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A case study on vocabulary teaching at Quang Oai upper-secondary school, Hanoi

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  • 1.1.What is Vocabulary?

  • 1.2. Roles of Vocabulary in Second Language Acquisition:

  • 1.3. What is Involved in Teaching Vocabulary?

  • 1.4. Challenges in Vocabulary Teaching:

  • 1.5. Approaches to Vocabulary Teaching:

  • 1.6. Techniques in Presenting New Vocabulary:

  • 1.7. Vocabulary Learning Strategies:

  • 1.8. Previous Studies on Vocabulary Teaching in The Classroom:


  • 2.1. Rationale of Using A Case Study Approach:

  • 2.2. The Case:

  • 2.3. Participants:

  • 2.4. Instruments:

  • 2.5. Data collection and data analysis procedures:


    • 3.1. Findings:

  • 3.1.1. Teachers’ opinions of the role of vocabulary:

  • 3.1.2. Teachers’ Perceptions of the Opportunities for Vocabulary Teaching:

  • 3.1.3. Teachers’ Perceptions of the Constraints on Vocabulary Teaching:

  • 3.1.4. Teachers’ self-reports of their vocabulary techniques:

  • 3.1.5. Consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ self-reports and actual practice regarding vocabulary teaching:

  • 3.1.6. Common Classroom Vocabulary Activities:

  • 3.2. Discussion:


  • 1. Summary of Main Findings:

  • 2.Implications:

  • 3. Suggestions for further studies:



Nội dung

ABSTRACT: The present qualitative case study is aimed at finding out the perceptions of vocabulary teaching held by a group of upper-secondary school teachers working in Quang Oai uppersecondary school in Hanoi and the connection between their beliefs and practices The study was conducted from February through May of the 2010 - 2011 academic year, and the data were analyzed qualitatively The study involves teachers of English working with their teaching experience ranging from to 31 years pre-observation interviews, 16 observations and post-observation interviews were conducted to seek the answers for the following research questions 1) What are teachers’ opinions of the role of vocabulary in foreign language teaching? 2) What they think of the opportunities for and constraints on vocabulary teaching in their school? 3) To what extent their self-reports of vocabulary teaching diverge from their actual classroom teaching? 4) What are the common vocabulary exercises they use in the classroom? The overall findings of the survey show that the majority of respondents have understanding about the significance of vocabulary in English acquisition and English teaching, but that there exist some negative views on implementing the techniques in vocabulary teaching with regard to its classroom practice Additionally, some useful implications are proposed based on research findings in order to help teachers to construct and implement techniques in vocabulary teaching more effectively iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ii ABSTRACT: iii TABLE OF CONTENTS: iv TRANSCRIP CONVENTION viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS: ix LIST OF TABLES: x PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale for choosing the topic: Aims and Objectives of the study: Scope of the study: Method of the study: Design of the study: PART B: DEVELOPMENT: Chapter I: Literature review: 1.1 What is vocabulary?: 1.2 Roles of vocabulary in second language acquisition: 1.3 What is Involved in Teaching Vocabulary: 1.4 Challenges in vocabulary teaching: 1.5 Approaches to vocabulary teaching: 1.5.1.The Grammar Translation Method: 1.5.2 The Reading Approach: 1.5.3 The Reform Movement: 1.5.4 The Direct Method: 1.5.5.The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching: 10 1.5.6 The Audio-lingual Method 10 iv 1.5.7 The Cognitive Approach: 11 1.5.8 The Communicative Language Teaching 11 1.5.9 The Lexical Approach 12 1.5.10 Content-based Instruction: 13 1.6 Techniques in presenting new vocabulary: 13 1.7 Vocabulary learning strategies: 13 1.7.1 Guessing meaning from context 14 1.7.2 Vocabulary notebooks and word cards 15 1.7.3 Learners'first language and dictionary use 15 1.8 Previous studies on vocabulary teaching in the classroom: 16 CHAPTER II THE STUDY 18 2.1 Rationale of using a case study approach: 18 2.2.The case: 19 2.3 Participants: 20 2.4 Instruments: 20 2.4.1.The Interview: 21 Pre-observation interview: 21 Post-observation Interview: 22 2.4.2 Classroom Observation: 22 2.5 Data collection and data analysis procedures: 22 2.5.1 Data collection procedures: 22 2.5.2 Data analysis procedures: 24 CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 25 3.1 Findings: 25 3.1.1 Teachers’ opinions of the role of vocabulary 25 Vocabulary is instrumental to language acquisition: 25 Vocabulary as foundation of communication skills: 26 v 3.1.2 Teachers’ perceptions of the opportunities for vocabulary teaching 26 Textbooks as resources: 27 Teaching facilities: 27 3.1.3 Teachers’ perceptions of the constraints on vocabulary teaching: 28 Time constraints: 28 Students’ vocabulary deficiency: 28 Teachers’ limited knowledge of vocabulary teaching 29 3.1.4 Teachers’ self-reports of their vocabulary techniques: 29 Use of translation: 30 Use of visual aids and realia: 30 Use of synonyms or antonyms: 31 Integration of vocabulary into skills lessons: 32 3.1.5 Consistency and inconsistency between teachers’ self-reports and actual practice regarding vocabulary teaching: 33 Consistency: 33 Use of translation: 33 Use of visual aids and realia: 34 Use of synonyms: 36 Integration of vocabulary into skills lessons: 37 Inconsistency: 38 3.1.6 Common classroom vocabulary activities: 38 3.2 Discussion: 39 PART C: CONCLUSION 40 Summary of main findings: 40 Implications: 40 Suggestions for further studies: 41 3.1 Limitations: 41 3.2 Suggestions for further studies 42 vi REFERENCES 43 APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS I APPENDIX B: PRE-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW SCHEDULE II APPENDIX C: SAMPLE OF PRE-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW III APPENDIX D: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SCHEDULE VII APPENDIX E: SAMPLE OF LESSON OBSERVATION: IX APPENDIX F: SAMPLE OF POST-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW: XI vii TRANSCRIP CONVENTION T: teacher S: Student Ss: Students Tuan: Student’s name Italics: translation of original speech in vernacular viii LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS CLT Communicative Language Teaching EFL English as a foreign language ELL English language learner ESL English as a second language L1 First language L2 Second language MOET Ministry of Education and Training OHP Overhead Projector QOUS Quang Oai upper-secondary school VLS Vocabulary learning strategy ix LIST OF TABLE Table 2.1: Background of participants x Thank you for evaluating AnyBizSoft PDF Splitter A watermark is added at the end of each output PDF file To remove the watermark, you need to purchase the software from http://www.anypdftools.com/buy/buy-pdf-splitter.html PART A: INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale of the study: As one of the fundamental building blocks of language, vocabulary knowledge plays a prominent role in foreign language learning In other words, vocabulary is the basis for communication, reading, and writing Therefore, an effective approach to vocabulary is always one of the great concerns of every language teacher The reason is that learning vocabulary is really challenging requiring many cognitive processes, and teachers have to make sure that the students understand the word and its meaning as well as how to use the word accurately and appropriately At supper-secondary schools in Vietnam, with a short duration of periods (135 minutes) per week for all language skills and language focus, vocabulary instruction has been paid less attention than it should have been Students have to learn so many new words every week, and by the time they learn the new words in the new lesson they have forgotten most of the words they have learned in previous lessons Consequently, word retention has always been a difficult problem for the students As an English teacher, I found out that one of the major reasons for which the students were not successful users of English is their vocabulary deficiency This motivates the researcher to conduct this study in an attempt to find out how vocabulary is taught and learned in one particular upper secondary school in Hanoi Aims and Objectives of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of vocabulary teaching held by the upper-secondary school teachers working in Quang Oai upper-secondary school (QOUS) in Hanoi and the connection between their beliefs and practices The objectives of the study are: a) to understand teachers’ opinions of the role of vocabulary in foreign language teaching as well as their perceived opportunities for and constraints on vocabulary teaching b) to investigate their teaching approach to vocabulary in the classroom and the extent to which their self-reported teaching approach diverges their actual classroom teaching 43 REFERENCES Aganes, P (2008), Improving students’ vocabulary mastery through experimental learning, University of Surakarta http://etd.eprints.ums.ac.id/2405/1/A320040254.pdf Brown, D H (2000), Principles of language learning and teaching, 4th ed, Longman, San Francisco State University Coady J (1993), Research on ESL/ EFL vocabulary acquisition Putting it in context In T Huckin, M Haynes & J Coady (Eds.), Norwood: NJAblex, pp – 23 Doff, A (1988), Teaching English: A training course for teachers, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge 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T i l i d y nh v y? Ngồi nh ng th thu t ó, theo anh/ch cịn có nh ng th thu t khác? Anh/ ch có th Anh/ ch th ng xuyên s d ng th thu t ó khơng? T i sao? ng d y t v ng riêng thành t ng hay l ng ghép vào k n ng khác? K n ng anh/ch t p trung d y t v ng nhi u nh t? T i sao? Anh/ch có nh ng ho t ng giúp h c sinh ghi nh s d ng t v ng? Section III Post-observation Interview questions: T i anh/ch d y t v ng b ng cách … ? (theo quan sát c sau d y) Theo anh/ch cách d y ó có hi u qu khơng? Làm anh/ch bi t? Theo anh/ch có th s d ng nh ng th thu t khác c không? T i sao? II APPENDIX B: PRE-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Order Time of Interview February 28th, 2011 From 8:10 to 8:20 March 2nd, 2011 From 10:05 to 10:25 March 3rd, 2011 to students’ English learning? 2) What are the opportunities for and constraints on vocabulary in your school? 3) What are the techniques that you often use to teach vocabulary? Why you use those March 14th, 2011 techniques? March 22nd, 2011 From 9:15 to 9:30 1) How important, in your opinion, is vocabulary From 9:10 to 9:30 From 14:10 to 14:30 Content 4) Beside those techniques, you think there are other techniques? What for example? 5) Do you often separate vocabulary from March 31st, 2011 language skills lessons or you integrate it in From 10:45 to 21:00 those lessons? April 2nd, 2011 6) What are activities you often use to help From 14:30 to 14:55 students April 26th, 2011 effectively? From 13:35 to 13:50 remember and use vocabulary III APPENDIX C: SAMPLE OF PRE-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW PERSONAL INFORMATION Interviewee: Phan Di u Linh Age: 28 Sex: female Training Program: MA student Total years of teaching vocabulary: years Date of interview: April 2nd, 2011 Time of interview: 14:30 – 14:55 PRE-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW: Theo ch t v ng có vai trị nh th i v i vi c h c Ti ng Anh c a h c sinh? Theo ch t v ng có vai trị r t quan tr ng vi c h c Ti ng Anh c a h c sinh n ng h c sinh c ng c n ph i có v n t v ng !"n gi n nh k k n ng Vi t, n u nh em khơng có v n t em s# không th th hi n ý ki n c a em Hay nh k n ng nói, n u khơng có t v ng em khơng th di$n t nh ng em mu n nói ho%c vi c th hi n s# b h n ch thi u t K c k n ng nghe em có th c/nghe hi u cho vi c h c ti ng Anh Công c Theo ch vi c d y t v ng c Tóm l i t v ng n n t ng/ công c u tiên tr c c ng v y N u khơng có t , làm l nh h i Ti ng Anh ng có nh ng khó kh n, thu n l i gì? * Khó kh n: K t có b sách giáo khoa m i (Ti ng Anh 10, 11, 12) d y ti ng Anh bám theo k n ng vi c d y t v ng l i quan tr ng b i gi ây em ph i h c ti p ch& không ch' "n thu n h c theo ki u Ng pháp truy n th ng Các khó kh n th g%p: giao ng IV Ví d nh SGK l p 12, có s v “c i cách kinh t ” Th c s xa v i khó v i h c sinh V n t c a h c sinh bình th em v v n t V y nên khó kh n Khó kh n n a ây ch ng ã r i, g%p ph i nh v y u tiên v n t c a h c sinh h n ch s yêu c u h"i cao, không nh ng v ch mà tasks bên m(i Ph n l n h c dài, t m i nhi u N u nh c& lao vào d y th t nhi u t v ng h c sinh bi t th ng ph i d y l t r t nhanh Khi d y t ph i d y c ph n phát âm c a t , mà d y phát âm khơng có nhi u th i gian h c sinh ti p c n v i h c phát âm Ch ý t l p 6, nh ng có xen nh ng t v ng vào Phát âm c a h c sinh r t h n ch , h c sinh r t hay n ch t l c sai T ó s# nh h ng ng nghe/nói * Thu n l i: Sách m i )p tranh nh nhi u, r t sinh h"n tr ng, nên vi c d y t v ng c ng thu n l i c Giáo viên có th s d ng nh ng tranh nh ó mơ t n i dung c a hay c a t Ngày Internet r t ph* bi n, nên vi c d y Ti ng Anh nói chung d y t v ng nói riêng có nhi u thu n l i Có nhi u video clips, hát ho%c m+u chuy n có th xen vào ó Mình có th down c ph n phát âm c a t m i nhàn, h c sinh l i ch c nghe ng i b n x& i m ch& không dàn tr i nhi u ch làm t li u d y t v ng T d yt ó giáo viên r t c H"n n a h c s,p x p theo t ng i m khác n a !ây c ng thu n l i giúp cho vi c d y t v ng không dàn ch i Thu n l i n a c" s v t ch t, trang thi t b ph c v cho d y h c Ti ng Anh hi u qu h"n !ài, b ng, Ch th a, máy chi u y ng d y t v ng nh th (th thu t d y T v ng)? T i l i d y nh v y? Ch d y t v ng theo b c: - Vi t t m i lên b ng - ! c m-u cho h c sinh - Gi i thích thêm t lo i t cho h c sinh - Gi i thích ngh a c a t theo nhi u th thu t: - Có th i gian s# ki m tra ln l p xem HS có nh c theo c t m i không? V Th thu t gi i thích t (meanings) - Tùy vào ti t h c có th ch dùng tranh nh, dùng v t th t n u có th (cách r t sinh ng), dung t t m i - ng ngh a, trái ngh a ho%c cho h c sinh h c sinh có th c câu, tình hu ng có ch&a ốn ngh a c a t Áp d ng nhi u nh t: n u d y Power point, có dùng tranh nh r t s.n có, l i sinh H c sinh v n t ã kém, có gi i thích h c sinh khơng hi u Tranh nh sinh tìm ki m nên ch th ng ng l i d$ ng t n d ng tranh nh SGK Ngồi nh ng th thu t ó, theo ch cịn có nh ng th thu t khác? Ch có th ng xuyên s d ng th thu t ó không? T i sao? Có nh ng tr ng h p khó q, tr u t ng q nói ln ti ng Vi t ví nh v c i cách kinh t ch y u dùng ti ng Vi t ch ó khó Có nh ng t q tr u t (Reform) khơng có tranh nh miêu t c th c mà a t ng ng ngh a, trái ngh a h c sinh c ng ch/ng hi u Ch th ng d y t v ng riêng thành t ng hay l ng ghép vào k n ng khác? T t nhiên ch ph i l ng vào k n ng khác r i Vì theo phân ph i ch "ng trình c a bây gi khơng có ti t d y t v ng riêng l0, m(i có lessons r t rõ r i Trong m(i ti t h c d y t v ng sau ó m i cho h c sinh v ng tr u tiên Ví d nh ti t ! c (while-you-read) ph i d y t v ng c c ho%c nh d y Nghe, c ng cho h c sinh làm quen v i t c, nh th h c sinh s# n,m t v ng d$ dàng h"n K n ng anh/ch t p trung d y t v ng nhi u nh t? T i sao? Th ng k n ng ! c (bài cho m t u tiên c a bài) ch t p trung d y t v ng nh t Ng c, ph i giúp h c sinh c tìm t m i có lien quan n ch i ta Bài c l i có nhi u t v ng nh t cịn v i Nói Vi t ch y u d a vào v n t s.n có c a h c sinh, c ng yêu c u "n gi n Ch' yêu c u h c sinh nói vi t nh ng câu "n gi n !ôi em s# h1i thêm vài t nói vi t VI Anh/ch có nh ng ho t ng giúp h c sinh ghi nh s d ng t v ng? * Trên l p: ! nh t : cho h c sinh ch"i trò ch"i v( vào b ng: sau GV d y xong h t r i, cho h c sinh nhìn l i t (c ngh a ti ng Anh, ti ng Vi t) Cho h c sinh làm vi c theo nhóm (theo dãy l p) GV vi t l i t (v trí ã GV c (h c sinh gi1i o l n so v i lúc u) c) ngh a ti ng Anh/Vi t, yêu c u h c sinh tìm t Ho%c xóa t / ngh a t "ng "ng c a t , cho c l p nhìn l i GV ng nh,c l i t b xóa Cách hi u qu , sơi ng, h c sinh ó v( lên b ng c ngh a c a t , l p c ch"i v y em c m th y tho i mái nh t d$ dàng h"n * V nhà: Ch th câu v i t Ch c ng th ng cho h c sinh m t vài t p v t v ng, ví nh yêu c u h c sinh %t ã h c, hay làm t p d ng matching, i n t , t p v word-formation ng xuyên ki m tra c h c sinh lên b ng vi t l i t t o ng l c cho h c sinh h c c b ng cách g i ã h c Và tests (t 15 phút h c kì) s# có ki m tra t v ng: tìm t n 45 phút (ng ngh a, trái ngh a, cho d ng úng c a t g c… VII APPENDIX D: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SCHEDULE Order Date & Time February 28th, 2011 From: 9:50 – 10:40 March 4th, 2011 From: 7:15 – 8: 00 March 5th, 2011 From 9:55 – 10:40 Class Unit 12: Water Sport 12A3 March 18 , 2011 From: 8:05 – 8:50 March 19th, 2011 8:05 – 8:50 March 21st, 2011 From: 14:25 – 15:10 March 24th, 2011 From: 7:15 – 8:00 April 2nd, 2011 15:25 - 16:10 (English 12: p 132-134) C Listening Unit 12: Music 10A2 (English 10: p126-127) B Speaking Unit 12: Music 10A3 (English 10: p.127-128) C Listening Unit 13: the 22nd SEA games th Content 12A8 (English 12: p.141-142) B Speaking Unit 14: International Organizations 12A4 (English 12: p 152-155) A Reading Unit 13: Hobbies 11A1 (English 11: p.146-148) A Reading Unit 14: The World Cup 10 D (English 10: p142-144) A Reading Unit 13: Hobbies 11A10 (English 11: p.150-151) C Listening VIII April 6th, 2011 15:25 – 16:10 Unit 14: The World Cup 10 A9 (English 10: p149) D Writing 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 April 7th, 2011 16:15 – 17:00 April 9th, 2011 9:50 – 10:40 April 11th, 2011 13:35 – 14 – 20 April 14th, 2011 From: 8:55 – 9:40 April 15th, 2011 10:45 – 11:30 April 28th, 2011 From: 16:15 – 17:00 May 4th, 2011 From: 13:35 – 14;10 Unit 14: Recreation 11A9 (English 11: p.157-158) B Speaking Unit 15: Cities 10A3 (English 10:156-158) A Reading Unit 14: Recreation 11 A12 (English 11: p154-157) A Reading Unit 15: Cities 10 A8 (English 10:160-162) C Listening Unit 15: Cities 10D1 (English 10: p.162-163) D Writing Unit 15: Space Conquest 11A13 (English 11: p.170-171) B Speaking) Unit 15: Space Conquest 11D2 (English 11: p.174-175) D Writing IX APPENDIX E: SAMPLE OF LESSON OBSERVATION Date: April 9th, 2011 Time: 8:45 – 9:30 Teacher 3: Nguyen Thi Thuy Class: 10A8 No of students: 45 UNIT 15: CITIES C LISTENING T/Ss Activities T: Look at the picture and tell me what it is T: (shows the picture of The Statue of Liberty) Ss: (In chorus) “T T: English name? (points at a girl raising her hand) Lan: The Statue of Liberty T: Exactly! T: Open your book on page 160; answer questions to describe the Statue T: (calls on one student to read aloud the questions) ng n th n t Huy: (reads aloud the questions) T: T: What is it? What does it look like? What has it got on its head? What has it got on its left hand? What has it got on its right hand? What is it wearing? (shows some new words on the screen) Robe (n): /roub/ Torch (n): /t t / Tablet (n): /’tæbl t/ Crown (n): /kra n/ Listen to the tape and repeat! X T: (Clicks sound symbol on the screen) Ss: (repeat in chorus) T: (Opens another slide to explain the meanings of the new words) (in Vietnamese) Now, look at the picture and read aloud the meanings of the new words Crown robe torch Ss: (in chorus) Áo choàng T: tablet Ng n u c Cu n sách nh1 V "ng ni m OK (in Vietnamese) Who can describe the Statues, based on suggested questions and new words? T: (Shows Ss another slide and points at a girl raising her hand) Hoa, please a) statue b) crown c) torch d) tablet e) robe base Hoa: This is the Statue of Liberty It looks like a woman who is holding a torch on its right hand and a tablet on its left hand It’s got a crown on its head It’s wearing a loose robe And it’s standing on a base made of concrete T: Great! Thank Hoa You’ve got mark 10 XI APPENDIX F: SAMPLE OF POST-OBSERVATION INTERVIEW Teacher 3: Nguyen Thi Thuy Age: 28 Sex: male Training Program: BA Total years of teaching vocabulary: 15 years Date: April 9th, 2011 Time of interview: 9:40 - 9:50 Interviewer: I I: Teacher: T Sau d gi , quan sát, em ã th y ch ã s d ng r t nhi u b c tranh khác giúp h c sinh h c t m i ch c ng s d ng tranh giúp h c sinh ôn l i t v a h c thông qua m t yêu c u nh miêu t b c tranh s d ng t ã h c T i ch l i s d ng th thu t d y ? T: T t c t m i u danh t c th , v y ch m i dùng tranh nh h( tr cho vi c gi ng d y Ch' c n nhìn tranh h c sinh ã hi u ngh a ti ng Vi t c a t Mà c ng t b&c tranh toàn c nh v t ng N th n T do, h c sinh có th luy n t p t v a h c thông qua vi c miêu t b&c t ng I: Theo ch cách d y ó có hi u qu không? Và ch bi t? T: H c sinh r t h&ng thú v i vi c nhìn tranh ốn t Gi h c c ng sôi n*i, ch t nh n th y v y! Chính s tho i mái h h i c a em ã em l i m t gi h c hi u qu S hi u qu Vào nh1 c bi u hi n thái h c t p c a em mà u gi h c sau, ch s# ki m tra h c sinh v nh ng t ã h c thông qua t p ánh giá kh n ng s d ng t c a h c sinh I: Theo anh/ch có th s d ng nh ng th thu t khác T: Bài có ph n miêu t b&c t c khơng? T i sao? ng, thơng qua ó cung c p thêm m t s t v ng s# xu t hi n nghe N u không dùng tranh ch,c s# li t kê t gi i thích t m i b ng ti ng Vi t thơi Nh ng ch ngh miêu t ph i có tranh mà, em hình dung miêu t xác m t b&c t mà em ch a l n c nhìn th y ng có ngu n g c t n n c M xa xôi Thank you for evaluating AnyBizSoft PDF Merger! To remove this page, please register your program! Go to Purchase Now>> AnyBizSoft PDF Merger  Merge multiple PDF files into one  Select page range of PDF to merge  Select specific page(s) to merge  Extract page(s) from different PDF files and merge into one

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2020, 22:56