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An evaluation of speaking activities in the textbook tiếng anh 10 for the 10th grade students at gia lộc high school in light of CLT

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN HỒNG ĐƠ AN EVALUATION OF SPEAKING ACTIVITIES IN THE TEXTBOOK “TIẾNG ANH 10” FOR THE 10th GRADE STUDENTS AT GIA LỘC HIGH SCHOOL IN LIGHT OF CLT Đánh giá hoạt động nói sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 cho học sinh trường THPT Gia Lộc theo đường hướng giao tiếp M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 60140111 HANOI, 2015 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN HỒNG ĐƠ AN EVALUATION OF SPEAKING ACTIVITIES IN THE TEXTBOOK “TIẾNG ANH 10” FOR THE 10th GRADE STUDENTS AT GIA LỘC HIGH SCHOOL IN LIGHT OF CLT Đánh giá hoạt động nói sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 cho học sinh trường THPT Gia Lộc theo đường hướng giao tiếp M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : EnglishTeaching Methodology Code : 60140111 Supervisor : Assoc Prof Dr Lâm Quang Đông HANOI, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled an Evaluation of Speaking Activities in the Textbook “ Tiếng Anh 10” for the 10th Grade Students at Gia Lộc High School in the Light of CLT submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA in English Teaching Methodology Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2015 Nguyễn Hồng Đơ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the help and support from a number of people First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Assoc Prof Dr Lâm Quang Đông , my supervisor, who has patiently and constantly supported me through the stages of the study, and whose stimulating ideas, expertise, and suggestions have inspired me greatly through my growth as an academic researcher A special word of thanks goes to my friends, Luong Thi Minh Phuong and Ta Thi Mai Phuong for their support and encouragement I wish to express my acknowledgment to other individuals who have indirectly contributed to the completion of this thesis Last but not least, I am greatly indebted to my wife, Ho Thi Hang, for her patience and support throughout the study ii ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to evaluate the speaking activities in the speaking lessons of the English Language textbook Tiếng Anh 10 currently used at Gia Loc high school, Hai Duong It attempts to find out if the speaking activities in this book have fulfilled the principles of Communicative Language Teaching The study also seeks to evaluate the suitability of these activities for grade 10 students in this school and to make some suggestions for adaptation For this purpose, a content analysis is employed to analyze the speaking lessons with criteria developed on the basis of CLT principles In addition, a 10- item questionnaire was prepared by the writer to examine the suitability of the speaking lessons for students at Gia Loc high school 227 grade 10 students were asked to reflect on the questions by checking one of the five options included and three teachers of English were interviewed for in depth information The results of the research revealed that the speaking lessons are relatively communicative in the light of CLT principles and that they are suitable for students at Gia Loc high school to some extent However, they have some drawbacks in some areas On the basis of the findings, the researcher made some suggestions and recommendations for improvement of the textbook that has been being used in this particular learning environment iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY i ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv PART A: INTRODUCTION vi Background and Rationale of the Study Objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study Significance of the Study Structure of the Thesis PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 The Current English Teaching and English Textbooks in Vietnam 1.2 An overview of Communicative Language Teaching 1.2.1 Definitions of Communicative Language Teaching 1.2.2 Major Principles of CLT 1.3 Designing speaking activities based on CLT 10 1.4 Textbook evaluation and adaptation 11 1.5 Theoretical frameworks 12 1.6 Conclusion 13 CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 Research Design 14 2.2 The context of the study 14 2.3 The textbook Tiếng Anh 10 15 2.4 Research methods 18 2.4.1 Content analysis 18 2.4.2 The survey 18 2.5 Data Collection Procedures 20 iv 2.6 Summary 20 CHAPTER 3: RESULTS, DISCUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 22 3.1 Analysis based on the criteria in light of CLT 22 3.2 The results and discussions of the survey 26 3.3 Suggestions for adaptation 35 3.4 Summary 36 PART C: CONCLUSION 41 REFERENCES 42 APPENDICES v LISTS OF TABLES, CHARTS TABLES Table 2.1: General objectives of skills for Tiếng Anh 10 ( standard) (MOET, 2006a, adapted from Minh, 2007, p 17 ) 15 Table 2.2: Objectives of speaking lessons in the textbook Tiếng Anh 10 (adapted from the book map of the textbook) 16 Table 3.1: Classroom organization 24 Table 3.2 Results gained from students’ responses on assessment of the suitability of speaking lessons 26 CHARTS Chart 3.1 Percentage of class organization 24 Chart 3.2 Results gained from students’ responses on assessment of the suitability of speaking lessons 27 Chart 3.3 Motivation 27 Chart 3.4 Relation of the speaking activities to the students' previous knowledge 28 Chart 3.5 Speaking lessons according to the interest of the students 29 Chart 3.6 Students’ opinion about the suitability of the speaking lessons to their level ability 30 Chart 3.7 Students’ speaking skills developed by the speaking lessons 31 Chart 3.8 Students' enjoyment in participating speaking activities 32 Chart 3.9 Appropriateness of the vocabulary items to the students 32 Chart 3.10 Students' opinions about the statement that the topics are interesting enough for them to enjoy talking about 33 Chart 3.11 Students' opinions about the understandable instructions and examples 34 Chart 3.12 Activities’ addressing learning target 35 vi PART A: INTRODUCTION Background and Rationale of the Study Nowadays everyone knows the importance of English language in today's world English is the most widely spoken language in the world and used in various areas such as technology, science, and business In Vietnam, English language has been taught and learnt widely for a long time in Vietnam However, most of the students cannot use English naturally and frequently and they have not achieved the highly communicative effect in English.- Many students only wanted to be good at grammar and gain as much vocabulary as possible so that they could read, understand and even write in English This hindered students’ development of communicative competence In the field of English teaching, Vietnam has experienced a gradual shift from the old tradition way of teaching to more up-to-date ones Therefore, Communicative Language Teaching is in the list of new ways of teaching (Khoa Anh Việt, 2008, p.167) The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has been trying to implement CLT approach in Vietnam over the last years through teacher training and textbook writing projects In addition, there have been many projects to train teachers in the communicative approaches and methods This pervasive teaching approach uses syllabus and textbooks designed with a focus on communication as opposed to linguistic form In brief, “A textbook is an important means of satisfying the range of needs that emerge from the classroom,” and textbooks are a universal element in English language teaching (Hutchinson & Torres, 1994, p 327) In terms of textbooks, according to Hoang Van Van, from 1982 to 2002, the textbooks used in VN were mainly grammar-based, taking the view that grammar can be taught systematically as a set of rules to be mastered and transferred by the learner into proficient language use In 2002, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) organized the design of the new curriculum and the writing of new textbooks for all school subjects This national project finished in early 2008 when the new textbooks of all school subjects were put into use across the whole general educational system of Vietnam Now one set of English textbooks for lower secondary school and two sets for upper secondary school are be in use across Vietnam The two sets of English textbooks in upper secondary schools are called the standard set and the advanced set Each unit of the textbooks consists of five parts: reading, speaking, listening, writing and language focus These textbooks are taught in both private and public schools and all the teachers follow the same syllabus The new English textbooks claim that students will be able to communicate in English after seven years of study in secondary school These claims assume that communication-oriented speaking activities can help students acquire Englishspeaking competence The goal of the textbooks is to engage students in communication-based activities of real-life situations in which students can immerse themselves in integrative language use Their language ability can be developed through activities Within this communicative ability, speaking occupies a very important role In fact, speaking sections are emphasized in the textbooks From this background, the question “Are speaking activities designed in the new textbooks communicative in the light of CLT?” has come to my mind If the textbooks claiming to be in line with CLT principles are actually not, the development of students’ ability to communicate will be greatly influenced To the researchers’ best knowledge, no study has been done to evaluate these textbooks or some part of them in line with CLT in the Vietnamese contexts In light of the literature available in the field , my interest lies solely in evaluating speaking activities designed in the textbooks in the light of communicative language teaching (CLT) This has given me the desire to conduct “An Evaluation of Speaking Activities in the Textbook “ Tiếng Anh 10” for the 10th Grade Students at Gia Lộc High School in the light of CLT” Objectives of the study This study aimed to Examine the extent to which the speaking activities in the textbook Tiếng Anh 10 are communicative in the light of CLT principles 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree Chart 3.12 Activities’ addressing learning target The last questionnaire item was “The activities of speaking lessons address learning targets” As can be seen in chart 12, 65.28% of the respondents (25.93% agreed and 39.35% strongly agreed) believed that the speaking activities addressed learning targets, whereas only 13.89 % strongly disagreed and 17.13% disagreed about that According to the teachers, the speaking activities enabled the students to make as much practical use of the target language as possible By using the target language as much and as actively as possible, students were able to practice To sum up, the activities of speaking lessons in the textbook Tieng Anh 10 addressed learning targets to a certain extent 3.3 Suggestions for adaptation As mentioned above, the speaking lessons of the textbooks are fairly suitable to students They are considered to meet the needs of the students in teaching and learning English in this grade This sheds light of what Cunningsworth (1984) said that “there is no perfect textbook which meets all the requirements of teachers and students Instead, it is the responsibility of the teacher to explore his own way of using or adapting the course book” (P.4) ” Therefore, some adaptations should be made to the speaking lessons 35 Regarding the levels of adaptation, the writer only focuses on some suggestions for adaptation of specific activities in a unit These following specific activities in the speaking lessons are adapted based on the drawbacks of the speaking lessons found out in the evaluation above: a) The survey indicates that about 32% students considered the speaking lessons difficult for them According to Cowling (2007), the degree of difficulty of a textbook should be based on the students' level and their cognitive level b) In addition, the number of the new vocabulary items in speaking is not highly evaluated Although there is a standard for the number of new lexical items in a unit, Habtoor (2012) reports that the textbook should provide the learners with new words in order to enrich their knowledge about the world c) Also, some activities should be more relevant to students’ interests d) Some more examples and suggestions should be added to some tasks , especially the tasks in speaking lessons of unit 3,9,10,16 e) Moreover, students should be more activated by many different ways such as providing the opportunity for the students to interact through classroom organization, creating funny activities and using more visual support Samples of adaptation: Based on the suggestions for adaptations mentioned above, some samples of adaptation have been made through using the principles of adaptation by Grant (1987) and SARS (Select, Adapt, Reject, Supplement) by Graves (2003) mentioned in the literature review They are listed as follows: Unit – B Speaking – Task (page 25) 36 In this period of speaking, it’s very difficult to use variety of activities A class is divided into groups Each group talks about one topic Then teacher calls on some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class Suggestions: Last night’s TV programmes A: Hi How are you today? B I’m fine Thank you Did you watch TV last night? A: It’s a pity I had to finish my homework last night Is there anything interesting? B: Yes It’s the first time a contestant could answer 13 out of 15 questions in the game show Who wants to be millionaire He is very brilliant A: Really? I will try to finish homework early tomorrow so that I will be able to watch the repeated broadcast at 8p.m B: That’s a good idea I got to go now See you then A: Take care Bye Unit – B Speaking – Task (page 35) This task is difficult for students to complete Class organization should be clearly stated and examples should be added Teacher asks students to work in pairs to complete the task Before carrying out the interview, students should study the items of information carefully and find the questions for each item Suggestions: Greeting: Good morning! 37 Date of birth: When were you born? Place of birth: Where were you born? Home: Where you live? Parents: Can you tell me about your parents? Brother(s): How many brothers /sisters have you got / Do you have…? Primary school: What’s the name of your primary school / secondary school? Schoolwork: Have you ever been a leader of…/ Were you a member of any clubs? Favorite subject: What subjects you like best? Experience: How you work at school? Thanking: Thank you very much! Example : A: Good afternoon, I am working for Thanh nien Newspaper I’d like to ask you some questions Is it O.K ? B: Good afternoon That’s fine A: When were you born ? B: ……………………………………… Unit – B Speaking (page 56) This task is difficult for students to complete Class organization should be clearly stated and examples should be added Teacher asks students to work in pairs to ask and answer about the most important use of information technology Suggestions: A: In what way is information technology the most useful to our life? B: I think …………………………………………………………… A: Why you think so? B: Because …………………………………………………………… 38 Unit 10 – B Speaking - Task (page 107) One student will go to the board and take the role of the head of the zoo of the new kind Other students will ask him / her questions relating to the topic Some suggested questions: - How long have you worked here? - Are the zoos of the new kind the places where wild animals are imprisoned? - What are the advantages of the zoos of the new kind? - Can animals develop in the zoos of the new kind? ……………………………………………………………………… Notes: This speaking period is difficult so only good students can learn For normal students, they have to prepare the lesson carefully at home and the teacher instructs the task carefully and clearly Unit 14 – B Speaking ( page 145) For Free- practice, the teacher may help students to play the game of “Who am I?” and “What am I?” Some suggested questions: Which World Cup is it? a This World Cup was held in Europe b There were 32 teams taking part in this World Cup c France was the champion then - The 1998 World Cup Who is he ? a He is a French football player b He used to play for Juventus football club 39 c He was the best player of the 2006 World Cup - Z Zidane Which World Cup is it? a It was a special World Cup b Finalists of this World Cup didn’t play in elimination games c Argentina was defeated in the final match - The first World cup Who is he ? a He was a very famous French football player b He stopped his football career in 1995 c He was the magical of Manchester United - Eric Cantona …………………………………………… 3.4 Summary In conclusion, this chapter has analyzed the results obtained in the document analysis and students’ questionnaire The data analysis has addressed the issues investigated by the researcher It can be concluded that the speaking lesson in the textbook Tieng Anh 10 are relatively communicative and they are according to CLT principles to some extent The speaking lessons were relatively suitable to the grade 10 students at Gia Loc high school They were not completely suitable to the students in the survey because of the different reasons Some reasons were related not only to the design of the speaking lessons but also the previous knowledge, motivation … of the students’ Therefore, the speaking lesson can be used but some adaptations should be done based on the suggestions above 40 PART C: CONCLUSION Conclusion The content analysis indicates that the speaking lessons provide natural authentic communication with real spoken language It reflects typical real-life situations and enables students to interact with the real language and its use In terms of forms of CLT activities, the speaking lessons follow the natural order of spoken discourse, from meaning to form Additionally, speaking strategies for facilitating communication are effective and they can help students and teachers achieve the goal of each lesson Besides, speaking lessons provide the activities that focus on accuracy and fluency through using different kinds of interaction as well as using group work and pair work effectively As for visual support, pictures and photographs are properly added and they make speaking lessons more interesting and help teachers introduce language input naturally; however, visual support provided is not enough This can leave students with a general impression of dullness To some extent, uninteresting activities such as drills can be made interesting by visuals Another problem is that some topics seem to be unfamiliar with grade 10 students and not to be relevant to the students’ interest In conclusion, the speaking activities in the speaking lessons of the textbook Tieng Anh 10 are relatively communicative and they are according to CLT principles to a fairly large extent From the survey, it can be concluded that the speaking activities in the speaking lessons of the textbook Tieng Anh 10, to a certain extent, were suitable to 10th form students at Gia Loc high school They are at the right level for students after their studying the textbook Tieng Anh 6,7,8,9 However, some of the students in the survey had not studied English effectively before they started grade 10 They had difficulty in study the speaking lessons This affected their opinions about the suitability of the speaking lessons As a result, the suitability of the speaking lessons was not fully appreciated by these students In addition, the speaking lessons have some drawbacks such as some difficult and uninteresting topics, some difficult vocabulary items and lack of visual support In order to make the speaking lesson 41 suitable to all students, teachers need to adapt some of the activities Specifically, some changes should be done to make lessons easier and more interesting Recommendations Since communicativeness of speaking lessons leads to the success of developing students’ speaking skill, speaking lessons should be strongly according to CLT principles The study indicates that the speaking activities in the textbook Tieng Anh 10 are not entirely according to CLT principles The speaking lessons only present a generic form of CLT activities Therefore, textbook writers need to obtain in-depth understanding of the concept of CLT if they hope to incorporate CLT principles into textbook development Topics should be more interesting and relevant to students’ personal experience and interests Instead of being drilled in given samples of language or in learning new words in given sentences in speaking lessons, they should be given more opportunities for using the target language creatively and actively Regarding suitability of speaking lessons to students, the study indicates that the speaking lessons were relatively suitable to the grade 10 students at Gia Loc high school Whether they are suitable or not depends on how teachers explore and adapt speaking lessons in combination with a proper methods, especially application of CLT in language teaching Moreover, textbook designers should seek strengths and weaknesses of the textbook and update school English learning materials along with considering their suitability to students Limitations Because of limited time, knowledge and limited size of a minor thesis, the writer could not the research on a larger scale based on criteria that are more reliable Moreover, in the study, the writer encountered such limitations as students’ carelessness with filling in the questionnaire and their misunderstanding of the questionnaire items In further studies, class observation should be involved to examine whether these speaking activities reflect the characteristics of communicative work The study is applied in accordance with these limitations: 42 This study is restricted to grade 10 students at Gia Loc high school and cannot be generalized beyond This research intends to cover speaking lessons and does not include other lessons ( reading, listening, writing, language focus) in the textbook Tieng Anh 10 The study took place in the academic year 2012-2013 REFERENCES Berns, M S (1990), Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Consideration in Communicative Language Teaching New York Plenum Press Breen, M., and C N Candlin 1980, The essentials of a communicative curriculum in language teaching Applied Linguistics l (2): 89-1 12 Brown, H.D (2000), Principles of Language Learning and Teaching New York Addison Wesley Longman, Inc Cowling, J (2007), Needs analysis: Planning a syllabus for a series of intensive workplace courses at a leading Japanese company English for Specific Purposes,volume 26, pages 426–442 Cunningsworth, A (1984) Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials Oxford: Heinemann Educational.1984 44 Cunningsworth, A (1995) Choosing your Course book Oxford: Heinemann Ellis, R 1996 Does it ‘Work’? Evaluating Tasks in Language Teaching The Language Teacher Online: http://jaltpublications.org/old_tlt/files/96/sept/eval.html Finocchiaro, M.﹠C Brumfit (1983) The Functional-Notional Approach: From Theory to Practice New York: Oxford University Press Gloria Luque Agulló (2007) Retrieved from: http://www4.ujaen.es/~gluque/ 10 Habtoor, H.A (2012) English for Specific Purpose Textbook in EFL Milieu: An Instructor’s Perspective Evaluation International Journal of Linguistics, Vol 4, No 3, pp 44-59 11 Khoa Anh Viet(2008), Imperialism of communicative language teaching and possible resistance against it from teachers in Vietnam as an English foreign languages context, VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 24, p169 43 12 Le Van Canh & Barnard (2009), Curricular innovation behind closed classroom doors: A Vietnamese case study Prospect, v.24, no.2, 2009, p.20-33 (ISSN: 0814-7094) 13 Littlejohn, Andrew (1998) The analysis of language teaching materials: inside the Trojan Horse In Tomlinson, Brian (Ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching (pp 190- 216) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 14 Littlewood, W (1981): Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 15 Napier, N K., & Nguyen, T T M (2003) Bridging Vietnam and America: Cooperation between the National Economics University and Boise State University Business Education Systems and Emerging Market Economies: Trends and Prospects Conference, Atlanta, Georgia 1-32 16 Ministry of Education and Training [MOET] (2006), Chương trình giáo dục phổ thông: Môn Tiếng Anh [English curriculum for the secondary school], Hanoi, Vietnam: Education Publishing House 17 Nunan, D (1989) Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 18 Nunan, D (1991a), Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum TESOL Quarterly, 25, 2: 279-295 19 Richards, J C (2006), Communicative Language Teaching Today, Cambridge University Press 2006 20 Richards, Jack C & Rodgers, Theodore S (2001) Approaches and methods in language teaching (2nd ed.) New York Cambridge University Press 21 Stern, H H (1983): Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press 22 Tom Hutchinson and Eunice Torres (1993) The textbook as agent of change p327 Retrieved from: http://www.finchpark.com/courses/graddissert/articles/textbooks/Textbooks+as +agents+of+change.pdf 23 Van Kopp, B (1992) in Napier, N K., & Nguyen, T T M (2003) Bridging Vietnam and America: Cooperation between the National Economics University and Boise State University p Retrieved from 44 http://www.learningace.com/doc/4881712/5dc39e099adb26b9a5848315733862 c0/04-019 24 William Littlewood, 2004, The task-based approach: some questions and suggestions Retrieved from http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~vanton/HighlightedTask%20based%20app roach-littlewood.pdf 45 APPENDICES Appendix – QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS A Note for the students: This questionnaire is designed for a study on evaluating the suitability of the speaking lessons in textbook Tieng Anh 10 for grade 10th students at Gia Loc high School The answers you will provide will not be disclosed and used only for the purpose of the research Thank you for your co-operation PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: (optional) _ Class: (optional) _ INSTRUCTION Each of the items has points scale where 1= strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Not Sure, 4=Agree and 5= strongly agree Please circle the appropriate number for your The speaking lessons in the book motivate the students The speaking lessons are related to the previous knowledge of the students The speaking lessons are according to the interest of the students The speaking lessons are according to the students’ level ability The speaking lessons develop speaking skills of the students Students enjoy participating in speaking activities The vocabulary items are appropriate to the students Topics are interesting and motivating enough for students to enjoy talking about Instructions and examples are understandable The activities of speaking lesson address learning 10 targets Thank you very much for your cooperation! I 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 strongly agree No not sure agree Statement disagree strongly disagree desired opinion about each statement Appendix BẢN DỊCH: PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT Ý KIẾN HỌC SINH Bảng câu hỏi thiết kế cho nghiên cứu đánh giá phù hợp hoạt động nói Speaking sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10 học sinh khối 10 trường THPT Gia Lộc Câu trả lời em đưa không tiết lộ mà sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu Cảm ơn hợp tác em THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN: Họ tên: ( không bắt buộc phải ghi) Lớp: ( không bắt buộc phải ghi) HƯỚNG DẪN: Mỗi câu hỏi có phương án trả lời: = Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý = Khơng đồng ý = Chưa chắn đồng ý hay khơng đồng ý = Đồng ý = Hồn tồn đồng ý II Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Khơng đồng ý Chưa chắn Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Các em vui lòng khoanh tròn chữ số tương ứng với ý kiến em câu hỏi Nội dung phần speaking SGK có liên quan đến kiến Câu hỏi STT Các học nói giúp học sinh có động học tiếng Anh thức cũ học sinh Các học nói phù hợp quan tâm thích thú học sinh Các học nói phù hợp với trình độ học sinh 5 Các học nói phát triển kỹ nói học sinh Học sinh thích tham gia vào hoạt động nói Từ vựng học nói hợp lý Các chủ đề nói đủ thú vị tạo động lực khiến học sinh 5 Các hoạt động nói nêu tập trung vào trọng tâm 10 thích tham gia Hướng dẫn ví dụ minh họa dễ hiểu ngôn ngữ Chân thành cảm ơn cộng tác em! III Appendix 3: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH DURING THE UNSTRUCTURED INTERVIEW* To what extent the speaking lessons in the book motivate the students? Are the speaking lessons related to the previous knowledge of the students? Are the speaking lessons according to the interest of the students? How are the speaking lessons according to the students’ level ability? How the speaking lessons develop speaking skills of the students Do your students enjoy participating in speaking activities? Are the vocabulary items appropriate to the students? Why? (why not?) Are the topics interesting and motivating enough for students to enjoy talking about? Are the instructions and examples in the textbooks are understandable? 10 To what extent the speaking activities address learning targets? IV ... authority of the study project report entitled an Evaluation of Speaking Activities in the Textbook “ Tiếng Anh 10? ?? for the 10th Grade Students at Gia Lộc High School in the Light of CLT submitted in. .. communicative language teaching (CLT) This has given me the desire to conduct ? ?An Evaluation of Speaking Activities in the Textbook “ Tiếng Anh 10? ?? for the 10th Grade Students at Gia Lộc High School in the. .. on the suitability of the speaking activities in the speaking lessons in the textbook Tiếng Anh 10 for 10th form students at Gia Loc high school In general, the responses of the respondents were

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