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Factors affecting the effectibeness of learning eng lish of students in ho chi minh city

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  • BÌA

  • List of abbreviation words

  • List of figures and tables


  • Abstract


    • 1.1 Research background

    • 1.2 Management problem

    • 1.3 Research problem

    • 1.4 Research objectives/ questions

    • 1.5 Scope / delimitations


    • 2.1 Definition of foreign language

      • 2.1.1 What is foreign language?

      • 2.1.2 Motivations of second language learners

    • 2.2 About English

      • 2.2.1 English and characteristics of English

      • 2.2.2 The importance of English towards learners

    • 2.3 Difficulties of learners when study foreign language

    • 2.4 Factors impact to learner when study English

      • 2.4.1 Learner’s self motivation

      • 2.4.2 High technology support

      • 2.4.3 Teachers and teaching method

      • 2.4.4 Online social networks

    • 2.5 The research model and hypothesis

      • 2.5.1 Research model

      • 2.5.2 Hypothesis of report


    • 3.1 Research process

    • 3.2 Research design

      • 3.2.1 Organization of analysis

      • 3.2.2 Sample and sampling

      • 3.2.3 Measurement scale

    • 3.3 Data collection and analysis

    • 3.4 Summary

  • Chapter 4DATA ANALYSIS

    • 4.1 Some features of samples

    • 4.2 Data analysis process

      • 4.2.1 Reliability analysis

      • 4.2.2 Factor analysis

      • 4.2.3 Multiple regression analysis

    • 4.4 Interpret Meaning of the regression model


    • 5.1 Conclusion

    • 5.2 Implications

    • 5.3 Limitation and future research

  • References

  • Appendix 1: Table of item statistics

  • Appendix 3: Item-Total Statistics

  • Appendix 4- Check again the Reliability Statistics, table Item-Total Statistics

  • Appendix 5 - The EFA statistics a) Descriptive statistics

  • Appendix 6: Communalities

  • Appendix 7: Total variance explained

  • Appendix 8: Component matrix

  • Appendix 9: Rotated Component matrix

  • Appendix 10: Component score coefficient matrix

  • Appendix 11: Component transformation matrix

  • Appendix 12: Component score covariance matrix

  • Appendix 13: Coefficient

  • Appendix 14 – Design of questionnaires

  • Appendix Questionnaires in Vietnamese

Nội dung

UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business LE DUC PHUOC FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH OF STUDENTS IN HO CHI MINH CITY MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business LE DUC PHUOC FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH OF STUDENTS IN HO CHI MINH CITY ID: 21110015 MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: Dr Lam Nguyen Huu Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 List of abbreviation words EC: English center EL: English HCMC: Ho Chi Minh City L1: native language, first language L2: second language SNS: social networking sites LLS: learning language strategies EFA: exploratory factor analysis Page List of figures and tables Table 1: The research process 31 Table 2: features of samples: About sex 33 Table 3: Features of samples: About Age 34 Table 4: Features of samples: Years of learning English 35 Table 5: Features of samples: Scores in TOEIC 35 Table 6: Features of samples: Best confident skill in English 36 Table 7: The reliability analysis: Cronbach’s Alpha 37 Table 8: KMO and Bartlett’s test 39 Table 9: ANOVA 43 Table 10: Coefficients 44 Figure 1: The research model 28 Figure 2: Process of data analysis 33 Figure 3: The Scree plot 40 Figure Conclusion model of impact factors 45 Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Chapter 1- INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background 1.2 Management problem 1.3 Research problem 1.4 Research objectives / questions 1.5 Scope / delimitations 12 Chapter 2- LITTERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of foreign language 13 2.1.1 What is foreign language? 13 2.1.2 Motivation of second language learners 13 2.2 About English 17 2.2.1 English and characteristics of English 17 2.2.2 The importance of English towards learners 19 2.3 Difficulties of learner when study foreign language 21 2.4 Factors impact to learner when study English 22 2.4.1 Learner’s self motivation 22 Page 2.4.2 Hi technology support 23 2.4.3 English teacher and teaching method 23 2.4.4 Online social network 25 2.5 The research model and hypothesis 27 2.5.1 Research model 27 2.5.2 Hypothesis 27 Chapter 3-RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research process 30 3.2 Research design 30 3.2.1 Organization of analysis 30 3.2.2 Sample and sampling 30 3.2.3 Measurement scale 31 3.3 Data collection and analysis 31 3.4 Summary 31 Chapter 4-DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Some features of sample 33 4.2 Data analysis 35 4.2.1 Reliability Analysis 36 4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 37 Page 4.2.3 Regression Analysis 42 4.3 Interpret meaning of the regression model………………………………………43 Chapter 5- CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS 5.1 Conclusion 45 5.2 Implication 46 5.3 Limitation and future research 47 References 48 Appendix 51 Questionnaire 61 Page Abstract The benefits of learning a foreign language in general and English in particular perhaps nobody are not known With the fluently skill of using English can help you: access to knowledge of the world, communication with people, promote at work However, it is a true that many people whether have no change learning in school or any class, even if not living in a foreign country, but they have the ability to learn and use the language fluently and quickly, however there are many cases that so many people spend time and fee of learning long-term, but over time they can not be used or no upgrade So what is the reason for this phenomenon There are many reasons affecting to foreign language learning First, learners have no guider, don’t know where to start, what’s important, which one should be study first, which one second and use which methodology So the role of the guider is help learners system all knowledge Second, learners are too focusing on grammar When the grammar just takes 7% in communication, 93% rest is motion and body language Third, learners study for the testing/examination but not for use Most of student when they studied second language is being pressure of the examination, they try to study the trick to pass the exam and forget that studying is for using Fourth, Most of learners are not patient enough They want how to speak foreign language influent in short time This paper will figure out the factors affecting the performance of students learning English (not foreign language specialists) are enrolled at HCMC and thus can introduce effective methods for learning students Keywords: effectiveness of learning English, learning English of student in HCM city, methodology to fluent English Page Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background Research background is the role of English in current society It would be interesting if we could have access to the latest information, while others could not We can talk and communicate with friends who can, and can go far on the job while others look at you in admire eyes You can totally this if you are good at English But one article from Tuoitre e-newspaper said that “the English qualified of graduated students are lower than the average standard even learner spent a lot of money and time” (Thanh Ha, 2014) So far, more than 30 years ago, an important shift has taken place in the field of second/foreign language learning, and researchers have focused mainly on learner’s individual factors There is a proverb states that give a man a fish and he eats for a day Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime Applying such proverb in language learning and teaching, tells us that if students are taught strategies of language learning to work out, they will be empowered to manage their own learning In such way, native language speakers use the same strategy types as learners of second/foreign language use In addition, differences between more effective learners and less effective learners were found in the number and range of strategies used so, it is undeniable of the importance of encouraging using learning language strategies Moreover even there are some researches support the belief that learners who receive learner training, generally learn better than who not In addition, there is relationship between the frequent use of learning strategies and achievement in the language Therefore, there is claim that use of language learning strategists helps the learners retrieve and store material, and facilitate their learning Page The studies regarding learning English effective as a second language are done in three different areas which are: the characteristics of learning English strategies (Oxford, 1990; O‟Malley & Chamot,1990; Wenden & Rubin,1987); the variables affecting learning English effective (Nyikos & Oxford, 1993; Wharton,2000); and the effect of strategy Training on second/foreign language learning (Oxford, 1990) From the variables affecting from point of view above, individual differences have been identified as variables influencing language learning outcome; In addition, the high percent of source of learners gain the knowledge is teacher; encourage teachers to discover the prescriptive belief of their own students And in order to provide successful instruction, teachers need to learn to identify and understand their students‟ individual difference, and even they need become more aware that their teaching styles are appropriate to their learner's strategies 1.2 Management problem According to a survey by the Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam and ETS (English testing services) The survey was evaluated 9.948 freshman sample from 13 colleges for the average score was 250 on the TOEIC On the other hand, after few years in college, 51.7% of graduates not meet the requirements of English language skills Only 10.5% of the university has made survey assessed the ability to meet the job requirements of English skills of graduates The results showed that about 49.3% students meet the requirements of the recruiters, 18.9% students did not meet, and 31.8% students need more training Survey results are statistically Department of Higher Education reports on the status of the 59 teaching English language college (which not major as English school) in the country ( http://www.tuoitre.vn) There is a real scenario in HCM city that a lot of students come from some rural areas, country side or provinces where have no native teacher can help them got a best method to study English When they go to a big city to study, they understood how English is important to them, so they was spent money and time to study, hoping can get a better job in future, but it seems quite hard and waste resources if they don’t have a logic method Page Appendix - The EFA statistics a) Descriptive statistics Page 54 Appendix 6: Communalities Page 55 Appendix 7: Total variance explained Page 56 Appendix 8: Component matrix Page 57 Appendix 9: Rotated Component matrix Page 58 Appendix 10: Component score coefficient matrix Page 59 Appendix 11: Component transformation matrix Appendix 12: Component score covariance matrix Appendix 13: Coefficient Page 60 Appendix 14 – Design of questionnaires Dear Participant, Thank you for your time and willingness to participate in this study Please understand that although this is a voluntary study, your cooperation will be greatly appreciated This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete There will be no further surveys The purpose of this survey is find out which factors impact to effective of non native speaking English students in HCM city If you have any questions relating to any aspect of the study, please feel free to contact me The results of the study could also be made available to you upon request Thank you, Le Duc Phuoc, MBus Candidate, ISB institute (International School of Business), UEH University Economy of Ho Chi Minh city Part 1: Individual information Name Surname: _ Age Sex ฀ Male ฀Female Your TOEIC scores at current: How long have you been studying English? years Which skill you have the most confident? ฀ Listening ฀Speaking ฀ Reading ฀Writing How is the best to describe your learning journey at English center? ฀ Classes/week ฀3 Classes/week ฀ Classes/week ฀1 Class/week Page 61 Please share the 100% budget time you spent to learn English into: % study at school; % study yourself at home Part 2: Self-motivate factor and attitude of English in career Please circle your level of agreement with each statement on a scale of (I strongly disagree) to (I strongly agree) Number Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree To become proficient in English is very important for agree You are enjoyed learning English Questions from 11 to 19 to answer this question: Why 5 you? 10 you want to study English? 11 To work in an English speaking environment (for example, a foreign company) 12 To get a good career or job 13 To communicate with people from English speaking 5 countries (for example, the UK, the USA, Australia.) 14 To communicate with people from non-English speaking countries, for example, Japan, Indonesia, Italy … 15 To speak like a native English speaker 16 To get new ideas and knowledge from English speaking people Page 62 17 To get a qualification / degree 18 To travel 19 To have fun, such as: watch movies with English, listen to English music, update news in English… Part 3: about hi-tech support and social network using Please circle your level of frequently with each statement on a scale of 1(not at all) to (very often) Number Statement Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often Very often 20 Access internet: at home, school, office, café shop … 5 5 5 (less than hours/week is considered as level 1, from 30 hours/week is considered as level 5) 21 Use smart devices like: laptop, smart phone, tablet, ipad… for English studying purpose 22 Use online service learning (online English class) and online evaluation 23 Spend time on online social networks (such as: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus…) 24 Use English to comment, read news, or search information for your own purpose on social networks 25 Follow a lifestyle club where the main language used is English Page 63 Part 4: Teacher and teaching method Please circle your level of agreement with each statement on a scale of (I strongly disagree) to (I strongly agree) Number Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree 26 Use more visual and graphical examples to portray agree 5 Higher educated teacher will bring back higher effective 5 certain ideas/rules/concepts while teaching English 27 Present examples to learners in English and then engage them to provide their own examples of the similar ideas/rules/concepts 28 on result of learners 29 Teacher should understand which parts of English learning are especially valuable for the student 30 Teacher should create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere in the classroom Appendix Questionnaires in Vietnamese Thân chào bạn, Chân thành cảm ơn dành thời gian cho nghiên cứu Vui lòng hiểu nghiên cứu dựa tinh thần tự nguyện người tham gia sâu sắc biết ơn Page 64 điều Bảng khảo sát khoảng 15 phút, thong tin cá nhân người tham gia bảo mật khơng có khảo sát sâu sau Mục đích bảng khảo sát nghiên cứu nhằm tìm nguyên nhân ảnh hưởng đến hiêu học Tiếng Anh sinh viên khơng nói tiếng tiếng Anh tiếng mẹ đẻ khu vực địa lý Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Nếu bạn có u cầu thông tin kết nghiên cứu, xin vui lịng liên hệ với tơi theo địa bên Thật vui kết nghiên cứu có ích cho bạn Trân trọng, Lê Đức Phước, học viên cao học chương trình Thạc sĩ giảng dạy tiếng Anh Viện đào tạo quốc tế ISB- Đại học kinh tế Tp.Hồ Chí Minh Email: phuocleduc11606@yahoo.com mobile: 0909.0655.86 Phần 1: Thông tin cá nhân Họ tên Tuổi Giới tính ฀ Nam ฀Nữ Điểm TOEIC quy đổi tính đến thời điểm tại: Bạn học tiếng Anh bao lâu? năm Kỹ mà bạn cảm thấy tự tin nhất? ฀ Nghe ฀Nói ฀ Đọc ฀Viết Mơ tả với lịch trình học tiếng Anh bạn? ฀6 buổi/tuần ฀3 buổi/tuần ฀ buổi/tuần ฀1 buổi/tuần Vui long chia quỹ thời gian (100%) bạn thành: Page 65 % học trường; % tự học nhà Phần 2: Nhân tố chủ động học thái độ tiếng Anh người học Vui lòng đánh dấu tròn vào lựa chọn bạn cho câu hỏi với mức độ từ hài lịng đến hài lịng Lựa chọn Thể Hoàn toàn Khơng đồng Trung dung Đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý đồng ý ý Một vốn tiếng Anh trôi chảy quan trọng 5 bạn? 10 Bạn yêu thích việc học tiếng Anh Câu hỏi từ 11 đến 19 nhằm trả lời câu hỏi chung “tại bạn muốn học tiếng Anh?” 11 Để làm việc mơi trường nói tiếng Anh (ví dụ, cơng ty nước ngồi) 12 Để có cơng việc tốt 13 Đế giao tiếp với người đến từ quốc gia nơi tiếng 5 Anh ngơn ngữ (như: Anh, Mỹ, Úc…) 14 Đế giao tiếp với người đến từ quốc gia nơi tiếng Anh ngơn ngữ (như: Nhật, Hàn, Ý…) 15 Để nói người xứ 16 Để tìm kiếm ý tưởng kiến thức từ giao tiếp với người 5 nói tiếng Anh 17 Để học lấy cấp cao Page 66 18 Để du lịch 19 Để giải trí như: Xem phim, nghe nhạc, đọc tin tức tiếng Anh… Phần 3: Về thiết bị thong minh đại mạng xã hội Vui lòng đánh dấu tròn vào lựa chọn bạn câu hỏi mức độ thường xuyên Lựa chọn Thể Dường Hiếm Bình thường Thường Rất thường xuyên xuyên không 20 Truy cập internet: nhà, trường, nơi làm việc … 5 5 5 (ít giờ/tuần xem mức 1, từ 30 giờ/tuần xem mức 21 Sử dụng thiết bị thông minh như: laptop, điện thoại, máy tính bảng… cho mục đích học Anh Văn 22 Sử dụng dịch vụ học online đánh giá kết trực tuyến 23 Tiêu xài thời gian mạng xã hội Facebook, Twitter, Google plus 24 Sử dụng tiếng Anh để trao đổi, đọc tin tức hay tìm kiếm thơng tin cho nhu cầu cá nhân mạng xã hội 25 Tham gia câu lạc trực tuyến nơi mà ngơn ngữ sử dụng tiếng Anh Page 67 Phần 4: Người dạy phương pháp dạy Vui lòng đánh dấu tròn vào lựa chọn bạn cho câu hỏi với mức độ từ hài lịng đến hài lịng Lựa chọn Thể Hồn tồn Khơng đồng Trung dung Đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý đồng ý ý 26 Giáo viên nên sử dụng nhiều hình ảnh tài liệu 5 5 hay đồ thị tiệu giảng dạy tiếng Anh 27 Giảng viên trình bày dẫn chứng, ví dụ khuyến khích người học hể dẫn chứng theo ý họ 28 Giảng viên với cấp cao mang lại hiệu dạy tiếng Anh cao 29 Giảng viên nên thấu cảm phần kiến thức phù hợp có giá trị với người học 30 Giảng viên nên tạo môi trường học thoải mái Page 68 ...UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business LE DUC PHUOC FACTORS AFFECTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH OF STUDENTS IN HO CHI MINH CITY ID:... –native speaking English of students in Ho Chi Minh city However, the research results showed that only three groups of factors affecting learning English and two other factors not influence (in this... With the help of technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education The first reason for why English should be the medium of instruction

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2020, 08:49

