monetary has recorverable and reintegrated Inhance knovvledge and Awareness of unable to mcasure in change actions/behavior o f people monetary Inhance competence of staff, 100% of officers unable to mcasurc in collaborators and voluntcers was traincd monetary on child protection and care proffessionally íamilies, schools and community on child protection and care 50% of collaborators and voluntccrs was trained Have foundation to search Lavv on child and propose recommendions protection and to modiíy policies and law care has been on child care, protection and modiíỳing It was education through update forcasted that it realitis researched reports of vvill be completcd the programe in 2015 unable to measure in monetary 52 In direct Rcduce social cvils, cnsurc Security unabic to measure in monetary Support to implement other Positive unable to measure in policies such as public extemalitics of the monetary health, vocational training, program social sccurity and wclfare and employment Make a labour resource Number oí labor unable to measure in which develop well in both rise every year monetary mind and body in advance Cost D irect Description Measure (unit) Money equivalent State budget Vietnam dong 618 milions Local budget Vietnam dong 302 millions Expense from fogrein Vietnam dong 70 millions Vietnam dong 30 millions assistance Others Indirect 53 Appendix 3: Indicators and criterias of the approved program The result-based program is established as following: Overall Objective: Life conditions for children, in particular, children in especial circumstance is better to protect, care and develop them well in both and mind and body - Indicator: the percentage o f children in especial circumstance (CEC) - Criteria: the percentage o f CEC will reduce belovv 5,5% total children 1.1 General Objective: Knovvledge, capabilities and establish supportive tools for related administrative organizations, authorities, officers, collaborators, volunteers and social communityon íieỉds o f child protection and care are enhanced Indicator Criteria Number and percentage o f CEC is 80% CEC is assisted and cared to assisted and cared to recover, recover, reintegrate community and reintegrate community and develop develop The percentage o f children who in 70% children vvho in harm risks as harm risks as CEC is intervened to CEC is intervened to prevent prevent 1.1.1 Speciíìc Objective 1: Objective: Avvareness o f families, schools, community social and children is enhanced to change actions about protecting and caring children - Indicator: the percentage o f population is approached to forms of iníbrmation and propaganda communication 54 - Criteria: 90% o f population is approached to forms o f information and propaganda communication To gain this objective, follow activities was made plan: Activities In d icato r C riteria Organize communicate The rate o f provinces 100% provinces campaign about child implements the program implement the program protection and care and organize month o f and organize month o f w idely (include month children children Produce television and What channels are Television and radio radio programs selected to implement programs are televised of children) on popular channels such as VTV1, VTV3, The number o f and v o v reportages is produced About 50 reportages on TV, radio, magazines, and newspaper every year are implemented by each province Organize public Number o f small At least small information and workshop at school and workshop is organized propaganda directly public places is at every communes, organized districts and provinces o f all country Number o f people About 50 people 55 participates in each o f participate in each small these small vvorkshops workshop 1.1.2 Speciíĩc Objective 2: O bjective: Staff, officers, collaborators and volunteers are trained more professionally about knowledge, skills and experience on the íĩeld - Indicator: Knowledge and skills of professional staff and collaborators has been met society demands - Criteria: 100% o f staff and collaborators is trained basically and 30% o f them is trained professionally To gain this objective, follow activities was made plan: Activities Indicator C riteria Survey the present Training documents for 1.000 training books are situation o f staff and staff o f commune, delivered for staff o f collaborators to make districts and provinces districts and provinces plans and documents for are completed and 100% staff o f all training deliver communes is received training documents Organize short-term The percentage o f 100% officers and 50% courses to train offĩcers, officers, collaborators collaborators and collaborators and and volunteers is trained volunteers are trained Assess participants Number o f provinces is Choose and supervise at about basic skills o f supervised annually least typical provinces volunteers management and implementation 1.1.3 Speciíĩc Objective 3: every year 56 Objective: Child protection services models are built and upgraded include counseling Offices at district level, counseling spots at schools, hospitals, and management boards - Indicator: percentage o f provinces and cities has child assistance models - Criteria: 50% provinces and cities have child assistance models To gain this objective, follow activities was made plan: In d icato r Activities C riteria Make guiding Number o f centers are Choose, establish and documents to establish established and operated execute these guiding and operate the child well documents in district in each province o f 32 protection Service typical provinces centers All staff o f all commune under those district are received guiding documents and trained base on them Update and share Number o f training At least training experiences on vvorkshop to share, train vvorkshop is organized knovvledge and pratice experiences and assess in all country and each skills for officers o f present situation province these centers Enhance child protection Number o f people is At least million skills for parents o f people are trained for all trained child protection 57 children and social skills period community Leaming experience of Effectiveness o f reports some similar countries about leanrt experience about establishment of are applied for this íield child protection Service system 1.1.4 Speciíĩc Objective 4: Objective: A system o f child assistance centers are built and developed to helps children in especial or be hurted circumstance recoverable and reintegrated Indicator Criteria Percentage o f provinces and cities has 100% provinces and cities have child child assistance assistance services centers Service centers Percentage o f children in especial or Gain percentage o f children in be hurted circumstance is assisted especial or be hurted circumstance are approached different forms o f child assistance services include: 80% disable children, 90% abandoned or orphan children, 100% abused or violent children To gain this objective, follow activities was made plan: Activities Indicator Criteria 58 Consult and train Number o f these district 300 district have centers parents of children and centers organizes vvhere organizes related people about consultant and training consultant and training skills to care and classes classes Educate life skills for Percentage o f children is 10% o f child popuỉation children educated (about 2,5 millions recover psychology for children children) is educated Assist CEC to recover Percentage o f CEC is 30% CEC (about and reintegrate assisted 500.000 children) is assisted 1.1.5 Speciílc Objective 5: Objective: Strengthen effectiveness o f administrative management on child protection and care - Indicator: - Criteria: To gain this objective, follow activities vvas made plan: Activities In d icato r Criteria Improve legistation for What laws and legal Improve laws (include juvenile and enhance guiding documents are criminal law and law o f avvareness and ability o f improved criminal procedure) related offícers and Some direction people about legistation documents and legal guiding are apprved 59 Research and evaluate Ọuantity and quality o f implementation o f laws reports on child protection, care What perspective of and education direct and intervene documents are approve Make speciíĩc database The percentage of 100% provinces on child protection and provinces participate to participate to implement care: collection implement these these activities imformation and activities monitor changes about Complete and mantain situation of children, child speciíic database establish indicator system to monitor and evaluate, update iníbrmation from locals 60 Appendix 4: IN-DEPT INTERVIEVV OFFICERS Officers at State management Offices Date 23rd August 2014 Name Nguyễn Thị Thuận Hải Detailed contact Chief of consultant child hepline department, Bureau o f Child protection and care, MOLISA Mobile: 090.454.9586 18th October 2014 Nguyễn Thị Tường Vân Deputy chief of plan department, Bureau o f Child protection and care, MOLISA Mobile: 098.926.2698 Email: ntuongvan@yahoo.com Officcrs at local authorities: Date 25th October 2014 Name Lê Kim Dung Detailed contact Center o f Rehabilitation, Can Tho provinces Mobile: 093.939.0456 1101 November 2014 Nguyễn Thị Chúc Deputy chief o f planning department, Office o f Labour, Invalid and Society at Dien Bien Email: Chucdienbien@gmail.com 61 1NTERVĨEW QUESTIQNS: About relevance: Are activities o f CPSMs suitable to needs and benìts o f stakeholders? Are they suitable to the priorities and policies o f govemment and local authorities? What activities are attract to concems o f donors? About efficiency: Is there any same or similar project/program for CPSMs? How much is íĩnance resource supplied (compare to planned resource)? Is there any vvays and means to use available inputs more effĩcient? About effectively: Do the results achieve as expected plan? What changed behavior o f community can be seen? What is experience? About impact: What and how are effects o f CPSM s’ activities to economic, sociocultural, institutional at local? About sustainable: What factors help CPSMs to be mantained and developed? What effects perfomance o f CPSMs? 62 Appendix 5: Results of pilot ranking of provinces/cities in child rights implcmcntation in 2013 Indicators set include 20 indicators classiíìed into intermediate groups representing important areas related to children as follows - Indicator groupof the level o f local interest in the protection, care and education o f children : the indicators o f implementation budget and professional s ta ff - Indicator group o f the level o f health care for children - Indicator group o f the level o f implementation o f child protection - Indicator group o f the level to ensure the participation o f children - Indicator group o f the level to ensure the development o f children Being the first study to rank the local implementation o f children's rights, information collected is incomplete and the standardization o f indicator set needs to be íìnished for higher reliability Rating result is for qualitativereference only 63 Ranking Provinces/city Provinces/city Ranking 2012 2013 2012 Long An 1 Dong Thap 20 33 Hochiminh City 2 Ben Tre 45 34 Thai Binh Hau Giang 26 35 Thai Nguyen Dong Nai 35 36 Da Nang Can Tho 38 37 Quang Ninh Ninh Binh 22 38 Hưng Yên 12 Cao Bang 50 39 Ha Noi Lang Son 28 40 Hai Phong 11 Thua Thien Hue 29 41 Nam Dinh 16 10 Quang Nam 43 42 Vinh Phuc 10 11 An Giang 33 43 Ba Ria - Vung Tau 12 Tien Giang 46 44 Lam Dong 18 13 Khanh Hoa 37 45 Ha Tinh 13 14 Yen Bai 34 46 Bac Ninh 15 Kon Tum 56 47 Hai Duong 16 Bac Kan 51 48 Nghe An 15 24 17 Kien Giang 52 49 Binh Dinh 39 18 Thanh Hoa 41 50 Binh Duong 19 19 Ca Mau 48 51 Hoa Binh 27 20 Dak Lak 49 52 Phu Tho 23 21 Binh Thuan 54 53 Quang Ngai 44 22 Gia Lai 53 54 Tuyen Quang 32 33 Lao Cai 62 55 Quang Binh 25 24 Quang Tri 57 56 Vinh Long 17 25 Son La 47 57 Binh Phuoc 21 26 Bac Lieu 59 58 Tra Vinh 42 27 Ninh Thuan 55 59 Soc Trang 36 28 Dak Nong 60 60 Tay Ninh 40 29 Dien Bien 58 61 Phu Yen 14 30 Ha Giang 61 62 Ha Nam 31 31 Lai Chau 63 63 ... ABSTRACT Title: PUBLIC EXPENDITURE REVIEW FOR THE NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN PROTECTION AT THE FIRST HALF OF PERIOD 2011 -2015 Level: Final assignment for Master Program in Public Management... expenditure for NPCP for the first half o f period 2011- 2015 However, It need to deíined clearly that: the result o f review for whom? What is the revievv purpose? Since the Plan is in the implementation... implementation the goals of the project - The efficiency o f the prọịect is evaluated to be high So its criteria must be reviewed in terms o f the following issues: the criteria for the fírst half of the period

Ngày đăng: 02/10/2020, 21:19

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