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Bộ sách Đề kiểm tra tham khảo môn tiếng Anh dành cho học sinh cấp tiểu học lớp 1,2,3,4,5 được biên soạn dựa trên chuẩn kiến thức về từ vựng, cấu trúc,…của các kỳ thi quốc tế cũng như chuẩn kiến thức của các bộ sách tiếng Anh Anh đang giảng dạy tại trường tiểu học. Bộ sách có thể dùng để giảng dạy chính khóa trong nhà trường với thời lượng 1 tiết tuần. Hoặc là nguồn tài liệu cho giáo viên tham khảo cũng như cho học sinh rèn luyện thêm ở nhà với sự hỗ trợ của phụ huynh. Các bài tập có đánh dấu được dành cho học sinh khá giỏi.

NGUYỄN TRƯỜNG GIANG - DƯƠNG CHÂU - MỸ HUỆ BÍCH NGỌC - VIỆT TIẾN - MỘNG THUÝ đáp án NHÀ XUẤT BẢN GIÁO DỤC VIỆT NAM contents Tests Pages 17 29 41 53 65 77 89 test PART – LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Exercise 1: Look at Exercise Now look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Woman: Right [pause] Man: Now put the goat in the water Woman: In the water? Man: Yes, put it in the water Woman: That’s funny! A goat in the water [pause] [pause] Man: Put the slide next to the tree Woman: Put the slide where? Man: Put it there Next to the tree Woman: OK [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example Now you listen and draw lines [pause] Man: Put the basketball in front of the boy Woman: Pardon? Man: Put the basketball in front of the boy Woman: OK [pause] Man: Put the seesaw between the two children Woman: Sorry? Put the seesaw where? Man: Between the children Man: Put the yo-yo next to the girl Woman: Sorry? Where I put the yoyo? Man: Next to the girl Woman: OK [pause] Man: The cow Put it behind the tree Woman: Right Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Man: And now, put the cow behind the tree Woman: Pardon? Answers (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: The seesaw and between the children The goat and in the water The basketball and in front of the boy The yo-yo and next to the girl The cow and behind the tree Exercise 2: Look at the picture Listen and write a name or a number There are two examples Man: Oh, and is it your brother’s birthday today, Ann? Girl: Yes, it is Man: Happy birthday to your brother How old is he? Girl: He’s fifteen today Man: Fifteen! Great! Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number [pause] Man: Hello I’m your dad’s friend What’s your name? Girl: I’m Ann Man: You spell it A-double-N Is that right? Girl: Yes That’s right [pause] Man: Wow! This cat is cute Is it your cat? Girl: Yes, it is Man: What’s his name? Girl: Rice R-I-C-E He loves eating rice Man: Oh, I see [pause] Man: Oh How many children are there in the picture? Girl: Umm… Twenty-one Man: Twenty-one! Nice You look very happy [pause] Man: So you walk to school, right? Girl: Yes, I My father is busy in the morning Man: Where is your school? Girl: It’s in Big street It’s B-I-G Man: Oh I think I know it [pause] Man: And what is your school name? Girl: It’s Bike school It’s an old school Man: You spell it B-I-K-E Is that right? Girl: Yes That’s right I love my school [pause] Man: Do you have a garden at your house? Girl: Yes And there are ten trees in it Man: How many trees? Girl: Ten It’s a big garden [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Girl: Look at this photo My class is having lunch at school 10 / ten 21/ twenty-one Bike (correct spelling) Answer (5 marks) Rice (correct spelling) Big (correct spelling) Exercise 3: Look at the pictures Listen and look There is one example What is it? Ex: What color is it? Man: Is it blue, John? Boy: It’s pink and blue Man: Ah, I see it I need this eraser [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box [pause] Woman: Is it a bag? Girl: No, Mom It’s smaller Woman: Is it a pen? Girl: No it isn’t It is a yellow ruler [pause] What color is it? Man: No, our computer is white It’s brown Girl: Let’s put it next to the bookcase [pause] Woman: What color is it, Peter? Is it red or brown? Boy: No, it is green It’s a big green board Woman: Oh, yes There’s a piece of paper on it [pause] How old is John? Woman: John, are you fifteen years old? Boy: No, I am not fifteen Woman: Are you seven? Boy: No, I am not I am eleven Yesterday was my birthday Woman: Happy birthday [pause] How old is Sue? Man: Are you twelve years old, Sue? Girl: No, I am much older than that Man: How old are you? Girl: I am twenty and my little sister is two [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise What is it? Girl: What’s in the box, Dad? Man: It’s a new desk Girl: What color is it? Is it white? Answer (5 marks) B C A C B Exercise 4: Look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Ex: Man: Can you see the pencil under the desk? Girl: Yes Man: Well color it yellow Girl: Which color? Man: Color it yellow The pencil under the desk is yellow [pause] Can you see the yellow pencil under the desk? This is an example Now you listen and color [pause] Man: Can you see the pencil on the apple? Girl: Yes Man: Color it blue Girl: What color? Man: Color it blue Color the pencil on the apple blue [pause] Man: Can you see the pencil on the board? Girl: Where? Man: The pencil on the board Color it green Girl: Pardon? What color? Man: Color it green Color the pencil on the board green [pause] Girl: What color is it? Man: Color the pencil next to the crayon pink [pause] Man: Now look at the pencil on the window Girl: What color is it? Man: Uhhmm Color it red Girl: Pardon? What color? Man: Color the pencil on the window red [pause] Man: Now, can you see the pencil on the chair? Girl: Yes Man: Color it brown Girl: What color is it? Man: Color the pencil on the chair brown [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Test Man: Now, color the pencil next to the crayon pink Girl: The pencil where? Man: Next to the crayon Answer (5 marks) Color the pencils: on the apple - blue on the board - green on the window - red next to the crayon - pink on the chair - brown PART – readING (5 marks)   (5 marks) no yes (5 marks) house night    no no yes bed sofa garden PART – writING (5 marks) banana pear (5 marks) yellow on strawberry pineapple grapes two box green PART – speakING Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Usher to examiner: Hello This is (child’s name) Examiner: Hello, … My name’s (examiner’s name) Points to Scene card Look at this This is a bathroom There are some things in the bathroom Where’s the sink? Where’s the tub? Usher brings candidate in Points to Object cards Removes Object cards and points to the towel on Scene card Points to the shelf Puts Scene card away and picks out three Object cards 4.1 Shows lizard card 4.2 Shows sock card 4.3 Shows mouse card Puts away all cards Hello Points to items in the picture Is this the sink? Is this the tub? Now look at these Which is the toy duck? I’m putting the toy duck next to the mirror Now you put the toy duck in the tub Which is the toothbrush? Put the toothbrush on the sink Puts Object card in place Points to Object card Puts Object card in place Which are the jeans? Put the jeans next to the towel Points to Object card Puts Object card in place Now, what’s this? What color is this? How many towels are there? What are on the shelf? towel orange one bottles What’s this? What color is it? What’s this? How many socks you have? What color are your socks? What’s this? Is a mouse big or small? What animal you like? lizard green sock two/four/six purple/black mouse small dogs/cats Now, how many rooms are there in your house? Do you have your own bedroom? Is there a garden in your house? All right Thank you, Goodbye three/four/five Points to Object card yes/no yes/no Goodbye Leaves *Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test Back-up questions: Is this the toy duck? (pointing to toy duck) Where’s the tub? In the tub Is this the toothbrush? Where’s the sink? On the sink Are these jeans? Where’s the towel? Next to the towel Is it a towel? Is it black? Orange? Are there two? Three? Are they bottles? Is this a lizard? Is this a shoe or a sock? Are they pink? Is this a cat or a mouse? Big or small? Do you like dogs? Are there five rooms? Is your room big? Is it beautiful? test PART – LISTENING Transcript Exercise 1: Look at Exercise Now look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Man: Sorry? Put the fish where? Woman: On the sand, please Man: Right [pause] Woman: Can you find the umbrella? Man: Yes Woman: Well, put it next to the woman Man: OK The umbrella is next to the woman [pause] Woman: Put the boat in the water Man: Sorry? Woman: Put the boat in the water Man: OK [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example Now you listen and draw lines [pause] Woman: Put the soccer ball in front of the trees please Man: Pardon? Put the soccer ball where? Woman: In front of the trees Man: OK [pause] Woman: Put the fish on the sand 10 PART – speakING Part Examiner does this: Usher brings candidate in Points to Scene card Points to Object cards Removes Object cards and points to the flowers on Scene card Points to the boy Puts Scene card away and picks out three Object cards 4.1 Shows key card 4.2 Shows dog card 4.3 Shows plane card Puts away all cards Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Usher to examiner: Hello This is (child’s name) Examiner: Hello, … My name’s (examiner’s name) Look at this This is a living room There is a boy in this room Where’s the TV? Where’s the window? Now look at these Which is the spider? I’m putting the spider behind the boy Now you put the spider on the window Which is the clock? Put the clock on the wall Which is the key? Put the key under the TV Back-up questions: Hello Points to items in the picture Is this the TV? Is this the window? Now, what are these? What color are they? How many flowers are there? What is he doing? Is this the spider? (pointing to spider) Where’s the window? Puts Object card in place On the window Is this the clock? Where’s the wall? Points to Object card Puts Object card in place On the wall Points to Object card Is this the key? Puts Object card in place Where’s the TV? Under the TV Are they flowers? flowers Are they green? Pink? white, blue Are there five? Six? six Is he watching TV? sitting/watching TV What’s this? What color is it? What’s this? What color is the dog? Do you like dogs? What’s this? What color is it? Do you like playing with a plane? Now, how many toys you have? What toys you play? Where you buy toys? key green dog brown yes/no plane red, yellow, blue, green yes/no three/four/five doll/robot/teddy/car toy shop/supermarket All right Thank you, Goodbye Goodbye Leaves Points to Object card *Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test 44 Is this a key? Is this a dog? Is it white? Do you have a dog? Is this a car or plane? Is it colorful? Do you have a plane? Are there six toys? Do you play with a ball? Do you buy toys in the toy shop? test PART – LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Exercise 1: Look at Exercise Now look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Woman: Put the bookcase next to the armchair, please Boy: Put the bookcase where? Woman: Next to the armchair Boy: Oh OK [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example Now you listen and draw lines [pause] Woman: Now, can you put the table under the clock? Boy: Put the table under the clock? Woman: That’s right [pause] Woman: Can you see the eraser? Boy: The eraser? Can I put it under the window? Woman: OK The eraser is under the window [pause] Woman: OK, now put the phone in front of the woman Boy: Put the phone in front of the woman? Woman: That’s right [pause] Woman: Right, now can you find the coat? Boy: Yes, I can Woman: Can you put it in the armchair? 45 Boy: OK, I’m putting the chair between the man and the woman Woman: Thank you [pause] Boy: OK, the coat is in the armchair now [pause] Boy: What now? Woman: Mmm Put the chair between the man and the woman please Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Answer (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: The table and under the clock The phone and in front of the woman The eraser and under the window The coat and in the armchair The chair and between the man and the woman Exercise 2: Look at the picture Listen and write a name or a number There are two examples Man: What’s your family name? Girl: Our family name is Brown Man: So your mum and dad are Mr and Mrs Brown? Girl: Yes B-R-O-W-N Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number [pause] Man: And where are you going? Girl: I’m going to Car School Man: Is that C-A-R? Girl: Yes, that’s it [pause] Man: Hi Lucy What’s the number of your house? Girl: It’s number twenty-four Man: Number twenty-four? Girl: Yes, that’s right Man: Thanks, Lucy [pause] Girl: What is your number in class? 46 Girl: Well Yes Nine girls [pause] Man: My number is fourteen Girl: Fourteen? Man: You’ve got it It’s my favorite number [pause] Girl: After school my class goes to the park Man: Oh, that’s good What park? Girl: It’s White park It’s behind my school Man: Can you spell that? Girl: Yes It’s W-H-I-T-E Man: Very good [pause] Man: What’s the number of your class? Girl: Number five I really like my classroom Man: Number five? Oh, is it next to the dining room? Girl: You’re right! [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Man: How many girls are there in your class? Girl: My class has twenty children and eleven of them are boys Man: Oh There are nine girls in your class / five / nine White (correct spelling) Answer (5 marks) Car (correct spelling) 14 / fourteen Exercise 3: Look at the pictures Listen and look There is one example Ex: What is Mimi doing? Man: Where is Mimi, John? Boy: She is in the garden Man: Is she reading? Boy: No, she is not reading or writing She’s walking [pause] Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box [pause] What does John like for breakfast? Woman: John, sit down and eat breakfast Boy: Oh, cereal again? I like bread 47 Woman: Eat it and we will have bread tomorrow Boy: Do we have rice for lunch today? Woman: Not today [pause] Man: Is there a new crocodile at the zoo today? Girl: No, there isn’t Man: What about some new mice? Girl: No, dad There is a new sheep It is brown and fat We love it [pause] What does Tony see today? Boy: The zoo is clean today Woman: What you see? Do you see hippos or ducks? Boy: No I see a new animal, the giraffe It has a long neck Look at this picture, mom Woman: Wow, it’s great [pause] What does mom want to drink? Woman: Tom, this is your milk Boy: Thanks, Mom Do you want something to drink, too? Let me make some for you Woman: Oh, yes, please Boy: Do you want some lemonade, mom? Woman: Yes, please And dad loves orange juice [pause] What does Sue eat for dinner? Man: What you eat for dinner, Sue? Girl: I have potato soup Man: Is it good? Girl: Yes, it is I like it My mom has tomato soup and my dad has onion soup [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Which animal is new at the zoo? Answer (5 marks) A B A C B Exercise 4: Look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Woman: Well color it green, please Boy: The apple in front of the horse Color it green [pause] Ex: Boy: Can I color this picture? Woman: OK Can you see the apple in front of the horse? Boy: Yes, I can 48 Can you see the green apple in front of the horse? This is an example Now you listen and color [pause] Boy: I want to color more Woman: OK, can you see the apple in the tree? Boy: Where is the apple? Woman: Here it is In the tree Color it red Boy: Yes That looks good [pause] Woman: The one behind the boy Boy: Oh, I can see the apple on the fence behind the boy now Can I color it yellow? Woman: Yes, of course! Yellow is a nice color [pause] Woman: Now, can you see the boy wearing glasses? Boy: Yes It’s funny He has an apple on his head Woman: Good Color it orange Boy: Right The apple on the boy’s head is orange [pause] Woman: Now, can you see the apple in front of the door? Boy: Oh, yes Can I color it purple? It’s my favorite color Woman: Mmm A purple apple in front of the door Yes, OK Boy: There, look Woman: Mmm It’s a beautiful picture now [pause] Woman: Find the apple under the cow, please Boy: Where? Woman: Under the cow Color it pink, please Boy: Pink? Woman: Yes Great! [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Test Woman: And there’s an apple on the fence here Can you see it? Boy: Which fence? 49 under the cow – pink on the fence behind the boy – yellow in front of the door – purple Answer (5 marks) Color the apples: in the tree – red on the boy’s head – orange PART – readING (5 marks)  (5 marks) no (5 marks) farm     no yes yes no legs tail hamburgers black horse parrot three baby PART – writING (5 marks) snake chicken fish (5 marks) umbrella yellow cream 50 PART – speakING Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Usher brings candidate Usher to examiner: Hello in This is (child’s name) Examiner: Hello, … My name’s (examiner’s name) Points to Scene card Look at this This is a forest There are many flowers in the picture Where’s the river? Where are the rocks? Points to Object cards Now look at these Which is the bear? I’m putting the bear on the bridge Now you put the bear next to the tree Which is the crocodile? Put the crocodile in the river Which is the frog? Put the frog on the rock Removes Object cards and points to the bridge on Scene card Points to the flowers Puts Scene card away and picks out three Object cards 4.1 Shows clouds card Minimum response Back-up questions: expected from child: Now, what’s this? What color is this? How many bridges are there? What are these? What are these? What color are they? 4.2 Shows monkey card What’s this? Where can you see monkeys? What monkeys like to eat? 4.3 Shows butterfly card What’s this? What color is it? Can it fly? Puts away all cards Now, you often go to the zoo? What animal can you see? Who you go with? All right Thank you, Goodbye Hello Points to items in the Is this the river? picture Are they rocks? Points to Object card Is this the bear? (pointing to the bear) Where’s the tree? Puts Object card in place Next to the tree Is this the crocodile? Points to Object card Where’s the river? Puts Object card in place In the river Points to Object card Is this the frog? Puts Object card in place Where’s the rock? On the rock bridge Is it a bridge? brown Is it black? Brown? one Are there two? Three? flowers Are they flowers? clouds blue monkey zoo/forest bananas butterfly blue yes yes tigers/elephants/ monkeys mom and dad Goodbye Leaves *Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test 51 Are they clouds? Is this a monkey? Can you see monkeys in the zoo? Do monkeys like bananas? Is this a butterfly? Is it blue or green? Is the zoo in district 1? Can you see lions? Do you go with your friends? test PART – LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Exercise 1: Look at Exercise Now look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Woman: Put the orange in the girl’s hand Boy: Oh yes, OK [pause] Woman: OK Now put the handbag in front of the girl’s basket Boy: Sorry What? Woman: The handbag Put it in front of the girl’s basket Boy: I’m doing it now [pause] Woman: Put the pear behind the woman Boy: Pardon? Woman: Put the pear behind the woman Boy: Right [pause] Can you see the line? This is an example Now you listen and draw lines [pause] Woman: Now put the mango in the woman’s basket Boy: Pardon? Woman: Put the mango in the woman’s basket Boy: Right [pause] Woman: Now put the orange in the girl’s hand Boy: Sorry, what? Woman: Can you see the fan? 52 Boy: Sorry, where I put the raisins? Woman: On top of the shelves Boy: OK [pause] Boy: Yes Woman: Put the fan between the woman and the girl Boy: OK It’s between the woman and the girl now [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Woman: Now the raisins Put them on top of the shelves The mango and in the woman’s basket The fan and between the woman and the girl The raisins and on top of the shelves Answer (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between The orange and in the girl’s hand The handbag and in front of the girl’s basket Exercise 2: Look at the picture Listen and write a name or a number There are two examples Man: Hello What’s your name? Girl: It’s Sue Man: How you spell that? Girl: S-U-E Man: Ah, I see [pause] Man: And how old are you, Sue? Girl: I’m seven Man: Seven! You’re a tall girl! Girl: Thank you! Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number [pause] Man: Who’s your best friend, Sue? Girl: His name is Ben He’s a good boy Man: Is that B-E-N? Girl: Yes, that’s right [pause] 53 Girl: Yes, I And I really like my math teacher, too She’s very nice Man: Who’s your teacher? Girl: Her name’s Pat Man: Is that P-A-T? Girl: Yes, that’s right [pause] Man: Oh! What’s that book? Girl: It’s my math book Man: What a colorful book! How many pages are there in it? Girl: Umm… I think twenty-nine pages Man: Oh I see [pause] Man: When you go to school? Girl: At two o’clock Man: Two o’clock in the afternoon? Girl: That’s right Oh, it’s time to go to school now Goodbye Man: Goodbye, Sue [pause] Man: How many students are there in your group in class? Girl: Two boys and three girls Man: Oh! Five students Girl: Yes Five They’re very nice to me [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise Man: Do you like learning math at school, Sue? / five Pat (correct spelling) / two Answer (5 marks) Ben (correct spelling) 29 / twenty-nine Exercise 3: Look at the pictures Listen and look There is one example Sue: No, it is not a bird It’s a cat It’s very fat Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box [pause] Ex: What is Sue’s new pet? Boy: Do you have a new pet, Sue? Sue: Yes, I Boy: Is it a puppy? Sue: No, it isn’t Boy: Is it a bird? Where is the key? 54 Woman: Where is my car key? Boy: I don’t know Is it in your handbag, mum? Woman: No, it isn’t Boy: Is it on the television? Woman: No, it isn’t Here it is It’s under the sofa Boy: Oh, no Mum Let’s go We’re late [pause] Dad: Do you want cake for your breakfast, Mary? Mary: No, I don’t But I want some pasta, please? Dad: OK Here you are Do you want milk or juice then? Mary: No, thanks Dad I just want some water [pause] How does Nick go to the zoo? What is John doing? Woman: Are you ready, Nick? Nick: Yes I’m going to the zoo today Can you take me there in your car, mum? Woman: Sorry! Dad drives our car to work today Nick: So can we go by taxi, mum? Woman: It’s very expensive Let’s take a bus Nick: OK [pause] Girl: Is John watching television? Man: No, he isn’t He’s in the garden Girl: Is he playing football? Man: Yes, he is And his brother, Tom, is reading a book there, too [pause] Who is Lucy’s grandma? Boy: Does your grandma have long hair, Lucy? Girl: No, she has short gray hair Boy: Is she sleeping? Girl: No, she isn’t She is cooking Boy: Oh I see her [pause] Now listen to Exercise again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of Exercise What does Mary want for breakfast? Answer (5 marks) B A B A 55 B Exercise 4: Look at the picture Listen and look There is one example Woman: Here it is Under the tree Color it pink Boy: Yes That looks good [pause] Woman: Now, the boys are very happy Boy: Yes, they are There is a phone on the slide between the two boys Woman: Good Color it purple Boy: Right The phone between the two boys is purple [pause] Ex: Boy: Wow! This is a nice park Can I color it? Woman: OK Can you see the boy on the slide? Boy: Yes, I can Woman: Well, color the phone in his hand yellow, please Boy: Pardon? Woman: The phone in the boy’s hand Color it yellow [pause] Can you see the yellow phone in the boy’s hand? This is an example Now, listen and color [pause] Woman: Can you find the apple in the tree? Boy: Yes, I can Woman: Color the phone next to the apple in the tree green Boy: Green? Woman: Yes Great! [pause] Woman: Look at the old man He is giving the bird some food Boy: Oh, yes And there is a phone on the chair, too Woman: That’s right Let’s color it red Boy: Sorry? Woman: The phone next to the old man, color it red [pause] Boy: Can I color more? Woman: OK Now find the phone under the tree Boy: Where is the phone? 56 Woman: Mmm It’s a beautiful picture now [pause] Now listen to Part again [The recording is repeated.] [pause] That is the end of THE ENGLISH LISTENING TESTS FOR PRIMARY STUDENTS, BOOK Woman: Now, can you see the phone under the slide? Boy: Oh, yes Can I color it blue? It’s my favorite color Woman: A blue phone under the slide Yes, OK Boy: There, look Answer (5 marks) Color the phones: under the tree – pink on the slide, between the two boys – purple next to the apple in the tree – green next to the old man – red under the slide – blue PART – readING (5 marks)  (5 marks) yes (5 marks) teeth     yes no no no carrots lettuce Girls rabbit PART – writING (5 marks) pineapple (5 marks) ball mushroom coconut cherry cucumber playing walking park boy 57 PART – speakING Part Examiner does this: Examiner says this: Minimum response expected from child: Usher brings candidate Usher to examiner: Hello in This is (child’s name) Examiner: Hello, … My name’s (examiner’s name) Points to Scene card Look at this This is a park There is a boy playing here Where’s the butterfly? Where’s the bee? Points to Object cards Now look at these Which is the parrot? I’m putting the parrot next to the bird Now you put the parrot in the tree Which is the pear? Put the pear under the swing Hello Points to items in the Is this the butterfly? picture Is this the bee? Points to Object card Is this the parrot? (pointing to parrot) Where is the tree? Puts Object card in place In the tree Is this the pear? Points to Object card Puts Object card in place Where’s the swing? Under the swing Are these balloons? Points to Object card Which are the balloons? Put the balloons between the Puts Object card in place Where are the bee and the fly? Between the bee and the fly bee and the fly butterfly Is it a butterfly? Now, what’s this? orange, yellow Is it green? Red? What color is this? Are there two? Three? How many butterflies are one there? What is he doing? playing with the swing Is he playing with the swing? Removes Object cards and points to the butterfly on Scene card Points to the boy on the swing Puts Scene card away and picks out three Object cards What’s this? 4.1 Shows doll card Who likes to play with a doll? What’s this? 4.2 Shows watch card What color is it? Do you have a watch? What’s this? 4.3 Shows hippo card Is a hippo big or small? Where can you see hippos? Puts away all cards Now, where you buy books? Is there a bookstore near your house? Which book you buy? All right Thank you, Goodbye Back-up questions: doll girls watch gray and brown yes/no hippo big in the zoo bookstore yes/no comic books/textbooks Do you buy comic books? Goodbye Leaves *Remember to use the child’s name throughout the test 58 Is this a doll? Do boys like dolls? Is this a watch? Is it brown or pink? Do you like wearing a watch? Is this a hippo? Big or small? Can you see hippos in the zoo? Do you buy books in the bookstore? ... milkshake and in front of the woman The camera and between the man and the woman The grapes and on the man’s head Answer (5 marks) Lines should be drawn between: The lemonade and under the table... [pause] Man: Put the ball between the elephant and the monkey Woman: Sorry, where? Man: Put the ball between the elephant and the monkey [pause] Man: Put the doll in the shelf Woman: Sorry? Man: Put... Woman: Pardon? Man: Put the plane on the elephant’s head [pause] The doll and in the shelf, between the yellow shoes and the white shoes The train and under the elephant’s tail The plane and

Ngày đăng: 29/09/2020, 07:53

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